diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 714b86f105..0b2ebc77e8 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
+ifneq "${MPAS_SHELL}" ""
+        SHELL = ${MPAS_SHELL}
 	( $(MAKE) error )
@@ -30,7 +33,37 @@ xlf:
 	"USE_PAPI = $(USE_PAPI)" \
 	"OPENMP = $(OPENMP)" \
+	( $(MAKE) all \
+	"FC_PARALLEL = mpif90" \
+	"CC_PARALLEL = mpicc" \
+	"CXX_PARALLEL = mpiCC" \
+	"FC_SERIAL = xlf90_r" \
+	"CC_SERIAL = xlc_r" \
+	"CXX_SERIAL = xlc++_r" \
+	"FFLAGS_PROMOTION = -qrealsize=8" \
+	"FFLAGS_OPT = -g -qfullpath -qmaxmem=-1 -qphsinfo -qzerosize -qfree=f90 -qxlf2003=polymorphic -qspillsize=2500 -qextname=flush -O2 -qstrict -Q" \
+	"CFLAGS_OPT = -g -qfullpath -qmaxmem=-1 -qphsinfo -O3" \
+	"CXXFLAGS_OPT = -g -qfullpath -qmaxmem=-1 -qphsinfo -O3" \
+	"LDFLAGS_OPT = -Wl,--relax -Wl,--allow-multiple-definition -qsmp -qoffload -lcudart -L$(CUDA_DIR)/lib64" \
+	"FFLAGS_GPU = -qsmp -qoffload" \
+	"LDFLAGS_GPU = -qsmp -qoffload -lcudart -L$(CUDA_DIR)/lib64" \
+	"FFLAGS_DEBUG = -O0 -g -qinitauto=7FF7FFFF -qflttrap=ov:zero:inv:en" \
+	"CFLAGS_DEBUG = -O0 -g" \
+	"CXXFLAGS_DEBUG = -O0 -g" \
+	"LDFLAGS_DEBUG = -O0 -g" \
+	"FFLAGS_OMP = -qsmp=omp" \
+	"CFLAGS_OMP = -qsmp=omp" \
+	"PICFLAG = -qpic" \
+	"BUILD_TARGET = $(@)" \
+	"CORE = $(CORE)" \
+	"DEBUG = $(DEBUG)" \
+	"USE_PAPI = $(USE_PAPI)" \
+	"OPENMP = $(OPENMP)" \
 	( $(MAKE) all \
 	"FC_PARALLEL = ftn" \
@@ -97,7 +130,37 @@ pgi:
 	"DEBUG = $(DEBUG)" \
 	"USE_PAPI = $(USE_PAPI)" \
 	"OPENMP = $(OPENMP)" \
+	( $(MAKE) all \
+	"FC_PARALLEL = mpif90" \
+	"CC_PARALLEL = mpicc" \
+	"CXX_PARALLEL = mpicxx" \
+	"FC_SERIAL = pgf90" \
+	"CC_SERIAL = pgcc" \
+	"CXX_SERIAL = pgc++" \
+	"FFLAGS_OPT = -g -O3 -byteswapio -Mfree" \
+	"CFLAGS_OPT = -O3 " \
+	"CXXFLAGS_OPT = -O3 " \
+	"LDFLAGS_OPT = -O3 " \
+	"FFLAGS_ACC = -acc -Minfo=accel -ta=tesla:cc70,cc60,deepcopy,nollvm " \
+	"CFLAGS_ACC = -acc -Minfo=accel -ta=tesla:cc70,cc60,deepcopy,nollvm "  \
+	"FFLAGS_DEBUG = -O0 -g -Mbounds -Mchkptr -byteswapio -Mfree -Ktrap=divz,fp,inv,ovf -traceback" \
+	"CFLAGS_DEBUG = -O0 -g -traceback" \
+	"CXXFLAGS_DEBUG = -O0 -g -traceback" \
+	"LDFLAGS_DEBUG = -O0 -g -Mbounds -Mchkptr -Ktrap=divz,fp,inv,ovf -traceback" \
+	"FFLAGS_OMP = -mp" \
+	"CFLAGS_OMP = -mp" \
+	"PICFLAG = -fpic" \
+	"BUILD_TARGET = $(@)" \
+	"CORE = $(CORE)" \
+	"DEBUG = $(DEBUG)" \
+	"USE_PAPI = $(USE_PAPI)" \
+	"OPENMP = $(OPENMP)" \
 	( $(MAKE) all \
@@ -119,7 +182,7 @@ pgi-nersc:
 	"DEBUG = $(DEBUG)" \
 	"USE_PAPI = $(USE_PAPI)" \
 	"OPENMP = $(OPENMP)" \
 	( $(MAKE) all \
@@ -141,7 +204,7 @@ pgi-llnl:
 	"DEBUG = $(DEBUG)" \
 	"USE_PAPI = $(USE_PAPI)" \
 	"OPENMP = $(OPENMP)" \
 	( $(MAKE) all \
@@ -444,9 +507,34 @@ llvm:
 	"OPENMP = $(OPENMP)" \
-LIBS = 
+	( $(MAKE) all \
+	"FC_PARALLEL = mpifort" \
+	"CC_PARALLEL = mpicc" \
+	"CXX_PARALLEL = mpic++" \
+	"FC_SERIAL = nagfor" \
+	"CC_SERIAL = gcc" \
+	"CXX_SERIAL = g++" \
+	"FFLAGS_OPT = -free -mismatch -O3 -convert=big_ieee" \
+	"CFLAGS_OPT = -O3" \
+	"CXXFLAGS_OPT = -O3" \
+	"LDFLAGS_OPT = -O3" \
+	"FFLAGS_DEBUG = -free -mismatch -O0 -g -C -convert=big_ieee" \
+	"CFLAGS_DEBUG = -O0 -g -Wall -pedantic" \
+	"CXXFLAGS_DEBUG = -O0 -g -Wall -pedantic" \
+	"LDFLAGS_DEBUG = -O0 -g -C" \
+	"FFLAGS_OMP = -qsmp=omp" \
+	"CFLAGS_OMP = -qsmp=omp" \
+	"CORE = $(CORE)" \
+	"DEBUG = $(DEBUG)" \
+	"USE_PAPI = $(USE_PAPI)" \
+	"OPENMP = $(OPENMP)" \
 # If user has indicated a PIO2 library, define USE_PIO2 pre-processor macro
@@ -481,9 +569,15 @@ endif
 # Depending on PIO version, libraries may be libpio.a, or libpiof.a and libpioc.a
 # Keep open the possibility of shared libraries in future with, e.g., .so suffix
+# Check if libpio.* exists and link -lpio if so, but we make an exception for
+# libpio.settings (a file added in PIO2), which is not a library to link
 ifneq ($(wildcard $(PIO_LIB)/libpio\.*), )
-	LIBS += -lpio
+	# Makefiles don't support "and" operators so we have nested "if" instead
+	ifneq "$(wildcard $(PIO_LIB)/libpio\.*)" "$(PIO_LIB)/libpio.settings"
+		LIBS += -lpio
+	endif
 ifneq ($(wildcard $(PIO_LIB)/libpiof\.*), )
 	LIBS += -lpiof
@@ -495,17 +589,23 @@ ifneq ($(wildcard $(PIO_LIB)/libgptl\.*), )
 ifneq "$(NETCDF)" ""
+ifneq ($(wildcard $(NETCDF)/lib), )
+ifneq ($(wildcard $(NETCDF)/lib64), )
 	CPPINCLUDES += -I$(NETCDF)/include
 	FCINCLUDES += -I$(NETCDF)/include
-	LIBS += -L$(NETCDF)/lib
 	NCLIB = -lnetcdf
 	NCLIBF = -lnetcdff
-	ifneq ($(wildcard $(NETCDF)/lib/libnetcdff.*), ) # CHECK FOR NETCDF4
+	ifneq ($(wildcard $(NETCDF)/$(NETCDFLIBLOC)/libnetcdff.*), ) # CHECK FOR NETCDF4
 		LIBS += $(NCLIBF)
 	ifneq "$(NETCDFF)" ""
 		FCINCLUDES += -I$(NETCDFF)/include
-		LIBS += -L$(NETCDFF)/lib
 		LIBS += $(NCLIBF)
 	LIBS += $(NCLIB)
@@ -513,9 +613,21 @@ endif
 ifneq "$(PNETCDF)" ""
+ifneq ($(wildcard $(PNETCDF)/lib), )
+ifneq ($(wildcard $(PNETCDF)/lib64), )
 	FCINCLUDES += -I$(PNETCDF)/include
-	LIBS += -L$(PNETCDF)/lib -lpnetcdf
+ifneq "$(LAPACK)" ""
+        LIBS += -L$(LAPACK)
+        LIBS += -llapack
+        LIBS += -lblas
 RM = rm -f
@@ -582,6 +694,22 @@ ifeq "$(OPENMP)" "true"
 endif #OPENMP IF
+ifeq "$(OPENACC)" "true"
+        FFLAGS += $(FFLAGS_ACC)
+        CFLAGS += $(CFLAGS_ACC)
+        CXXFLAGS += $(CFLAGS_ACC)
+        override CPPFLAGS += "-DMPAS_OPENACC"
+        LDFLAGS += $(FFLAGS_ACC)
+endif #OPENACC IF
+ifeq "$(OPENMP_OFFLOAD)" "true"
 ifeq "$(PRECISION)" "single"
@@ -672,6 +800,18 @@ else
 	OPENMP_MESSAGE="MPAS was built without OpenMP support."
+ifeq "$(OPENMP_OFFLOAD)" "true"
+	OPENMP_OFFLOAD_MESSAGE="MPAS was built with OpenMP-offload GPU support enabled."
+	OPENMP_OFFLOAD_MESSAGE="MPAS was built without OpenMP-offload GPU support."
+ifeq "$(OPENACC)" "true"
+	OPENACC_MESSAGE="MPAS was built with OpenACC accelerator support enabled."
+	OPENACC_MESSAGE="MPAS was built without OpenACC accelerator support."
 ifneq ($(wildcard .mpas_core_*), ) # CHECK FOR BUILT CORE
 ifneq ($(wildcard .mpas_core_$(CORE)), ) # CHECK FOR SAME CORE AS ATTEMPTED BUILD.
@@ -695,14 +835,6 @@ else
-ifeq "$(SHARELIB)" "true"
-	override CPPFLAGS += -fPIC
 ifneq ($(wildcard namelist.$(NAMELIST_SUFFIX)), ) # Check for generated namelist file.
 	NAMELIST_MESSAGE="A default namelist file (namelist.$(NAMELIST_SUFFIX).defaults) has been generated, but namelist.$(NAMELIST_SUFFIX) has not been modified."
@@ -857,6 +989,8 @@ endif
 	@echo $(PAPI_MESSAGE)
 	@echo $(TAU_MESSAGE)
 ifeq "$(AUTOCLEAN)" "true"
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index c29fec6914..6344d5c57c 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -43,14 +43,17 @@ only described below the src directory.
 	├── src
-	│   ├── registry -- Code for building Registry.xml parser (Shared)
 	│   ├── driver -- Main driver for MPAS in stand-alone mode (Shared)
 	│   ├── external -- External software for MPAS (Shared)
 	│   ├── framework -- MPAS Framework (Includes DDT Descriptions, and shared routines. Shared)
 	│   ├── operators -- MPAS Opeartors (Includes Operators for MPAS meshes. Shared)
-	│   ├── inc -- Empty directory for include files that Registry generates (Shared)
+	│   ├── tools -- Empty directory for include files that Registry generates (Shared)
+	│   │   ├── registry -- Code for building Registry.xml parser (Shared)
+	│   │   └── input_gen -- Code for generating streams and namelist files (Shared)
 	│   └── core_* -- Individual model cores.
-        └────── testing_and_setup -- tools for setting up configurations and tests cases (Shared)
+	│       └── inc -- Empty directory for include files that Registry generates
+	├── testing_and_setup -- Tools for setting up configurations and test cases (Shared)
+	└── default_inputs -- Copies of default stream and namelists files (Shared)
 Model cores are typically developed independently. For information about
 building and running a particular core, please refer to that core's user's
diff --git a/azure-pipelines.yml b/azure-pipelines.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d8f2c4ba98
--- /dev/null
+++ b/azure-pipelines.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
+  branches:
+    include:
+    - master
+    - develop
+    - ocean/develop
+    - lanice/develop
+    - ocean/coastal
+  tags:
+    include:
+    - '*'
+  branches:
+    include:
+    - master
+    - develop
+    - ocean/develop
+    - lanice/develop
+    - ocean/coastal
+- job:
+  displayName: docs
+  pool:
+    vmImage: 'ubuntu-16.04'
+  strategy:
+    matrix:
+      Python38:
+        python.version: '3.8'
+  steps:
+  - bash: echo "##vso[task.prependpath]$CONDA/bin"
+    displayName: Add conda to PATH
+  - bash: |
+      set -e
+      eval "$(conda shell.bash hook)"
+      conda config --add channels conda-forge
+      conda config --set channel_priority strict
+    displayName: Configure conda
+  - bash: |
+      set -e
+      eval "$(conda shell.bash hook)"
+      conda create -y -n docs python=$PYTHON_VERSION sphinx mock sphinx_rtd_theme m2r
+    displayName: Create docs environment
+  - bash: |
+      set -e
+      eval "$(conda shell.bash hook)"
+      conda activate docs
+      echo "source branch: $(Build.SourceBranch)"
+      echo "repository: $(Build.Repository.Name)"
+      tag=$(git describe --tags $(git rev-list --tags --max-count=1))
+      echo "tag: $tag"
+      if [[ "$(Build.SourceBranch)" == refs/tags/* ]]; then
+        echo "this is a tag build"
+        export DOCS_VERSION="$tag"
+        deploy=True
+        run=True
+      elif [[ "$(Build.SourceBranch)" == refs/heads/* ]]; then
+        branch="$(Build.SourceBranchName)"
+        echo "this is a merge build of $branch"
+        deploy=True
+      elif [[ "$(Build.SourceBranch)" == refs/pull/*/merge ]]; then
+        branch="$(System.PullRequest.TargetBranch)"
+        echo "this is a pull request into $branch"
+        deploy=False
+      fi
+      if [ -n ${branch} ]; then
+        echo "This build is for branch $branch"
+        if [[ ${branch} == "master" ]]; then
+          export DOCS_VERSION="stable"
+          run=True
+        elif [[ ${branch} == "develop" ]]; then
+          export DOCS_VERSION="latest"
+          run=True
+        elif [[ ${branch} == "ocean/develop" ]]; then
+          export DOCS_VERSION="latest ocean"
+          run=True
+        elif [[ ${branch} == "ocean/coastal" ]]; then
+          export DOCS_VERSION="latest coastal"
+          run=True
+        elif [[ ${branch} == "landice/develop" ]]; then
+          export DOCS_VERSION="latest landice"
+          run=True
+        else
+          echo "We don't build docs for $branch"
+          deploy=False
+          run=False
+        fi
+      fi
+      if [[ "${run}" == "False" ]]; then
+        echo "Not building docs for branch ${branch}"
+        exit 0
+      fi
+      echo "Docs version: $DOCS_VERSION"
+      echo "Deploy to gh-pages? $deploy"
+      cd docs || exit 1
+      make html
+      cd "$REPO_PATH" || exit 1
+      if [[ "$deploy" == "False" ]]; then
+        exit 0
+      fi
+      PUBLICATION_BRANCH=gh-pages
+      DOCS_PATH="${DOCS_VERSION// /_}"
+      # Checkout the branch
+      pushd $HOME || exit 1
+      git clone --branch=$PUBLICATION_BRANCH https://$(GitHubToken)@github.com/$(Build.Repository.Name) publish
+      cd publish || exit 1
+      # Update pages
+      if [[ -d "$DOCS_PATH" ]]; then
+        git rm -rf "$DOCS_PATH" > /dev/null
+      fi
+      mkdir "$DOCS_PATH"
+      cp -r "$REPO_PATH"/docs/_build/html/* "$DOCS_PATH"
+      # Commit and push latest version
+      git add .
+      if git diff-index --quiet HEAD; then
+        echo "No changes in the docs."
+      else
+        git config --local user.name "Azure Pipelines"
+        git config --local user.email "azuredevops@microsoft.com"
+        git commit -m "[skip ci] Update $DOCS_VERSION"
+        git push -fq origin $PUBLICATION_BRANCH
+      fi
+      popd || exit 1
+    displayName: build and deploy docs
+- job:
+  displayName: compass-linux
+  pool:
+    vmImage: 'ubuntu-16.04'
+  strategy:
+    matrix:
+      Python36:
+        python.version: '3.6'
+      Python37:
+        python.version: '3.7'
+      Python38:
+        python.version: '3.8'
+  steps:
+  - bash: echo "##vso[task.prependpath]$CONDA/bin"
+    displayName: Add conda to PATH
+  - bash: |
+      set -e
+      eval "$(conda shell.bash hook)"
+      conda config --add channels conda-forge
+      conda config --set channel_priority strict
+    displayName: Configure conda
+  - bash: |
+      set -e
+      eval "$(conda shell.bash hook)"
+      conda create -y -n compass --override-channels -c conda-forge -c e3sm -c defaults \
+          python=$PYTHON_VERSION "compass=*=nompi*"
+    displayName: Create compass conda environment
+  - bash: |
+      set -e
+      eval "$(conda shell.bash hook)"
+      conda activate compass
+      cd testing_and_setup/compass || exit 1
+      ./list_testcases.py -h
+      ./setup_testcase.py -h
+      ./clean_testcase.py -h
+      ./manage_regression_suite.py -h
+      cd ../..
+    displayName: Test compass
+- job:
+  displayName: compass-osx
+  pool:
+    vmImage: 'macOS-10.14'
+  strategy:
+    matrix:
+      Python36:
+        python.version: '3.6'
+      Python37:
+        python.version: '3.7'
+      Python38:
+        python.version: '3.8'
+  steps:
+  - bash: echo "##vso[task.prependpath]$CONDA/bin"
+    displayName: Add conda to PATH
+  - bash: |
+      set -e
+      eval "$(conda shell.bash hook)"
+      conda config --add channels conda-forge
+      conda config --set channel_priority strict
+    displayName: Configure conda
+  - bash: |
+      set -e
+      eval "$(conda shell.bash hook)"
+      conda create -y -n compass --override-channels -c conda-forge -c e3sm -c defaults \
+          python=$PYTHON_VERSION "compass=*=nompi*"
+    displayName: Create compass conda environment
+  - bash: |
+      set -e
+      eval "$(conda shell.bash hook)"
+      conda activate compass
+      cd testing_and_setup/compass || exit 1
+      ./list_testcases.py -h
+      ./setup_testcase.py -h
+      ./clean_testcase.py -h
+      ./manage_regression_suite.py -h
+      cd ../..
+    displayName: Test compass
diff --git a/docs/Makefile b/docs/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..19e1d4f711
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+# Minimal makefile for Sphinx documentation
+# You can set these variables from the command line.
+SPHINXBUILD   = sphinx-build
+SPHINXPROJ    = mpas_model
+SOURCEDIR     = .
+BUILDDIR      = _build
+# Put it first so that "make" without argument is like "make help".
+.PHONY: help Makefile
+# Catch-all target: route all unknown targets to Sphinx using the new
+# "make mode" option.  $(O) is meant as a shortcut for $(SPHINXOPTS).
+%: Makefile
diff --git a/docs/compass/clean_testcase.rst b/docs/compass/clean_testcase.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3dbbe5f06b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/compass/clean_testcase.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+.. _compass_clean_testcase:
+This script is used to clean one or more test cases that have already been
+It will remove directories and driver scripts that were generated as part of
+setting up a test case.
+Command-line options::
+    $ ./clean_testcase.py -h
+    usage: clean_testcase.py [-h] [-o CORE] [-c CONFIG] [-r RES] [-t TEST]
+                             [-n NUM] [-q] [-a] [--work_dir PATH]
+    This script is used to clean one or more test cases that have already been
+    setup.
+    It will remove directories / driver scripts that were generated as part of
+    setting up a test case.
+    optional arguments:
+      -h, --help            show this help message and exit
+      -o CORE, --core CORE  Core that contains configurations to clean
+      -c CONFIG, --configuration CONFIG
+                            Configuration to clean
+      -r RES, --resolution RES
+                            Resolution of configuration to clean
+      -t TEST, --test TEST  Test name within a resolution to clean
+      -n NUM, --case_number NUM
+                            Case number to clean, as listed from list_testcases.py. Can be a comma delimited list of case numbers.
+      -q, --quiet           If set, script will not write a command_history file
+      -a, --all             Is set, the script will clean all test cases in the work_dir.
+      --work_dir PATH       If set, script will clean case directories in work_dir rather than the current directory.
diff --git a/docs/compass/config.rst b/docs/compass/config.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ab4e624f21
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/compass/config.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,303 @@
+.. _compass_config:
+A config file is used to setup a case directory.
+This file contains information describing how to configure a case
+directory, including files that the case depends on, executables that are
+required for the case, namelists and streams files the case requires, and run
+scripts which can be used to automate running a case.
+How to use pre-defined paths
+This testing infrastructure has several predefined paths available as
+attributes to several XML tags. Attributes that can use these will have the
+line "Can use pre-defined paths" in their description.
+In order to help you make use of these pre-defined paths, this section will
+describe what they are, and how to use them.
+To begin, there are two standard paths. These are referred to as ``<work_dir>``
+and ``<script_path>``.
+    - ``<work_dir>`` is the location where the test cases are setup to run.
+    - ``<script_path>`` is the location where the testing infrastructure scripts live.
+Additionally, there are 4 sub-paths:
+    - ``<core_dir>`` - This is the core directory that contains the test case
+    - ``<configuration_dir>`` - This is the configuration directory that contains the test case
+    - ``<resolution_dir>`` - This is the resolution directory that contains the test case
+    - ``<test_dir>`` - This is the test directory that contains the test case
+    - ``<case_dir>`` - This is the case directory that is generated from an XML config file
+Now, all attributes that can use pre-defined paths can build a path using the
+following syntax::
+  {base}_{sub}
+Where ``{base}`` can be either ``work`` or ``script``, and ``{sub}`` can be any of
+``core_dir``, ``configuration_dir``, ``resolution_dir``, ``test_dir``, and ``case_dir``.
+Note however, ``case_dir`` isn't valid when {base} is ``script`` as a case
+directory isn't typically generated in the script path if it's different from
+the work path.
+As an example:
+ - ``script_test_dir`` would point to the location that the XML files exist to
+   setup a testcase
+ - ``work_test_dir`` would point to the location that the testcase will be setup,
+   and will not include the case directory created from an XML file.
+Description of XML file
+Below, you will see text describing the various XML tags available in a config
+file. Each will describe the tag itself, any attributes the tag can have, and
+what children can be placed below the tag.
+``<config>`` - This is the overarching parent tag of a config file that describes the setup for a case.
+    - Attributes:
+        * ``case``: The name of the case directory that will be created from this
+          config tag.
+    - Children:
+        * ``<get_file>``
+        * ``<add_executable>``
+        * ``<add_link>``
+        * ``<namelist>``
+        * ``<streams>``
+        * ``<run_script>``
+``<get_file>`` - This tag defines the need for ensuring a required file is available, and the
+appropriate ways of acquiring the file.
+    - Attributes:
+        * ``hash``: (Optional) The expected hash of the mesh file. The acquired
+          mesh file will be validated using this. If this attribute is omitted,
+          the resulting file will not be validated.
+        * ``dest_path``: The path the resulting file should be placed in. Should be
+          the name of a path defined in the config file, or optionally 'case'
+          which is expanded to be the case directory generated from the XML
+          file containing the get_file tag. Can additionally take the values of
+          pre-defined paths
+        * ``file_name``: The name of the file that will be downloaded and placed in dest_path.
+    - Children:
+        * ``<mirror>``
+``<mirror>`` - This tag defined the different methods of acquiring a required file.
+    - Attributes:
+        * ``protocol``: A description of how the mesh should be retrieved.
+          Currently supports ``wget``.
+        * ``url``: Only used if ``protocol == wget``. The url (pre-filename) portion of
+          the ``wget`` command.
+``<add_executable>`` - This tag defined the need to link an executable defined in a
+configuration file (e.g. general.config) into a case directory.
+    - Attributes:
+        * ``source``: The name of the executable, defined in the configuration file
+          (e.g. ``general.config``). This name is a short name, and will be
+          expanded to executables.source
+        * ``dest``: The name of the link that will be generated from the executable.
+``<add_link>`` - This tag defined the need to link a file into a case directory.
+    - Attributes:
+        * ``source_path``: The path variable from a configure file to find the
+          source file in. If it is empty, source is assumed to
+          have the full path to the file. Additionally, it can
+          take the values of:
+          - Can use pre-defined paths
+        * ``source``: The source to generate a symlink from. Relative to the case
+          directory that will be generated from the parent ``<config>`` tag.
+        * ``dest``: The name of the resulting symlink.
+``<namelist>`` - This tag defines a namelist that should be generated from a template.
+    - Attributes:
+        * ``name``: The name of the namelist file that will be generated from the
+          template namelist pointed to by its mode attribute.
+        * ``mode``: The name of the mode to use from the template input files
+          Each core can define these arbitrarily
+    - Children:
+        * ``<template>``
+        * ``<option>``
+``<streams>`` - This tag defines a streams file that should be generated from a template.
+    - Attributes:
+        * ``name``: The name of the streams file that will be generated from the
+          template streams file pointed to by its mode.
+        * ``mode``: The name of the mode to use from the template input files
+          Each core can define these arbitrarily
+        * ``keep``: A definition of which streams to keep from the template. Values are:
+            - ``all``: keep all streams from the template
+            - ``immutable``: keep all immutable streams, and discard any mutable
+              streams from the template
+            - ``mutable``: keep all mutable streams, and discard any immutable
+              streams from the template
+            - ``none``: discard all streams from teh template
+    - Children:
+        * ``<template>``
+        * ``<stream>``
+``<template>`` - This tag defines a template that should be applied to a set of configurations.
+    - Attributes:
+        * ``file``: The file that contains the template that should be expanded here. When
+          used within a ``<namelist>`` tag, the namelist portion of the template
+          will be applied. When used within a ``<stream>`` tag, the streams portion
+          of the template will be applied. Additionally, ``<template>`` tags
+          can be used within ``<compare_fields>`` and ``<compare_timers>`` tags
+          to define template fields and timers to compare.
+        * ``path_base``: The base that the path attribute should be used relative
+          to. Can have a value of pre-defined paths
+        * ``path``: The path that the file lives in, relative to path_base.
+``<option>`` - This tag defines an option that should be modified in the generated
+    - Attributes:
+        * ``name``: The name of the option that should be modifed
+    - Text:
+        * The text within <option> and </option> tags will be used to set the
+          value of the namelist option.
+``<stream>`` - This tag defines a stream that should be modified / created in the
+generated streams file.
+    - Attributes:
+        * ``name``: The name of the stream that should be modified / created
+    - Children:
+        * ``<attribute>``
+        * ``<add_contents>``
+        * ``<remove_contents>``
+``<attribute>`` - This tag defines an attribute that should be created / modified
+in a stream definition.
+    - Attributes:
+        * ``name``: The name of the stream attribute to modify / define
+    - Text:
+        * The text in between the <attribute> and </attribute> tags will be
+          used to set the value of the attribute.
+``<add_contents>`` - This tag defines a list of members to add to a stream definition
+    - Children:
+        * ``<member>``
+``<remove_contents>`` - This tag defines a list of members to remove from a stream definition
+    - Children:
+        * ``<member>``
+``<member>`` - This tag defines a member that should be added or removed from a stream definition.
+    - Attributes:
+        * ``name``: The name of the member that will be defined. If this is in an
+          ``<add_contents>`` tag, it will be added to the stream, if it is in a
+          ``<remove_contents>`` tag, it will be removed from the stream.
+        * ``type``: The type of the member to add (This is ignored if it's within a
+          ``<remove_contents>`` tag). Example values are var, var_array,
+          ``var_struct``, and stream.
+``<run_script>`` - This tag defines a new run script that should be generated.
+    - Attributes:
+        * ``name``: The name of the script that will be generated
+    - Children:
+        * ``<step>``
+        * ``<define_env_var>``
+        * ``<model_run>``
+``<step>`` - This tag defines a step in a run script
+    - Attributes:
+        * ``executable``: The base executable for this step of the run script. e.g. mpirun
+        * ``executable_name``: The name of the executable that has been defined in
+          the configuration file to be used for this step of the run script.
+    - Children:
+        * ``<argument>``
+``<argument>`` - This tag defines arguments for the executable in a specific step of
+a run script.
+    - Attributes:
+        * ``flag``: A flag that will come before the argument. e.g. ``-n``
+    - Text:
+        * The text between the ``<argument>`` and ``</argument>`` tags will be used as
+          the argument after the flag. In the example ``mpirun -n 4`` the flag
+          would be -n, and the text would be 4.
+``<define_env_var>`` - This tag is used to define an environment variable which
+might be needed when running the model. For example,
+setting the value of OMP_NUM_THREADS to ensure OpenMP
+threading is used.
+    - Attributes:
+        * ``name``: The name of the variable that will be set
+        * ``value``: The value that will be given to the variable
+``<model_run>`` - This tag is used to define a run of the model, as configured by
+some set of attributes.
+    - Attributes:
+        * This tag is unique, in that it can take a variety of attributes. The
+          attributes available depend on the batch system. Within the
+          definition of the batch system, any attribute that has a value with
+          the given format ``attr_{name}`` represents an attribute that is required
+          when using this tag. An example of attributes that most batch systems
+          would require is:
+            - ``procs``: The number of MPI tasks to spawn
+            - ``threads``: The number of OpenMP threads to use in the run
+            - ``namelist``: The namelist file to use when performing the run
+            - ``streams``: The streams file to use when performing the run
+            - ``executable``: (Optional) The name of the executble to use from the
+              config file. If this is not specified, it defaults to 'model'.
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+.. _compass_details:
+.. toctree::
+   config
+   driver_script
+   template
+   regression_suite
+   run_config
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+.. _compass_driver_script:
+A ``driver_script`` file is used to generate a driver script that can be used to
+automate several steps, including running multiple cases, and comparing output.
+This file contains information describing how to create a script
+that can be used to perform multiple steps in the process of running a test.
+This includes running multiple run scripts within case directories, or
+performing standard actions, such as comparing multiple output files.
+Below, you will see text describing the various XML tags available in a
+``driver_script`` file. Each will describe the tag itself, any attributes the
+tag can have, and what children can be placed below the tag.
+``<driver_script>`` - This tag defines a driver script for a set of case directories.
+    - Attributes:
+        * ``name``: The name of the driver script that will be generated
+    - Children:
+        * ``<case>``
+        * ``<step>``
+        * ``<define_env_var>``
+        * ``<validation>``
+``<case>`` - This tag defines the case that will be used for part of a driver
+script. It implies the driver script should ``cd`` into the case
+directory before executing the steps and arguments defined within.
+    - Attributes:
+        * ``name``: The name of the case directory that will be used for this
+          portion of the driver script.
+    - Children:
+        * ``<step>``
+        * ``<define_env_var>``
+``<step>`` - This tag defines a step in a driver script
+    - Attributes:
+        * ``executable``: The base executable for this step of the script. e.g.
+          test_model
+        * ``executable_name``: The name of the executable that has been defined
+          in the configuration file to be used for this step of the script.
+    - Children:
+        * ``<argument>``
+``<argument>`` - This tag defines arguments for the executable in a specific step of
+a script.
+    - Attributes:
+        * ``flag``: A flag that will come before the argument. e.g. ``-n``
+    - Text:
+        * The text between the ``<argument>`` and ``</argument>`` tags will be
+          used as the argument after the flag. In the example ``mpirun -np 4``
+          the flag would be ``-np``, and the text would be ``4``.
+``<define_env_var>`` - This tag is used to define an environment variable which
+might be needed when running the model. For example,
+setting the value of ``OMP_NUM_THREADS`` to ensure OpenMP
+threading is used.
+    - Attributes:
+        * ``name``: The name of the variable that will be set
+        * ``value``: The value that will be given to the variable
+``<validation>`` - This tag is used to define a block of validations that should
+happen within the driver script. These validations are standard
+operations that multiple driver scripts can use easily, such as
+comparing fields in multiple files or against baselines. Test
+case specific validations might happen in separate steps.
+    - Children:
+        * ``<compare_fields>``
+        * ``<compare_timers>``
+``<compare_fields>`` - This tag is used to define a comparison of specified
+fields in two NetCDF files.
+    - Attributes:
+        * ``file1``: This defines the first file in the comparison.
+          Relative to the ``<core>/<configuration>/<resolution>`` directory.
+          Will also cause file1 to be compared against file1 in the baseline directory.
+        * ``file2``: This defines the second file in the comparison.
+          Relative to the ``<core>/<configuration>/<resolution>`` directory.
+          Will also cause file2 to be compared against file2 in the baseline directory.
+        * NOTE: If only one of file1 or file2 is specified, the testcase will
+          only compare against baselines.
+    - Children:
+        * ``<field>``
+        * ``<template>``
+``<field>`` - This tag is used to define a field that will be compared within a
+``<compare_fields>`` tag. Any norm thresholds that are specified all must pass to
+have the comparison pass.
+    - Attributes:
+        * ``name``: This attribute defines the name of the field that will be compared
+        * ``l1_norm``: This attribute defines the threshold for an L1 norm, to
+          define a pass. If not specified, the L1 norm will not be used in
+          determining if the comparison passes or fails.
+        * ``l2_norm``: This attribute defines the threshold for an L2 norm, to
+          define a pass. If not specified, the L2 norm will not be used in
+          determining if the comparison passes or fails.
+        * ``linf_norm``: This attribute defines the threshold for an L-Infinity norm, to
+          define a pass. If not specified, the L-Infinity norm will not be used in
+          determining if the comparison passes or fails.
+``<template>`` - This tag defines a template that should be applied to define a list of field comparisions.
+    - Attributes:
+        * ``file``: The file that contains the template that should be expanded here.
+        * ``path_base``: The base that the path attribute should be used relative
+          to. Can be a pre-defined paths (see :ref:`compass_config`)
+        * path: The path that the file lives in, relative to path_base.
+``<compare_timers>`` - This tag is used to define a comparison of timers in two run directories.
+The comparison will work with native or gptl timers automatically.
+    - Attributes:
+        * ``rundir1``: This is the first run directory to compare. If it is the
+          only one specified timers in it will be compared only against it's
+          baseline.
+        * ``rundir2``: This is the second run directory to compare. If it is the
+          only one specified timers in it will be compared only against it's
+          baseline.
+    - Children:
+        * ``<timer>``
+        * ``<template>``
+``<timer>`` - This tag is used to define a timer that should be compared between two run directories.
+    - Attributes:
+        * ``name``: This is the name of the timer to compare. It should be the full
+          expected name of the timer, not the printed name from the timer
+          library.
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+The COMPASS (Configuration Of Model for Prediction Across Scales Setups)
+infrastructure provides a capability for defining simple test-case workflows.
+It is intended to house a small number of files which can describe the steps to
+setup and configure a test case.
+It provides four utility python scripts:
+* ``clean_testcase.py``
+* ``list_testcases.py``
+* ``setup_testcase.py``
+* ``manage_regression_suite.py``
+and two configuration file templates:
+  * ``general.config.test``
+  * ``general.config.ocean``
+Each of the python scripts can be run with a ``-h`` argument only to get usage
+Additionally, each core has a directory at the top level (e.g. ocean for the
+ocean test cases). There is also a templates directory where a core can place
+template files that are intended to be available for it's test cases.
+An example test case is placed in ``ocean/baroclinic_channel/10km``
+An example template is placed in ``templates/ocean/global_stats.xml``
+Test cases are described by XML files. Each test case can have an arbitrary
+number of XML files that configure the steps for setting up the test case.
+The various XML files that can be used with this test case infrastructure are
+described in the README files contained in the doc directory.
+.. toctree::
+   :titlesonly:
+   details
+   scripts
+   ocean
+   ocean_testcases/index
\ No newline at end of file
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+.. _compass_list_testcases:
+This script is used to list available test cases.
+It iterates through the directory structure and prints out configuration
+options to setup specific test cases. Additionally, the ``-o``, ``-c``, ``-r``, and ``-t``
+flags can be used to narrow the information that this script prints. If any of
+them are passed in, the script will only print test cases that match all
+Additionally, if ``-n`` is passed in to get information about a single test case,
+it will only print the flags needed to setup that specific test case.
+Command-line options::
+    $ ./list_testcases.py -h
+    usage: list_testcases.py [-h] [-o CORE] [-c CONFIG] [-r RES] [-t TEST]
+                             [-n NUMBER]
+    This script is used to list available test cases.
+    It iterates through the directory structure and prints out configuration
+    options to setup specific test cases. Additionally, the -o, -c, -r, and -t
+    flags can be used to narrow the information that this script prints. If any of
+    them are passed in, the script will only print test cases that match all
+    criteria.
+    Additionally, if -n is passed in to get information about a single test case,
+    it will only print the flags needed to setup that specific test case.
+    optional arguments:
+      -h, --help            show this help message and exit
+      -o CORE, --core CORE  Core to search for configurations within
+      -c CONFIG, --configuration CONFIG
+                            Configuration name to search for
+      -r RES, --resolution RES
+                            Resolution to search for
+      -t TEST, --test TEST  Test name to search for
+      -n NUMBER, --number NUMBER
+                            If set, script will print the flags to use a the N'th configuration.
diff --git a/docs/compass/manage_regression_suite.rst b/docs/compass/manage_regression_suite.rst
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+.. _compass_manage_regression_suite:
+This script is used to manage regression suites. A regression suite is a set of
+test cases that ensure one or more features in a model meet certain criteria.
+Using this script one can setup or clean a regression suite.
+When setting up a regression suite, this script will generate a script to run
+all tests in the suite, and additionally setup each individual test case.
+When cleaning a regression suite, this script will remove any generated files
+for each individual test case, and the run script that runs all test cases.
+Command-line options::
+    $ ./manage_regression_suite.py -h
+    usage: manage_regression_suite.py [-h] -t FILE [-f FILE] [-s] [-c] [-v]
+                                      [-m FILE] [-b PATH] [--work_dir PATH]
+    This script is used to manage regression suites. A regression suite is a set of
+    test cases that ensure one or more features in a model meet certain criteria.
+    Using this script one can setup or clean a regression suite.
+    When setting up a regression suite, this script will generate a script to run
+    all tests in the suite, and additionally setup each individual test case.
+    When cleaning a regression suite, this script will remove any generated files
+    for each individual test case, and the run script that runs all test cases.
+    optional arguments:
+      -h, --help            show this help message and exit
+      -t FILE, --test_suite FILE
+                            Path to file containing a test suite to setup
+      -f FILE, --config_file FILE
+                            Configuration file for test case setup
+      -s, --setup           Option to determine if regression suite should be setup or not.
+      -c, --clean           Option to determine if regression suite should be cleaned or not.
+      -v, --verbose         Use verbose output from setup_testcase.py
+      -m FILE, --model_runtime FILE
+                            Definition of how to build model run commands on this machine
+      -b PATH, --baseline_dir PATH
+                            Location of baseslines that can be compared to
+      --work_dir PATH       If set, script will setup the test suite in work_dir rather in this script's location.
diff --git a/docs/compass/ocean.rst b/docs/compass/ocean.rst
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+.. _compass_ocean:
+COMPASS for ocean test case
+COMPASS conda environment
+To set up and run ocean test cases from COMPASS, you will need a conda
+environment.  First, install Miniconda3 (if miniconda is not already
+installed), then create a new conda environment as follows::
+  conda create -n compass_0.1.2 -c conda-forge -c e3sm python=3.7 compass=0.1.2
+Each time you want to work with COMPASS, you will need to run::
+  conda activate compass_0.1.2
+An appropriate conda environment is already available on Los Alamos National
+Laboratory's Institutional Computing (LANL IC) machines as well as Anvil, Compy
+and Cori.  In each case, you will run::
+  source <base_path>/load_latest_compass.sh
+Values of ``<base_path>`` are:
+ * grizzly and badger - ``/usr/projects/climate/SHARED_CLIMATE/anaconda_envs``
+ * anvil (blues) - ``/lcrc/soft/climate/e3sm-unified/``
+ * compy - ``/share/apps/E3SM/conda_envs``
+ * cori - ``/global/cfs/cdirs/acme/software/anaconda_envs``
+Setting config options
+The file ``general.config.ocean`` is a template containing a set of config
+options that the COMPASS user must set in order to set up ocean test cases.
+Make a copy of this file (e.g. ``config.ocean``) and set the options as follows.
+In six places, replace ``FULL_PATH_TO_MPAS_MODEL_REPO`` with the path where you
+have checked out (and built) the branch of MPAS-Model you are planning to use.
+Five other paths are required, as explained below.
+mesh\_database, initial\_condition\_database and bathymetry\_database
+These are directories for storing pre-generated mesh files, data sets for
+creating initial conditions, and bathymetry data. These can be empty directories, in which case
+meshes and other data sets will be downloaded as required during test-case
+setup.  (If a test case appears to hang during setup, it is most likely
+downloading mesh, initial-condition or bathymetry data.)
+On LANL IC, the shared data bases can be found at::
+  mesh_database = /usr/projects/regionalclimate/COMMON_MPAS/ocean/grids/mesh_database
+  initial_condition_database = /usr/projects/regionalclimate/COMMON_MPAS/ocean/grids/initial_condition_database
+  bathymetry_database = /usr/projects/regionalclimate/COMMON_MPAS/ocean/grids/bathymetry_database
diff --git a/docs/compass/ocean_testcases/baroclinic_channel.rst b/docs/compass/ocean_testcases/baroclinic_channel.rst
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@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+.. _compass_ocean_baroclinic_channel:
+Baroclinic Channel
diff --git a/docs/compass/ocean_testcases/global_ocean.rst b/docs/compass/ocean_testcases/global_ocean.rst
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+.. _compass_ocean_global_ocean:
+Global Ocean
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@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+.. _compass_ocean_testcases:
+Ocean Test Cases
+.. toctree::
+   :titlesonly:
+   global_ocean
+   baroclinic_channel
+   isomip_plus
diff --git a/docs/compass/ocean_testcases/isomip_plus.rst b/docs/compass/ocean_testcases/isomip_plus.rst
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+.. _compass_ocean_isomip_plus:
+More Information
+.. toctree::
+   :titlesonly:
+   isomip_plus_at_lanl
diff --git a/docs/compass/ocean_testcases/isomip_plus_at_lanl.rst b/docs/compass/ocean_testcases/isomip_plus_at_lanl.rst
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+.. _compass_ocean_isomip_plus_at_lanl:
+Instructions for setting up and running ISOMIP+ Ocean0 on LANL IC
+In what follows, replace ``username`` with your user name.
+1. SSH tricks
+A couple of tricks for your laptop if you’re not already using them:
+Save your SSH connections:
+.. code-block:: bash
+   vim ~/.ssh/config
+Add the following:
+.. code-block::
+   Host *
+       ControlMaster auto
+       ControlPath ~/.ssh/connections/%r@%h:%p
+       ServerAliveInterval 300
+   Host wtrw
+       Hostname wtrw.lanl.gov
+       User username
+.. code-block:: bash
+   mkdir ~/.ssh/connections
+Alias connections to LANL HPC machines:
+.. code-block:: bash
+   vim ~/.bashrc
+.. code-block:: bash
+   alias gr="ssh -t wtrw ssh gr-fe1"
+   alias ba="ssh -t wtrw ssh ba-fe2"
+   alias ko="ssh -t wtrw ssh ko-fe"
+2. Making sure git is set up nicely
+2.1 Storing your LANL IC SSH key on GitHub
+It's useful to set up GitHub to know your public SSH key from LANL IC if you
+haven't already done this.  It means you don’t have to type your password for
+GitHub each time you git fetch, git push, etc.
+I believe this is the right link for
+`more details <https://help.github.com/en/articles/generating-a-new-ssh-key-and-adding-it-to-the-ssh-agent>`_
+If you haven't done this already and this gives you trouble, let me know and we
+can work through it together.
+2.2 git settings
+On IC or on your laptop, make sure you’ve got these settings defined:
+.. code-block:: bash
+   git config --global user.name "First Last"
+   git config --global user.email user@domain.com
+   git config --global core.editor vim
+   git config --global push.default nothing
+   git config --global color.ui true
+   git config --global core.autocrlf input
+   git config --global core.whitespace trailing-space
+   git config --global alias.logg "log --graph --oneline --decorate"
+I use ``git logg`` all the time so this last alias is particularly important.
+2.3 git tab completion
+Download `git-completion.bash <https://raw.githubusercontent.com/git/git/master/contrib/completion/git-completion.bash>`_
+.. code-block:: bash
+   cd ~
+   wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/git/git/master/contrib/completion/git-completion.bash
+Add this to your .bashrc
+.. code-block::
+   module load git
+   source git-completion.bash
+3. Forking and Cloning MPAS-Model
+* Go to: `https://github.com/MPAS-Dev/MPAS-Model <https://github.com/MPAS-Dev/MPAS-Model>`_
+* Make your own fork by clicking “Fork” at the top right:
+* Go to your new fork (e.g. `https://github.com/username/MPAS-Model <https://github.com/username/MPAS-Model>`_ )
+* Whenever you ever need to know the link to clone your fork
+  * Click on “Clone or download”
+  * If it says “Clone with HTTPS”, click Use SSH (either works but SSH will use
+    the SSH keys you’ve set up above and you never have to type my Git
+    password.)
+  * Copy the link with the clipboard icon
+In a terminal window, log in to a LANL machine (I use Grizzly from here on
+except where stated):
+.. code-block:: bash
+   ssh -t wtrw ssh gr-fe1
+Make a directory for the code, e.g.:
+.. code-block:: bash
+   mkdir /usr/projects/climate/username
+   cd /usr/projects/climate/username
+   mkdir -p mpas/model
+   cd mpas/model/
+Clone the repo:
+.. code-block:: bash
+   git clone git@github.com:username/MPAS-Model.git repo
+   cd repo
+Rename your remote so it’s easier to not confuse it with other forks:
+.. code-block:: bash
+   git remote rename origin username/MPAS-Model
+Add the main repo:
+.. code-block:: bash
+   git remote add MPAS-Dev/MPAS-Model git@github.com:MPAS-Dev/MPAS-Model.git
+Add my fork (you can add other people’s forks in the same way):
+.. code-block:: bash
+   git remote add xylar/MPAS-Model git@github.com:xylar/MPAS-Model.git
+Get the latest version of all the remotes (pruning anything that has been
+.. code-block:: bash
+   git fetch --all -p
+Let's store some settings you'll need to load every time you build MPAS.  The following
+are only appropriate for Grizzly and we'll need a similar file with settings for
+Badge and any other machines we might use in the future.
+.. code-block:: bash
+   vim ../setup_gr.bash
+In this file, put:
+.. code-block:: bash
+   echo "Setting up grizzly intel environment for building and running MPAS"
+   module purge
+   module load git
+   source /usr/projects/climate/SHARED_CLIMATE/anaconda_envs/base/etc/profile.d/conda.sh
+   conda activate compass_py3.7
+   module use /usr/projects/climate/SHARED_CLIMATE/modulefiles/all/
+   module load intel/17.0.1 openmpi/1.10.5 netcdf/4.4.1 parallel-netcdf/1.5.0 pio/1.7.2
+   export CORE=ocean
+4. Checking out an MPAS branch and building the model
+**Note: this is a good place to come back to when you need to start over on
+a new branch.**
+Add a "worktree", a copy of the repo that we can point to a different branch.
+We will work with my branch ``ocean/update_isomip_plus_viz``\ , where I have added some
+new viz tools.  This is based off of the latest ``ocean/develop``. In general,
+``ocean/develop`` is the place to start, since the ``master``  branch is updated only
+rarely when we make releases:
+.. code-block:: bash
+   cd /usr/projects/climate/username/mpas/model/reop
+Let's make sure we have the latest version of all the branches on all of the remotes
+.. code-block:: bash
+   git fetch --all -p
+Okay, now we're ready to make a new folder to work from.
+.. code-block:: bash
+   git worktree add ../ocean/update_isomip_plus_viz -b ocean/update_isomip_plus_viz
+   cd ../ocean/update_isomip_plus_viz
+Take a look at which branch were on:
+.. code-block::
+   git logg
+We don't start off on ``MPAS-Dev/MPAS-Model/ocean/update_isomip_plus_viz`` (even though
+the name of the local branch might trick you into thinking you're there), so we need
+to do a hard reset to put us there:
+.. code-block:: bash
+   git reset --hard xylar/MPAS-Model/ocean/update_isomip_plus_viz
+   git logg
+Now source the file with modules and settings for building MPAS on grizzly:
+.. code-block:: bash
+   source ../../setup_gr.bash
+If all goes well, you should see ``comapss_py3.7`` as part of your command prompt and you should be read to build MPAS.
+.. code-block:: bash
+   make ifort
+Take a coffee break, this will take some time.
+5. Setting up a test case
+Okay you're back and refreshed?  Let's set up a test case.
+.. code-block:: bash
+   cd testing_and_setup/compass/
+COMPASS (COnfiguration of Model for Prediction Across Scales Setups -- yes, a litle tortured) is a set of python
+scripts we use to set up and run our test cases.  To build test cases, you need to tell COMPASS where to find a few
+thing on Grizzly.  Open a file ``config.ocean`` and put the following in it:
+.. code-block::
+   # This file is the ocean core's configuration file. It is specific to the ocean
+   # core, and a specific machine. Each machine will configure this file
+   # differently, but it can be used to point on version of the testing
+   # infrastructure at a different version of the model.
+   # The namelists section defines paths to template namelists that will be used
+   # to generate specific namelists. Typically these will point to the forward and
+   # init namelists in the default_inputs directory after a successful build of
+   # the ocean model.
+   [namelists]
+   forward = /usr/projects/climate/username/mpas/model/ocean/update_isomip_plus_viz/namelist.ocean.forward
+   init = /usr/projects/climate/username/mpas/model/ocean/update_isomip_plus_viz/namelist.ocean.init
+   # The streams section defines paths to template streams files that will be used
+   # to generate specific streams files. Typically these will point to the forward and
+   # init streams files in the default_inputs directory after a successful build of
+   # the ocean model.
+   [streams]
+   forward = /usr/projects/climate/username/mpas/model/ocean/update_isomip_plus_viz/streams.ocean.forward
+   init = /usr/projects/climate/username/mpas/model/ocean/update_isomip_plus_viz/streams.ocean.init
+   # The executables section defines paths to required executables. These
+   # executables are provided for use by specific test cases.
+   # Full paths should be provided in order to access the executables from
+   # anywhere on the machine.
+   [executables]
+   model = /usr/projects/climate/username/mpas/model/ocean/update_isomip_plus_viz/ocean_model
+   # The paths section describes paths that are used within the ocean core test
+   # cases.
+   [paths]
+   # The mesh_database and the initial_condition_database are locations where
+   # meshes / initial conditions might be found on a specific machine. They can be
+   # the same directory, or different directory. Additionally, if they are empty
+   # some test cases might download data into them, which will then be reused if
+   # the test case is run again later.
+   mpas_model = /usr/projects/climate/username/mpas/model/ocean/update_isomip_plus_viz
+   mesh_database = /usr/projects/regionalclimate/COMMON_MPAS/ocean/grids/mesh_database
+   initial_condition_database = /usr/projects/regionalclimate/COMMON_MPAS/ocean/grids/initial_condition_database
+   bathymetry_database = /usr/projects/regionalclimate/COMMON_MPAS/ocean/grids/bathymetry_database
+In theory, you can point to default namelists, streams files and executables for other branches than
+the one you're currently on but that's very rarely (if ever) going to be useful to you so you'll
+just have to bear with all these redundant references to
+.. code-block::
+   /usr/projects/climate/username/mpas/model/ocean/update_isomip_plus_viz
+If you want to set up a worktree for a different branch, the ``config.ocean`` looks the same except
+that you would need to replace the above path with the one for your new worktree.
+List the available test cases:
+.. code-block:: bash
+   ./list_testcases.py
+At present, there are 107 of them!  Let's look at only the ISOMIP+ ones (component: ``ocean``\ , case: ``isomip_plus``\ ):
+.. code-block:: bash
+   ./list_testcases.py -o ocean -c isomip_plus
+There are 2 resolutions (2 km and 5 km) and 3 test cases at each resolution (Ocean0, 1 and 2).  For now, we're
+going to focus on Ocean0, which has boundary conditions and ocean properties consistent with a (very) warm
+continental shelf.  This one spins up to a quasi-steady state in about 2 years (compared to several decades
+for the other 2, which are purposefully designed as transient experiments) so it's a good starting point.
+We'll use the 2 km version because the domain is only 80 km wide, so 5 km is really quite coarse.  Plus, this
+is the "standard" resolution for ISOMIP+.
+Set up the test case as follows:
+.. code-block:: bash
+   ./setup_testcase.py -o ocean -c isomip_plus -r 2km -t Ocean0 -f config.ocean -m runtime_definitions/srun.xml --work_dir /lustre/scratch4/turquoise/username/isomip_plus_Ocean0
+6. Running the test case
+We'll do a short test run (1 month) to make sure everything is working, rathere than jumping into a 2-year simulation.
+.. code-block:: bash
+   cd /lustre/scratch4/turquoise/username/isomip_plus_Ocean0/ocean/isomip_plus/2km/Ocean0/
+   salloc --nodes=1 --time=0:20:00 --account=e3sm
+   module purge
+   source /usr/projects/climate/SHARED_CLIMATE/anaconda_envs/base/etc/profile.d/conda.sh
+   conda activate compass_py3.7
+   module use /usr/projects/climate/SHARED_CLIMATE/modulefiles/all/
+   module load intel/17.0.1 openmpi/1.10.5 netcdf/4.4.1 parallel-netcdf/1.5.0 pio/1.7.2
+   ./run_test.py
+If you don't have access to the ``e3sm`` account, ask Steve or Mark for help to get acces.  Somewhere on the
+HPC website, there is a way to ask for access, but they may just be able to add you directly.
+7. Running a full 2-year Ocean0 simulation
+For this one, you should use a job script.
+.. code-block::
+   cd /lustre/scratch4/turquoise/username/isomip_plus_Ocean0/ocean/isomip_plus/2km/Ocean0/forward
+   vim job_script.bash
+Put this in the job script:
+.. code-block::
+   #!/bin/bash
+   #SBATCH --nodes=4
+   #SBATCH --time=4:00:00
+   #SBATCH --account=e3sm
+   #SBATCH --job-name=Ocean0
+   #SBATCH --output=Ocean0.o%j
+   #SBATCH --error=Ocean0.e%j
+   #SBATCH --qos=interactive
+   # exit if there are any errors
+   set -e
+   module purge
+   source /usr/projects/climate/SHARED_CLIMATE/anaconda_envs/base/etc/profile.d/conda.sh
+   conda activate compass_py3.7
+   module use /usr/projects/climate/SHARED_CLIMATE/modulefiles/all/
+   module load intel/17.0.1 openmpi/1.10.5 netcdf/4.4.1 parallel-netcdf/1.5.0 pio/1.7.2
+   months_per_job=24
+   end_date="0003-01-01_00:00:00"
+   for month in `seq 0 $months_per_job`
+   do
+       ./check_progress.py -f namelist.ocean -e $end_date
+       ./run.py
+       ./setup_restart.py -f namelist.ocean
+   done
+Submit the job:
+.. code-block::
+   sbatch job_script.bash
+Once it's running, monitor the progress with:
+.. code-block::
+   tail log.ocean.0000.out
+This writes a message for each time step (if all is going well).
+The simulation runs one month at a time and then does some adjustment in a python script to make sure sea level doesn't
+get out of control (there's a lot of melting going on so we have to have a compensating level of "evaporation" at the
+domain boundary).  It also will check to see if we've already reached year 2 and won't run again if so.
+Some basic output is available in:
+.. code-block::
+   analysis_members/globalStats.0001-01-01_00.00.00.nc
+To see the mean melt flux and how time is progressing there, do:
+.. code-block::
+   ncdump -v xtime,landIceFreshwaterFluxAvg analysis_members/globalStats.0001-01-01_00.00.00.nc | tail -n 50
+Keep in mind that the units are ``kg m^{-2} s^{-1}``\ , not m/yr, so not the most intuitive output.  There are
+some pretty outdated viz scripts in the ``viz`` directory linked there, but these might at least provide some
+starting guidelines for how to do python viz.  You can also look at output in paraview.  I'll clean things
+up and add instructions for viz in the near future as I have time.
+8. Visualization
+8.1 Running the default viz
+Viz should be light enough weight that you can run it on the login node but you could get an interactive job if you prefer.
+It produces images, rather than anything interactive, so no need for x-windows or anything like that.
+There should be a link to ``viz`` in the ``forward`` output directory.  This is a link to a python package (you can tell because
+it contains a ``__init__.py`` (which is empty) and a ``__main__.py``\ , which is the main script for visualization.  To start
+with, we'll run the default viz.  If you don't already have the compass conda environment loaded, do:
+.. code-block:: bash
+   source /usr/projects/climate/SHARED_CLIMATE/anaconda_envs/base/etc/profile.d/conda.sh
+   conda activate compass_py3.7
+Then, run:
+.. code-block:: bash
+   python -m viz
+This will run the ``main()`` function in ``__main__.py``.  You could optionally set the input directory and the experiment
+number but the defaults are the current directory and ``Ocean0``\ , respectively, so there's no need in this case.
+This will take maybe 10 or 15 minutes (most of it on the overturning streamfunction).  You should see something like:
+.. code-block::
+   barotropic streamfunction: 100% |##############################| Time:  0:00:15
+   compute and caching transport on MPAS grid:
+   [########################################] | 100% Completed |  7.2s
+   interpolating tansport on z-level grid: 100% |#################| Time:  0:10:13
+   caching transport on z-level grid:
+   [########################################] | 100% Completed |  2.2s
+   compute and caching vertical transport sum on z-level grid:
+   [########################################] | 100% Completed |  2.4s
+   bin overturning streamfunction: 100% |#########################| Time:  0:02:03
+   plotting barotropic streamfunction: 100% |#####################| Time:  0:00:08
+   plotting overturning streamfunction: 100% |####################| Time:  0:00:05
+   plotting melt rate: 100% |#####################################| Time:  0:00:07
+   plotting heat flux from ocean to ice-ocean interface: 100% |###| Time:  0:00:07
+   plotting heat flux into ice at ice-ocean interface: 100% |#####| Time:  0:00:07
+   plotting thermal driving: 100% |###############################| Time:  0:00:07
+   plotting haline driving: 100% |################################| Time:  0:00:07
+   plotting friction velocity: 100% |#############################| Time:  0:00:08
+   plotting top temperature: 100% |###############################| Time:  0:00:09
+   plotting bot temperature: 100% |###############################| Time:  0:00:08
+   plotting temperature section: 100% |###########################| Time:  0:00:05
+   plotting top salinity: 100% |##################################| Time:  0:00:08
+   plotting bot salinity: 100% |##################################| Time:  0:00:08
+   plotting salinity section: 100% |##############################| Time:  0:00:05
+   plotting top potential density: 100% |#########################| Time:  0:00:10
+   plotting bot potential density: 100% |#########################| Time:  0:00:08
+   plotting potential density section: 100% |#####################| Time:  0:00:05
+   running ffmpeg -y -r 30 -i ./plots/botPotRho/botPotRho_%04d.png -b:v 32000k -r 30 ./movies/botPotRho.mp4
+   running ffmpeg -y -r 30 -i ./plots/botSalinity/botSalinity_%04d.png -b:v 32000k -r 30 ./movies/botSalinity.mp4
+   running ffmpeg -y -r 30 -i ./plots/botTemp/botTemp_%04d.png -b:v 32000k -r 30 ./movies/botTemp.mp4
+   running ffmpeg -y -r 30 -i ./plots/bsf/bsf_%04d.png -b:v 32000k -r 30 ./movies/bsf.mp4
+   running ffmpeg -y -r 30 -i ./plots/frictionVelocity/frictionVelocity_%04d.png -b:v 32000k -r 30 ./movies/frictionVelocity.mp4
+   running ffmpeg -y -r 30 -i ./plots/halineDriving/halineDriving_%04d.png -b:v 32000k -r 30 ./movies/halineDriving.mp4
+   running ffmpeg -y -r 30 -i ./plots/iceHeatFlux/iceHeatFlux_%04d.png -b:v 32000k -r 30 ./movies/iceHeatFlux.mp4
+   running ffmpeg -y -r 30 -i ./plots/meltRate/meltRate_%04d.png -b:v 32000k -r 30 ./movies/meltRate.mp4
+   running ffmpeg -y -r 30 -i ./plots/oceanHeatFlux/oceanHeatFlux_%04d.png -b:v 32000k -r 30 ./movies/oceanHeatFlux.mp4
+   running ffmpeg -y -r 30 -i ./plots/osf/osf_%04d.png -b:v 32000k -r 30 ./movies/osf.mp4
+   running ffmpeg -y -r 30 -i ./plots/sectionPotRho/sectionPotRho_%04d.png -b:v 32000k -r 30 ./movies/sectionPotRho.mp4
+   running ffmpeg -y -r 30 -i ./plots/sectionSalinity/sectionSalinity_%04d.png -b:v 32000k -r 30 ./movies/sectionSalinity.mp4
+   running ffmpeg -y -r 30 -i ./plots/sectionTemp/sectionTemp_%04d.png -b:v 32000k -r 30 ./movies/sectionTemp.mp4
+   running ffmpeg -y -r 30 -i ./plots/thermalDriving/thermalDriving_%04d.png -b:v 32000k -r 30 ./movies/thermalDriving.mp4
+   running ffmpeg -y -r 30 -i ./plots/topPotRho/topPotRho_%04d.png -b:v 32000k -r 30 ./movies/topPotRho.mp4
+   running ffmpeg -y -r 30 -i ./plots/topSalinity/topSalinity_%04d.png -b:v 32000k -r 30 ./movies/topSalinity.mp4
+   running ffmpeg -y -r 30 -i ./plots/topTemp/topTemp_%04d.png -b:v 32000k -r 30 ./movies/topTemp.mp4
+The more interesting results should be a series of movies in ``movies`` and 4 time series plots in ``plots``
+(mean melt rate, total melt flux, mean thermal driving and mean friction velocity) and the same plots in
+``timeSeriesBelow300m``\ , but this time averaged only over the deepest part of the ice shelf (where much of the action is).
+You'll likely need to scp or rsync them to your laptop to view them.  Let me know if it's not clear what these are.
+8.2 Doing your own viz
+A starting point for doing your own viz is to make a local copy of ``__main__.py`` to edit:
+.. code-block:: bash
+   cp viz/__main__.py myviz.py
+   vim myviz.py
+You could, for example, take out the slow streamfunction stuff if you don't need that (it was added because I required it
+as standard output in MISOMIP).
+The script imports the following
+.. code-block:: py
+   from viz.streamfunction import compute_barotropic_streamfunction, \
+       compute_overturning_streamfunction
+These are functions for computing the stream functions and writing them to NetCDF files.
+.. code-block:: py
+   from viz.plot import MoviePlotter, TimeSeriesPlotter
+These can be used to create "plotter" object that can then produce either time-series plots or a series of image for making movies.
+.. code-block:: py
+   from viz.misomip import compute_misomip_interp_coeffs, interp_misomip
+These are used to write out MISOMIP standard output on a regular grid.
+You can look at ``streamfunction.py``\ , ``plot.py`` and ``misomip.py`` to learn a bit more about what these do.  There's a bit
+of commenting, particularly for the "public" functions that don't start with an underscore.
+Maybe simplify it down to eliminate the streamfunction and MISOMIP stuff, and don't worry about the plots averaged over
+the deeper part of the ice draft (none of this is probably all that relevant to you):
+.. code-block:: py
+   #!/usr/bin/env python
+   import xarray
+   import argparse
+   from viz.plot import MoviePlotter, TimeSeriesPlotter
+   def main():
+       parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+           description=__doc__, formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter)
+       parser.add_argument("-f", "--folder", dest="folder",
+                           help="Folder for plots", default='.')
+       parser.add_argument("-e", "--expt", dest="expt",
+                           help="Experiment number (0, 1 or 2)", default=0)
+       args = parser.parse_args()
+       folder = args.folder
+       expt = args.expt
+       dsMesh = xarray.open_dataset('{}/init.nc'.format(folder))
+       ds = xarray.open_mfdataset('{}/timeSeriesStatsMonthly*.nc'.format(folder),
+                                  concat_dim='Time')
+       tsPlotter = TimeSeriesPlotter(inFolder=folder,
+                                     outFolder='{}/plots'.format(folder),
+                                     expt=expt)
+       tsPlotter.plot_melt_time_series()
+       mPlotter = MoviePlotter(inFolder=folder,
+                              outFolder='{}/plots'.format(folder),
+                              expt=expt)
+       mPlotter.plot_melt_rates()
+       mPlotter.plot_ice_shelf_boundary_variables()
+       mPlotter.plot_temperature()
+       mPlotter.plot_salinity()
+       mPlotter.plot_potential_density()
+       mPlotter.images_to_movies(outFolder='{}/movies'.format(folder),
+                                 framesPerSecond=30, extension='mp4')
+   if __name__ == '__main__':
+       main()
+I've set things up to plot some of the more common fields by default.  The following plot either time series or
+movies of some common fields related to the ice-ocean interface -- melt rates, thermal driving, friction velocity,
+.. code-block:: py
+       tsPlotter.plot_melt_time_series()
+       ...
+       mPlotter.plot_melt_rates()
+       mPlotter.plot_ice_shelf_boundary_variables()
+These functions plot 3D fields at the top of the ocean (either the ice draft or the sea surace), the sea floor
+and in a transect through the middle of the domain:
+.. code-block:: py
+       mPlotter.plot_temperature()
+       mPlotter.plot_salinity()
+       mPlotter.plot_potential_density()
+You could also add your own custom fields as long as they're available in the ``timeSeriesStatsMonthly*.nc`` files.
+Here are a couple of examples:
+.. code-block::
+       # plot a time series of SST
+       areaCell = tsPlotter.dsMesh.areaCell
+       temperature = tsPlotter.ds.timeMonthly_avg_activeTracers_temperature
+       sst = temperature.isel(nVertLevels=0)
+       meanSST = (sst*areaCell).sum(dim='nCells')/areaCell.sum(dim='nCells')
+       tsPlotter.plot_time_series(meanSST, 'mean sea-surface temperature',
+                                  prefix='meanSST', units='deg C')
+   ...
+       # plot the x and y components of velocity at top, bottom and transect
+       da = mPlotter.ds.timeMonthly_avg_velocityX
+       mPlotter.plot_3d_field_top_bot_section(
+           da, nameInTitle='x velocity', prefix='Vx', units='m/s',
+           vmin=-0.2, vmax=0.2)
+       da = mPlotter.ds.timeMonthly_avg_velocityY
+       mPlotter.plot_3d_field_top_bot_section(
+           da, nameInTitle='y velocity', prefix='Vy', units='m/s',
+           vmin=-0.2, vmax=0.2)
+Make sure any new plots with the movie plotter happen before movies are made (\ ``mPlotter.images_to_movies()``\ )
+so they get included in the movies.
+The data sets (\ ``ds``\ ) and data arrays (\ ``da``\ ) come from ``xarray``\ , which is a really handy package for working with
+NetCDF-style files in memory in python.  It's a lot smarter about named dimensions than ``numpy`` and a lot more easy
+to manipulate than default python ``NetCDF4`` data sets.  But there's a bit of a learning curve involving a lot of Googling
+the documentation and StackOverflow.
+Hopefully that's a start...
diff --git a/docs/compass/regression_suite.rst b/docs/compass/regression_suite.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..78421e6012
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/compass/regression_suite.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+.. _compass_regression_suite:
+A ``regression_suite`` file is used to define a regression suite, which
+involves a set of tests that should be run. This file contains information
+describing a set of tests that should be setup and run as part of a regression
+test suite.
+Below, you will see text describing the various XML tags available in a
+``regression_suite`` file. Each will describe the tag itself, any attributes the
+tag can have, and what children can be placed below the tag.
+``<regression_suite>`` - This is the overarching parent tag in a ``regression_suite``
+file. It defines the suite that will be setup
+    - Attributes:
+        * ``name``: This attribute defines the name of the regression suite. A
+          script will be generated named ``<name>.py`` that will run the entire
+          regression suite in the location the regression suite is setup (i.e.
+          ``work_dir``)
+    - Children:
+        * ``<test>``
+``<test>`` - This tag defines a test that will be included as part of the
+regression suite.
+    - Attributes:
+        * ``name``: This attribute defines the name of the test as part of this
+          regression suite. NOTE: This name is only used in this
+          regression suite, so multiple suites can name the same test in
+          different ways.
+        * ``core``: This attribute defines the core that would be passed to
+          ``setup_testcases.py`` to setup this test.
+        * configuration: This attribute defines the configuration that would be passed to
+          ``setup_testcases.py`` to setup this test.
+        * resolution: This attribute defines the resolution that would be passed to
+          ``setup_testcases.py`` to setup this test.
+    - Children:
+        * ``<script>``
+``<script>`` - This tag defines a script that will be run to perform the
+specified test.
+    - Attributes:
+        * ``name``: This attribute defines the name of the script that will be run
+          to perform the specified test. Typically this is a driver script.
diff --git a/docs/compass/run_config.rst b/docs/compass/run_config.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d244769124
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/compass/run_config.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+.. _compass_run_config:
+A ``run_config`` file is used to define an environment to run the model in.
+This file will describe the steps that convert a line of ``<model_run>``
+from a run_script (defined in a config file) into an execution of the model.
+Below is a description of the XML tags available within a run_config file:
+``<run_config>`` - The parent tag of a run_config file. This is used to define a
+run_config definition.
+    - Children:
+        * ``<define_env_var>``
+        * ``<step>``
+``<define_env_var>`` - This tag is used to specify the definition of an environment
+variable. For example, OMP_NUM_THREADS.
+    - Attributes:
+        * ``name``: This attribute defines the name of the environment variable
+          that will be set.
+        * ``value``: This attribute defines the value that will be given to the
+          environment variable. This attribute can take the value
+          ``attr_{name}`` to use the value of the attribute in the
+          ``<model_run>`` tag that is generating the model run, rather than
+          having it's value hard coded.
+``<step>`` - This tag defines a step in a run script
+    - Attributes:
+        * ``executable``: The base executable for this step of the run script.
+          e.g. ``mpirun``
+        * ``executable_name``: The name of the executable that has been defined in
+          the configuration file to be used for this step of the run script.
+    - Children:
+        * ``<argument>``
+``<argument>`` - This tag defines arguments for the executable in a specific step of
+a run script.
+    - Attributes:
+        * flag: A flag that will come before the argument. e.g. ``-n``
+    - Text:
+        * The text between the ``<argument>`` and ``</argument>`` tags will be used as
+          the argument after the flag. In the example ``mpirun -np 4`` the flag
+          would be ``-np``, and the text would be ``4``.
+          Additionally, the text of this tag can take the following keyword values:
+            - ``model``: Use the model executable in place of an actual argument
+            - ``attr_{name}``: Use the attribute of the ``<model_run>`` tag that
+              generates a model run named ``{name}`` for the value.
+As an example, suppose a case for the test core had the following ``<model_run>``
+  <model_run procs="1" threads="1" namelist="namelist.test" streams="streams.test"/>
+And you wanted this to produce a set of lines that looked like::
+    export OMP_NUM_THREADS=1
+    mpirun -n 1 ./test_model -n namelist.test -s streams.test
+A ``<run_config>`` file would look as follows for this::
+    <run_config>
+        <define_env_var name="OMP_NUM_THREADS" value="attr_threads"/>
+        <step executable="mpirun">
+            <argument flag="-n">attr_procs</argument>
+            <argument flag="">model</argument>
+            <argument flag="-n">attr_namelist</argument>
+            <argument flag="-s">attr_streams</argument>
+        </step>
+    </run_config>
diff --git a/docs/compass/scripts.rst b/docs/compass/scripts.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c5f00516db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/compass/scripts.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+.. _compass_scripts:
+.. toctree::
+   :titlesonly:
+   list_testcases
+   setup_testcase
+   clean_testcase
+   manage_regression_suite
diff --git a/docs/compass/setup_testcase.rst b/docs/compass/setup_testcase.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0978f4091c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/compass/setup_testcase.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+.. _compass_setup_testcase:
+This script is used to setup individual test cases. Available test cases
+can be see using the :ref:`compass_list_testcases` script.
+Specifically, this script parses XML files that define cases (steps in test
+cases) and driver scripts, and generates directories and scripts to run each
+step in the process of creating a test case.
+This script requires a setup configuration file. Configuration files are
+specific to each core. Template configuration files for each core can be seen
+in this directory named ``general.config.{core}`` (see :ref:`compass_config`).
+Each core may have different requirements as far as what is required within a
+configuration file.
+Command-line options::
+    $ ./setup_testcase.py -h
+    usage: setup_testcase.py [-h] [-o CORE] [-c CONFIG] [-r RES] [-t TEST]
+                             [-n NUM] [-f FILE] [-m FILE] [-b PATH] [-q]
+                             [--no_download] [--work_dir PATH]
+    This script is used to setup individual test cases. Available test cases
+    can be see using the list_testcases.py script.
+    Specifically, this script parses XML files that define cases (steps in test
+    cases) and driver scripts, and generates directories and scripts to run each
+    step in the process of creating a test case.
+    This script requires a setup configuration file. Configuration files are
+    specific to each core. Template configuration files for each core can be seen
+    in this directory named 'general.config.{core}'. Each core may have different
+    requirements as far as what is required within a configuration file.
+    optional arguments:
+      -h, --help            show this help message and exit
+      -o CORE, --core CORE  Core that contains configurations
+      -c CONFIG, --configuration CONFIG
+                            Configuration to setup
+      -r RES, --resolution RES
+                            Resolution of configuration to setup
+      -t TEST, --test TEST  Test name within a resolution to setup
+      -n NUM, --case_number NUM
+                            Case number to setup, as listed from list_testcases.py. Can be a comma delimited list of case numbers.
+      -f FILE, --config_file FILE
+                            Configuration file for test case setup
+      -m FILE, --model_runtime FILE
+                            Definition of how to build model run commands on this machine
+      -b PATH, --baseline_dir PATH
+                            Location of baseslines that can be compared to
+      -q, --quiet           If set, script will not write a command_history file
+      --no_download         If set, script will not auto-download base_mesh files
+      --work_dir PATH       If set, script will create case directories in work_dir rather than the current directory.
diff --git a/docs/compass/template.rst b/docs/compass/template.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8696e04b14
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/compass/template.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+.. _compass_template:
+This document describes the format of a template file, which is used to define
+a set of namelist and streams configurations that will be used multiple times.
+A template file contains information describing how to configure a namelist
+and/or a streams file in a standard way. A template file can be applied to
+multiple cases, and allows config files for cases to be shorter since the
+options are defined within the template instead of in the config file.
+Below, you will see text describing the various XML tags available in a template
+file. Each will describe the tag itself, any attributes the tag can have, and
+what children can be placed below the tag.
+``<template>`` - This is the overarching parent tag within a template file. It
+begins a template definition.
+    Children:
+        * ``<namelist>``
+        * ``<streams>``
+``<namelist>`` - This tag defines a set of namelist modifications that will be
+applied if this template is used within a config file's ``<namelist>`` tag.
+    - Children:
+        * ``<option>``
+        * ``<template>`` (child template)
+``<option>`` - This tag defines an option that should be modified in the namelist file.
+    - Attributes:
+        * ``name``: The name of the option that should be modified
+    - Text:
+        * The text within ``<option>`` and ``</option>`` tags will be used to set the
+          value of the namelist option.
+``<streams>`` - This tag defines a set of streams modifications that will be
+applied if this template is used within a config file's ``<streams>`` tag.
+    - Children:
+        * ``<stream>``
+``<stream>`` - This tag defines a stream that should be modified / created in the
+streams file.
+    - Children:
+        * ``<attribute>``
+        * ``<add_contents>``
+        * ``<remove_contents>``
+``<attribute>`` - This tag defines an attribute that should be created / modified
+in a stream definition.
+    - Attributes:
+        * ``name``: The name of the stream attribute to modify / define
+    - Text:
+        * The text in between the ``<attribute>`` and ``</attribute>`` tags will be
+          used to set the value of the attribute.
+``<add_contents>`` - This tag defines a list of members to add to a stream definition
+    - Children:
+        * ``<member>``
+``<remove_contents>`` - This tag defines a list of members to remove from a stream definition
+    - Children:
+        * ``<member>``
+``<member>`` - This tag defines a member that should be added or removed from a stream definition.
+    - Attributes:
+        * ``name``: The name of the member that will be defined. If this is in an
+          ``<add_contents>`` tag, it will be added to the stream, if it is in a
+          ``<remove_contents>`` tag, it will be removed from the stream.
+        * ``type``: The type of the member to add (This is ignored if it's within a
+          ``<remove_contents>`` tag). Example values are ``var``, ``var_array``,
+          ``var_struct``, and ``stream``.
+``<validation>`` - This tag defines a set of templated validations that can be applied from a template file.
+The validation template tag can only be applied to driver script files.
+    - Children:
+        * ``<compare_fields>``
+        * ``<compare_timers>``
+``<compare_fields>`` - This tag contains a list of fields that should be compared
+if the template is used within a ``<compare_fields>`` tag.
+    - Children:
+        * ``<field>``
+        * ``<template>``
+``<field>`` - This tag defines a specific field that should be compared if this
+template is used within a ``<compare_fields>`` tag. See
+:ref:`compass_driver_script` for configuration information.
+``<compare_timers>`` - This tag contains a list of timers that should be compared
+if the template is used within a ``<compare_timers>`` tag.
+    - Children:
+        * ``<timer>``
+        * ``<template>``
+``<template>`` (child template) - This tag allows another template to be applied
+from within a template file. WARNING: A template can include any other template
+(including it self) so it is possible to create an infinite loop of template
+    - Attributes:
+        * ``file``: The file that contains the template that should be expanded
+          here. When used within a ``<namelist>`` tag, the namelist portion of
+          the template will be applied. When used within a ``<stream>`` tag,
+          the streams portion of the template will be applied. Additionally,
+          ``<template>`` tags can be used within ``<compare_fields>`` and
+          ``<compare_timers>`` tags to define template fields and timers to
+          compare.
+        * ``path_base``: The base that the path attribute should be used relative
+          to. Can be a pre-defined paths (see :ref:`compass_config` for more
+          information)
+        * ``path``: The path that the file lives in, relative to ``path_base``.
diff --git a/docs/conf.py b/docs/conf.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5d13fca7dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/conf.py
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# MPAS-Model documentation build configuration file, created by
+# sphinx-quickstart on Sat Mar 25 14:39:11 2017.
+# This file is execfile()d with the current directory set to its
+# containing dir.
+# Note that not all possible configuration values are present in this
+# autogenerated file.
+# All configuration values have a default; values that are commented out
+# serve to show the default.
+import os
+# -- General configuration ------------------------------------------------
+# If your documentation needs a minimal Sphinx version, state it here.
+# needs_sphinx = '1.0'
+# Add any Sphinx extension module names here, as strings. They can be
+# extensions coming with Sphinx (named 'sphinx.ext.*') or your custom
+# ones.
+extensions = ['sphinx.ext.autodoc',
+              'sphinx.ext.autosummary',
+              'sphinx.ext.intersphinx',
+              'sphinx.ext.mathjax',
+              'sphinx.ext.viewcode',
+              'sphinx.ext.napoleon']
+autosummary_generate = True
+# Otherwise, the Return parameter list looks different from the Parameters list
+napoleon_use_rtype = False
+# Otherwise, the Attributes parameter list looks different from the Parameters
+# list
+napoleon_use_ivar = True
+# Add any paths that contain templates here, relative to this directory.
+templates_path = ['_templates']
+# The suffix(es) of source filenames.
+# You can specify multiple suffix as a list of string:
+source_suffix = ['.rst']
+# source_suffix = '.rst'
+# The master toctree document.
+master_doc = 'index'
+# General information about the project.
+project = u'MPAS-Model'
+copyright = u'Copyright (c) 2013-2020,  Los Alamos National Security, LLC (LANS) (Ocean: LA-CC-13-047;' \
+            u'Land Ice: LA-CC-13-117) and the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR).'
+author = u'Xylar Asay-Davis, Doug Jacobsen, Michael Duda, Mark Petersen, ' \
+         u'Matt Hoffman, Adridan Turner, Philip Wolfram'
+# The version info for the project you're documenting, acts as replacement for
+# |version| and |release|, also used in various other places throughout the
+# built documents.
+if 'DOCS_VERSION' in os.environ:
+    version = os.environ.get('DOCS_VERSION')
+    release = version
+    # The short X.Y.Z version.
+    version = '7.0'
+    # The full version, including alpha/beta/rc tags.
+    release = '7.0'
+# The language for content autogenerated by Sphinx. Refer to documentation
+# for a list of supported languages.
+# This is also used if you do content translation via gettext catalogs.
+# Usually you set "language" from the command line for these cases.
+language = None
+# List of patterns, relative to source directory, that match files and
+# directories to ignore when looking for source files.
+# This patterns also effect to html_static_path and html_extra_path
+exclude_patterns = ['_build', 'Thumbs.db', '.DS_Store',
+                    'design_docs/template.md']
+# The name of the Pygments (syntax highlighting) style to use.
+pygments_style = 'sphinx'
+# If true, `todo` and `todoList` produce output, else they produce nothing.
+todo_include_todos = False
+# -- Options for HTML output ----------------------------------------------
+# The theme to use for HTML and HTML Help pages.  See the documentation for
+# a list of builtin themes.
+# on_rtd is whether we are on readthedocs.org, this line of code grabbed from
+# docs.readthedocs.org
+on_rtd = os.environ.get('READTHEDOCS', None) == 'True'
+if not on_rtd:  # only import and set the theme if we're building docs locally
+    import sphinx_rtd_theme
+    html_theme = 'sphinx_rtd_theme'
+    html_theme_path = [sphinx_rtd_theme.get_html_theme_path()]
+# Theme options are theme-specific and customize the look and feel of a theme
+# further.  For a list of options available for each theme, see the
+# documentation.
+# html_theme_options = {}
+# Add any paths that contain custom static files (such as style sheets) here,
+# relative to this directory. They are copied after the builtin static files,
+# so a file named "default.css" will overwrite the builtin "default.css".
+html_static_path = ['_static']
+# -- Options for HTMLHelp output ------------------------------------------
+# Output file base name for HTML help builder.
+htmlhelp_basename = 'mpas_model_doc'
+# -- Options for LaTeX output ---------------------------------------------
+latex_elements = {
+    # The paper size ('letterpaper' or 'a4paper').
+    #
+    # 'papersize': 'letterpaper',
+    # The font size ('10pt', '11pt' or '12pt').
+    #
+    # 'pointsize': '10pt',
+    # Additional stuff for the LaTeX preamble.
+    #
+    # 'preamble': '',
+    # Latex figure (float) alignment
+    #
+    # 'figure_align': 'htbp',
+# Grouping the document tree into LaTeX files. List of tuples
+# (source start file, target name, title,
+#  author, documentclass [howto, manual, or own class]).
+latex_documents = [
+    (master_doc, 'mpas_model.tex', u'MPAS-Model Documentation',
+     author, 'manual'),
+# -- Options for manual page output ---------------------------------------
+# One entry per manual page. List of tuples
+# (source start file, name, description, authors, manual section).
+man_pages = [
+    (master_doc, 'mpas_model', u'MPAS-Model Documentation',
+     [author], 1)
+# -- Options for Texinfo output -------------------------------------------
+# Grouping the document tree into Texinfo files. List of tuples
+# (source start file, target name, title, author,
+#  dir menu entry, description, category)
+texinfo_documents = [
+    (master_doc, 'mpas_model', u'MPAS-Model Documentation',
+     author, 'MPAS-Model', 'One line description of project.',
+     'Miscellaneous'),
+# Example configuration for intersphinx: refer to the Python standard library.
+intersphinx_mapping = {
+    'python': ('https://docs.python.org/', None),
+    'numpy': ('http://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy/', None),
+    'xarray': ('http://xarray.pydata.org/en/stable/', None)}
+github_doc_root = 'https://github.com/rtfd/recommonmark/tree/master/doc/'
diff --git a/docs/index.rst b/docs/index.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..94dcfca054
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/index.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+The Model for Prediction Across Scales (MPAS) is a collaborative project for
+developing atmosphere, ocean, and other earth-system simulation components for
+use in climate, regional climate, and weather studies. The primary development
+partners are the climate modeling group at Los Alamos National Laboratory
+(COSIM) and the National Center for Atmospheric Research. Both primary
+partners are responsible for the MPAS framework, operators, and tools common to
+the applications; LANL has primary responsibility for the ocean, sea-ice and
+land-ice models, and NCAR has primary responsibility for the atmospheric model.
+The MPAS framework facilitates the rapid development and prototyping of models
+by providing infrastructure typically required by model developers, including
+high-level data types, communication routines, and I/O routines. By using MPAS,
+developers can leverage pre-existing code and focus more on development of
+.. toctree::
+   :titlesonly:
+   compass/index
+   ocean/index
diff --git a/docs/ocean/design_docs/index.rst b/docs/ocean/design_docs/index.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3f845b901f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/ocean/design_docs/index.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Design Docs
+Design document describing new capabilities added to MPAS-Ocean.
+.. toctree::
+   :titlesonly:
+   time-varying-wind
diff --git a/docs/ocean/index.rst b/docs/ocean/index.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d5f9bf70ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/ocean/index.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+.. toctree::
+   :titlesonly:
+   design_docs/index
diff --git a/src/CMakeLists.txt b/src/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..41375a53d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+# This is the interface between E3SM's new CMake-based build system and MPAS.
+# The following CMake variables are expected to be defined:
+#  * CORES : A list of CORES to build, comma-separated (e.g. "ocean,seaice,landice")
+#  * Whatever CIME settings are setting to correctly resolve the ${CASEROOT}/Macros.cmake file
+# Source CIME-generated Macros
+# Load machine/compiler specific settings
+  if (EXISTS ${ITEM})
+    include(${ITEM})
+  endif()
+# General setup
+  set(ESMFDIR "esmf")
+  set(ESMFDIR "noesmf")
+# Set up CPPDEFS
+  separate_arguments(CPPDEFS UNIX_COMMAND "${CPPDEFS}")
+if (DEBUG)
+if (compile_threaded)
+    list(APPEND INCLUDES ${NETCDF_C_PATH}/include)
+  endif()
+  endif()
+  include(${INSTALL_SHAREDPATH}/kokkos_generated_settings.cmake)
+set(CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS "${FFLAGS}")
+# Include custom cmake libraries used for mpas
+# Add tools
+# Gather sources that are needed for all cores into "common" library
+set(COMMON_RAW_SOURCES external/ezxml/ezxml.c)
+add_library(common OBJECT)
+target_compile_definitions(common PRIVATE ${CPPDEFS})
+target_include_directories(common PRIVATE ${INCLUDES})
+genf90_targets("${COMMON_RAW_SOURCES}" "${INCLUDES}" "${CPPDEFS}" "" "")
+target_sources(common PRIVATE ${SOURCES})
+# Build cores!
+  build_core(${CORE})
diff --git a/src/Makefile.in.E3SM b/src/Makefile.in.E3SM
index 1988564a83..dabf51adac 100644
--- a/src/Makefile.in.E3SM
+++ b/src/Makefile.in.E3SM
@@ -14,6 +14,10 @@ endif
 # End duplicated logic
 include $(CASEROOT)/Macros.make
+# Load machine/compiler specific settings
+-include $(CASEROOT)/Depends.$(COMPILER)
+-include $(CASEROOT)/Depends.$(MACH)
+-include $(CASEROOT)/Depends.$(MACH).$(COMPILER)
 ifneq ($(wildcard core_$(CORE)/build_options.mk), ) # Check for build_options.mk
     include core_$(CORE)/build_options.mk
@@ -46,9 +50,9 @@ NETCDF=$(NETCDF_PATH)
 LIBS += -L$(PIO) -L$(PNETCDF)/lib -L$(NETCDF)/lib -L$(LIBROOT) -L$(INSTALL_SHAREDPATH)/lib -lpio -lpnetcdf -lnetcdf
diff --git a/src/build_core.cmake b/src/build_core.cmake
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c2c36464cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/build_core.cmake
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+function(build_core CORE)
+  set(EXE_NAME ${CORE}_model)
+  # Map the ESM component corresponding to each MPAS core
+  if (CORE STREQUAL "ocean")
+    set(COMPONENT "ocn")
+  elseif(CORE STREQUAL "landice")
+    set(COMPONENT "glc")
+  elseif(CORE STREQUAL "seaice")
+    set(COMPONENT "ice")
+  else()
+    message(FATAL_ERROR "Unrecognized core: ${CORE}")
+  endif()
+  # Gather sources
+  endif()
+  set(CORE_INPUT_DIR ${CORE_BLDDIR}/default_inputs)
+  endif()
+  include(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/core_${CORE}/${CORE}.cmake)
+  add_library(${COMPONENT})
+  target_compile_definitions(${COMPONENT} PRIVATE ${CPPDEFS})
+  target_include_directories(${COMPONENT} PRIVATE ${INCLUDES})
+  # Make .inc files
+  add_custom_command (
+    OUTPUT ${CORE_BLDDIR}/Registry_processed.xml
+    COMMAND cpp -P -traditional ${CPPDEFS} -Uvector
+    ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/core_${CORE}/Registry.xml > Registry_processed.xml
+    DEPENDS ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/core_${CORE}/Registry.xml
+    )
+  set(INC_DIR ${CORE_BLDDIR}/inc)
+  endif()
+  add_custom_command(
+    OUTPUT ${INC_DIR}/core_variables.inc
+    COMMAND ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/mpas-source/src/tools/parse < ${CORE_BLDDIR}/Registry_processed.xml
+    DEPENDS parse ${CORE_BLDDIR}/Registry_processed.xml
+  )
+  # Disable qsmp for some files
+  if (FFLAGS MATCHES ".*-qsmp.*")
+      get_filename_component(SOURCE_EXT ${DISABLE_QSMP_FILE} EXT)
+      string(REPLACE "${SOURCE_EXT}" ".f90" SOURCE_F90 ${DISABLE_QSMP_FILE})
+    endforeach()
+  endif()
+  genf90_targets("${RAW_SOURCES}" "${INCLUDES}" "${CPPDEFS}" "${NO_PREPROCESS}" "${INC_DIR}")
+  target_sources(${COMPONENT} PRIVATE ${SOURCES} $<TARGET_OBJECTS:common>)
diff --git a/src/cmake_utils.cmake b/src/cmake_utils.cmake
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c3a25f238d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/cmake_utils.cmake
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+# Function for handling nl and st gen
+    separate_arguments(ITEMS UNIX_COMMAND "${NL_GEN_ARG}")
+    list(GET ITEMS 0 ITEM)
+    list(APPEND INPUTS ${ITEM})
+    add_custom_command(
+      COMMAND ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/tools/namelist_gen ${CORE_BLDDIR_ARG}/Registry_processed.xml ${NL_GEN_ARG}
+      DEPENDS namelist_gen ${CORE_BLDDIR_ARG}/Registry_processed.xml
+    )
+  endforeach()
+    separate_arguments(ITEMS UNIX_COMMAND "${ST_GEN_ARG}")
+    list(GET ITEMS 0 ITEM)
+    list(APPEND INPUTS ${ITEM})
+    add_custom_command(
+      COMMAND ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/tools/streams_gen ${CORE_BLDDIR_ARG}/Registry_processed.xml ${ST_GEN_ARG}
+      DEPENDS streams_gen ${CORE_BLDDIR_ARG}/Registry_processed.xml
+    )
+  endforeach()
+    add_custom_command(
+    )
+  endforeach()
+# Function for generating f90 file targets, will add to parent's SOURCES var
+  # Add -I to includes so that they can used for cpp command
+    list(APPEND INCLUDES_I "-I${ITEM}")
+  endforeach()
+  # Run all .F files through cpp to generate the f90 file
+    get_filename_component(SOURCE_EXT ${RAW_SOURCE_FILE} EXT)
+      string(REPLACE "${SOURCE_EXT}" ".f90" SOURCE_F90 ${RAW_SOURCE_FILE})
+      get_filename_component(DIR_RELATIVE ${SOURCE_F90} DIRECTORY)
+      endif()
+      if (CORE_INC_DIR_ARG)
+        add_custom_command (
+          COMMAND cpp -P -traditional ${CPPDEFS_ARG} ${INCLUDES_I} -Uvector
+      else()
+        add_custom_command (
+          COMMAND cpp -P -traditional ${CPPDEFS_ARG} ${INCLUDES_I} -Uvector
+      endif()
+    else()
+    endif()
+  endforeach()
diff --git a/src/core_atmosphere/diagnostics/soundings.F b/src/core_atmosphere/diagnostics/soundings.F
index 166921eb59..a287f0f4b8 100644
--- a/src/core_atmosphere/diagnostics/soundings.F
+++ b/src/core_atmosphere/diagnostics/soundings.F
@@ -54,8 +54,8 @@ subroutine soundings_setup(configs, all_pools, simulation_clock, dminfo)
         use mpas_pool_routines, only : mpas_pool_get_subpool, mpas_pool_get_dimension, mpas_pool_get_array, mpas_pool_get_config, &
                                        mpas_pool_get_error_level, mpas_pool_set_error_level
         use mpas_io_units, only :  mpas_new_unit, mpas_release_unit
-        use mpas_timekeeping, only : MPAS_timeInterval_type, MPAS_time_type, MPAS_set_timeInterval, &
-                                     MPAS_get_clock_time, MPAS_add_clock_alarm, MPAS_NOW
+        use mpas_derived_types, only : MPAS_Time_type, MPAS_TimeInterval_type, MPAS_NOW
+        use mpas_timekeeping, only : MPAS_set_timeInterval, MPAS_get_clock_time, MPAS_add_clock_alarm
         use mpas_dmpar, only : IO_NODE, mpas_dmpar_bcast_int, mpas_dmpar_bcast_logical, mpas_dmpar_bcast_char
         implicit none
@@ -229,8 +229,8 @@ subroutine soundings_compute()
         use mpas_derived_types, only : MPAS_pool_type
         use mpas_pool_routines, only : MPAS_pool_get_dimension, MPAS_pool_get_array
-        use mpas_timekeeping, only : MPAS_time_type, MPAS_is_alarm_ringing, MPAS_reset_clock_alarm, MPAS_get_clock_time, &
-                                     MPAS_get_time, MPAS_NOW
+        use mpas_derived_types, only : MPAS_Time_type, MPAS_NOW
+        use mpas_timekeeping, only : MPAS_is_alarm_ringing, MPAS_reset_clock_alarm, MPAS_get_clock_time, MPAS_get_time
         use mpas_constants, only : rvord
         implicit none
diff --git a/src/core_atmosphere/dynamics/mpas_atm_time_integration.F b/src/core_atmosphere/dynamics/mpas_atm_time_integration.F
index e286ee0f8f..0c6a8d7594 100644
--- a/src/core_atmosphere/dynamics/mpas_atm_time_integration.F
+++ b/src/core_atmosphere/dynamics/mpas_atm_time_integration.F
@@ -15,8 +15,8 @@ module atm_time_integration
    use mpas_dmpar
    use mpas_vector_reconstruction
    ! Added only clause to keep xlf90 from getting confused from the overloaded abs intrinsic in mpas_timekeeping
-   use mpas_timekeeping, only: MPAS_Time_type, MPAS_TimeInterval_type, &
-                               mpas_set_time, mpas_set_timeInterval, mpas_get_time, operator(+), add_t_ti
+   use mpas_derived_types, only : MPAS_Time_type, MPAS_TimeInterval_type, MPAS_NOW
+   use mpas_timekeeping, only: mpas_set_time, mpas_set_timeInterval, mpas_get_time, operator(+)
    use mpas_timer
 #ifdef DO_PHYSICS
diff --git a/src/core_atmosphere/mpas_atm_core.F b/src/core_atmosphere/mpas_atm_core.F
index 84754e94f4..b5a4639da9 100644
--- a/src/core_atmosphere/mpas_atm_core.F
+++ b/src/core_atmosphere/mpas_atm_core.F
@@ -36,7 +36,6 @@ function atm_core_init(domain, startTimeStamp) result(ierr)
       real (kind=RKIND), pointer :: dt
       type (block_type), pointer :: block
-      integer :: i
       logical, pointer :: config_do_restart
       type (mpas_pool_type), pointer :: state
@@ -104,6 +103,7 @@ function atm_core_init(domain, startTimeStamp) result(ierr)
       call MPAS_stream_mgr_reset_alarms(domain % streamManager, streamID='static', direction=MPAS_STREAM_INPUT, ierr=ierr)
       call MPAS_stream_mgr_reset_alarms(domain % streamManager, streamID='input', direction=MPAS_STREAM_INPUT, ierr=ierr)
       call MPAS_stream_mgr_reset_alarms(domain % streamManager, streamID='restart', direction=MPAS_STREAM_INPUT, ierr=ierr)
       ! Read all other inputs
       ! For now we don't do this here to match results with previous code; to match requires 
@@ -203,8 +203,8 @@ subroutine atm_simulation_clock_init(core_clock, configs, ierr)
       type (mpas_pool_type), intent(inout) :: configs
       integer, intent(out) :: ierr
-      type (MPAS_Time_Type) :: startTime, stopTime, alarmStartTime
-      type (MPAS_TimeInterval_type) :: runDuration, timeStep, alarmTimeStep
+      type (MPAS_Time_Type) :: startTime, stopTime
+      type (MPAS_TimeInterval_type) :: runDuration, timeStep
       integer :: local_err
       real (kind=RKIND), pointer :: config_dt
       character (len=StrKIND), pointer :: config_start_time
@@ -506,9 +506,6 @@ function atm_core_run(domain) result(ierr)
       type (mpas_pool_type), pointer :: state, diag, mesh, diag_physics, tend, tend_physics
-      ! For high-frequency diagnostics output
-      character (len=StrKIND) :: tempfilename
       ! For timing information
       real (kind=R8KIND) :: integ_start_time, integ_stop_time
       real (kind=R8KIND) :: diag_start_time, diag_stop_time
@@ -724,9 +721,8 @@ function atm_core_run(domain) result(ierr)
             block_ptr => domain % blocklist
             do while (associated(block_ptr))
-               call mpas_pool_get_subpool(block_ptr % structs, 'diag', diag)
                call mpas_pool_get_subpool(block_ptr % structs, 'diag_physics', diag_physics)
-               call atm_reset_diagnostics(diag, diag_physics)
+               call atm_reset_diagnostics(diag_physics)
                block_ptr => block_ptr % next
             end do
@@ -804,19 +800,17 @@ subroutine atm_compute_output_diagnostics(state, time_lev, diag, mesh)
    end subroutine atm_compute_output_diagnostics
-   subroutine atm_reset_diagnostics(diag, diag_physics)
+   subroutine atm_reset_diagnostics(diag_physics)
    ! reset some diagnostics after output
-   ! Input: diag          - contains dynamics diagnostic fields
-   !        daig_physics  - contains physics diagnostic fields
+   ! Input: diag_physics  - contains physics diagnostic fields
    ! Output: whatever diagnostics need resetting after output
       implicit none
-      type (mpas_pool_type), intent(inout) :: diag
       type (mpas_pool_type), intent(inout) :: diag_physics
       real (kind=RKIND), dimension(:), pointer :: refl10cm_1km_max
diff --git a/src/core_atmosphere/physics/mpas_atmphys_camrad_init.F b/src/core_atmosphere/physics/mpas_atmphys_camrad_init.F
index 2c661302f0..48cb5a4413 100644
--- a/src/core_atmosphere/physics/mpas_atmphys_camrad_init.F
+++ b/src/core_atmosphere/physics/mpas_atmphys_camrad_init.F
@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ subroutine camradinit(dminfo,mesh,atm_input,diag,diag_physics,state,time_lev)
 ! call mpas_log_write('    end subroutine esinti')
 !initialization of ozone mixing ratios:
- call oznini(dminfo,mesh,atm_input)
+ call oznini(mesh,atm_input)
 ! call mpas_log_write('    end subroutine oznini')
 !initialization of aerosol concentrations:
@@ -736,14 +736,13 @@ subroutine aer_optics_initialize(dminfo)
  end subroutine aer_optics_initialize
- subroutine oznini(dminfo,mesh,atm_input)
+ subroutine oznini(mesh,atm_input)
 !This subroutine assumes a uniform distribution of ozone concentration. It should be replaced
 !with monthly climatology varying ozone distribution.
 !input arguments:
- type(dm_info):: dminfo
  type(mpas_pool_type),intent(in):: mesh
 !inout arguments:
@@ -779,15 +778,10 @@ subroutine oznini(dminfo,mesh,atm_input)
  call mpas_pool_get_array(atm_input,'ozmixm',ozmixm)
 !-- read in ozone pressure data:
- if(dminfo % my_proc_id == IO_NODE) then
-    call mpas_new_unit(read_unit)
-    if(read_unit < 0) &
-       call physics_error_fatal('module_ra_cam: oznini: Cannot find unused '//&
-                                'fortran unit to read in lookup table.')
- end if
-!distribute unit to other processors:
- call mpas_dmpar_bcast_int(dminfo,read_unit)
+ call mpas_new_unit(read_unit)
+ if(read_unit < 0) &
+    call physics_error_fatal('module_ra_cam: oznini: Cannot find unused '//&
+                             'fortran unit to read in lookup table.')
  if(istat /= open_ok) &
@@ -829,9 +823,7 @@ subroutine oznini(dminfo,mesh,atm_input)
- if(dminfo % my_proc_id == IO_NODE) then
-    call mpas_release_unit(read_unit)
- end if
+ call mpas_release_unit(read_unit)
 !call mpas_log_write('max latCell= $r', realArgs=(/maxval(latCell)/degrad/))
diff --git a/src/core_atmosphere/physics/mpas_atmphys_manager.F b/src/core_atmosphere/physics/mpas_atmphys_manager.F
index 2d8301afb6..fe8ee5c27c 100644
--- a/src/core_atmosphere/physics/mpas_atmphys_manager.F
+++ b/src/core_atmosphere/physics/mpas_atmphys_manager.F
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ module mpas_atmphys_manager
  implicit none
- public:: physics_timetracker,physics_run_init,physics_run_finalize
+ public:: physics_timetracker,physics_run_init
  integer, public:: year                 !Current year.
  integer, public:: julday               !Initial Julian day.
@@ -756,141 +756,6 @@ subroutine physics_run_init(configs,mesh,state,clock,stream_manager)
  end subroutine physics_run_init
- subroutine physics_run_finalize(configs,clock,stream_manager)
-!input arguments:
- type(mpas_pool_type),intent(in):: configs
- type(MPAS_Clock_type):: clock
- type (MPAS_streamManager_type), intent(inout) :: stream_manager
-!local pointers:
- character(len=StrKIND),pointer:: config_radt_lw_scheme,         &
-                                  config_radt_sw_scheme
- character(len=StrKIND),pointer:: config_conv_interval,          &
-                                  config_pbl_interval,           &
-                                  config_radtlw_interval,        &
-                                  config_radtsw_interval,        &
-                                  config_bucket_update
- logical,pointer:: config_sst_update
- logical,pointer:: config_microp_re
- character(len=StrKIND) :: stream_interval
- integer:: ierr
-!call mpas_log_write('')
-!call mpas_log_write('--- enter subroutine physics_run_finalize:')
- call mpas_pool_get_config(configs,'config_radt_lw_scheme'   ,config_radt_lw_scheme   )
- call mpas_pool_get_config(configs,'config_radt_sw_scheme'   ,config_radt_sw_scheme   )
- call mpas_pool_get_config(configs,'config_conv_interval'    ,config_conv_interval    )
- call mpas_pool_get_config(configs,'config_pbl_interval'     ,config_pbl_interval     )
- call mpas_pool_get_config(configs,'config_radtlw_interval'  ,config_radtlw_interval  )
- call mpas_pool_get_config(configs,'config_radtsw_interval'  ,config_radtsw_interval  )
- call mpas_pool_get_config(configs,'config_bucket_update'    ,config_bucket_update    )
- call mpas_pool_get_config(configs,'config_sst_update'       ,config_sst_update       )
- call mpas_pool_get_config(configs,'config_microp_re'        ,config_microp_re        )
-!remove alarms for calling the longwave and shortwave radiation schemes, the convection schemes,
-!and the PBL schemes:
- if(trim(config_radtlw_interval) /= "none") then
-    call mpas_remove_clock_alarm(clock,radtlwAlarmID,ierr=ierr)
-    if(ierr /= 0) &
-       call physics_error_fatal('subroutine physics_run_finalize: error removing radtlwAlarmID')
- endif
- if(trim(config_radtsw_interval) /= "none") then
-    call mpas_remove_clock_alarm(clock,radtswAlarmID,ierr=ierr)
-    if(ierr /= 0) &
-       call physics_error_fatal('subroutine physics_run_finalize: error removing alarm radtsw')
- endif
- if(trim(config_conv_interval) /= "none") then
-    call mpas_remove_clock_alarm(clock,convAlarmID,ierr=ierr)
-    if(ierr /= 0) &
-       call physics_error_fatal('subroutine physics_init: error removing convAlarmID')
- endif
- if(trim(config_pbl_interval) /= "none") then
-    call mpas_remove_clock_alarm(clock,pblAlarmID,ierr=ierr)
-    if(ierr /= 0) &
-       call physics_error_fatal('subroutine physics_init: error removing pblAlarmID')
- endif
-!remove alarm for updating the background surface albedo and the greeness fraction:
- call mpas_remove_clock_alarm(clock,greenAlarmID,ierr=ierr)
-    if(ierr /= 0) &
-       call physics_error_fatal('subroutine physics_init: error removing alarm greeness')
-!remove alarm for updating the surface boundary conditions:
- if (config_sst_update) then
-    call mpas_remove_clock_alarm(clock,sfcbdyAlarmID,ierr=ierr)
-    if(ierr /= 0) &
-       call physics_error_fatal('subroutine physics_init: error removing alarm sfcbdy')
- endif
-!remove alarm to update the ozone path length, the trace gas path length, the total emissivity,
-!and the total absorptivity in the "CAM" long-wave radiation codes.
- if(trim(config_radt_lw_scheme) .eq. "cam_lw" .or. &
-    trim(config_radt_sw_scheme) .eq. "cam_sw" ) then
-    call mpas_remove_clock_alarm(clock,camAlarmID,ierr=ierr)
-    if(ierr /= 0) &
-       call physics_error_fatal('subroutine physics_init: error removing alarm CAM')
- endif
-!remove alarm to write the "CAM" local arrays absnst_p, absnxt_p, and emstot_p to the MPAS arrays
-!for writing to the restart file at the bottom of the time-step:
- if(trim(config_radt_lw_scheme) .eq. "cam_lw" ) then
-    call MPAS_stream_mgr_get_property(stream_manager, 'restart', MPAS_STREAM_PROPERTY_RECORD_INTV, stream_interval, &
-                                      direction=MPAS_STREAM_OUTPUT, ierr=ierr)
-    if(trim(stream_interval) /= 'none') then
-       call mpas_remove_clock_alarm(clock,camlwAlarmID,ierr=ierr)
-       if(ierr /= 0) &
-          call physics_error_fatal('subroutine physics_init: error removing alarm CAMLW')
-    endif
- endif
-!remove alarm to check if the accumulated rain due to cloud microphysics and convection is
-!greater than its maximum allowed value:
- if(config_bucket_update /= "none") then
-    call mpas_remove_clock_alarm(clock,acrainAlarmID,ierr=ierr)
-       if(ierr /= 0) &
-          call physics_error_fatal('subroutine physics_init: error removing alarm rain limit')
- endif
-!remove alarm to check if the accumulated radiation diagnostics due to long- and short-wave radiation
-!is greater than its maximum allowed value:
- if(config_bucket_update /= "none") then
-    call mpas_remove_clock_alarm(clock,acradtAlarmID,ierr=ierr)
-       if(ierr /= 0) &
-          call physics_error_fatal('subroutine physics_init: error removing alarm radiation limit')
- endif
-!remove alarm to calculate physics diagnostics on IO outpt only:
- call MPAS_stream_mgr_get_property(stream_manager, 'output', MPAS_STREAM_PROPERTY_RECORD_INTV, stream_interval, &
-                                   direction=MPAS_STREAM_OUTPUT, ierr=ierr)
- if(trim(stream_interval) /= 'none') then   
-    call mpas_remove_clock_alarm(clock,diagAlarmID,ierr=ierr)
-    if(ierr /= 0) &
-       call physics_error_fatal('subroutine physics_init: error removing alarm diag')
- else
-    call MPAS_stream_mgr_get_property(stream_manager, 'diagnostics', MPAS_STREAM_PROPERTY_RECORD_INTV, stream_interval, &
-                                      direction=MPAS_STREAM_OUTPUT, ierr=ierr)
-    if(trim(stream_interval) /= 'none') then
-       call mpas_remove_clock_alarm(clock,diagAlarmID,ierr=ierr)
-       if(ierr /= 0) &
-          call physics_error_fatal('subroutine physics_init: error removing alarm diag')
-    end if
- endif
- end subroutine physics_run_finalize
  end module mpas_atmphys_manager
diff --git a/src/core_init_atmosphere/CMakeLists.txt b/src/core_init_atmosphere/CMakeLists.txt
index 2464163f3d..815d7db291 100644
--- a/src/core_init_atmosphere/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/src/core_init_atmosphere/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ set(init_atm_core_srcs
+        mpas_geotile_manager.F
@@ -34,6 +35,9 @@ set(init_atm_core_srcs
+        mpas_kd_tree.F
+        mpas_parse_geoindex.F
+        mpas_stack.F
 add_library(core_init_atmosphere ${init_atm_core_srcs})
diff --git a/src/core_init_atmosphere/Makefile b/src/core_init_atmosphere/Makefile
index e8f71becfc..9494a5b7c2 100644
--- a/src/core_init_atmosphere/Makefile
+++ b/src/core_init_atmosphere/Makefile
@@ -19,7 +19,11 @@ OBJS =  \
 	mpas_atmphys_date_time.o \
 	mpas_atmphys_functions.o \
 	mpas_atmphys_initialize_real.o \
-	mpas_atmphys_utilities.o
+	mpas_atmphys_utilities.o \
+	mpas_stack.o \
+	mpas_kd_tree.o \
+	mpas_parse_geoindex.o \
+	mpas_geotile_manager.o
 all: core_hyd
@@ -66,17 +70,29 @@ mpas_init_atm_read_met.o:
 mpas_init_atm_core_interface.o: mpas_init_atm_core.o
 mpas_init_atm_core.o: mpas_advection.o mpas_init_atm_cases.o
+mpas_geotile_manager.o: mpas_parse_geoindex.o
 mpas_init_atm_static.o: \
 	mpas_atm_advection.o \
 	mpas_init_atm_hinterp.o \
 	mpas_init_atm_llxy.o \
-	mpas_atmphys_utilities.o
+	mpas_atmphys_utilities.o \
+	mpas_stack.o \
+	mpas_kd_tree.o \
+	mpas_parse_geoindex.o \
+	mpas_geotile_manager.o
 mpas_init_atm_surface.o: \
 	mpas_init_atm_hinterp.o  \
diff --git a/src/core_init_atmosphere/mpas_geotile_manager.F b/src/core_init_atmosphere/mpas_geotile_manager.F
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0aa3298153
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/core_init_atmosphere/mpas_geotile_manager.F
@@ -0,0 +1,1109 @@
+module mpas_geotile_manager
+    use iso_c_binding, only : c_float, c_char
+    use mpas_constants, only : pii
+    use mpas_kind_types, only : RKIND, StrKIND
+    use mpas_log, only : mpas_log_write
+    use mpas_derived_types, only : MPAS_LOG_ERR, MPAS_POOL_SILENT
+    use mpas_pool_routines, only : mpas_pool_type, mpas_pool_destroy_pool, mpas_pool_create_pool
+    use mpas_pool_routines, only : mpas_pool_add_config, mpas_pool_get_config
+    use mpas_pool_routines, only : mpas_pool_get_error_level, mpas_pool_set_error_level
+    use mpas_stack
+    implicit none
+    public :: mpas_geotile_mgr_type
+    public :: mpas_geotile_type
+    public :: mpas_latlon_to_xyz
+    private
+    type mpas_geotile_mgr_type
+        type (mpas_pool_type), pointer :: pool
+        type (tile_hash), dimension(:,:), pointer :: hash
+        type (mpas_stack_type), pointer :: stack
+        character (len=StrKIND) :: directory ! Path to the dataset directory
+        character (len=StrKIND) :: index     ! Path the index file of the dataset directory
+        integer :: nTileX ! Number of tiles in the X direction
+        integer :: nTileY ! Number of tiles in the Y direction
+        integer :: pixel_nx ! Total number of pixels in the x direction
+        integer :: pixel_ny ! Total number of pixels in the y direction
+    contains
+        ! Public Procedures
+        procedure, public :: init => mpas_geotile_mgr_init
+        procedure, public :: finalize => mpas_geotile_mgr_finalize
+        procedure, public :: get_tile => mpas_geotile_mgr_get_tile
+        procedure, public :: latlon_to_pixel => mpas_geotile_mgr_latlon_to_pixel
+        procedure, public :: tile_to_latlon => mpas_geotile_mgr_tile_to_latlon
+        procedure, public :: push_neighbors => mpas_geotile_mgr_push_neighbors
+        ! Stack Procedures
+        procedure, public :: push_tile => mpas_geotile_mgr_push_tile
+        procedure, public :: pop_tile => mpas_geotile_mgr_pop_tile
+        procedure, public :: is_stack_empty => mpas_geotile_mgr_stack_is_empty
+        ! Private Procedures
+        procedure, private :: search_tile => mpas_geotile_mgr_search_tile
+        procedure, private :: add_tile => mpas_geotile_mgr_add_tile
+        procedure, private :: gen_filename => mpas_geotile_mgr_gen_tile_name
+        procedure, private :: hash_to_ll => mpas_geotile_mgr_hash_to_latlon
+    end type mpas_geotile_mgr_type
+    type, extends(mpas_stack_payload_type) :: mpas_geotile_type
+        real (c_float), dimension(:,:,:), pointer :: tile
+        character (len=StrKIND) :: fname ! Path to the file that contains the data for this tile
+        integer :: hash_x ! The x offset of this tile in the hash table
+        integer :: hash_y ! The y offset of this tile in the hash table
+        integer :: x, y ! The tiles range, in pixels
+        logical :: is_processed = .false.
+    end type mpas_geotile_type
+    type tile_hash
+        type(mpas_geotile_type), pointer :: ptr => null()
+    end type tile_hash
+    contains
+    !***********************************************************************
+    !
+    !  public function mpas_geotile_mgr_init => init
+    !
+    !> \brief   Initialize a mpas_geotile_mgr class
+    !> \author  Miles A. Curry
+    !> \date    02/20/2020
+    !> \details
+    !> Initialize a geotile manager class by parsing the index file located
+    !> within path and allocated needed data structures for static interpolation.
+    !> Init should be called before calling any other mpas_geotile_mgr_type
+    !> procedures. If path is not a directory or no index file is found in path,
+    !> 1 will be returned. Upon success 0 will be returned.
+    !>
+    !> This function will also allocate the following variables in the pool attribute
+    !> of this geotile manager instance if they are not found within the index file:
+    !>     * tile_bdr = 0
+    !>     * signed = 0 ! No
+    !>     * scalefactor = 1.0_RKIND
+    !>     * endian = "big"
+    !>     * iswater = 16
+    !>     * islake = -1
+    !>     * isice = 24
+    !>     * isurban = 1
+    !>     * isoilwater = 14
+    !
+    !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+    function mpas_geotile_mgr_init(mgr, path) result(ierr)
+        use mpas_parse_geoindex, only : mpas_parse_index
+        implicit none
+        ! Input variables
+        class (mpas_geotile_mgr_type) :: mgr
+        character (len=*), intent(in) :: path
+        ! Local variables
+        character (len=StrKIND), pointer :: fieldType
+        character (len=StrKIND), pointer :: endian
+        integer, pointer :: tile_nx ! Number of pixels in the x-direction for a single tile
+        integer, pointer :: tile_ny ! Number of pixels in the y-direction for a single tile
+        integer, pointer :: signed
+        integer, pointer :: tile_bdr
+        integer, pointer :: iswater, islake, isice, isurban, isoilwater
+        integer, pointer :: category_min, category_max
+        integer :: err_level
+        real (kind=RKIND), pointer :: dx ! Grid spacing in the x-direction
+        real (kind=RKIND), pointer :: dy ! Grid spacing in the y-direction
+        real (kind=RKIND), pointer :: scalefactor
+        logical :: res
+        ! Return variable
+        integer :: ierr
+        ierr = 0
+        mgr % directory = path
+        ! Check to see if the index file exists in the directory
+        inquire(file=trim(mgr % directory)//"index", exist=res)
+        if (.not. res) then
+            call mpas_log_write("Could not find an 'index' file in geotile directory: "//trim(path), messageType=MPAS_LOG_ERR)
+            ierr = 1
+            return
+        endif
+        mgr % index = trim(mgr % directory)//"index"
+        ! Create the pool for this geotile and call mpas_parse_index
+        call mpas_pool_create_pool(mgr % pool)
+        ierr = mpas_parse_index(mgr % index, mgr % pool)
+        if (ierr /= 0) then
+            call mpas_log_write("Error parsing geotile index file: "//trim(mgr % index), messageType=MPAS_LOG_ERR)
+            ierr = 1
+            return
+        endif
+        signed => null()
+        endian => null()
+        scalefactor => null()
+        tile_bdr => null()
+        err_level = mpas_pool_get_error_level()
+        call mpas_pool_set_error_level(MPAS_POOL_SILENT)
+        call mpas_pool_get_config(mgr % pool, 'signed', signed)
+        call mpas_pool_get_config(mgr % pool, 'endian', endian)
+        call mpas_pool_get_config(mgr % pool, 'scale_factor', scalefactor)
+        call mpas_pool_get_config(mgr % pool, 'tile_bdr', tile_bdr)
+        !
+        ! tile_bdr, signed, endian, and scale_factor all have default values, so if they
+        ! are not present in the index file then set them as the default values, as
+        ! reported in section 3-53 of the WRF-ARW User's Guide
+        !
+        if (.not. associated(endian)) then
+            allocate(endian)
+            endian = "big"
+            call mpas_pool_add_config(mgr % pool, 'endian', endian)
+        endif
+        if (.not. associated(scalefactor)) then
+            allocate(scalefactor)
+            scalefactor = 1.0_RKIND
+            call mpas_pool_add_config(mgr % pool, 'scale_factor', scalefactor)
+        endif
+        if (.not. associated(signed)) then
+            allocate(signed)
+            signed = 0 ! 0 = 'no', 1 = 'yes'
+            call mpas_pool_add_config(mgr % pool, 'signed', signed)
+        endif
+        if (.not. associated(tile_bdr)) then
+            allocate(tile_bdr)
+            tile_bdr = 0
+            call mpas_pool_add_config(mgr % pool, 'tile_bdr', tile_bdr)
+        endif
+        !
+        ! If this is a categorical field, then check to see if it has category_max and category_min,
+        ! and then set the defaults of iswater, islake, isice, isurban and isoilwater
+        !
+        call mpas_pool_get_config(mgr % pool, 'type', fieldType)
+        if (fieldType == 'categorical') then
+            category_max => null()
+            category_min => null()
+            call mpas_pool_get_config(mgr % pool, 'category_max', category_max)
+            call mpas_pool_get_config(mgr % pool, 'category_min', category_min)
+            if (.not. associated(category_max)) then
+                call mpas_log_write("The index file of this categorical dataset did not contain a category_max parameter", &
+                                     messageType=MPAS_LOG_ERR)
+                call mpas_pool_set_error_level(err_level) ! Reset pool error level
+                ierr = 1
+                return
+            endif
+            if (.not. associated(category_min)) then
+                call mpas_log_write("The index file of this categorical dataset did not contain a category_min parameter", &
+                                     messageType=MPAS_LOG_ERR)
+                call mpas_pool_set_error_level(err_level) ! Reset pool error level
+                ierr = 1
+                return
+            endif
+            iswater => null()
+            islake => null()
+            isice => null()
+            isurban => null()
+            isoilwater => null()
+            call mpas_pool_get_config(mgr % pool, 'iswater', iswater)
+            call mpas_pool_get_config(mgr % pool, 'islake', islake)
+            call mpas_pool_get_config(mgr % pool, 'isice', isice)
+            call mpas_pool_get_config(mgr % pool, 'isurban', isurban)
+            call mpas_pool_get_config(mgr % pool, 'isoilwater', isoilwater)
+            if (.not. associated(iswater)) then
+                allocate(iswater)
+                iswater = 16
+                call mpas_pool_add_config(mgr % pool, 'iswater', iswater)
+            endif
+            if (.not. associated(islake)) then
+                allocate(islake)
+                islake = -1
+                call mpas_pool_add_config(mgr % pool, 'islake', islake)
+            endif
+            if (.not. associated(isice)) then
+                allocate(isice)
+                isice = 24
+                call mpas_pool_add_config(mgr % pool, 'isice', isice)
+            endif
+            if (.not. associated(isurban)) then
+                allocate(isurban)
+                isurban = 1
+                call mpas_pool_add_config(mgr % pool, 'isurban', isurban)
+            endif
+            if (.not. associated(isoilwater)) then
+                allocate(isoilwater)
+                isoilwater = 14
+                call mpas_pool_add_config(mgr % pool, 'isoilwater', isoilwater)
+            endif
+        endif
+        ! Reset the pool's error level
+        call mpas_pool_set_error_level(err_level)
+        call mpas_pool_get_config(mgr % pool, 'tile_x', tile_nx)
+        call mpas_pool_get_config(mgr % pool, 'tile_y', tile_ny)
+        call mpas_pool_get_config(mgr % pool, 'dx', dx)
+        call mpas_pool_get_config(mgr % pool, 'dy', dy)
+        ! Calculate the total number of pixels in x dir
+        ! NOTE: This calculation assumes that a dataset is a global dataset and may
+        ! not work correctly for non-global datasets
+        mgr % pixel_nx = nint(360.0_RKIND / dx)
+        mgr % pixel_ny = nint(180.0_RKIND / dy)
+        ! Calculate the number of tiles in the x, y directions
+        ! NOTE: This calculation assumes that a dataset is a global dataset and may
+        ! not work correctly for non-global datasets
+        mgr % nTileX = mgr % pixel_nx / tile_nx
+        mgr % nTileY = mgr % pixel_ny / tile_ny
+        ! Allocate hash table
+        allocate(mgr % hash(0: mgr % nTileX, 0: mgr % nTileY))
+        ! Mark the stack as empty
+        mgr % stack => null()
+    end function mpas_geotile_mgr_init
+    !***********************************************************************
+    !
+    !  public function mpas_geotile_mgr_finalize => finalize
+    !
+    !> \brief   Free all memory used by the mpas_geotile_mgr_type
+    !> \author  Miles A. Curry
+    !> \date    02/20/2020
+    !> \details
+    !> Deallocated all memory used by this geotile_mgr_type and destroy the
+    !> associated pool. After calling this function, none of the methods
+    !> should be used, unless the class is reinitialized by recalling
+    !> mpas_geotile_mgr_init.
+    !
+    !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+    function mpas_geotile_mgr_finalize(mgr) result(ierr)
+        implicit none
+        ! Input variable
+        class (mpas_geotile_mgr_type) :: mgr
+        ! Return variable
+        integer :: ierr
+        ! Local variable
+        integer :: i
+        integer :: j
+        ierr = 0
+        ! Loop through the hash table and deallocate any loaded tiles
+        ! Then deallocate the hash table
+        do i = 0, mgr % nTileX
+            do j = 0, mgr % nTileY
+                if (associated(mgr % hash(i, j) % ptr)) then
+                    deallocate(mgr % hash(i, j) % ptr % tile)
+                    deallocate(mgr % hash(i, j) % ptr)
+                endif
+            enddo
+        enddo
+        deallocate(mgr % hash)
+        if (associated(mgr % hash)) then
+            call mpas_log_write("Problem deallocating the geotile hash table", messageType=MPAS_LOG_ERR)
+            ierr = -1
+            return
+        endif
+        call mpas_pool_destroy_pool(mgr % pool)
+        if (associated(mgr % pool)) then
+            call mpas_log_write("Problem deallocating the geotile pool", messageType=MPAS_LOG_ERR)
+            ierr = -1
+            return
+        endif
+        call mpas_stack_free(mgr % stack)
+        if (associated(mgr % stack)) then
+            call mpas_log_write("Problem deallocating the stack", messageType=MPAS_LOG_ERR)
+            ierr = -1
+            return
+        endif
+    end function mpas_geotile_mgr_finalize
+    !***********************************************************************
+    !
+    !  public function mpas_geotile_mgr_get_tile => get_tile
+    !
+    !> \brief   Return an array containing the values of a datatile
+    !> \author  Miles A. Curry
+    !> \date    02/20/2020
+    !> \details
+    !> Retrieve the datatile that contains the coordinate lat, lon of the dataset
+    !> that this mpas_geotile_manager instance was initalized with. Both lat,
+    !> lon should be in radians and lon should be in the range of -1/2 * pi to
+    !> 1/2 * pi. lat values that are greater than 2.0 * pi or less than -2.0 * pi
+    !> will be normalized to be between -pi and pi. Upon success 0 will be returned
+    !> and tile will point to the mpas_geotile_type that holds the datatile which
+    !> contains the coordinate lat, lon.
+    !
+    !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+    function mpas_geotile_mgr_get_tile(mgr, lat, lon, tile) result(ierr)
+        implicit none
+        ! Input variables
+        class (mpas_geotile_mgr_type) :: mgr
+        real (kind=RKIND), value :: lat
+        real (kind=RKIND), value :: lon
+        type (mpas_geotile_type), pointer :: tile
+        ! Return variable
+        integer :: ierr
+        ierr = 0
+        tile => null()
+        ! Normalize longitude to be between -pi and pi
+        call normalize_lon(lon)
+        if (.not. mgr % search_tile(lat, lon, tile)) then
+            ierr = mgr % add_tile(lat, lon, tile)
+        endif
+    end function mpas_geotile_mgr_get_tile
+    !***********************************************************************
+    !
+    !  private function mpas_geotile_mgr_search_tile => search_tile
+    !
+    !> \brief   Search to see if a tile has already been loaded
+    !> \author  Miles A. Curry
+    !> \date    02/20/2020
+    !> \details
+    !> Private function that searches to see if the datatile that contains
+    !> the coordinate lat, lon has already been loaded. If the datatile has been
+    !> loaded, .true. will be returned and tile will point to the mpas_geotile_type
+    !> that contains the datatile. If the datatile has not been loaded, .false.
+    !> will be returned and tile will be unassociated.
+    !
+    !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+    function mpas_geotile_mgr_search_tile(mgr, lat, lon, tile) result(loaded)
+        implicit none
+        ! Input variables
+        class (mpas_geotile_mgr_type) :: mgr
+        real (kind=RKIND), value :: lat
+        real (kind=RKIND), value :: lon
+        type (mpas_geotile_type), pointer :: tile
+        ! Return variable
+        logical :: loaded
+        ! Local variables
+        integer, pointer :: tile_nx
+        integer, pointer :: tile_ny
+        character (len=StrKIND) :: fname
+        integer :: x, y
+        integer :: start_x
+        integer :: start_y
+        integer :: ierr
+        loaded = .false.
+        tile => null()
+        call mpas_pool_get_config(mgr % pool, 'tile_x', tile_nx)
+        call mpas_pool_get_config(mgr % pool, 'tile_y', tile_ny)
+        !
+        ! Using gen_filename, get the tiles start x and y pixel values of the tile
+        !
+        ierr = mgr % gen_filename(lat, lon, fname, start_x, start_y)
+        if (ierr /= 0) then
+            call mpas_log_write("Error generating filename", messageType=MPAS_LOG_ERR)
+            return
+        endif
+        !
+        ! Access the tile in the hash table (-1 here as the hash table is from
+        ! 0:tile_nx, and 0:tile_ny).
+        !
+        x = (start_x - 1) / tile_nx
+        if (x < 0 .or. x > size(mgr % hash, 1)) then
+            return
+        endif
+        y = (start_y - 1) / tile_ny
+        if (y < 0 .or. y > size(mgr % hash, 2)) then
+            return
+        endif
+        tile => mgr % hash(x,y) % ptr
+        if (associated(tile)) then
+            loaded = .true.
+        endif
+    end function mpas_geotile_mgr_search_tile
+    !***********************************************************************
+    !
+    !  private function mpas_geotile_mgr_add_tile => add_tile
+    !
+    !> \brief   Read in a datatile file and store a reference to it
+    !> \author  Miles A. Curry
+    !> \date    02/20/2020
+    !> \details
+    !> Read the datatile that contains the coordinate lat, lon. Open success,
+    !> 0 will be returned and tile will point to the mpas_geotile_type which
+    !> contains the coordiate lat, lon. Upon success a reference to that
+    !> mpas_geotile_type will be placed into the hash table, which can later
+    !> be searched via search_tile. On error, 1 will be returned and tile
+    !> will be unassociated.
+    !
+    !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+    function mpas_geotile_mgr_add_tile(mgr, lat, lon, tile) result(ierr)
+        use iso_c_binding, only : c_loc, c_ptr, c_int, c_float
+        use mpas_c_interfacing, only : mpas_f_to_c_string
+        implicit none
+        interface
+           subroutine read_geogrid(fname, rarray, nx, ny, nz, isigned, endian, &
+                                   wordsize, status) bind(C)
+              use iso_c_binding, only : c_char, c_int, c_float, c_ptr
+              character (c_char), dimension(*), intent(in) :: fname
+              type (c_ptr), value :: rarray
+              integer (c_int), intent(in), value :: nx
+              integer (c_int), intent(in), value :: ny
+              integer (c_int), intent(in), value :: nz
+              integer (c_int), intent(in), value :: isigned
+              integer (c_int), intent(in), value :: endian
+              integer (c_int), intent(in), value :: wordsize
+              integer (c_int), intent(inout) :: status
+           end subroutine read_geogrid
+        end interface
+        ! Arguments
+        class (mpas_geotile_mgr_type) :: mgr
+        real (kind=RKIND), intent(in) :: lat
+        real (kind=RKIND), intent(in) :: lon
+        type (mpas_geotile_type), intent(inout), pointer :: tile
+        integer :: ierr
+        ! Local variables
+        integer, pointer :: tile_nx, tile_ny, tile_nz
+        integer, pointer :: tile_bdr
+        integer, pointer :: wordsize
+        integer :: start_x, start_y
+        integer, pointer :: signed
+        character (len=StrKIND), pointer :: endian
+        logical :: res
+        character (len=StrKIND) :: fname
+        character (kind=c_char), dimension(StrKIND+1) :: c_fname
+        integer (c_int) :: c_tile_nx, c_tile_ny, c_tile_nz
+        integer (c_int) :: c_endian
+        integer (c_int) :: c_wordsize
+        integer (c_int) :: c_signed
+        integer (c_int) :: status
+        type (c_ptr) :: c_tile_ptr
+        ierr = 0
+        tile => null()
+        endian => null()
+        signed => null()
+        call mpas_pool_get_config(mgr % pool, 'tile_x', tile_nx)
+        call mpas_pool_get_config(mgr % pool, 'tile_y', tile_ny)
+        call mpas_pool_get_config(mgr % pool, 'tile_z', tile_nz)
+        call mpas_pool_get_config(mgr % pool, 'tile_bdr', tile_bdr)
+        call mpas_pool_get_config(mgr % pool, 'wordsize', wordsize)
+        call mpas_pool_get_config(mgr % pool, 'signed', signed)
+        call mpas_pool_get_config(mgr % pool, 'endian', endian)
+        c_tile_nx = tile_nx + 2 * tile_bdr ! The number of pixels in the x direction, including halo cells
+        c_tile_ny = tile_ny + 2 * tile_bdr ! The number of pixels in the y direction, including halo cells
+        c_tile_nz = tile_nz ! The number of pixels in the z direction
+        c_wordsize = wordsize
+        c_signed = signed
+        if (endian == "big") then
+            c_endian = 0
+        else if (endian == "little") then
+            c_endian = 1
+        endif
+        !
+        ! Determine the file that contains lat, lon.
+        !
+        ierr = mgr % gen_filename(lat, lon, fname, start_x, start_y)
+        if (ierr /= 0) then
+            call mpas_log_write("Error creating filename for coordinate: ($r, $r)", realArgs=(/lat, lon/), messageType=MPAS_LOG_ERR)
+            ierr = 1
+            return
+        endif
+        !
+        ! See if this file actually exists
+        !
+        fname = trim(mgr % directory)//trim(fname)
+        inquire(file=trim(fname), exist=res)
+        if (.not. res) then
+            call mpas_log_write("This geotile file does not exist: "//trim(fname), messageType=MPAS_LOG_ERR)
+            ierr = 1
+            return
+        endif
+        call mpas_f_to_c_string(fname, c_fname)
+        !
+        ! Allocate and read the tile
+        !
+        allocate(tile)
+        allocate(tile % tile(tile_nx + (tile_bdr * 2), tile_ny + (tile_bdr * 2), tile_nz))
+        c_tile_ptr = c_loc(tile % tile)
+        call read_geogrid(c_fname, c_tile_ptr, c_tile_nx, c_tile_ny, c_tile_nz, c_signed, c_endian, c_wordsize, status)
+        if (status /= 0) then
+            call mpas_log_write("Error reading this geogrid file: "//trim(fname), messageType=MPAS_LOG_ERR)
+            ierr = 1
+            return
+        endif
+        tile % fname = fname
+        tile % hash_x = (start_x - 1) / tile_nx
+        tile % hash_y = (start_y - 1) / tile_ny
+        tile % x = start_x
+        tile % y = start_y
+        !
+        ! Add the tile to the hash table
+        !
+        mgr % hash(tile % hash_x, tile % hash_y)  % ptr => tile
+    end function mpas_geotile_mgr_add_tile
+    !***********************************************************************
+    !
+    !  private function mpas_geotile_mgr_gen_tile_name => gen_filename
+    !
+    !> \brief   Generate the filename of the tile at lat, lon
+    !> \author  Miles A. Curry
+    !> \date    02/20/2020
+    !> \details
+    !> Generate the name of the file that contains the coordinate lat, lon
+    !> (in radians) and optionally return start_x and start_y (the location
+    !> of the first global pixel coordinate of tile). Warning: This function
+    !> can produce filenames that may not exist (For lon less than -.5 * pi and
+    !> greater than .5 * pi and lat less than -pi and greater than pi).
+    !
+    !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+    function mpas_geotile_mgr_gen_tile_name(mgr, lat, lon, fname, start_x, start_y) result(ierr)
+        implicit none
+        class (mpas_geotile_mgr_type) :: mgr
+        real (kind=RKIND), value :: lat
+        real (kind=RKIND), value :: lon
+        character (len=StrKIND), intent(out) :: fname
+        integer, intent(out), optional :: start_x
+        integer, intent(out), optional :: start_y
+        character (len=StrKIND), parameter :: fname_format = "(i5.5, '-', i5.5, '.', i5.5, '-', i5.5)"
+        real (kind=RKIND), pointer :: dx
+        real (kind=RKIND), pointer :: dy
+        integer, pointer :: tile_nx
+        integer, pointer :: tile_ny
+        integer, dimension(2) :: x
+        integer, dimension(2) :: y
+        integer :: ierr
+        ierr = 0
+        call mpas_pool_get_config(mgr % pool, 'tile_x', tile_nx)
+        call mpas_pool_get_config(mgr % pool, 'tile_y', tile_ny)
+        call mpas_pool_get_config(mgr % pool, 'dx', dx)
+        call mpas_pool_get_config(mgr % pool, 'dy', dy)
+        ! Find the global pixel location that contains lat, lon
+        call mgr % latlon_to_pixel(lat, lon, x(1), y(1))
+        ! Calculate the range of this tile, which will be its filename
+        x(1) = (x(1) - modulo(x(1), tile_nx)) + 1
+        x(2) = x(1) + tile_nx - 1
+        y(1) = (y(1) - modulo(y(1), tile_ny)) + 1
+        y(2) = y(1) + tile_ny - 1
+        write(fname, fname_format) x(1), x(2), y(1), y(2)
+        if (present(start_x)) then
+            start_x = x(1)
+        endif
+        if (present(start_y)) then
+            start_y = y(1)
+        endif
+    end function mpas_geotile_mgr_gen_tile_name
+    !***********************************************************************
+    !
+    !  public subroutine mpas_geotile_mgr_tile_to_latlon => tile_to_latlon
+    !
+    !> \brief   Translate a tile indices to latitude and longitude,
+    !> \author  Miles A. Curry
+    !> \date    02/20/2020
+    !> \details
+    !> Given a tile, translate the relative tile coordinates, i, j, of that
+    !> tile to a latitude and longitude coordinate. Upon success, lat, lon
+    !> will be in the range of -1/2 * pi to 1/2 * pi and 0 to 2.0 * pi, respectively.
+    !
+    !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+    subroutine mpas_geotile_mgr_tile_to_latlon(mgr, tile, j, i, lat, lon)
+        implicit none
+        class (mpas_geotile_mgr_type) :: mgr
+        type (mpas_geotile_type), pointer, intent(in) :: tile
+        integer, value :: j
+        integer, value :: i
+        real (kind=RKIND), intent(out) :: lat
+        real (kind=RKIND), intent(out) :: lon
+        integer, pointer :: tile_bdr
+        real (kind=RKIND), pointer :: known_lon
+        real (kind=RKIND), pointer :: known_lat
+        real (kind=RKIND), pointer :: dx
+        real (kind=RKIND), pointer :: dy
+        integer :: ierr
+        ierr = 0
+        call mpas_pool_get_config(mgr % pool, 'tile_bdr', tile_bdr)
+        call mpas_pool_get_config(mgr % pool, 'known_lat', known_lat)
+        call mpas_pool_get_config(mgr % pool, 'known_lon', known_lon)
+        call mpas_pool_get_config(mgr % pool, 'dx', dx)
+        call mpas_pool_get_config(mgr % pool, 'dy', dy)
+        lat = real((j - (tile_bdr + 1) + tile % y - 1), kind=RKIND) * dy + known_lat
+        lon = real((i - (tile_bdr + 1) + tile % x - 1), kind=RKIND) * dx + known_lon
+        call deg2Rad(lat)
+        call deg2Rad(lon)
+    end subroutine mpas_geotile_mgr_tile_to_latlon
+    !***********************************************************************
+    !
+    !  public subroutine mpas_geotile_mgr_latlon_to_pixel => latlon_to_pixel
+    !
+    !> \brief   Translate a latitude, longitude coordinate to pixel coordinates
+    !> \author  Miles A. Curry
+    !> \date    02/20/2020
+    !> \details
+    !> Translate a latitude, longitude coordinate into global pixel coordinates. lat
+    !> should be in the range of -.5 * pi to .5 * pi and lon should be between -pi
+    !> and pi.
+    !
+    !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+    subroutine mpas_geotile_mgr_latlon_to_pixel(mgr, lat, lon, pixel_x, pixel_y)
+        implicit none
+        class (mpas_geotile_mgr_type) :: mgr
+        real (kind=RKIND), value :: lat
+        real (kind=RKIND), value :: lon
+        integer, intent(out) :: pixel_x
+        integer, intent(out) :: pixel_y
+        integer, pointer :: tile_bdr
+        real (kind=RKIND), pointer :: known_lon
+        real (kind=RKIND), pointer :: known_lat
+        real, pointer :: dx
+        real, pointer :: dy
+        integer :: ierr
+        ierr = 0
+        call mpas_pool_get_config(mgr % pool, 'tile_bdr', tile_bdr)
+        call mpas_pool_get_config(mgr % pool, 'known_lon', known_lon)
+        call mpas_pool_get_config(mgr % pool, 'known_lat', known_lat)
+        call mpas_pool_get_config(mgr % pool, 'dx', dx)
+        call mpas_pool_get_config(mgr % pool, 'dy', dy)
+        call rad2Deg(lat)
+        call rad2Deg(lon)
+        pixel_x = nint((lon - known_lon) / dx)
+        pixel_y = nint((lat - known_lat) / dy)
+        if (pixel_x < 0) then
+            pixel_x = pixel_x + mgr % pixel_nx
+        endif
+        if (pixel_y < 0) then
+            pixel_y = 0
+        else if (pixel_y >= mgr % pixel_ny) then
+            pixel_y = mgr % pixel_ny - 1
+        endif
+    end subroutine mpas_geotile_mgr_latlon_to_pixel
+    !***********************************************************************
+    !
+    !  private function mpas_geotile_mgr_hash_to_latlon => hash_to_ll
+    !
+    !> \brief   Find the lat, lon center from a hash entry
+    !> \author  Miles A. Curry
+    !> \date    02/20/2020
+    !> \details
+    !> Translate the index within the hash table into the latitude and longitude
+    !> coordinate (in radians) of the center of the datatile at that index.
+    !
+    !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+    subroutine mpas_geotile_mgr_hash_to_latlon(mgr, xHash, yHash, lat, lon)
+        implicit none
+        class(mpas_geotile_mgr_type) :: mgr
+        integer, intent(in), value :: xHash
+        integer, intent(in), value :: yHash
+        real, intent(out) :: lat
+        real, intent(out) :: lon
+        integer, pointer :: tile_nx
+        integer, pointer :: tile_ny
+        real (kind=RKIND), pointer :: known_lat
+        real (kind=RKIND), pointer :: known_lon
+        real (kind=RKIND), pointer :: dx
+        real (kind=RKIND), pointer :: dy
+        integer :: x
+        integer :: y
+        call mpas_pool_get_config(mgr % pool, 'tile_x', tile_nx)
+        call mpas_pool_get_config(mgr % pool, 'tile_y', tile_ny)
+        call mpas_pool_get_config(mgr % pool, 'known_lat', known_lat)
+        call mpas_pool_get_config(mgr % pool, 'known_lon', known_lon)
+        call mpas_pool_get_config(mgr % pool, 'dx', dx)
+        call mpas_pool_get_config(mgr % pool, 'dy', dy)
+        x = (xHash * tile_nx) + (tile_nx / 2)
+        y = (yHash * tile_ny) + (tile_ny / 2)
+        lon = (real((x), kind=RKIND) * dx ) + known_lon
+        lat = (real((y), kind=RKIND) * dy ) + known_lat
+        call deg2Rad(lat)
+        call deg2Rad(lon)
+    end subroutine mpas_geotile_mgr_hash_to_latlon
+    !***********************************************************************
+    !
+    !  public function mpas_geotile_mgr_push_neighbors => push_neighbors
+    !
+    !> \brief   Determine the tile nighbors and push them onto the stack
+    !> \author  Miles A. Curry
+    !> \date    02/20/2020
+    !> \details
+    !> Determine the neighbors of a tile and push them onto the stack. If the
+    !> tile neighbors have not been loaded, via add_tile, then they will be.
+    !> Upon success, the neighbors of a tile will be pushed onto the stack and
+    !> 0 will be returned.
+    !
+    !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+    function mpas_geotile_mgr_push_neighbors(mgr, tile) result(ierr)
+        implicit none
+        class(mpas_geotile_mgr_type) :: mgr
+        type (mpas_geotile_type), pointer, intent(in) :: tile
+        integer :: ierr
+        type (mpas_geotile_type), pointer :: neighbor
+        real (kind=RKIND) :: lat
+        real (kind=RKIND) :: lon
+        integer :: xHash
+        integer :: yHash
+        ierr = 0
+        ! Up
+        ! Calculate the tile's hash coordinates
+        neighbor => null()
+        if (tile % hash_y + 1 > mgr % nTileY - 1) then
+            xHash = modulo(tile % hash_x + (mgr % nTileX / 2), mgr % nTileX)
+            yHash = tile % hash_y
+        else
+            xHash = tile % hash_x
+            yHash = tile % hash_y + 1
+        endif
+        call mgr % hash_to_ll(xHash, yHash, lat, lon)
+        ierr = mgr % get_tile(lat, lon, neighbor)
+        if (ierr /= 0) then
+            call mpas_log_write("There was a problem getting the up tile", messageType=MPAS_LOG_ERR)
+            ierr = 1
+            return
+        endif
+        ierr = mgr % push_tile(neighbor)
+        ! Down
+        neighbor => null()
+        if (tile % hash_y - 1 < 0) then
+            xHash = modulo(tile % hash_x + (mgr % nTileX / 2), mgr % nTileX)
+            yHash = tile % hash_y
+        else
+            xHash = tile % hash_x
+            yHash = tile % hash_y - 1
+        endif
+        call mgr % hash_to_ll(xHash, yHash, lat, lon)
+        ierr = mgr % get_tile(lat, lon, neighbor)
+        if (ierr /= 0) then
+            call mpas_log_write("There was a problem getting the down tile", messageType=MPAS_LOG_ERR)
+            ierr = 1
+            return
+        endif
+        ierr = mgr % push_tile(neighbor)
+        ! Right
+        neighbor => null()
+        if (tile % hash_x + 1 > mgr % nTileX - 1) then
+            yHash = tile % hash_y
+            xHash = 0
+        else
+            xHash = tile % hash_x + 1
+            yHash = tile % hash_y
+        endif
+        call mgr % hash_to_ll(xHash, yHash, lat, lon)
+        ierr = mgr % get_tile(lat, lon, neighbor)
+        if (ierr /= 0) then
+            call mpas_log_write("There was a problem getting the right tile", messageType=MPAS_LOG_ERR)
+            ierr = 1
+            return
+        endif
+        ierr = mgr % push_tile(neighbor)
+        ! Left
+        neighbor => null()
+        if (tile % hash_x -1 < 0) then
+            xHash = mgr % nTileX - 1
+            yHash = tile % hash_y
+        else
+            xHash = tile % hash_x - 1
+            yHash = tile % hash_y
+        endif
+        call mgr % hash_to_ll(xHash, yHash, lat, lon)
+        ierr = mgr % get_tile(lat, lon, neighbor)
+        if (ierr /= 0) then
+            call mpas_log_write("There was a problem getting the left tile", messageType=MPAS_LOG_ERR)
+            ierr = 1
+            return
+        endif
+        ierr = mgr % push_tile(neighbor)
+    end function mpas_geotile_mgr_push_neighbors
+!!!!!!!!! Stack wrappers and helper functions !!!!!!!!!!
+    !***********************************************************************
+    !
+    !  public function mpas_geotile_mgr_push_tile => push_tile
+    !
+    !> \brief   Push a mpas_geotile_type onto the stack
+    !> \author  Miles A. Curry
+    !> \date    02/20/2020
+    !> \details
+    !> Wrapper subroutine for mpas_stack_push from mpas_stack.F. Aftering calling
+    !> this subroutine, the tile pushed will be on the top of the stack associated
+    !> with mpas_geotile_mgr instance (TODO: Is instance the correct term??) and pop_tile
+    !> can be used to retrive the tile that was last pushed onto the stack.
+    !
+    !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+    function mpas_geotile_mgr_push_tile(mgr, tile) result(ierr)
+        implicit none
+        class (mpas_geotile_mgr_type) :: mgr
+        type (mpas_geotile_type), pointer :: tile
+        integer :: ierr
+        ierr = 0
+        mgr % stack => mpas_stack_push(mgr % stack, tile)
+    end function mpas_geotile_mgr_push_tile
+    !***********************************************************************
+    !
+    !  public function mpas_geotile_mgr_pop_tile => pop_tile
+    !
+    !> \brief   Pop the top mpas_geotile_type off of the stack
+    !> \author  Miles A. Curry
+    !> \date    02/20/2020
+    !> \details
+    !> Retrieve and remove the last tile that was pushed onto the stack that
+    !> is associated with this mpas_geotile_mgr instance (TODO: Is instance the correct term?). If the stack is empty,
+    !> then tile will be unassociated.
+    !
+    !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+    function mpas_geotile_mgr_pop_tile(mgr) result(tile)
+        implicit none
+        class (mpas_geotile_mgr_type) :: mgr
+        class (mpas_stack_payload_type), pointer :: top
+        type (mpas_geotile_type), pointer :: tile
+        tile => null()
+        if (mpas_stack_is_empty(mgr % stack)) then
+            return
+        endif
+        top => mpas_stack_pop(mgr % stack)
+        select type(top)
+            type is(mpas_geotile_type)
+                tile => top
+                return
+            class default
+                ! Should not get here
+        end select
+    end function mpas_geotile_mgr_pop_tile
+    !***********************************************************************
+    !
+    !  public function mpas_geotile_mgr_stack_is_empty => is_stack_empty
+    !
+    !> \brief   Return .true. if stack is empty and .false. otherwise
+    !> \author  Miles A. Curry
+    !> \date    02/20/2020
+    !> \details
+    !> Return .true. if the stack associated with this mpas_geotile_mgr instance (TODO: Is instance the correct term?)
+    !> is empty, and .false. if it is not empty.
+    !
+    !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+    function mpas_geotile_mgr_stack_is_empty(mgr) result(empty)
+        implicit none
+        class (mpas_geotile_mgr_type) :: mgr
+        logical :: empty
+        empty = mpas_stack_is_empty(mgr % stack)
+    end function mpas_geotile_mgr_stack_is_empty
+    !***********************************************************************
+    !
+    !  public subroutine mpas_latlon_to_xyz
+    !
+    !> \brief   Convert a latitude, longitude coordinate into its Cartesian equivalent
+    !> \author  Miles A. Curry
+    !> \date    02/20/2020
+    !> \details
+    !> Given a latitude, longitude coordinate and a radius, convert the latitude,
+    !> longitude coordinate into the equivalent Cartesian coordinate.
+    !
+    !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+    subroutine mpas_latlon_to_xyz(x, y, z, radius, lat, lon)
+       implicit none
+       real (kind=RKIND), intent(in) :: radius
+       real (kind=RKIND), intent(in) :: lat
+       real (kind=RKIND), intent(in) :: lon
+       real (kind=RKIND), intent(out) :: x, y, z
+       z = radius * sin(lat)
+       x = radius * cos(lon) * cos(lat)
+       y = radius * sin(lon) * cos(lat)
+    end subroutine mpas_latlon_to_xyz
+    ! Convert radians to degrees
+    subroutine rad2Deg(rad)
+        implicit none
+        real (kind=RKIND), intent(inout) :: rad
+        rad = rad * (180.0_RKIND / pii)
+    end subroutine rad2Deg
+    ! Convert degrees to radians
+    subroutine deg2Rad(deg)
+        implicit none
+        real (kind=RKIND), intent(inout) :: deg
+        deg = deg * (pii / 180.0_RKIND)
+    end subroutine deg2Rad
+    ! Normalize logitude (in radians) to be between -pi and pi.
+    subroutine normalize_lon(lon)
+        implicit none
+        real (kind=RKIND), intent(inout) :: lon
+        if (lon > pii) then
+            lon = lon - (2.0 * pii)
+        else if (lon < -pii) then
+            lon = lon + (2.0 * pii)
+        endif
+    end subroutine normalize_lon
+end module mpas_geotile_manager
diff --git a/src/core_init_atmosphere/mpas_init_atm_gwd.F b/src/core_init_atmosphere/mpas_init_atm_gwd.F
index 6d1632f9b2..25ef93c8c6 100644
--- a/src/core_init_atmosphere/mpas_init_atm_gwd.F
+++ b/src/core_init_atmosphere/mpas_init_atm_gwd.F
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ module mpas_init_atm_gwd
       subroutine read_geogrid(fname, rarray, nx, ny, nz, isigned, endian, &
-                              scalefactor, wordsize, status) bind(C)
+                              wordsize, status) bind(C)
          use iso_c_binding, only : c_char, c_int, c_float, c_ptr
          character (c_char), dimension(*), intent(in) :: fname
          type (c_ptr), value :: rarray
@@ -30,7 +30,6 @@ subroutine read_geogrid(fname, rarray, nx, ny, nz, isigned, endian, &
          integer (c_int), intent(in), value :: nz
          integer (c_int), intent(in), value :: isigned
          integer (c_int), intent(in), value :: endian
-         real (c_float), intent(in), value :: scalefactor
          integer (c_int), intent(in), value :: wordsize
          integer (c_int), intent(inout) :: status
       end subroutine read_geogrid
@@ -116,6 +115,7 @@ function compute_gwd_fields(domain) result(iErr)
       character(len=StrKIND), pointer :: config_geog_data_path
       character(len=StrKIND), pointer :: config_topo_data
       character(len=StrKIND) :: geog_sub_path
+      character(len=StrKIND+1) :: geog_data_path      ! same as config_geog_data_path, but guaranteed to have a trailing slash
       ! Variables for smoothing variance
       integer, dimension(:,:), pointer:: cellsOnCell
@@ -134,6 +134,12 @@ function compute_gwd_fields(domain) result(iErr)
       call mpas_pool_get_config(domain % configs, 'config_topo_data', config_topo_data)
       call mpas_pool_get_config(domain % configs, 'config_gwd_cell_scaling', config_gwd_cell_scaling)
+      write(geog_data_path, '(a)') config_geog_data_path
+      i = len_trim(geog_data_path)
+      if (geog_data_path(i:i) /= '/') then
+         geog_data_path(i+1:i+1) = '/'
+      end if
       select case(trim(config_topo_data))
             call mpas_log_write('--- Using GTOPO30 terrain dataset for GWDO static fields')
@@ -188,13 +194,13 @@ function compute_gwd_fields(domain) result(iErr)
       allocate(hlanduse(nCells+1))    ! +1, since we access hlanduse(cellsOnCell(i,iCell)) later on for iCell=1,nCells
-      iErr = read_global_30s_topo(config_geog_data_path, geog_sub_path)
+      iErr = read_global_30s_topo(geog_data_path, geog_sub_path)
       if (iErr /= 0) then
          call mpas_log_write('Error reading global 30-arc-sec topography for GWD statistics', messageType=MPAS_LOG_ERR)
       end if
-      iErr = read_global_30s_landuse(config_geog_data_path)
+      iErr = read_global_30s_landuse(geog_data_path)
       if (iErr /= 0) then
          call mpas_log_write('Error reading global 30-arc-sec landuse for GWD statistics', messageType=MPAS_LOG_ERR)
@@ -370,7 +376,8 @@ function read_global_30s_topo(path, sub_path) result(iErr)
                                                                                       iy, '-', (iy+tile_y-1)
          call mpas_f_to_c_string(filename, c_filename)
          call read_geogrid(c_filename, tile_ptr, nx, ny, nz, isigned, endian, &
-                           scalefactor, wordsize, istatus)
+                           wordsize, istatus)
+         tile(:,:,:) = tile(:,:,:) * scalefactor
          if (istatus /= 0) then
             call mpas_log_write('Error reading topography tile '//trim(filename), messageType=MPAS_LOG_ERR)
             iErr = 1
@@ -439,7 +446,8 @@ function read_global_30s_landuse(path) result(iErr)
                                                                                       iy, '-', (iy+tile_y-1)
          call mpas_f_to_c_string(filename, c_filename)
          call read_geogrid(c_filename, tile_ptr, nx, ny, nz, isigned, endian, &
-                           scalefactor, wordsize, istatus)
+                           wordsize, istatus)
+         tile(:,:,:) = tile(:,:,:) * scalefactor
          if (istatus /= 0) then
             call mpas_log_write('Error reading landuse tile '//trim(filename))
             iErr = 1
diff --git a/src/core_init_atmosphere/mpas_init_atm_static.F b/src/core_init_atmosphere/mpas_init_atm_static.F
index e72dca987f..021b36c96e 100644
--- a/src/core_init_atmosphere/mpas_init_atm_static.F
+++ b/src/core_init_atmosphere/mpas_init_atm_static.F
@@ -17,8 +17,12 @@ module mpas_init_atm_static
  use init_atm_llxy
  use mpas_c_interfacing, only : mpas_f_to_c_string
+ use mpas_geometry_utils, only : mpas_in_cell
  use mpas_atmphys_utilities
+ use mpas_kd_tree, only : mpas_kd_type, mpas_kd_construct, mpas_kd_free, mpas_kd_search
+ use mpas_geotile_manager, only : mpas_geotile_mgr_type, mpas_geotile_type, mpas_latlon_to_xyz
  use iso_c_binding, only : c_char, c_int, c_float, c_loc, c_ptr
  implicit none
@@ -30,7 +34,7 @@ module mpas_init_atm_static
     subroutine read_geogrid(fname, rarray, nx, ny, nz, isigned, endian, &
-                            scalefactor, wordsize, status) bind(C)
+                            wordsize, status) bind(C)
        use iso_c_binding, only : c_char, c_int, c_float, c_ptr
        character (c_char), dimension(*), intent(in) :: fname
        type (c_ptr), value :: rarray
@@ -39,7 +43,6 @@ subroutine read_geogrid(fname, rarray, nx, ny, nz, isigned, endian, &
        integer (c_int), intent(in), value :: nz
        integer (c_int), intent(in), value :: isigned
        integer (c_int), intent(in), value :: endian
-       real (c_float), intent(in), value :: scalefactor
        integer (c_int), intent(in), value :: wordsize
        integer (c_int), intent(inout) :: status
     end subroutine read_geogrid
@@ -75,8 +78,6 @@ subroutine init_atm_static(mesh, dims, configs)
  character(len=StrKIND+1) :: geog_data_path      ! same as config_geog_data_path, but guaranteed to have a trailing slash
  character(len=StrKIND+1) :: geog_sub_path       ! subdirectory names in config_geog_data_path, with trailing slash
- integer:: ismax_lu
  integer(c_int):: nx,ny,nz
  integer(c_int):: endian,isigned,istatus,wordsize
  integer:: i,j,k
@@ -86,6 +87,7 @@ subroutine init_atm_static(mesh, dims, configs)
  integer,dimension(:),allocatable  :: nhs
  integer,dimension(:,:),allocatable:: ncat
+ real(kind=RKIND), pointer :: scalefactor_ptr
  real(kind=c_float):: scalefactor
  real(kind=c_float),dimension(:,:,:),pointer,contiguous :: rarray
  type(c_ptr) :: rarray_ptr
@@ -102,7 +104,10 @@ subroutine init_atm_static(mesh, dims, configs)
  real(kind=RKIND),dimension(:,:,:),allocatable:: vegfra
  integer, pointer :: isice_lu, iswater_lu
- integer, pointer :: nCells, nEdges, nVertices, maxEdges
+ integer, pointer :: isice_lu_ptr, iswater_lu_ptr
+ integer :: iswater_soil
+ integer, pointer :: iswater_soil_ptr
+ integer, pointer :: nCells, nCellsSolve, nEdges, nVertices, maxEdges
  logical, pointer :: on_a_sphere
  real (kind=RKIND), pointer :: sphere_radius
@@ -121,12 +126,14 @@ subroutine init_atm_static(mesh, dims, configs)
  real (kind=RKIND), dimension(:), pointer :: fEdge, fVertex
  real (kind=RKIND), dimension(:), pointer :: ter
+ integer (kind=I8KIND), dimension(:), pointer :: ter_integer
  real (kind=RKIND), dimension(:), pointer :: soiltemp
  real (kind=RKIND), dimension(:), pointer :: snoalb
  real (kind=RKIND), dimension(:), pointer :: shdmin, shdmax
  real (kind=RKIND), dimension(:,:), pointer :: greenfrac
  real (kind=RKIND), dimension(:,:), pointer :: albedo12m
  real (kind=RKIND) :: msgval, fillval
+ integer, pointer :: category_min, category_max
  integer, dimension(:), pointer :: lu_index
  integer, dimension(:), pointer :: soilcat_top
  integer, dimension(:), pointer :: landmask
@@ -135,6 +142,20 @@ subroutine init_atm_static(mesh, dims, configs)
  real (kind=RKIND) :: xPixel, yPixel, zPixel
+ type (mpas_kd_type), dimension(:), pointer :: kd_points
+ type (mpas_kd_type), pointer :: tree
+ type (mpas_kd_type), pointer :: res
+ type (mpas_geotile_mgr_type) :: mgr
+ type (mpas_geotile_type), pointer :: tile
+ real (kind=RKIND) :: tval
+ integer, pointer :: tile_bdr
+ integer, pointer :: tile_nx, tile_ny
+ logical :: all_pixels_mapped_to_halo_cells
+ integer :: ierr
@@ -206,6 +227,7 @@ subroutine init_atm_static(mesh, dims, configs)
  call mpas_pool_get_config(mesh, 'sphere_radius', sphere_radius)
  call mpas_pool_get_dimension(dims, 'nCells', nCells)
+ call mpas_pool_get_dimension(dims, 'nCellsSolve', nCellsSolve)
  call mpas_pool_get_dimension(dims, 'nEdges', nEdges)
  call mpas_pool_get_dimension(dims, 'nVertices', nVertices)
  call mpas_pool_get_dimension(dims, 'maxEdges', maxEdges)
@@ -225,6 +247,21 @@ subroutine init_atm_static(mesh, dims, configs)
  areaTriangle = areaTriangle * sphere_radius**2.0
  kiteAreasOnVertex = kiteAreasOnVertex * sphere_radius**2.0
+! Initialize the KD-Tree
+ allocate(kd_points(nCells))
+ do i = 1, nCells
+     allocate(kd_points(i) % point(3))
+     kd_points(i) % point = (/xCell(i), yCell(i), zCell(i)/)
+     kd_points(i) % id = i ! Cell ID
+ enddo
+ tree => null()
+ tree => mpas_kd_construct(kd_points, 3)
+ if (.not. associated(tree)) then
+     call mpas_log_write('Error creating the KD-Tree for static interpolation', messageType=MPAS_LOG_CRIT)
+ endif
 ! Initialize Coriolis parameter field on edges and vertices
@@ -249,14 +286,8 @@ subroutine init_atm_static(mesh, dims, configs)
  surface_input_select0: select case(trim(config_landuse_data))
-       isice_lu = 24
-       iswater_lu = 16
-       ismax_lu = 24
        write(mminlu,'(a)') 'USGS'
-       isice_lu = 15
-       iswater_lu = 17
-       ismax_lu = 20
        write(mminlu,'(a)') 'MODIFIED_IGBP_MODIS_NOAH'
     case default
          call mpas_log_write('*****************************************************************', messageType=MPAS_LOG_ERR)
@@ -271,32 +302,13 @@ subroutine init_atm_static(mesh, dims, configs)
 ! Interpolate HGT
-!nx = 126
-!ny = 126
- nx = 1206
- ny = 1206
- nz = 1
- isigned  = 1
- endian   = 0
- wordsize = 2
- scalefactor = 1.0
- allocate(rarray(nx,ny,nz))
- allocate(nhs(nCells))
- nhs(:) = 0
- ter(:) = 0.0
- rarray_ptr = c_loc(rarray)
- start_lat = -89.99583
  select case(trim(config_topo_data))
        call mpas_log_write('Using GTOPO30 terrain dataset')
        geog_sub_path = 'topo_30s/'
-       start_lon = -179.99583
        call mpas_log_write('Using GMTED2010 terrain dataset')
        geog_sub_path = 'topo_gmted2010_30s/'
-       start_lon = 0.004166667
        call mpas_log_write('*****************************************************************', messageType=MPAS_LOG_ERR)
        call mpas_log_write('Invalid topography dataset '''//trim(config_topo_data) &
@@ -306,66 +318,130 @@ subroutine init_atm_static(mesh, dims, configs)
        call mpas_log_write('Please correct the namelist.', messageType=MPAS_LOG_CRIT)
  end select
- do jTileStart = 1,20401,ny-6
-    jTileEnd = jTileStart + ny - 1 - 6
-    do iTileStart=1,42001,nx-6
-       iTileEnd = iTileStart + nx - 1 - 6
-       write(fname,'(a,i5.5,a1,i5.5,a1,i5.5,a1,i5.5)') trim(geog_data_path)//trim(geog_sub_path), &
-                    iTileStart,'-',iTileEnd,'.',jTileStart,'-',jTileEnd
-       call mpas_log_write(trim(fname))
-       call mpas_f_to_c_string(fname, c_fname)
-       call read_geogrid(c_fname,rarray_ptr,nx,ny,nz,isigned,endian, &
-                         scalefactor,wordsize,istatus)
-       call init_atm_check_read_error(istatus, fname)
-       iPoint = 1
-       do j=4,ny-3
-       do i=4,nx-3
-          lat_pt = start_lat + (jTileStart + j - 5) * 0.0083333333
-          lon_pt = start_lon + (iTileStart + i - 5) * 0.0083333333
-          lat_pt = lat_pt * PI / 180.0
-          lon_pt = lon_pt * PI / 180.0
-          iPoint = nearest_cell(lat_pt,lon_pt,iPoint,nCells,maxEdges, &
-                                nEdgesOnCell,cellsOnCell, &
-                                latCell,lonCell)
-          !
-          ! For all but the outermost boundary cells, we can safely assume that the nearest
-          ! model grid cell contains the pixel (else, a different cell would be nearest)
-          !
-          if (bdyMaskCell(iPoint) < nBdyLayers) then
-             ter(iPoint) = ter(iPoint) + rarray(i,j,1)
-             nhs(iPoint) = nhs(iPoint) + 1
-          ! For outermost boundary cells, additional work is needed to verify that the pixel
-          ! actually lies within the nearest cell
-          else
-             zPixel = sphere_radius * sin(lat_pt)                  ! Model cell coordinates assume a "full" sphere radius
-             xPixel = sphere_radius * cos(lon_pt) * cos(lat_pt)    ! at this point, so we need to ues the same radius
-             yPixel = sphere_radius * sin(lon_pt) * cos(lat_pt)    ! for source pixel coordinates
-             if (in_cell(xPixel, yPixel, zPixel, xCell(iPoint), yCell(iPoint), zCell(iPoint), &
-                         nEdgesOnCell(iPoint), verticesOnCell(:,iPoint), xVertex, yVertex, zVertex)) then
-                ter(iPoint) = ter(iPoint) + rarray(i,j,1)
-                nhs(iPoint) = nhs(iPoint) + 1
+ ierr = mgr % init(trim(config_geog_data_path)//trim(geog_sub_path))
+ if (ierr /= 0) then
+    call mpas_log_write('Error occured when initalizing the interpolation of terrain height (ter)', messageType=MPAS_LOG_CRIT)
+ endif
-             end if
-          end if
-       end do
-       end do
-    end do
+ allocate(ter_integer(nCells))
+ allocate(nhs(nCells))
+ !
+ ! Store tile values as a I8KIND integer temporarily to avoid floating
+ ! point round off differences and to have +/- 9.22x10^18 range of representative
+ ! values. For example, a 120 km mesh with a 1 meter data set with 6 decimal of
+ ! precision will allow for values of 180x10^12.
+ !
+ ter_integer(:) = 0_I8KIND
+ ter(:) = 0.0_RKIND
+ nhs(:) = 0
+ call mpas_pool_get_config(mgr % pool, 'tile_bdr', tile_bdr)
+ call mpas_pool_get_config(mgr % pool, 'tile_x', tile_nx)
+ call mpas_pool_get_config(mgr % pool, 'tile_y', tile_ny)
+ call mpas_pool_get_config(mgr % pool, 'scale_factor', scalefactor_ptr)
+ scalefactor = scalefactor_ptr
+ do iCell = 1, nCells
+     !
+     ! Load the tile at each cell center. This insures all cells receive values
+     !
+     if (nhs(iCell) == 0) then
+         tile => null()
+         ierr = mgr % get_tile(latCell(iCell), lonCell(iCell), tile)
+         if (ierr /= 0 .or. .not. associated(tile)) then
+             call mpas_log_write('Could not get tile that contained cell $i', intArgs=(/iCell/), messageType=MPAS_LOG_CRIT)
+         end if
+         ierr = mgr % push_tile(tile)
+         if (ierr /= 0) then
+             call mpas_log_write("Error pushing this tile onto the stack: "//trim(tile%fname), messageType=MPAS_LOG_CRIT)
+         end if
+     end if
+     !
+     ! Process each tile by removing it from the stack. Determine the closest cell center to each tile
+     ! pixel by using a KD search and assign its value to that cell.
+     !
+     do while (.not. mgr % is_stack_empty())
+         tile => mgr % pop_tile()
+         if (tile % is_processed) then
+             cycle
+         end if
+         call mpas_log_write('Processing tile: '//trim(tile%fname))
+         all_pixels_mapped_to_halo_cells = .true.
+         do j = 1 + tile_bdr, tile_ny + tile_bdr, 1
+            do i = 1 + tile_bdr, tile_nx + tile_bdr, 1
+               tval = tile % tile(i, j, 1)
+               call mgr % tile_to_latlon(tile, j, i, lat_pt, lon_pt)
+               call mpas_latlon_to_xyz(xPixel, yPixel, zPixel, sphere_radius, lat_pt, lon_pt)
+               call mpas_kd_search(tree, (/xPixel, yPixel, zPixel/), res)
+               !
+               ! For all but the outermost boundary cells, we can safely assume that the nearest
+               ! model grid cell contains the pixel (else, a different cell would be nearest)
+               !
+               if (bdyMaskCell(res % id) < nBdyLayers) then
+                  ter_integer(res % id) = ter_integer(res % id) + int(tval, kind=I8KIND)
+                  nhs(res % id) = nhs(res % id) + 1
+                  if (res % id <= nCellsSolve) then
+                      all_pixels_mapped_to_halo_cells = .false.
+                  end if
+               ! For outermost boundary cells, additional work is needed to verify that the pixel
+               ! actually lies within the nearest cell
+               else
+                  if (mpas_in_cell(xPixel, yPixel, zPixel, xCell(res % id), yCell(res % id), zCell(res % id), &
+                                   nEdgesOnCell(res % id), verticesOnCell(:,res % id), xVertex, yVertex, zVertex)) then
+                     ter_integer(res % id) = ter_integer(res % id) + int(tval, kind=I8KIND)
+                     nhs(res % id) = nhs(res % id) + 1
+                     if (res % id <= nCellsSolve) then
+                         all_pixels_mapped_to_halo_cells = .false.
+                     end if
+                  end if
+               end if
+            end do
+        end do
+        tile % is_processed = .true.
+        !
+        ! If a single pixel value maps to an owned cell (i.e. <= nCellsSolve) then
+        ! it is possible that the neighboring tiles might contain pixels that map
+        ! to this process' compute cells, so add them to the stack.
+        !
+        if (.not. all_pixels_mapped_to_halo_cells) then
+            ierr = mgr % push_neighbors(tile)
+            if (ierr /= 0) then
+                call mpas_log_write("Error pushing the tile neighbors of: "//trim(tile%fname), messageType=MPAS_LOG_CRIT)
+            end if
+        end if
+     end do
  end do
- do iCell = 1,nCells
-    ter(iCell) = ter(iCell) / real(nhs(iCell))
+ do iCell = 1, nCells
+    ter(iCell) = real(ter_integer(iCell), kind=R8KIND) / real(nhs(iCell), kind=R8KIND)
+    ter(iCell) = ter(iCell) * scalefactor
  end do
- deallocate(rarray)
+ deallocate(ter_integer)
+ ierr = mgr % finalize()
+ if (ierr /= 0) then
+    call mpas_log_write('Error occured when finalizing the interpolation of terrain height (ter)', messageType=MPAS_LOG_CRIT)
+ endif
  call mpas_log_write('--- end interpolate TER')
@@ -387,171 +463,252 @@ subroutine init_atm_static(mesh, dims, configs)
        call mpas_log_write('*****************************************************************', messageType=MPAS_LOG_ERR)
        call mpas_log_write('Please correct the namelist.', messageType=MPAS_LOG_CRIT)
  end select surface_input_select1
- nx = 1200
- ny = 1200
- nz = 1
- isigned  = 1
- endian   = 0
- wordsize = 1
- scalefactor = 1.0
- allocate(rarray(nx,ny,nz))
- allocate(ncat(ismax_lu,nCells))
+ ierr = mgr % init(trim(config_geog_data_path)//trim(geog_sub_path))
+ if (ierr /= 0) then
+    call mpas_log_write('Error occurred when initializing the interpolation of landuse category (lu_index)', &
+                         messageType=MPAS_LOG_CRIT)
+ endif
+ call mpas_pool_get_config(mgr % pool, 'iswater', iswater_lu_ptr)
+ call mpas_pool_get_config(mgr % pool, 'isice', isice_lu_ptr)
+ call mpas_pool_get_config(mgr % pool, 'tile_bdr', tile_bdr)
+ call mpas_pool_get_config(mgr % pool, 'tile_x', tile_nx)
+ call mpas_pool_get_config(mgr % pool, 'tile_y', tile_ny)
+ call mpas_pool_get_config(mgr % pool, 'category_min', category_min)
+ call mpas_pool_get_config(mgr % pool, 'category_max', category_max)
+ ! Transfer iswater_lu_ptr, isice_lu_ptr to iswater_lu and isice_lu because
+ ! isawter_lu_ptr and isice_lu_ptr will become unassociated when calling
+ ! mgr % finalize. iswater_lu and isice_lu will be written to the output
+ ! stream
+ iswater_lu = iswater_lu_ptr
+ isice_lu = isice_lu_ptr
+ allocate(ncat(category_min:category_max, nCells))
  ncat(:,:) = 0
- lu_index(:) = 0.0
+ lu_index(:) = 0
- rarray_ptr = c_loc(rarray)
+ do iCell = 1, nCells
- do jTileStart = 1,20401,ny
-    jTileEnd = jTileStart + ny - 1
+     if (all(ncat(:,iCell) == 0)) then
+         tile => null()
+         ierr = mgr % get_tile(latCell(iCell), lonCell(iCell), tile)
+         if (ierr /= 0 .or. .not. associated(tile)) then
+             call mpas_log_write('Could not get the tile that contained cell $i', intArgs=(/iCell/), messageType=MPAS_LOG_CRIT)
+         end if
-    do iTileStart = 1,42001,nx
-       iTileEnd = iTileStart + nx - 1
-       write(fname,'(a,i5.5,a1,i5.5,a1,i5.5,a1,i5.5)') trim(geog_data_path)// &
-             trim(geog_sub_path),iTileStart,'-',iTileEnd,'.',jTileStart,'-',jTileEnd
-       call mpas_log_write(trim(fname))
-       call mpas_f_to_c_string(fname, c_fname)
+         ierr = mgr % push_tile(tile)
+         if (ierr /= 0) then
+             call mpas_log_write('Error pushing this tile onto the stack: '//trim(tile%fname), messageType=MPAS_LOG_CRIT)
+         end if
+     end if
-       call read_geogrid(c_fname,rarray_ptr,nx,ny,nz,isigned,endian, &
-                         scalefactor,wordsize,istatus)
-       call init_atm_check_read_error(istatus, fname)
-       iPoint = 1
-       do j=1,ny
-       do i=1,nx
-! The MODIS dataset appears to have zeros at the South Pole, possibly other places, too
-if (rarray(i,j,1) == 0) cycle
+     do while (.not. mgr % is_stack_empty())
+         tile => mgr % pop_tile()
-          lat_pt = -89.99583  + (jTileStart + j - 2) * 0.0083333333
-          lon_pt = -179.99583 + (iTileStart + i - 2) * 0.0083333333
-          lat_pt = lat_pt * PI / 180.0
-          lon_pt = lon_pt * PI / 180.0
+         if (tile % is_processed) then
+             cycle
+         endif
-          iPoint = nearest_cell(lat_pt,lon_pt,iPoint,nCells,maxEdges, &
-                                nEdgesOnCell,cellsOnCell, &
-                                latCell,lonCell)
+         call mpas_log_write('Processing tile: '//trim(tile%fname))
-          !
-          ! For all but the outermost boundary cells, we can safely assume that the nearest
-          ! model grid cell contains the pixel (else, a different cell would be nearest)
-          !
-          if (bdyMaskCell(iPoint) < nBdyLayers) then
-             ncat(int(rarray(i,j,1)),iPoint) = ncat(int(rarray(i,j,1)),iPoint) + 1
+         all_pixels_mapped_to_halo_cells = .true.
-          ! For outermost boundary cells, additional work is needed to verify that the pixel
-          ! actually lies within the nearest cell
-          else
-             zPixel = sphere_radius * sin(lat_pt)                  ! Model cell coordinates assume a "full" sphere radius
-             xPixel = sphere_radius * cos(lon_pt) * cos(lat_pt)    ! at this point, so we need to ues the same radius
-             yPixel = sphere_radius * sin(lon_pt) * cos(lat_pt)    ! for source pixel coordinates
+         do j = 1 + tile_bdr, tile_ny + tile_bdr, 1
+             do i = 1 + tile_bdr, tile_nx + tile_bdr, 1
-             if (in_cell(xPixel, yPixel, zPixel, xCell(iPoint), yCell(iPoint), zCell(iPoint), &
-                         nEdgesOnCell(iPoint), verticesOnCell(:,iPoint), xVertex, yVertex, zVertex)) then
+                !
+                ! The MODIS dataset has zeros at the South Pole, and possibly other places, so
+                ! skip any value that is less than category_min or greater than category_max as
+                ! reported in the index file.
+                !
+                if (tile % tile(i,j,1) < category_min .or. tile % tile(i,j,1) > category_max) then
+                    cycle
+                end if
-                ncat(int(rarray(i,j,1)),iPoint) = ncat(int(rarray(i,j,1)),iPoint) + 1
+                call mgr % tile_to_latlon(tile, j, i, lat_pt, lon_pt)
+                call mpas_latlon_to_xyz(xPixel, yPixel, zPixel, sphere_radius, lat_pt, lon_pt)
+                call mpas_kd_search(tree, (/xPixel, yPixel, zPixel/), res)
-             end if
-          end if
-       end do
-       end do
+                !
+                ! For all but the outermost boundary cells, we can safely assume that the nearest
+                ! model grid cell contains the pixel (else, a different cell would be nearest)
+                !
+                if (bdyMaskCell(res % id) < nBdyLayers) then
-    end do
+                   ncat(int(tile % tile(i,j,1)), res % id) = ncat(int(tile % tile(i,j,1)), res % id) + 1
+                   if (res % id <= nCellsSolve) then
+                       all_pixels_mapped_to_halo_cells = .false.
+                   end if
+                ! For outermost boundary cells, additional work is needed to verify that the pixel
+                ! actually lies within the nearest cell
+                else
+                   if (mpas_in_cell(xPixel, yPixel, zPixel, xCell(res % id), yCell(res % id), zCell(res % id), &
+                                    nEdgesOnCell(res % id), verticesOnCell(:,res % id), xVertex, yVertex, zVertex)) then
+                      ncat(int(tile % tile(i,j,1)), res % id) = ncat(int(tile % tile(i,j,1)), res % id) + 1
+                      if (res % id <= nCellsSolve) then
+                          all_pixels_mapped_to_halo_cells = .false.
+                      end if
+                   end if
+                end if
+             end do
+         end do
+         tile % is_processed = .true.
+         if (.not. all_pixels_mapped_to_halo_cells) then
+             ierr = mgr % push_neighbors(tile)
+             if (ierr /= 0) then
+                 call mpas_log_write("Error pushing the tile neighbors of: "//trim(tile%fname), messageType=MPAS_LOG_CRIT)
+             endif
+         end if
+     end do
  end do
- do iCell = 1,nCells
-    lu_index(iCell) = 1
-    do i = 2,ismax_lu
-       if(ncat(i,iCell) > ncat(lu_index(iCell),iCell)) then
-          lu_index(iCell) = i
-       end if
-    end do
+ do iCell = 1, nCells
+    ! Because maxloc returns the location of the maximum value of an array as if the
+    ! starting index of the array is 1, and dataset categories do not necessarily start
+    ! at 1, we need to use category_min to ensure the correct category location is chosen.
+    lu_index(iCell) = maxloc(ncat(:,iCell), dim=1) - 1 + category_min
  end do
- deallocate(rarray)
- call mpas_log_write('--- end interpolate LU_INDEX')
+ ierr = mgr % finalize()
+ if (ierr /= 0) then
+    call mpas_log_write('Error occurred when finalizing the interpolation of landuse category (lu_index)', &
+                         messageType=MPAS_LOG_CRIT)
+ endif
+ call mpas_log_write('--- end interpolate LU_INDEX')
 ! Interpolate SOILCAT_TOP
- nx = 1200
- ny = 1200
- nz = 1
- isigned     = 1
- endian      = 0
- wordsize    = 1
- scalefactor = 1.0
- allocate(rarray(nx,ny,nz))
- allocate(ncat(16,nCells))
+ geog_sub_path = 'soiltype_top_30s/'
+ ierr = mgr % init(trim(config_geog_data_path)//trim(geog_sub_path))
+ if (ierr /= 0) then
+    call mpas_log_write('Error occurred when initalizing the interpolation of soil top category (soilcat_top)', &
+                         messageType=MPAS_LOG_CRIT)
+ endif
+ call mpas_pool_get_config(mgr % pool, 'tile_bdr', tile_bdr)
+ call mpas_pool_get_config(mgr % pool, 'tile_x', tile_nx)
+ call mpas_pool_get_config(mgr % pool, 'tile_y', tile_ny)
+ call mpas_pool_get_config(mgr % pool, 'category_min', category_min)
+ call mpas_pool_get_config(mgr % pool, 'category_max', category_max)
+ call mpas_pool_get_config(mgr % pool, 'isoilwater', iswater_soil_ptr)
+ iswater_soil = iswater_soil_ptr
+ allocate(ncat(category_min:category_max, nCells))
+ soilcat_top(:) = 0
  ncat(:,:) = 0
- soilcat_top(:) = 0.0
- rarray_ptr = c_loc(rarray)
+ do iCell = 1, nCells
- do jTileStart = 1,20401,ny
-    jTileEnd = jTileStart + ny - 1
-    do iTileStart = 1,42001,nx
-       iTileEnd = iTileStart + nx - 1
-       write(fname,'(a,i5.5,a1,i5.5,a1,i5.5,a1,i5.5)') trim(geog_data_path)// &
-             'soiltype_top_30s/',iTileStart,'-',iTileEnd,'.',jTileStart,'-',jTileEnd
-       call mpas_log_write(trim(fname))
-       call mpas_f_to_c_string(fname, c_fname)
-       call read_geogrid(c_fname,rarray_ptr,nx,ny,nz,isigned,endian, &
-                         scalefactor,wordsize,istatus)
-       call init_atm_check_read_error(istatus, fname)
-       iPoint = 1
-       do j=1,ny
-       do i=1,nx
-          lat_pt = -89.99583  + (jTileStart + j - 2) * 0.0083333333
-          lon_pt = -179.99583 + (iTileStart + i - 2) * 0.0083333333
-          lat_pt = lat_pt * PI / 180.0
-          lon_pt = lon_pt * PI / 180.0
-          iPoint = nearest_cell(lat_pt,lon_pt,iPoint,nCells,maxEdges, &
-                                nEdgesOnCell,cellsOnCell, &
-                                latCell,lonCell)
-          !
-          ! For all but the outermost boundary cells, we can safely assume that the nearest
-          ! model grid cell contains the pixel (else, a different cell would be nearest)
-          !
-          if (bdyMaskCell(iPoint) < nBdyLayers) then
-             ncat(int(rarray(i,j,1)),iPoint) = ncat(int(rarray(i,j,1)),iPoint) + 1
-          ! For outermost boundary cells, additional work is needed to verify that the pixel
-          ! actually lies within the nearest cell
-          else
-             zPixel = sphere_radius * sin(lat_pt)                  ! Model cell coordinates assume a "full" sphere radius
-             xPixel = sphere_radius * cos(lon_pt) * cos(lat_pt)    ! at this point, so we need to ues the same radius
-             yPixel = sphere_radius * sin(lon_pt) * cos(lat_pt)    ! for source pixel coordinates
-             if (in_cell(xPixel, yPixel, zPixel, xCell(iPoint), yCell(iPoint), zCell(iPoint), &
-                         nEdgesOnCell(iPoint), verticesOnCell(:,iPoint), xVertex, yVertex, zVertex)) then
-                ncat(int(rarray(i,j,1)),iPoint) = ncat(int(rarray(i,j,1)),iPoint) + 1
+     if (all(ncat(:,iCell) == 0)) then
+         tile => null()
+         ierr = mgr % get_tile(latCell(iCell), lonCell(iCell), tile)
+         if (ierr /= 0 .or. .not. associated(tile)) then
+             call mpas_log_write('Could not get the tile that contained cell $i', intArgs=(/iCell/), messageType=MPAS_LOG_CRIT)
+         end if
-             end if
-          end if
-       end do
-       end do
+         ierr = mgr % push_tile(tile)
+         if (ierr /= 0) then
+             call mpas_log_write('Error pushing this tile onto the stack: '//trim(tile%fname), messageType=MPAS_LOG_CRIT)
+         end if
+    end if
+    do while(.not. mgr % is_stack_empty())
+        tile => mgr % pop_tile()
+        if (tile % is_processed) then
+            cycle
+        end if
+        call mpas_log_write('Processing tile: '//trim(tile%fname))
+        all_pixels_mapped_to_halo_cells = .true.
+        do j = 1 + tile_bdr, tile_ny + tile_bdr, 1
+            do i = 1 + tile_bdr, tile_nx + tile_bdr, 1
+                !
+                ! While the currently used soil type dataset, soiltype_top_30s, does not contain any
+                ! invalid values, have this sanity check for any future soil type datasets
+                !
+                if (tile % tile(i,j,1) < category_min .or. tile % tile(i,j,1) > category_max) then
+                    cycle
+                end if
+                call mgr % tile_to_latlon(tile, j, i, lat_pt, lon_pt)
+                call mpas_latlon_to_xyz(xPixel, yPixel, zPixel, sphere_radius, lat_pt, lon_pt)
+                res => null()
+                call mpas_kd_search(tree, (/xPixel, yPixel, zPixel/), res)
+                !
+                ! For all but the outermost boundary cells, we can safely assume that the nearest
+                ! model grid cell contains the pixel (else, a different cell would be nearest)
+                !
+                if (bdyMaskCell(res % id) < nBdyLayers) then
+                   ncat(int(tile % tile(i,j,1)), res % id) = ncat(int(tile % tile(i,j,1)), res % id) + 1
+                   if (res % id <= nCellsSolve) then
+                       all_pixels_mapped_to_halo_cells = .false.
+                   end if
+                ! For outermost boundary cells, additional work is needed to verify that the pixel
+                ! actually lies within the nearest cell
+                else
+                   if (mpas_in_cell(xPixel, yPixel, zPixel, xCell(res % id), yCell(res % id), zCell(res % id), &
+                                    nEdgesOnCell(res % id), verticesOnCell(:,res % id), xVertex, yVertex, zVertex)) then
+                      ncat(int(tile % tile(i,j,1)), res % id) = ncat(int(tile % tile(i,j,1)), res % id) + 1
+                      if (res % id <= nCellsSolve) then
+                          all_pixels_mapped_to_halo_cells = .false.
+                      end if
+                   end if
+                 end if
+            end do
+        end do
+        tile % is_processed = .true.
+        if (.not. all_pixels_mapped_to_halo_cells) then
+            ierr = mgr % push_neighbors(tile)
+            if (ierr /=0) then
+                call mpas_log_write("Error pushing the tile neighbors of: "//trim(tile%fname), messageType=MPAS_LOG_CRIT)
+            end if
+        end if
     end do
  end do
- do iCell = 1,nCells
-    soilcat_top(iCell) = 1
-    do i = 2,16
-       if(ncat(i,iCell) > ncat(soilcat_top(iCell),iCell)) then
-          soilcat_top(iCell) = i
-       end if
-    end do
+ do iCell = 1, nCells
+    ! Because maxloc returns the location of the maximum value of an array as if the
+    ! starting index of the array is 1, and dataset categories do not necessarily start
+    ! at 1, we need to use category_min to ensure the correct category location is chosen.
+    soilcat_top(iCell) = maxloc(ncat(:,iCell), dim=1) - 1 + category_min
  end do
- deallocate(rarray)
+ ierr = mgr % finalize()
+ if (ierr /= 0) then
+    call mpas_log_write('Error occurred when finalizing the interpolation of soil top category (soilcat_top)', &
+                         messageType=MPAS_LOG_CRIT)
+ endif
  call mpas_log_write('--- end interpolate SOILCAT_TOP')
@@ -565,14 +722,14 @@ subroutine init_atm_static(mesh, dims, configs)
  do iCell = 1,nCells
     if (lu_index(iCell) == iswater_lu .or. &
-        soilcat_top(iCell) == 14) then
+        soilcat_top(iCell) == iswater_soil) then
         if (lu_index(iCell) /= iswater_lu) then
             call mpas_log_write('Turning lu_index into water at $i', intArgs=(/iCell/))
             lu_index(iCell) = iswater_lu
         end if
-        if (soilcat_top(iCell) /= 14) then
+        if (soilcat_top(iCell) /= iswater_soil) then
             call mpas_log_write('Turning soilcat_top into water at $i', intArgs=(/iCell/))
-            soilcat_top(iCell) = 14
+            soilcat_top(iCell) = iswater_soil
         end if
     end if
  end do
@@ -618,8 +775,9 @@ subroutine init_atm_static(mesh, dims, configs)
  call mpas_f_to_c_string(fname, c_fname)
  call read_geogrid(c_fname,rarray_ptr,nx,ny,nz,isigned, endian, &
-                   scalefactor,wordsize,istatus)
+                   wordsize,istatus)
  call init_atm_check_read_error(istatus, fname)
+ rarray(:,:,:) = rarray(:,:,:) * scalefactor
  soiltemp_1deg(-2:180,-2:183) = rarray(1:183,1:186,1)
  write(fname,'(a,i5.5,a1,i5.5,a1,i5.5,a1,i5.5)') trim(geog_data_path)// &
@@ -628,8 +786,9 @@ subroutine init_atm_static(mesh, dims, configs)
  call mpas_f_to_c_string(fname, c_fname)
  call read_geogrid(c_fname,rarray_ptr,nx,ny,nz,isigned,endian, &
-                        scalefactor,wordsize,istatus)
+                   wordsize,istatus)
  call init_atm_check_read_error(istatus,fname)
+ rarray(:,:,:) = rarray(:,:,:) * scalefactor
  soiltemp_1deg(181:363,-2:183) = rarray(4:186,1:186,1)
  interp_list(1) = FOUR_POINT
@@ -706,8 +865,9 @@ subroutine init_atm_static(mesh, dims, configs)
           call mpas_f_to_c_string(fname, c_fname)
           call read_geogrid(c_fname,rarray_ptr,nx,ny,nz,isigned,endian, &
-                            scalefactor,wordsize,istatus)
+                            wordsize,istatus)
           call init_atm_check_read_error(istatus, fname)
+          rarray(:,:,:) = rarray(:,:,:) * scalefactor
           iPoint = 1
           do j=supersample_fac * 3 + 1, supersample_fac * (ny-3)
@@ -741,7 +901,7 @@ subroutine init_atm_static(mesh, dims, configs)
                    xPixel = sphere_radius * cos(lon_pt) * cos(lat_pt)    ! at this point, so we need to ues the same radius
                    yPixel = sphere_radius * sin(lon_pt) * cos(lat_pt)    ! for source pixel coordinates
-                   if (in_cell(xPixel, yPixel, zPixel, xCell(iPoint), yCell(iPoint), zCell(iPoint), &
+                   if (mpas_in_cell(xPixel, yPixel, zPixel, xCell(iPoint), yCell(iPoint), zCell(iPoint), &
                                nEdgesOnCell(iPoint), verticesOnCell(:,iPoint), xVertex, yVertex, zVertex)) then
                       snoalb(iPoint) = snoalb(iPoint) + rarray(ii,jj,1)
                       nhs(iPoint) = nhs(iPoint) + 1
@@ -802,8 +962,9 @@ subroutine init_atm_static(mesh, dims, configs)
     call mpas_f_to_c_string(fname, c_fname)
     call read_geogrid(c_fname,rarray_ptr,nx,ny,nz,isigned,endian, &
-                      scalefactor,wordsize,istatus)
+                      wordsize,istatus)
     call init_atm_check_read_error(istatus,fname)
+    rarray(:,:,:) = rarray(:,:,:) * scalefactor
     maxsnowalb(-2:180,-2:183) = rarray(1:183,1:186,1)
     write(fname,'(a,i5.5,a1,i5.5,a1,i5.5,a1,i5.5)') trim(geog_data_path)// &
@@ -812,8 +973,9 @@ subroutine init_atm_static(mesh, dims, configs)
     call mpas_f_to_c_string(fname, c_fname)
     call read_geogrid(c_fname,rarray_ptr,nx,ny,nz,isigned,endian, &
-                      scalefactor,wordsize,istatus)
+                      wordsize,istatus)
     call init_atm_check_read_error(istatus, fname)
+    rarray(:,:,:) = rarray(:,:,:) * scalefactor
     maxsnowalb(181:363,-2:183) = rarray(4:186,1:186,1)
     interp_list(1) = FOUR_POINT
@@ -900,8 +1062,9 @@ subroutine init_atm_static(mesh, dims, configs)
           call mpas_f_to_c_string(fname, c_fname)
           call read_geogrid(c_fname,rarray_ptr,nx,ny,nz,isigned,endian, &
-                            scalefactor,wordsize,istatus)
+                            wordsize,istatus)
           call init_atm_check_read_error(istatus, fname)
+          rarray(:,:,:) = rarray(:,:,:) *  scalefactor
           iPoint = 1
           do j=1,ny
@@ -936,7 +1099,7 @@ subroutine init_atm_static(mesh, dims, configs)
                 xPixel = sphere_radius * cos(lon_pt) * cos(lat_pt)    ! at this point, so we need to ues the same radius
                 yPixel = sphere_radius * sin(lon_pt) * cos(lat_pt)    ! for source pixel coordinates
-                if (in_cell(xPixel, yPixel, zPixel, xCell(iPoint), yCell(iPoint), zCell(iPoint), &
+                if (mpas_in_cell(xPixel, yPixel, zPixel, xCell(iPoint), yCell(iPoint), zCell(iPoint), &
                             nEdgesOnCell(iPoint), verticesOnCell(:,iPoint), xVertex, yVertex, zVertex)) then
                    do k=1,nz
                       if (rarray(i,j,k) == msgval) then
@@ -998,8 +1161,9 @@ subroutine init_atm_static(mesh, dims, configs)
     call mpas_f_to_c_string(fname, c_fname)
     call read_geogrid(c_fname,rarray_ptr,nx,ny,nz,isigned,endian, &
-                      scalefactor,wordsize,istatus)
+                      wordsize,istatus)
     call init_atm_check_read_error(istatus,fname)
+    rarray(:,:,:) = rarray(:,:,:) * scalefactor
     vegfra(-2:1250,-2:1253,1:12) = rarray(1:1253,1:1256,1:12)
     write(fname,'(a,i5.5,a1,i5.5,a1,i5.5,a1,i5.5)') trim(geog_data_path)// &
@@ -1008,8 +1172,9 @@ subroutine init_atm_static(mesh, dims, configs)
     call mpas_f_to_c_string(fname, c_fname)
     call read_geogrid(c_fname,rarray_ptr,nx,ny,nz,isigned,endian, &
-                      scalefactor,wordsize,istatus)
+                      wordsize,istatus)
     call init_atm_check_read_error(istatus,fname)
+    rarray(:,:,:) = rarray(:,:,:) * scalefactor
     vegfra(1251:2503,-2:1253,1:12) = rarray(4:1256,1:1256,1:12)
     do iCell = 1,nCells
@@ -1096,8 +1261,9 @@ subroutine init_atm_static(mesh, dims, configs)
           call mpas_f_to_c_string(fname, c_fname)
           call read_geogrid(c_fname,rarray_ptr,nx,ny,nz,isigned,endian, &
-                            scalefactor,wordsize,istatus)
+                            wordsize,istatus)
           call init_atm_check_read_error(istatus, fname)
+          rarray(:,:,:) = rarray(:,:,:) * scalefactor
           iPoint = 1
           do j=supersample_fac * 3 + 1, supersample_fac * (ny-3)
@@ -1135,7 +1301,7 @@ subroutine init_atm_static(mesh, dims, configs)
                 xPixel = sphere_radius * cos(lon_pt) * cos(lat_pt)    ! at this point, so we need to ues the same radius
                 yPixel = sphere_radius * sin(lon_pt) * cos(lat_pt)    ! for source pixel coordinates
-                if (in_cell(xPixel, yPixel, zPixel, xCell(iPoint), yCell(iPoint), zCell(iPoint), &
+                if (mpas_in_cell(xPixel, yPixel, zPixel, xCell(iPoint), yCell(iPoint), zCell(iPoint), &
                             nEdgesOnCell(iPoint), verticesOnCell(:,iPoint), xVertex, yVertex, zVertex)) then
                    do k=1,nz
                       if (rarray(ii,jj,k) == msgval) then
@@ -1198,8 +1364,9 @@ subroutine init_atm_static(mesh, dims, configs)
     call mpas_f_to_c_string(fname, c_fname)
     call read_geogrid(c_fname,rarray_ptr,nx,ny,nz,isigned,endian, &
-                      scalefactor, wordsize, istatus)
+                      wordsize, istatus)
     call init_atm_check_read_error(istatus,fname)
+    rarray(:,:,:) = rarray(:,:,:) * scalefactor
     vegfra(-2:1250,-2:1253,1:12) = rarray(1:1253,1:1256,1:12)
     write(fname,'(a,i5.5,a1,i5.5,a1,i5.5,a1,i5.5)') trim(geog_data_path)// &
@@ -1208,8 +1375,9 @@ subroutine init_atm_static(mesh, dims, configs)
     call mpas_f_to_c_string(fname, c_fname)
     call read_geogrid(c_fname,rarray_ptr,nx,ny,nz,isigned,endian, &
-                      scalefactor,wordsize,istatus)
+                      wordsize,istatus)
     call init_atm_check_read_error(istatus,fname)
+    rarray(:,:,:) = rarray(:,:,:) * scalefactor
     vegfra(1251:2503,-2:1253,1:12) = rarray(4:1256,1:1256,1:12)
     do iCell = 1,nCells
@@ -1251,6 +1419,12 @@ subroutine init_atm_static(mesh, dims, configs)
  call mpas_log_write('--- end interpolate ALBEDO12M')
+! Deallocate and free the KD Tree
+ call mpas_kd_free(tree)
+ deallocate(kd_points)
  end subroutine init_atm_static
@@ -1328,146 +1502,6 @@ real (kind=RKIND) function sphere_distance(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2, radius)
  end function sphere_distance
-!  routine mirror_point
-!> \brief Finds the "mirror" of a point about a great-circle arc
-!> \author Michael Duda
-!> \date   7 March 2019
-!> \details
-!>  Given the endpoints of a great-circle arc (A,B) and a point, computes
-!>  the location of the point on the opposite side of the arc along a great-
-!>  circle arc that intersects (A,B) at a right angle, and such that the arc
-!>  between the point and its mirror is bisected by (A,B).
-!>  Assumptions: A, B, and the point to be reflected all lie on the surface
-!>  of the unit sphere.
-subroutine mirror_point(xPoint, yPoint, zPoint, xA, yA, zA, xB, yB, zB, xMirror, yMirror, zMirror)
-   implicit none
-   real(kind=RKIND), intent(in) :: xPoint, yPoint, zPoint
-   real(kind=RKIND), intent(in) :: xA, yA, zA
-   real(kind=RKIND), intent(in) :: xB, yB, zB
-   real(kind=RKIND), intent(out) :: xMirror, yMirror, zMirror
-   real(kind=RKIND) :: alpha
-   !
-   ! Find the spherical angle between arcs AP and AB (where P is the point to be reflected)
-   !
-   alpha = sphere_angle(xA, yA, zA, xPoint, yPoint, zPoint, xB, yB, zB)
-   !
-   ! Rotate the point to be reflected by twice alpha about the vector from the origin to A
-   !
-   call rotate_about_vector(xPoint, yPoint, zPoint, 2.0_RKIND * alpha, 0.0_RKIND, 0.0_RKIND, 0.0_RKIND, &
-                            xA, yA, zA, xMirror, yMirror, zMirror)
-end subroutine mirror_point
-!  routine rotate_about_vector
-!> \brief Rotates a point about a vector in R3
-!> \author Michael Duda
-!> \date   7 March 2019
-!> \details
-!>  Rotates the point (x,y,z) through an angle theta about the vector
-!>  originating at (a, b, c) and having direction (u, v, w).
-!>  Reference: https://sites.google.com/site/glennmurray/Home/rotation-matrices-and-formulas/rotation-about-an-arbitrary-axis-in-3-dimensions
-subroutine rotate_about_vector(x, y, z, theta, a, b, c, u, v, w, xp, yp, zp)
-   implicit none
-   real (kind=RKIND), intent(in) :: x, y, z, theta, a, b, c, u, v, w
-   real (kind=RKIND), intent(out) :: xp, yp, zp
-   real (kind=RKIND) :: vw2, uw2, uv2
-   real (kind=RKIND) :: m
-   vw2 = v**2.0 + w**2.0
-   uw2 = u**2.0 + w**2.0
-   uv2 = u**2.0 + v**2.0
-   m = sqrt(u**2.0 + v**2.0 + w**2.0)
-   xp = (a*vw2 + u*(-b*v-c*w+u*x+v*y+w*z) + ((x-a)*vw2+u*(b*v+c*w-v*y-w*z))*cos(theta) + m*(-c*v+b*w-w*y+v*z)*sin(theta))/m**2.0
-   yp = (b*uw2 + v*(-a*u-c*w+u*x+v*y+w*z) + ((y-b)*uw2+v*(a*u+c*w-u*x-w*z))*cos(theta) + m*( c*u-a*w+w*x-u*z)*sin(theta))/m**2.0
-   zp = (c*uv2 + w*(-a*u-b*v+u*x+v*y+w*z) + ((z-c)*uv2+w*(a*u+b*v-u*x-v*y))*cos(theta) + m*(-b*u+a*v-v*x+u*y)*sin(theta))/m**2.0
-end subroutine rotate_about_vector
-!  routine in_cell
-!> \brief Determines whether a point is within a Voronoi cell
-!> \author Michael Duda
-!> \date   7 March 2019
-!> \details
-!>  Given a point on the surface of the sphere, the corner points of a Voronoi
-!>  cell, and the generating point for that Voronoi cell, determines whether
-!>  the given point is within the Voronoi cell.
-logical function in_cell(xPoint, yPoint, zPoint, xCell, yCell, zCell, &
-                         nEdgesOnCell, verticesOnCell, xVertex, yVertex, zVertex)
-   use mpas_geometry_utils, only : mpas_arc_length
-   implicit none
-   real(kind=RKIND), intent(in) :: xPoint, yPoint, zPoint
-   real(kind=RKIND), intent(in) :: xCell, yCell, zCell
-   integer, intent(in) :: nEdgesOnCell
-   integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: verticesOnCell
-   real(kind=RKIND), dimension(:), intent(in) :: xVertex, yVertex, zVertex
-   integer :: i
-   integer :: vtx1, vtx2
-   real(kind=RKIND) :: xNeighbor, yNeighbor, zNeighbor
-   real(kind=RKIND) :: inDist, outDist
-   real(kind=RKIND) :: radius
-   real(kind=RKIND) :: radius_inv
-   radius = sqrt(xCell * xCell + yCell * yCell + zCell * zCell)
-   radius_inv = 1.0_RKIND / radius
-   inDist = mpas_arc_length(xPoint, yPoint, zPoint, xCell, yCell, zCell)
-   in_cell = .true.
-   do i=1,nEdgesOnCell
-      vtx1 = verticesOnCell(i)
-      vtx2 = verticesOnCell(mod(i,nEdgesOnCell)+1)
-      call mirror_point(xCell*radius_inv, yCell*radius_inv, zCell*radius_inv, &
-                        xVertex(vtx1)*radius_inv, yVertex(vtx1)*radius_inv, zVertex(vtx1)*radius_inv, &
-                        xVertex(vtx2)*radius_inv, yVertex(vtx2)*radius_inv, zVertex(vtx2)*radius_inv, &
-                        xNeighbor, yNeighbor, zNeighbor)
-      xNeighbor = xNeighbor * radius
-      yNeighbor = yNeighbor * radius
-      zNeighbor = zNeighbor * radius
-      outDist = mpas_arc_length(xPoint, yPoint, zPoint, xNeighbor, yNeighbor, zNeighbor)
-      if (outDist < inDist) then
-         in_cell = .false.
-         return
-      end if
-   end do
-end function in_cell
  end module mpas_init_atm_static
diff --git a/src/core_init_atmosphere/mpas_kd_tree.F b/src/core_init_atmosphere/mpas_kd_tree.F
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..638595d3c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/core_init_atmosphere/mpas_kd_tree.F
@@ -0,0 +1,457 @@
+module mpas_kd_tree
+   !***********************************************************************
+   !
+   !  module mpas_kd_tree
+   !
+   !> \brief   MPAS KD-Tree module
+   !> \author  Miles A. Curry
+   !> \date    01/28/20
+   !> A KD-Tree implementation to create and search perfectly balanced
+   !> KD-Trees.
+   !>
+   !> Use `mpas_kd_type` dervied type to construct points for mpas_kd_construct:
+   !>
+   !> real (kind=RKIND), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: array
+   !> type (mpas_kd_type), pointer :: tree => null()
+   !> type (mpas_kd_type), dimension(:), pointer :: points => null()
+   !>
+   !> allocate(array(k,n)) ! K dims and n points
+   !> allocate(points(n))
+   !> array(:,:) = (/.../)  ! Fill array with values
+   !>
+   !> do i = 1, n
+   !>    allocate(points(i) % point(k))    ! Allocate point with k dimensions
+   !>    points(i) % point(:) = array(:,i)
+   !>    points(i) % id = i                ! Or a value of your choice
+   !> enddo
+   !>
+   !> tree => mpas_kd_construct(points, k)
+   !>
+   !> call mpas_kd_free(tree)
+   !> deallocate(points)
+   !> deallocate(array)
+   !>
+   !
+   !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+   use mpas_kind_types, only : RKIND
+   implicit none
+   private
+   public :: mpas_kd_type
+   ! Public Subroutines
+   public :: mpas_kd_construct
+   public :: mpas_kd_search
+   public :: mpas_kd_free
+   type mpas_kd_type
+      type (mpas_kd_type), pointer :: left => null()
+      type (mpas_kd_type), pointer :: right => null()
+      integer :: split_dim
+      real (kind=RKIND), dimension(:), pointer :: point => null()
+      integer :: id
+   end type mpas_kd_type
+   contains
+   !***********************************************************************
+   !
+   !  recursive routine mpas_kd_construct_internal
+   !
+   !> \brief   Create a KD-Tree from a set of k-Dimensional points
+   !> \author  Miles A. Curry
+   !> \date    01/28/20
+   !> \details
+   !> Private, recursive function to construct a KD-Tree from an array
+   !> of mpas_kd_type, points, and return the root of the tree.
+   !>
+   !> ndims should be the dimensioned of each individual point found
+   !> in points and npoints should be the number of points. dim represents
+   !> the current split dimensioned and is used internally. Upon calling
+   !> this function, dim should always be set to 0.
+   !
+   !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+   recursive function mpas_kd_construct_internal(points, ndims, npoints, dim) result(tree)
+      implicit none
+      ! Input Variables
+      type (mpas_kd_type), dimension(:), target :: points
+      integer, intent(in) :: ndims
+      integer, value :: npoints
+      integer, value :: dim
+      ! Return Value
+      type (mpas_kd_type), pointer :: tree
+      ! Local Variables
+      integer :: median
+      if (npoints < 1) then
+         tree => null()
+         return
+      endif
+      ! Sort the points at the split dimension
+      dim = mod(dim, ndims) + 1
+      call quickSort(points, dim, 1, npoints, ndims)
+      median = (1 + npoints) / 2
+      points(median) % split_dim = dim
+      tree => points(median)
+      ! Build the right and left sub-trees but do not include the median
+      ! point (the root of the current tree)
+      if (npoints /= 1) then
+          points(median) % left => mpas_kd_construct_internal(points(1:median-1), ndims, median - 1, points(median) % split_dim)
+          points(median) % right => mpas_kd_construct_internal(points(median+1:npoints), ndims, npoints - median, &
+                                                                                             points(median) % split_dim)
+      endif
+   end function mpas_kd_construct_internal
+   !***********************************************************************
+   !
+   !  routine mpas_kd_construct
+   !
+   !> \brief   Construct a balanced KD-Tree
+   !> \author  Miles A. Curry
+   !> \date    01/28/20
+   !> \details
+   !> Create and return a perfectly balanced KD-Tree from an array of
+   !> mpas_kd_type, points. The point member of every element of the points
+   !> array should be allocated and set to the points desired to be in the
+   !> KD-Tree and ndims should be the dimensions of the points.
+   !>
+   !> Upon error, the returned tree will be unassociated.
+   !
+   !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+   function mpas_kd_construct(points, ndims) result(tree)
+      implicit none
+      ! Input Varaibles
+      type (mpas_kd_type), dimension(:) :: points
+      integer, intent(in) :: ndims
+      ! Return Value
+      type (mpas_kd_type), pointer :: tree
+      ! Local Varaibles
+      integer :: npoints
+      npoints = size(points)
+      if (npoints < 1) then
+         tree => null()
+         return
+      endif
+      tree => mpas_kd_construct_internal(points(:), ndims, npoints, 0)
+   end function mpas_kd_construct
+   !***********************************************************************
+   !
+   !  routine break_tie
+   !
+   !> \brief   Break a tie for two n-dim points
+   !> \author  Miles A. Curry
+   !> \date    07/07/20
+   !> \details
+   !> Compare 1..n dimensions of p1 and p2 and return -1 if p1(i) is less than
+   !> p2(i) and return 1 if p1(i) is greater than p2(i). If p1(i) and p2(i) are
+   !> equal, then the same comparison will be done on p1(i+1) and p2(i+1) until
+   !> p1(n) and p2(n). If p1(:) and p2(:) are equal across all n, then 0 will
+   !> be returned.
+   !
+   !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+   function break_tie(p1, p2) result(tie)
+      implicit none
+      ! Input Variables
+      type (mpas_kd_type), intent(in) :: p1
+      type (mpas_kd_type), intent(in) :: p2
+      integer :: tie
+      integer :: i
+      tie = 0
+      do i = 1, size(p1 % point(:))
+          if (p1 % point(i) < p2 % point(i)) then
+              tie = -1
+              return
+          else if (p1 % point(i) > p2 % point(i)) then
+              tie = 1
+              return
+          endif
+      enddo
+   end function break_tie
+   !***********************************************************************
+   !
+   !  recursive routine mpas_kd_search_internal
+   !
+   !> \brief   Recursively search the KD-Tree for query
+   !> \author  Miles A. Curry
+   !> \date    01/28/20
+   !> \details
+   !> Private, recursive function to search kdtree for query. Upon succes
+   !> res will point to the nearest neighbor to query and distance will hold
+   !> the squared distance between query and res.
+   !>
+   !> Distance is calculated and compared as squared distance to increase
+   !> efficiency.
+   !
+   !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+   recursive subroutine mpas_kd_search_internal(kdtree, query, res, distance)
+      implicit none
+      ! Input Variables
+      type (mpas_kd_type), pointer, intent(in) :: kdtree
+      real (kind=RKIND), dimension(:), intent(in) :: query
+      type (mpas_kd_type), pointer, intent(inout) :: res
+      real (kind=RKIND), intent(inout) :: distance
+      ! Local Values
+      real (kind=RKIND) :: current_distance
+      current_distance = sum((kdtree % point(:) - query(:))**2)
+      if (current_distance < distance) then
+         distance = current_distance
+         res => kdtree
+      else if (current_distance == distance) then
+          !
+          ! Consistently break a tie if a query is equidistant from two points
+          !
+          if (associated(res)) then
+              if (break_tie(res, kdtree) == 1) then
+                 res => kdtree
+              endif
+          endif
+      endif
+      !
+      ! To find the nearest neighbor, first serach the tree in a similar manner
+      ! as a single dimensioned BST, by comparing points on the current split
+      ! dimension.
+      !
+      ! If the distance between the current node and the query is less then the
+      ! minimum distance found within the subtree we just searched, then the nearest
+      ! neighbor might be in the opposite subtree, so search it.
+      !
+      if (query(kdtree % split_dim) > kdtree % point(kdtree % split_dim)) then
+         if (associated(kdtree % right)) then ! Search right
+            call mpas_kd_search_internal(kdtree % right, query, res, distance)
+         endif
+         if ((kdtree % point(kdtree % split_dim) - query(kdtree % split_dim))**2 <= distance .and. associated(kdtree % left)) then
+            call mpas_kd_search_internal(kdtree % left, query, res, distance) ! Check the other subtree
+         endif
+      else if (query(kdtree % split_dim) < kdtree % point(kdtree % split_dim)) then
+         if (associated(kdtree % left)) then ! Search left
+            call mpas_kd_search_internal(kdtree % left, query, res, distance)
+         endif
+         if ((kdtree % point(kdtree % split_dim) - query(kdtree % split_dim))**2 <= distance .and. associated(kdtree % right)) then
+            call mpas_kd_search_internal(kdtree % right, query, res, distance) ! Check the other subtree
+         endif
+      else ! Nearest point could be in either left or right subtree, so search both
+         if (associated(kdtree % right)) then
+            call mpas_kd_search_internal(kdtree % right, query, res, distance)
+         endif
+         if (associated(kdtree % left)) then
+            call mpas_kd_search_internal(kdtree % left, query, res, distance)
+         endif
+      endif
+   end subroutine mpas_kd_search_internal
+   !***********************************************************************
+   !
+   !  routine mpas_kd_search
+   !
+   !> \brief   Find the nearest point in a KD-Tree to a query
+   !> \author  Miles A. Curry
+   !> \date    01/28/20
+   !> \details
+   !> Search kdtree and returned the nearest point to query into the
+   !> res argument. Optionally, if distance is present, returned the
+   !> squared distance between query and res.
+   !>
+   !> If the dimension of query does not match the dimensions of points
+   !> within kdtree, then res will be returned as unassociated. Likewise,
+   !> if kdtree is empty/unassociated, res will be returned as unassociated.
+   !
+   !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+   subroutine mpas_kd_search(kdtree, query, res, distance)
+      implicit none
+      type (mpas_kd_type), pointer, intent(in) :: kdtree
+      real (kind=RKIND), dimension(:), intent(in) :: query
+      type (mpas_kd_type), pointer, intent(inout) :: res
+      real (kind=RKIND), intent(out), optional :: distance
+      real (kind=RKIND) :: dis
+      if (.not. associated(kdtree)) then
+         res => null()
+         return
+      end if
+      if (size(kdtree % point) /= size(query)) then
+         res => null()
+         return
+      endif
+      dis = huge(dis)
+      call mpas_kd_search_internal(kdtree, query, res, dis)
+      if (present(distance)) then
+         distance = dis
+      endif
+   end subroutine mpas_kd_search
+   !***********************************************************************
+   !
+   !  routine mpas_kd_free
+   !
+   !> \brief   Free all nodes within a tree.
+   !> \author  Miles A. Curry
+   !> \date    01/28/20
+   !> \details
+   !> Deallocate and nullify all point nodes of kdtree and nullify the
+   !> left and right pointers.
+   !>
+   !> After calling this function, the array of mpas_kd_type that was used
+   !> to construct kdtree will still be allocated and will need to be
+   !> deallocated separate from this routine.
+   !
+   !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+   recursive subroutine mpas_kd_free(kdtree)
+      implicit none
+      type (mpas_kd_type), pointer :: kdtree
+      if (.not. associated(kdtree)) then
+         return
+      endif
+      if (associated(kdtree % left)) then
+         call mpas_kd_free(kdtree % left)
+      endif
+      if (associated(kdtree % right)) then
+         call mpas_kd_free(kdtree % right)
+      endif
+      deallocate(kdtree % point)
+      nullify(kdtree % left)
+      nullify(kdtree % right)
+      nullify(kdtree)
+   end subroutine mpas_kd_free
+   !***********************************************************************
+   !
+   !  routine mpas_kd_quicksort
+   !
+   !> \brief   Sort an array along a dimension
+   !> \author  Miles A. Curry
+   !> \date    01/28/20
+   !> \details
+   !> Sort points starting from arrayStart, to arrayEnd along the given dimension
+   !> `dim`. If two points are swapped, the entire K-Coordinate point are swapped.
+   !
+   !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+   recursive subroutine quickSort(array, dim, arrayStart, arrayEnd, ndims)
+      implicit none
+      ! Input Variables
+      type (mpas_kd_type), dimension(:) :: array
+      integer, intent(in), value :: dim
+      integer, intent(in), value :: arrayStart, arrayEnd
+      integer, intent(in) :: ndims
+      ! Local Variables
+      type (mpas_kd_type) :: temp
+      real (kind=RKIND), dimension(ndims) :: pivot_value
+      integer :: l, r, pivot, s
+      if ((arrayEnd - arrayStart) < 1) then
+         return
+      endif
+      ! Create the left, right, and start pointers
+      l = arrayStart
+      r = arrayEnd - 1
+      s = l
+      pivot = (l+r)/2
+      pivot_value = array(pivot) % point
+      ! Move the pivot to the far right
+      temp = array(pivot)
+      array(pivot) = array(arrayEnd)
+      array(arrayEnd) = temp
+      do while (.true.)
+         ! Advance the left pointer until it is a value less then our pivot_value(dim)
+         do while (.true.)
+            if (array(l) % point(dim) < pivot_value(dim)) then
+               l = l + 1
+            else
+               exit
+            endif
+         enddo
+         ! Advance the right pointer until it is a value more then our pivot_value(dim)
+         do while (.true.)
+            if (r <= 0) then
+               exit
+            endif
+            if(array(r) % point(dim) >= pivot_value(dim)) then
+               r = r - 1
+            else
+               exit
+            endif
+         enddo
+         if (l >= r) then
+            exit
+         else ! Swap elements about the pivot
+            temp = array(l)
+            array(l) = array(r)
+            array(r) = temp
+         endif
+      enddo
+      ! Move the pivot to l ended up
+      temp = array(l)
+      array(l) = array(arrayEnd)
+      array(arrayEnd) = temp
+      ! Quick Sort on the lower partition
+      call quickSort(array(:), dim, s, l-1, ndims)
+      ! Quick sort on the upper partition
+      call quickSort(array(:), dim, l+1, arrayEnd, ndims)
+   end subroutine quicksort
+end module mpas_kd_tree
diff --git a/src/core_init_atmosphere/mpas_parse_geoindex.F b/src/core_init_atmosphere/mpas_parse_geoindex.F
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..eef129b2db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/core_init_atmosphere/mpas_parse_geoindex.F
@@ -0,0 +1,263 @@
+module mpas_parse_geoindex
+   use mpas_log, only : mpas_log_write
+   use mpas_derived_types, only : MPAS_LOG_ERR, MPAS_LOG_WARN
+   use mpas_pool_routines
+   implicit none
+   private
+   public :: mpas_parse_index
+   contains
+   !***********************************************************************
+   !
+   !  subroutine mpas_parse_index
+   !
+   !> \brief   Parse a geogrid's index file and put the results into an MPAS pool
+   !> \author  Miles A. Curry
+   !> \date    02/20/2020
+   !> \details
+   !> Parse an index file of a static data set into an MPAS pool, allocating
+   !> each keyword=value pair into the pool with the pool member key being
+   !> keyword, and the value being value.
+   !>
+   !> This function can parse index files with one keyword=value pair
+   !> per line; a "#" at the start of a line, which will cause the line to be
+   !> ignored; or an empty line containing only a newline/return character, which
+   !> will also be ignored. Spaces or tabs before, between or after the
+   !> keyword=value tokens are > ignored.
+   !>
+   !> If a line contains anything but the above valid syntaxes, a syntax
+   !> error will raised and -1 will be returned.
+   !>
+   !> Case is ignored.
+   !>
+   !> The definitions of a keyword, which can found in section 3-53
+   !> of the WRF-AWR User's Guide, will determine the corresponding type
+   !> of that keyword. A keyword that has been assigned the wrong type
+   !> will raise a type error and -1 will be returned.
+   !>
+   !> Keywords that are not handled explicitly by this function will produce
+   !> a warning that the keyword is unrecognized.
+   !
+   !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+   function mpas_parse_index(path, geo_pool) result(ierr)
+      use mpas_io_units
+      implicit none
+      ! Input Variables
+      character (len=*), intent(in) :: path
+      type (mpas_pool_type), intent(inout) :: geo_pool
+      integer :: ierr
+      ! Local Variables
+      character (len=StrKIND) :: line, lhs, rhs
+      character (len=StrKIND) :: read_err_msg, open_msg
+      integer :: geo_unit
+      integer :: open_stat, read_stat, line_read_stat
+      integer :: i, k
+      logical :: res
+      character (len=StrKIND), pointer :: char_t
+      integer :: iceiling, ifloor
+      integer, pointer :: int_t
+      real(kind=RKIND), pointer :: real_t
+      ierr = 0
+      inquire(file=trim(path), exist=res)
+      if ( .not. res) then
+         call mpas_log_write("Could not find or open the file at: "//trim(path), messageType=MPAS_LOG_ERR)
+         ierr = -1
+         return
+      endif
+      call mpas_new_unit(geo_unit)
+      open_stat = 0
+      open(geo_unit, FILE=trim(path), action='READ', iostat=open_stat, iomsg=open_msg)
+      if (open_stat /= 0) then
+         call mpas_release_unit(geo_unit)
+         call mpas_log_write("Could not open 'index' file at:'"//trim(path)//"'", messageType=MPAS_LOG_ERR)
+         call mpas_log_write(trim(open_msg), messageType=MPAS_LOG_ERR)
+         ierr = -1
+         return
+      endif
+      line_read_stat = 0
+      read_stat = 0
+      k = 1 ! Keep track of line numbers for error reporting
+      read(geo_unit,'(a)', iostat=line_read_stat) line
+      do while ( line_read_stat == 0 )
+         line = lowercase(line)
+         !
+         ! If a blank or comment line is encountered, read the next line
+         !
+         if (line(1:1) == '#' .or. len_trim(line) == 0) then
+            k = k + 1
+            read(geo_unit,'(a)', iostat=line_read_stat) line
+            cycle
+         endif
+         do i = 1, len(trim(line)), 1
+            if (line(i:i) == '=') then
+               lhs = adjustl(trim(line(1:i-1)))
+               rhs = adjustl(trim(line(i+1:len(trim(line)))))
+               exit
+            endif
+            ! If i is at the end of the string, and we haven't broken out of this loop,
+            ! then we do not have a '=' present in this line, thus we have a syntax error
+            if (i == len(trim(line))) then
+               close(geo_unit)
+               call mpas_release_unit(geo_unit)
+               call mpas_log_write("Syntax error on line $i of index file: '"//trim(path)//"'", &
+                                                                               intArgs=(/k/), messageType=MPAS_LOG_ERR)
+               call mpas_log_write("Line $i: '"//trim(line)//"'", intArgs=(/k/), messageType=MPAS_LOG_ERR)
+               ierr = -1
+               return
+            endif
+         enddo
+         !
+         ! Strings
+         !
+         if (        trim(lhs) == 'type' &
+                .or. trim(lhs) == 'projection' &
+                .or. trim(lhs) == 'units' &
+                .or. trim(lhs) == 'description' &
+                .or. trim(lhs) == 'row_order' &
+                .or. trim(lhs) == 'endian' &
+                .or. trim(lhs) == 'mminlu'   ) then
+            allocate(char_t)
+            char_t = rhs
+            call mpas_pool_add_config(geo_pool, trim(lhs), char_t)
+         !
+         ! Reals
+         !
+         else if (     trim(lhs) == 'dx' &
+                  .or. trim(lhs) == 'dy' &
+                  .or. trim(lhs) == 'known_x' &
+                  .or. trim(lhs) == 'known_y' &
+                  .or. trim(lhs) == 'known_lat' &
+                  .or. trim(lhs) == 'known_lon' &
+                  .or. trim(lhs) == 'scale_factor' &
+                  .or. trim(lhs) == 'stdlon' &
+                  .or. trim(lhs) == 'truelat1' &
+                  .or. trim(lhs) == 'truelat2' &
+                  .or. trim(lhs) == 'missing_value' ) then
+            allocate(real_t)
+            read(rhs, *, iostat=read_stat, iomsg=read_err_msg) real_t
+            call mpas_pool_add_config(geo_pool, trim(lhs), real_t)
+         !
+         ! Integers
+         !
+         else if (     trim(lhs) == 'tile_x' &
+                  .or. trim(lhs) == 'tile_y' &
+                  .or. trim(lhs) == 'tile_z' &
+                  .or. trim(lhs) == 'tile_z_start' &
+                  .or. trim(lhs) == 'tile_z_end' &
+                  .or. trim(lhs) == 'tile_bdr' &
+                  .or. trim(lhs) == 'wordsize' &
+                  .or. trim(lhs) == 'category_max' &
+                  .or. trim(lhs) == 'category_min' &
+                  .or. trim(lhs) == 'iswater' &
+                  .or. trim(lhs) == 'islake' &
+                  .or. trim(lhs) == 'isice' &
+                  .or. trim(lhs) == 'isurban' &
+                  .or. trim(lhs) == 'isoilwater' &
+                  .or. trim(lhs) == 'filename_digits' ) then
+            ! Because each compiler handles reporting type errors when transferring
+            ! data in a read statement a little bit differently, we will have to type check
+            ! integer values ourselves.
+            allocate(real_t)
+            read(rhs, *, iostat=read_stat, iomsg=read_err_msg) real_t
+            iceiling = ceiling(real_t)
+            ifloor = floor(real_t)
+            if (iceiling /= ifloor) then
+               close(geo_unit)
+               call mpas_release_unit(geo_unit)
+               call mpas_log_write("Type error while reading '"//trim(path)//"'.", messageType=MPAS_LOG_ERR)
+               call mpas_log_write("Could not convert '"//trim(rhs)//"' to an integer on line $i: '"//trim(line)//"'", &
+                                                                             intArgs=(/k/), messageType=MPAS_LOG_ERR)
+               ierr = -1
+               return
+            endif
+            allocate(int_t)
+            int_t = int(real_t)
+            deallocate(real_t)
+            call mpas_pool_add_config(geo_pool, trim(lhs), int_t)
+         !
+         ! Booleans - Yes will be assigned 1, and no will be assigned to 0
+         !
+         else if (lhs == 'signed') then
+            if (trim(rhs) == 'yes') then
+               allocate(int_t)
+               int_t = 1
+               call mpas_pool_add_config(geo_pool, trim(lhs), int_t)
+            else if (trim(rhs) == 'no') then
+               allocate(int_t)
+               int_t = 0
+               call mpas_pool_add_config(geo_pool, trim(lhs), int_t)
+            else
+               read_stat = -1
+               read_err_msg = "Logical was not correct type"
+            endif
+         else
+            call mpas_log_write("Unrecognized keyword: '"//trim(lhs)//"' on line $i of '"//trim(path)//"'", intArgs=(/k/), &
+                               messageType=MPAS_LOG_WARN)
+         endif
+         ! Since read gives us an error string in iomsg on a type error, we
+         ! can handle all errors for any type in one place
+         if ( read_stat /= 0) then
+            close(geo_unit)
+            call mpas_release_unit(geo_unit)
+            call mpas_log_write("Type error on line $i of: '"//trim(path)//"'.", intArgs=(/k/), messageType=MPAS_LOG_ERR)
+            call mpas_log_write(trim(read_err_msg)//": '"//trim(line)//"'", messageType=MPAS_LOG_ERR)
+            ierr = -1
+            return
+         endif
+         k = k + 1
+         read(geo_unit,'(a)', iostat=line_read_stat) line
+      enddo
+      close(geo_unit)
+      call mpas_release_unit(geo_unit)
+   end function mpas_parse_index
+   ! Returns a copy of 'str' in which all upper-case letters have been converted
+   ! to lower-case letters.
+   function lowercase(str) result(lowerStr)
+       character(len=*), intent(in) :: str
+       character(len=len(str)) :: lowerStr
+       integer :: i
+       integer, parameter :: offset = (iachar('a') - iachar('A'))
+       do i=1,len(str)
+           if (iachar(str(i:i)) >= iachar('A') .and. iachar(str(i:i)) <= iachar('Z')) then
+              lowerStr(i:i) = achar(iachar(str(i:i)) + offset)
+           else
+              lowerStr(i:i) = str(i:i)
+           end if
+       end do
+   end function lowercase
+end module mpas_parse_geoindex
diff --git a/src/core_init_atmosphere/mpas_stack.F b/src/core_init_atmosphere/mpas_stack.F
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7227295a9f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/core_init_atmosphere/mpas_stack.F
@@ -0,0 +1,280 @@
+module mpas_stack
+   implicit none
+   private
+   ! Public Subroutines and Structures
+   public :: mpas_stack_is_empty
+   public :: mpas_stack_push
+   public :: mpas_stack_pop
+   public :: mpas_stack_free
+   public :: mpas_stack_type, mpas_stack_payload_type
+   type mpas_stack_payload_type
+   end type mpas_stack_payload_type
+   type mpas_stack_type
+      type (mpas_stack_type), pointer :: next => null()
+      class (mpas_stack_payload_type), pointer :: payload => null()
+   end type mpas_stack_type
+   !***********************************************************************
+   !
+   !  module mpas_stack
+   !
+   !> \brief   MPAS Stack module
+   !> \author  Miles A. Curry
+   !> \date    04/04/19
+   !> \details
+   !>
+   !> Introduction
+   !> ==============
+   !> The MPAS stack is a simple, extensible data stack data structure for use
+   !> within the MPAS atmospheric model. It functions as a wrapper around a
+   !> polymorphic data structure to provide usage in different areas.
+   !>
+   !>
+   !> Creating a Stack
+   !> ==================
+   !> The stack data structure (`type (mpas_stack_type)`) is defined by a single 
+   !> `next` pointer > and a pointer to a `type (mpas_stack_payload_type)`, which 
+   !> is defined as a empty derived type.
+   !>
+   !> To use the stack, create a derived type that extends the `mpas_stack_payload_type` 
+   !> type. Define your extended derived type with members that meets your application.
+   !>
+   !> For instance:
+   !> ```
+   !> type, extends(mpas_stack_payload_type) :: my_payload_name
+   !>    ! Define the members of your type as you wish
+   !> end type my_payload_name
+   !>
+   !> class (my_payload_name), pointer :: item1 => null(), item2 => null()
+   !> ```
+   !>
+   !> The extended mpas_stack_payload_type will enable a user defined type to be 
+   !> associated with a stack item. The stack stores references of a payload, thus 
+   !> a single payload can be used in multiple push operations.
+   !>
+   !> You will then need to create a stack (or multiple stacks if you desire) as
+   !> the following:
+   !>
+   !> ```
+   !> type (mpas_stack_type), pointer :: stack1 => null(), stack2 => null()
+   !> ```
+   !>
+   !>  Pushing onto a Stack
+   !>  ====================
+   !>  You can push your items onto a stack as:
+   !>
+   !> ```
+   !> allocate(item1)
+   !> stack1 => mpas_stack_push(stack1, item1)
+   !> allocate(item2)
+   !> stack1 => mpas_stack_push(stack1, item2)
+   !> ```
+   !>
+   !> Popping an item off of the stack
+   !> ================================
+   !> Popping an item off of the stack will require a bit more work than pushing.
+   !> Because the payload is a polymorphic class , we will need to use the select 
+   !> case to get our type (or multiple types) back into a usable object:
+   !> ```
+   !> ! The item to pop items into
+   !> class (mpas_stack_payload_type), pointer :: top
+   !> type (my_payload_name), pointer :: my_item
+   !>
+   !> top => mpas_stack_pop(stack1)
+   !> select type(top)
+   !>    type is(my_payload_name)
+   !>       my_item => top
+   !> end  select
+   !> ```
+   !>
+   !> Note: It is recommended to create your own `pop` function so you can reduce 
+   !> the amount of coded needed. An example is provided at the bottom of
+   !> this module as the function `user_pop(..)`
+   !
+   !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+   contains
+   !***********************************************************************
+   !
+   !  routine mpas_stack_is_empty
+   !
+   !> \brief   Returns .true. if the stack is empty, otherwise .false.
+   !> \author  Miles A. Curry
+   !> \date    01/28/20
+   !> Returns .true. If the stack is empty and/or if the stack is unassociated.
+   !
+   !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+   function mpas_stack_is_empty(stack) result(is_empty)
+      implicit none
+      type (mpas_stack_type), intent(in), pointer :: stack
+      logical :: is_empty
+      is_empty = .true.
+      if (associated(stack)) then
+         is_empty = .false.
+         return
+      endif
+   end function mpas_stack_is_empty
+   !***********************************************************************
+   !
+   !  routine mpas_stack_push
+   !
+   !> \brief   Push an item onto stack
+   !> \author  Miles A. Curry
+   !> \date    01/28/20
+   !> \details
+   !>
+   !> Push a mpas_stack_payload_type type, onto `stack` and return the new stack. If
+   !> `payload` is the first item to be pushed onto the stack, then `stack`
+   !> should be unassociated.
+   !
+   !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+   function mpas_stack_push(stack, payload) result(new_stack)
+      implicit none
+      type(mpas_stack_type), intent(inout), pointer :: stack
+      class(mpas_stack_payload_type), intent(inout), target :: payload
+      type(mpas_stack_type), pointer :: new_stack
+      allocate(new_stack)
+      new_stack % payload => payload
+      new_stack % next => stack
+      return
+   end function mpas_stack_push
+   !***********************************************************************
+   !
+   !  function mpas_stack_pop
+   !
+   !> \brief   Pop off the last item added from a stack
+   !> \author  Miles A. Curry
+   !> \date    01/28/20
+   !> \details
+   !> Pop off and return the top item of the stack as a `class mpas_stack_payload_type`.
+   !> If the stack is empty (or unassociated), then a null `class mpas_stack_payload_type`
+   !> pointer will be returned. `select type` will need to be used to retrieve
+   !> any extended members.
+   !
+   !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+   function mpas_stack_pop(stack) result(top)
+      implicit none
+      type (mpas_stack_type), intent(inout), pointer :: stack
+      type (mpas_stack_type), pointer :: next => null()
+      class(mpas_stack_payload_type), pointer :: top
+      if ( .not. associated(stack)) then
+         top => null()
+         return
+      endif
+      top => stack % payload
+      next => stack % next
+      deallocate(stack)
+      stack => next
+      return
+   end function mpas_stack_pop
+   !***********************************************************************
+   !
+   !  function mpas_stack_free
+   !
+   !> \brief   Deallocate the entire stack. Optionally deallocate payloads
+   !> \author  Miles A. Curry 
+   !> \date    01/28/20
+   !> \details
+   !>  Deallocate the entire stack. If free_payload is set to `.true.` or if
+   !>  absent then the payload will be deallocated. If not, then the payload will not
+   !>  be deallocated. Upon success, the stack will be unassociated.
+   !  
+   !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+   subroutine mpas_stack_free(stack, free_payload)
+      implicit none
+      type(mpas_stack_type), intent(inout), pointer :: stack
+      logical, intent(in), optional :: free_payload
+      logical :: fpl
+      type(mpas_stack_type), pointer :: cur
+      if (present(free_payload)) then
+         fpl = free_payload
+      else
+         fpl = .true.
+      endif
+      cur => stack
+      do while(associated(stack))
+         stack => stack % next
+         if ( fpl ) then
+            deallocate(cur % payload)
+         endif
+         deallocate(cur)
+         cur => stack
+      enddo
+   end subroutine mpas_stack_free
+   !***********************************************************************
+   !
+   !  Example user-defined pop function
+   !
+   !> \brief   Pop off the last item added from a stack and return it as our
+   !>          defined type
+   !> \author  Miles A. Curry
+   !> \date    01/28/20
+   !
+   !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+   ! function user_pop(stack) result(item)
+   !
+   !    use mpas_stack, only : mpas_stack_type, mpas_stack_payload_type, mpas_stack_pop
+   !
+   !    implicit none
+   !
+   !    type(mpas_stack_type), intent(inout), pointer :: stack
+   !
+   !    type(my_item), pointer :: item    ! Our user defined mpas_stack_type
+   !
+   !    ! We will need to use the mpas_stack_payload_type type to use mpas_stack_pop(...)
+   !    class(mpas_stack_payload_type), pointer :: top
+   !
+   !    !
+   !    ! Handle a pop on an empty stack if we want to here
+   !    ! Note the stack will return null if it is empty.
+   !    !
+   !    if (mpas_stack_is_empty(stack)) then
+   !       item => null()
+   !       return
+   !    endif
+   ! 
+   !    top => mpas_stack_pop(stack)
+   !    
+   !    select type(top)
+   !       type is(my_item)
+   !          item => top
+   !       class default
+   !          write(0,*) "We got an Error and we should handle it if we need to!!"
+   !          stop
+   !    end select
+   !
+   ! end function user_pop
+end module mpas_stack
diff --git a/src/core_init_atmosphere/read_geogrid.c b/src/core_init_atmosphere/read_geogrid.c
index e6ffc6d305..ec66892bea 100644
--- a/src/core_init_atmosphere/read_geogrid.c
+++ b/src/core_init_atmosphere/read_geogrid.c
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
     subroutine read_geogrid(fname, rarray, nx, ny, nz, isigned, endian, &
-                            scalefactor, wordsize, status) bind(C)
+                            wordsize, status) bind(C)
        use iso_c_binding, only : c_char, c_int, c_float, c_ptr
        character (c_char), dimension(*), intent(in) :: fname
        type (c_ptr), value :: rarray
@@ -35,7 +35,6 @@
        integer (c_int), intent(in), value :: nz
        integer (c_int), intent(in), value :: isigned
        integer (c_int), intent(in), value :: endian
-       real (c_float), intent(in), value :: scalefactor
        integer (c_int), intent(in), value :: wordsize
        integer (c_int), intent(inout) :: status
     end subroutine read_geogrid
@@ -51,7 +50,6 @@ int read_geogrid(
       int nz,                /* z-dimension of the array */
       int isigned,           /* 0=unsigned data, 1=signed data */
       int endian,            /* 0=big endian, 1=little endian */
-      float scalefactor,     /* value to multiply array elements by before truncation to integers */
       int wordsize,          /* number of bytes to use for each array element */
       int * status)
@@ -142,12 +140,5 @@ int read_geogrid(
-   /* Scale real-valued array by scalefactor */
-   if (scalefactor != 1.0)
-   {
-      for (i=0; i<narray; i++)
-         rarray[i] = rarray[i] * (scalefactor);
-   }
    return 0;
diff --git a/src/core_landice/landice.cmake b/src/core_landice/landice.cmake
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0d580d7800
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/core_landice/landice.cmake
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+# build_options.mk stuff handled here
+list(APPEND INCLUDES "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/core_landice/shared" "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/core_landice/analysis_members" "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/core_landice/mode_forward")
+# Check if building with LifeV, Albany, and/or PHG external libraries
+if (LIFEV)
+  # LifeV can solve L1L2 or FO
+# Albany can only solve FO at present
+if (ALBANY)
+  message(FATAL "Compiling with both LifeV and Albany is not allowed at this time.")
+# PHG currently requires LifeV
+  message(FATAL "Compiling with PHG requires LifeV at this time.")
+# PHG can only Stokes at present
+if (PHG)
+# driver (files live in E3SM)
+  ../../mpas-albany-landice/driver/glc_comp_mct.F
+  ../../mpas-albany-landice/driver/glc_cpl_indices.F
+  ../../mpas-albany-landice/driver/glc_mct_vars.F
+# shared
+  core_landice/shared/mpas_li_constants.F
+  core_landice/shared/mpas_li_mask.F
+  core_landice/shared/mpas_li_setup.F
+# analysis members
+  core_landice/analysis_members/mpas_li_analysis_driver.F
+  core_landice/analysis_members/mpas_li_global_stats.F
+  core_landice/analysis_members/mpas_li_regional_stats.F
+# mode forward
+  core_landice/mode_forward/mpas_li_core.F
+  core_landice/mode_forward/mpas_li_core_interface.F
+  core_landice/mode_forward/mpas_li_time_integration.F
+  core_landice/mode_forward/mpas_li_time_integration_fe.F
+  core_landice/mode_forward/mpas_li_diagnostic_vars.F
+  core_landice/mode_forward/mpas_li_advection.F
+  core_landice/mode_forward/mpas_li_calving.F
+  core_landice/mode_forward/mpas_li_statistics.F
+  core_landice/mode_forward/mpas_li_velocity.F
+  core_landice/mode_forward/mpas_li_thermal.F
+  core_landice/mode_forward/mpas_li_iceshelf_melt.F
+  core_landice/mode_forward/mpas_li_sia.F
+  core_landice/mode_forward/mpas_li_velocity_simple.F
+  core_landice/mode_forward/mpas_li_velocity_external.F
+  core_landice/mode_forward/mpas_li_subglacial_hydro.F
+  list(APPEND RAW_SOURCES core_landice/mode_forward/Interface_velocity_solver.cpp)
+# Generate core input
+handle_st_nl_gen("namelist.landice" "streams.landice stream_list.landice. listed" ${CORE_INPUT_DIR} ${CORE_BLDDIR})
diff --git a/src/core_ocean/ocean.cmake b/src/core_ocean/ocean.cmake
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..287dbb523b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/core_ocean/ocean.cmake
@@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
+# build_options.mk stuff handled here
+list(APPEND INCLUDES "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/core_ocean/BGC" "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/core_ocean/shared" "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/core_ocean/analysis_members" "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/core_ocean/cvmix" "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/core_ocean/mode_forward" "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/core_ocean/mode_analysis" "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/core_ocean/mode_init")
+# driver (files live in E3SM)
+  ../../mpas-ocean/driver/ocn_comp_mct.F
+  ../../mpas-ocean/driver/mpaso_cpl_indices.F
+  ../../mpas-ocean/driver/mpaso_mct_vars.F
+# dycore
+  core_ocean/mode_forward/mpas_ocn_forward_mode.F
+  core_ocean/mode_forward/mpas_ocn_time_integration.F
+  core_ocean/mode_forward/mpas_ocn_time_integration_rk4.F
+  core_ocean/mode_forward/mpas_ocn_time_integration_split.F
+  core_ocean/mode_analysis/mpas_ocn_analysis_mode.F
+  core_ocean/mode_init/mpas_ocn_init_mode.F
+  core_ocean/mode_init/mpas_ocn_init_spherical_utils.F
+  core_ocean/mode_init/mpas_ocn_init_vertical_grids.F
+  core_ocean/mode_init/mpas_ocn_init_cell_markers.F
+  core_ocean/mode_init/mpas_ocn_init_interpolation.F
+  core_ocean/mode_init/mpas_ocn_init_ssh_and_landIcePressure.F
+  core_ocean/mode_init/mpas_ocn_init_baroclinic_channel.F
+  core_ocean/mode_init/mpas_ocn_init_lock_exchange.F
+  core_ocean/mode_init/mpas_ocn_init_dam_break.F
+  core_ocean/mode_init/mpas_ocn_init_internal_waves.F
+  core_ocean/mode_init/mpas_ocn_init_overflow.F
+  core_ocean/mode_init/mpas_ocn_init_cvmix_WSwSBF.F
+  core_ocean/mode_init/mpas_ocn_init_iso.F
+  core_ocean/mode_init/mpas_ocn_init_soma.F
+  core_ocean/mode_init/mpas_ocn_init_ziso.F
+  core_ocean/mode_init/mpas_ocn_init_sub_ice_shelf_2D.F
+  core_ocean/mode_init/mpas_ocn_init_periodic_planar.F
+  core_ocean/mode_init/mpas_ocn_init_ecosys_column.F
+  core_ocean/mode_init/mpas_ocn_init_sea_mount.F
+  core_ocean/mode_init/mpas_ocn_init_global_ocean.F
+  core_ocean/mode_init/mpas_ocn_init_isomip.F
+  core_ocean/mode_init/mpas_ocn_init_hurricane.F
+  core_ocean/mode_init/mpas_ocn_init_isomip_plus.F
+  core_ocean/mode_init/mpas_ocn_init_tidal_boundary.F
+  core_ocean/shared/mpas_ocn_init_routines.F
+  core_ocean/shared/mpas_ocn_gm.F
+  core_ocean/shared/mpas_ocn_diagnostics.F
+  core_ocean/shared/mpas_ocn_diagnostics_routines.F
+  core_ocean/shared/mpas_ocn_thick_ale.F
+  core_ocean/shared/mpas_ocn_equation_of_state.F
+  core_ocean/shared/mpas_ocn_equation_of_state_jm.F
+  core_ocean/shared/mpas_ocn_equation_of_state_linear.F
+  core_ocean/shared/mpas_ocn_thick_hadv.F
+  core_ocean/shared/mpas_ocn_thick_vadv.F
+  core_ocean/shared/mpas_ocn_thick_surface_flux.F
+  core_ocean/shared/mpas_ocn_vel_hadv_coriolis.F
+  core_ocean/shared/mpas_ocn_vel_vadv.F
+  core_ocean/shared/mpas_ocn_vel_hmix.F
+  core_ocean/shared/mpas_ocn_vel_hmix_del2.F
+  core_ocean/shared/mpas_ocn_vel_hmix_leith.F
+  core_ocean/shared/mpas_ocn_vel_hmix_del4.F
+  core_ocean/shared/mpas_ocn_vel_forcing.F
+  core_ocean/shared/mpas_ocn_vel_forcing_surface_stress.F
+  core_ocean/shared/mpas_ocn_vel_forcing_explicit_bottom_drag.F
+  core_ocean/shared/mpas_ocn_vel_pressure_grad.F
+  core_ocean/shared/mpas_ocn_vmix.F
+  core_ocean/shared/mpas_ocn_vmix_coefs_const.F
+  core_ocean/shared/mpas_ocn_vmix_coefs_rich.F
+  core_ocean/shared/mpas_ocn_vmix_coefs_tanh.F
+  core_ocean/shared/mpas_ocn_vmix_coefs_redi.F
+  core_ocean/shared/mpas_ocn_vmix_cvmix.F
+  core_ocean/shared/mpas_ocn_tendency.F
+  core_ocean/shared/mpas_ocn_tracer_hmix.F
+  core_ocean/shared/mpas_ocn_tracer_hmix_del2.F
+  core_ocean/shared/mpas_ocn_tracer_hmix_del4.F
+  core_ocean/shared/mpas_ocn_tracer_hmix_redi.F
+  core_ocean/shared/mpas_ocn_tracer_advection.F
+  core_ocean/shared/mpas_ocn_tracer_advection_mono.F
+  core_ocean/shared/mpas_ocn_tracer_advection_std.F
+  core_ocean/shared/mpas_ocn_tracer_nonlocalflux.F
+  core_ocean/shared/mpas_ocn_tracer_short_wave_absorption.F
+  core_ocean/shared/mpas_ocn_tracer_short_wave_absorption_jerlov.F
+  core_ocean/shared/mpas_ocn_tracer_short_wave_absorption_variable.F
+  core_ocean/shared/mpas_ocn_tracer_surface_restoring.F
+  core_ocean/shared/mpas_ocn_tracer_interior_restoring.F
+  core_ocean/shared/mpas_ocn_tracer_exponential_decay.F
+  core_ocean/shared/mpas_ocn_tracer_ideal_age.F
+  core_ocean/shared/mpas_ocn_tracer_TTD.F
+  core_ocean/shared/mpas_ocn_tracer_ecosys.F
+  core_ocean/shared/mpas_ocn_tracer_DMS.F
+  core_ocean/shared/mpas_ocn_tracer_MacroMolecules.F
+  core_ocean/shared/mpas_ocn_high_freq_thickness_hmix_del2.F
+  core_ocean/shared/mpas_ocn_tracer_surface_flux_to_tend.F
+  core_ocean/shared/mpas_ocn_test.F
+  core_ocean/shared/mpas_ocn_constants.F
+  core_ocean/shared/mpas_ocn_forcing.F
+  core_ocean/shared/mpas_ocn_surface_bulk_forcing.F
+  core_ocean/shared/mpas_ocn_surface_land_ice_fluxes.F
+  core_ocean/shared/mpas_ocn_effective_density_in_land_ice.F
+  core_ocean/shared/mpas_ocn_frazil_forcing.F
+  core_ocean/shared/mpas_ocn_tidal_forcing.F
+  core_ocean/shared/mpas_ocn_time_average_coupled.F
+  core_ocean/shared/mpas_ocn_sea_ice.F
+  core_ocean/shared/mpas_ocn_framework_forcing.F
+  core_ocean/shared/mpas_ocn_time_varying_forcing.F
+  core_ocean/shared/mpas_ocn_wetting_drying.F
+  core_ocean/shared/mpas_ocn_tidal_potential_forcing.F
+  core_ocean/driver/mpas_ocn_core.F
+  core_ocean/driver/mpas_ocn_core_interface.F
+# Get CVMix
+execute_process(COMMAND ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/core_ocean/get_cvmix.sh
+# Get BGC
+execute_process(COMMAND ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/core_ocean/get_BGC.sh
+# Add CVMix
+  ${CORE_BLDDIR}/cvmix/cvmix_kinds_and_types.F90
+  ${CORE_BLDDIR}/cvmix/cvmix_background.F90
+  ${CORE_BLDDIR}/cvmix/cvmix_convection.F90
+  ${CORE_BLDDIR}/cvmix/cvmix_ddiff.F90
+  ${CORE_BLDDIR}/cvmix/cvmix_kpp.F90
+  ${CORE_BLDDIR}/cvmix/cvmix_math.F90
+  ${CORE_BLDDIR}/cvmix/cvmix_put_get.F90
+  ${CORE_BLDDIR}/cvmix/cvmix_shear.F90
+  ${CORE_BLDDIR}/cvmix/cvmix_tidal.F90
+  ${CORE_BLDDIR}/cvmix/cvmix_utils.F90
+# Add BGC
+  ${CORE_BLDDIR}/BGC/BGC_parms.F90
+  ${CORE_BLDDIR}/BGC/DMS_parms.F90
+  ${CORE_BLDDIR}/BGC/co2calc.F90
+# Add analysis members
+  core_ocean/analysis_members/mpas_ocn_global_stats.F
+  core_ocean/analysis_members/mpas_ocn_okubo_weiss.F
+  core_ocean/analysis_members/mpas_ocn_okubo_weiss_eigenvalues.c
+  core_ocean/analysis_members/mpas_ocn_layer_volume_weighted_averages.F
+  core_ocean/analysis_members/mpas_ocn_surface_area_weighted_averages.F
+  core_ocean/analysis_members/mpas_ocn_water_mass_census.F
+  core_ocean/analysis_members/mpas_ocn_meridional_heat_transport.F
+  core_ocean/analysis_members/mpas_ocn_test_compute_interval.F
+  core_ocean/analysis_members/mpas_ocn_high_frequency_output.F
+  core_ocean/analysis_members/mpas_ocn_zonal_mean.F
+  core_ocean/analysis_members/mpas_ocn_lagrangian_particle_tracking_interpolations.F
+  core_ocean/analysis_members/mpas_ocn_particle_list.F
+  core_ocean/analysis_members/mpas_ocn_lagrangian_particle_tracking_reset.F
+  core_ocean/analysis_members/mpas_ocn_lagrangian_particle_tracking.F
+  core_ocean/analysis_members/mpas_ocn_eliassen_palm.F
+  core_ocean/analysis_members/mpas_ocn_time_filters.F
+  core_ocean/analysis_members/mpas_ocn_mixed_layer_depths.F
+  core_ocean/analysis_members/mpas_ocn_pointwise_stats.F
+  core_ocean/analysis_members/mpas_ocn_debug_diagnostics.F
+  core_ocean/analysis_members/mpas_ocn_time_series_stats.F
+  core_ocean/analysis_members/mpas_ocn_regional_stats.F
+  core_ocean/analysis_members/mpas_ocn_rpn_calculator.F
+  core_ocean/analysis_members/mpas_ocn_transect_transport.F
+  core_ocean/analysis_members/mpas_ocn_eddy_product_variables.F
+  core_ocean/analysis_members/mpas_ocn_moc_streamfunction.F
+  core_ocean/analysis_members/mpas_ocn_analysis_driver.F
+# add accelerator/gpu flags
+  core_ocean/shared/mpas_ocn_equation_of_state_jm.f90
+  core_ocean/shared/mpas_ocn_mesh.f90
+  core_ocean/shared/mpas_ocn_surface_bulk_forcing.f90
+  core_ocean/shared/mpas_ocn_surface_land_ice_fluxes.f90
+  core_ocean/shared/mpas_ocn_tendency.f90
+  core_ocean/shared/mpas_ocn_vel_forcing_explicit_bottom_drag.f90
+  core_ocean/shared/mpas_ocn_vel_forcing_surface_stress.f90
+  core_ocean/shared/mpas_ocn_vel_hadv_coriolis.f90
+  core_ocean/shared/mpas_ocn_vel_hmix_del2.f90
+  core_ocean/shared/mpas_ocn_vel_hmix_del4.f90
+  core_ocean/shared/mpas_ocn_vel_hmix_leith.f90
+  core_ocean/shared/mpas_ocn_vel_pressure_grad.f90
+  core_ocean/shared/mpas_ocn_vel_vadv.f90
+# Generate core input
+  "namelist.ocean;namelist.ocean.forward mode=forward;namelist.ocean.analysis mode=analysis;namelist.ocean.init mode=init"
+  "streams.ocean stream_list.ocean. mutable;streams.ocean.forward stream_list.ocean.forward. mutable mode=forward;streams.ocean.analysis stream_list.ocean.analysis. mutable mode=analysis;streams.ocean.init stream_list.ocean.init. mutable mode=init"
diff --git a/src/core_seaice/seaice.cmake b/src/core_seaice/seaice.cmake
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0ac2b0dd49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/core_seaice/seaice.cmake
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+# build_options.mk stuff handled here
+list(APPEND INCLUDES "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/core_seaice/column" "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/core_seaice/shared" "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/core_seaice/analysis_members" "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/core_seaice/model_forward")
+# driver (files live in E3SM)
+  ../../mpas-seaice/driver/ice_comp_mct.F
+  ../../mpas-seaice/driver/mpassi_cpl_indices.F
+  ../../mpas-seaice/driver/mpassi_mct_vars.F
+# column
+  core_seaice/column/ice_colpkg.F90
+  core_seaice/column/ice_kinds_mod.F90
+  core_seaice/column/ice_warnings.F90
+  core_seaice/column/ice_colpkg_shared.F90
+  core_seaice/column/constants/cesm/ice_constants_colpkg.F90
+  core_seaice/column/ice_therm_shared.F90
+  core_seaice/column/ice_orbital.F90
+  core_seaice/column/ice_mushy_physics.F90
+  core_seaice/column/ice_therm_mushy.F90
+  core_seaice/column/ice_atmo.F90
+  core_seaice/column/ice_age.F90
+  core_seaice/column/ice_firstyear.F90
+  core_seaice/column/ice_flux_colpkg.F90
+  core_seaice/column/ice_meltpond_cesm.F90
+  core_seaice/column/ice_meltpond_lvl.F90
+  core_seaice/column/ice_meltpond_topo.F90
+  core_seaice/column/ice_therm_vertical.F90
+  core_seaice/column/ice_therm_bl99.F90
+  core_seaice/column/ice_therm_0layer.F90
+  core_seaice/column/ice_itd.F90
+  core_seaice/column/ice_colpkg_tracers.F90
+  core_seaice/column/ice_therm_itd.F90
+  core_seaice/column/ice_shortwave.F90
+  core_seaice/column/ice_mechred.F90
+  core_seaice/column/ice_aerosol.F90
+  core_seaice/column/ice_brine.F90
+  core_seaice/column/ice_algae.F90
+  core_seaice/column/ice_zbgc.F90
+  core_seaice/column/ice_zbgc_shared.F90
+  core_seaice/column/ice_zsalinity.F90
+  core_seaice/column/ice_snow.F90
+# shared
+  core_seaice/shared/mpas_seaice_time_integration.F
+  core_seaice/shared/mpas_seaice_advection_incremental_remap_tracers.F
+  core_seaice/shared/mpas_seaice_advection_incremental_remap.F
+  core_seaice/shared/mpas_seaice_advection_upwind.F
+  core_seaice/shared/mpas_seaice_advection.F
+  core_seaice/shared/mpas_seaice_velocity_solver_unit_tests.F
+  core_seaice/shared/mpas_seaice_velocity_solver.F
+  core_seaice/shared/mpas_seaice_velocity_solver_weak.F
+  core_seaice/shared/mpas_seaice_velocity_solver_variational.F
+  core_seaice/shared/mpas_seaice_velocity_solver_wachspress.F
+  core_seaice/shared/mpas_seaice_velocity_solver_pwl.F
+  core_seaice/shared/mpas_seaice_velocity_solver_variational_shared.F
+  core_seaice/shared/mpas_seaice_velocity_solver_constitutive_relation.F
+  core_seaice/shared/mpas_seaice_forcing.F
+  core_seaice/shared/mpas_seaice_initialize.F
+  core_seaice/shared/mpas_seaice_testing.F
+  core_seaice/shared/mpas_seaice_unit_test.F
+  core_seaice/shared/mpas_seaice_mesh.F
+  core_seaice/shared/mpas_seaice_diagnostics.F
+  core_seaice/shared/mpas_seaice_numerics.F
+  core_seaice/shared/mpas_seaice_constants.F
+  core_seaice/shared/mpas_seaice_column.F
+  core_seaice/shared/mpas_seaice_diagnostics.F
+  core_seaice/shared/mpas_seaice_error.F
+# analysis members
+  core_seaice/analysis_members/mpas_seaice_analysis_driver.F
+  core_seaice/analysis_members/mpas_seaice_high_frequency_output.F
+  core_seaice/analysis_members/mpas_seaice_temperatures.F
+  core_seaice/analysis_members/mpas_seaice_regional_statistics.F
+  core_seaice/analysis_members/mpas_seaice_ridging_diagnostics.F
+  core_seaice/analysis_members/mpas_seaice_conservation_check.F
+  core_seaice/analysis_members/mpas_seaice_geographical_vectors.F
+  core_seaice/analysis_members/mpas_seaice_ice_present.F
+  core_seaice/analysis_members/mpas_seaice_time_series_stats.F
+  core_seaice/analysis_members/mpas_seaice_load_balance.F
+  core_seaice/analysis_members/mpas_seaice_maximum_ice_presence.F
+  core_seaice/analysis_members/mpas_seaice_miscellaneous.F
+  core_seaice/analysis_members/mpas_seaice_area_variables.F
+  core_seaice/analysis_members/mpas_seaice_pond_diagnostics.F
+  core_seaice/analysis_members/mpas_seaice_deactivate_unneeded_fields.F
+  core_seaice/analysis_members/mpas_seaice_pointwise_stats.F
+  core_seaice/analysis_members/mpas_seaice_unit_conversion.F
+  core_seaice/analysis_members/mpas_seaice_ice_shelves.F
+# model_forward (DISABLE qsmp for these)
+  core_seaice/model_forward/mpas_seaice_core.F
+  core_seaice/model_forward/mpas_seaice_core_interface.F
+# Generate core input
+handle_st_nl_gen("namelist.seaice" "streams.seaice stream_list.seaice. listed" ${CORE_INPUT_DIR} ${CORE_BLDDIR})
diff --git a/src/driver/mpas.F b/src/driver/mpas.F
index 32092a010c..d0370fd577 100644
--- a/src/driver/mpas.F
+++ b/src/driver/mpas.F
@@ -8,17 +8,18 @@
 program mpas
    use mpas_subdriver
+   use mpas_derived_types, only : core_type, domain_type
    implicit none
-   type (core_type), pointer :: corelist
-   type (domain_type), pointer :: domain_ptr
+   type (core_type), pointer :: corelist => null()
+   type (domain_type), pointer :: domain => null()
-   call mpas_init(corelist, domain_ptr)
+   call mpas_init(corelist, domain)
-   call mpas_run(domain_ptr) 
+   call mpas_run(domain) 
-   call mpas_finalize(corelist, domain_ptr)
+   call mpas_finalize(corelist, domain)
diff --git a/src/driver/mpas_subdriver.F b/src/driver/mpas_subdriver.F
index 4da7ae98e0..2705777a25 100644
--- a/src/driver/mpas_subdriver.F
+++ b/src/driver/mpas_subdriver.F
@@ -35,7 +35,6 @@ module mpas_subdriver
    use test_core_interface
-   type (dm_info), pointer :: dminfo
@@ -51,8 +50,8 @@ subroutine mpas_init(corelist, domain_ptr, mpi_comm)
       implicit none
-      type (core_type), intent(out), pointer :: corelist
-      type (domain_type), intent(out), pointer :: domain_ptr
+      type (core_type), intent(inout), pointer :: corelist
+      type (domain_type), intent(inout), pointer :: domain_ptr
       integer, intent(in), optional :: mpi_comm
       integer :: iArg, nArgs
@@ -83,7 +82,7 @@ subroutine mpas_init(corelist, domain_ptr, mpi_comm)
       character(len=StrKIND) :: iotype
       logical :: streamsExists
       integer :: mesh_iotype
-      integer, save :: domainID = -1
+      integer, save :: domainID = 0
          subroutine xml_stream_parser(xmlname, mgr_p, comm, ierr) bind(c)
@@ -154,13 +153,13 @@ end subroutine xml_stream_get_attributes
       call mpas_allocate_domain(domain_ptr)
-      domainID = domainID + 1
       domain_ptr % domainID = domainID
+      domainID = domainID + 1
       ! Initialize infrastructure
-      call mpas_framework_init_phase1(domain_ptr % dminfo, mpi_comm)
+      call mpas_framework_init_phase1(domain_ptr % dminfo, mpi_comm=mpi_comm)
@@ -345,11 +344,13 @@ end subroutine mpas_init
    subroutine mpas_run(domain_ptr)
       use mpas_log, only: mpas_log_info
       implicit none
       type (domain_type), intent(inout), pointer :: domain_ptr
       integer :: iErr
       if ( associated(domain_ptr % logInfo) ) mpas_log_info => domain_ptr % logInfo
diff --git a/src/external/Makefile b/src/external/Makefile
index 4409d9c704..afb7533445 100644
--- a/src/external/Makefile
+++ b/src/external/Makefile
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 all: esmf_time ezxml-lib
-	( cd esmf_time_f90; $(MAKE) FC="$(FC) $(FFLAGS)" CPP="$(CPP)" CPPFLAGS="$(CPPFLAGS) -DHIDE_MPI" GEN_F90=$(GEN_F90) )
+	( cd esmf_time_f90; $(MAKE) FC="$(FC)" FFLAGS="$(FFLAGS)" CPP="$(CPP)" CPPFLAGS="$(CPPFLAGS) -DHIDE_MPI" GEN_F90=$(GEN_F90) )
 	( cd ezxml; $(MAKE) )
diff --git a/src/framework/framework.cmake b/src/framework/framework.cmake
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f74747fb4f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/framework/framework.cmake
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+# framework
+  framework/mpas_kind_types.F
+  framework/mpas_framework.F
+  framework/mpas_timer.F
+  framework/mpas_timekeeping.F
+  framework/mpas_constants.F
+  framework/mpas_attlist.F
+  framework/mpas_hash.F
+  framework/mpas_sort.F
+  framework/mpas_block_decomp.F
+  framework/mpas_block_creator.F
+  framework/mpas_dmpar.F
+  framework/mpas_abort.F
+  framework/mpas_decomp.F
+  framework/mpas_threading.F
+  framework/mpas_io.F
+  framework/mpas_io_streams.F
+  framework/mpas_bootstrapping.F
+  framework/mpas_io_units.F
+  framework/mpas_stream_manager.F
+  framework/mpas_stream_list.F
+  framework/mpas_forcing.F
+  framework/mpas_c_interfacing.F
+  framework/random_id.c
+  framework/pool_hash.c
+  framework/mpas_derived_types.F
+  framework/mpas_domain_routines.F
+  framework/mpas_field_routines.F
+  framework/mpas_pool_routines.F
+  framework/xml_stream_parser.c
+  framework/regex_matching.c
+  framework/mpas_field_accessor.F
+  framework/mpas_log.F
diff --git a/src/framework/mpas_dmpar.F b/src/framework/mpas_dmpar.F
index 4acf7695f6..42bb827efa 100644
--- a/src/framework/mpas_dmpar.F
+++ b/src/framework/mpas_dmpar.F
@@ -371,9 +371,7 @@ subroutine mpas_dmpar_abort(dminfo)!{{{
 #ifdef _MPI
       integer :: mpi_ierr, mpi_errcode
-      if ( dminfo % initialized_mpi ) then
-         call MPI_Abort(dminfo % comm, mpi_errcode, mpi_ierr)
-      end if
+      call MPI_Abort(dminfo % comm, mpi_errcode, mpi_ierr)
@@ -8670,7 +8668,12 @@ subroutine mpas_dmpar_exch_group_pack_buffer_field1d_integer(exchangeGroup, fiel
       commListPtr => exchangeGroup % sendList
       if (.not. associated(commListPtr)) return
       commListSize = commListPtr % commListSize
+#ifdef CPRPGI
+      ! workaround for PGI compiler (CPR): ICE on pointers in private clause of omp-do workshare
+      !$omp do private(listPosition, bufferOffset, nAdded, iExch, iBuffer)
       !$omp do private(commListPtr, listPosition, bufferOffset, nAdded, fieldCursor, exchListPtr, iExch, iBuffer) 
       do listItem = 1, commListSize
         commListPtr => exchangeGroup % sendList
         do listPosition = 2, listItem
@@ -8735,7 +8738,11 @@ subroutine mpas_dmpar_exch_group_pack_buffer_field2d_integer(exchangeGroup, fiel
       commListPtr => exchangeGroup % sendList
       if (.not. associated(commListPtr)) return
       commListSize = commListPtr % commListSize
+#ifdef CPRPGI
+      !$omp do private(listPosition, bufferOffset, nAdded, iExch, iBuffer)
       !$omp do private(commListPtr, listPosition, bufferOffset, nAdded, fieldCursor, exchListPtr, iExch, j, iBuffer) 
       do listItem = 1, commListSize
         commListPtr => exchangeGroup % sendList
         do listPosition = 2, listItem
@@ -8803,7 +8810,11 @@ subroutine mpas_dmpar_exch_group_pack_buffer_field3d_integer(exchangeGroup, fiel
       commListPtr => exchangeGroup % sendList
       if (.not. associated(commListPtr)) return
       commListSize = commListPtr % commListSize
+#ifdef CPRPGI
+      !$omp do private(listPosition, bufferOffset, nAdded, iExch, iBuffer)
       !$omp do private(commListPtr, listPosition, bufferOffset, nAdded, fieldCursor, exchListPtr, iExch, j, k, iBuffer) 
       do listItem = 1, commListSize
         commListPtr => exchangeGroup % sendList
         do listPosition = 2, listItem
@@ -8873,7 +8884,11 @@ subroutine mpas_dmpar_exch_group_pack_buffer_field1d_real(exchangeGroup, field,
       commListPtr => exchangeGroup % sendList
       if (.not. associated(commListPtr)) return
       commListSize = commListPtr % commListSize
+#ifdef CPRPGI
+      !$omp do private(listPosition, bufferOffset, nAdded, iExch, iBuffer)
       !$omp do private(commListPtr, listPosition, bufferOffset, nAdded, fieldCursor, exchListPtr, iExch, iBuffer) 
       do listItem = 1, commListSize
         commListPtr => exchangeGroup % sendList
         do listPosition = 2, listItem
@@ -8938,7 +8953,11 @@ subroutine mpas_dmpar_exch_group_pack_buffer_field2d_real(exchangeGroup, field,
       commListPtr => exchangeGroup % sendList
       if (.not. associated(commListPtr)) return
       commListSize = commListPtr % commListSize
+#ifdef CPRPGI
+      !$omp do private(listPosition, bufferOffset, nAdded, iExch, iBuffer)
       !$omp do private(commListPtr, listPosition, bufferOffset, nAdded, fieldCursor, exchListPtr, iExch, j, iBuffer) 
       do listItem = 1, commListSize
         commListPtr => exchangeGroup % sendList
         do listPosition = 2, listItem
@@ -9005,7 +9024,11 @@ subroutine mpas_dmpar_exch_group_pack_buffer_field3d_real(exchangeGroup, field,
       commListPtr => exchangeGroup % sendList
       if (.not. associated(commListPtr)) return
       commListSize = commListPtr % commListSize
+#ifdef CPRPGI
+      !$omp do private(listPosition, bufferOffset, nAdded, iExch, iBuffer)
       !$omp do private(commListPtr, listPosition, bufferOffset, nAdded, fieldCursor, exchListPtr, iExch, j, k, iBuffer) 
       do listItem = 1, commListSize
         commListPtr => exchangeGroup % sendList
         do listPosition = 2, listItem
@@ -9075,7 +9098,11 @@ subroutine mpas_dmpar_exch_group_pack_buffer_field4d_real(exchangeGroup, field,
       commListPtr => exchangeGroup % sendList
       if (.not. associated(commListPtr)) return
       commListSize = commListPtr % commListSize
+#ifdef CPRPGI
+      !$omp do private(listPosition, bufferOffset, nAdded, iExch, iBuffer)
       !$omp do private(commListPtr, listPosition, bufferOffset, nAdded, fieldCursor, exchListPtr, iExch, j, k, l, iBuffer) 
       do listItem = 1, commListSize
         commListPtr => exchangeGroup % sendList
         do listPosition = 2, listItem
@@ -9148,7 +9175,11 @@ subroutine mpas_dmpar_exch_group_pack_buffer_field5d_real(exchangeGroup, field,
       commListPtr => exchangeGroup % sendList
       if (.not. associated(commListPtr)) return
       commListSize = commListPtr % commListSize
+#ifdef CPRPGI
+      !$omp do private(listPosition, bufferOffset, nAdded, iExch, iBuffer)
       !$omp do private(commListPtr, listPosition, bufferOffset, nAdded, fieldCursor, exchListPtr, iExch, j, k, l, m, iBuffer) 
       do listItem = 1, commListSize
         commListPtr => exchangeGroup % sendList
         do listPosition = 2, listItem
diff --git a/src/framework/mpas_domain_types.inc b/src/framework/mpas_domain_types.inc
index 66d0c1efc5..0fd5a882ff 100644
--- a/src/framework/mpas_domain_types.inc
+++ b/src/framework/mpas_domain_types.inc
@@ -26,6 +26,9 @@
       character (len=StrKIND) :: mesh_spec = '' !< mesh_spec attribute, read in from input file.
       character (len=StrKIND) :: parent_id = '' !< parent_id attribute, read in from input file.
+      ! Unique global ID number for this domain
+      integer :: domainID
       ! Pointer to timer root
       type (mpas_timer_root), pointer :: timer_root => null()
@@ -34,7 +37,4 @@
       ! Domain_type is a linked list
       type (domain_type), pointer :: next => null()
-      ! Unique global ID number for this domain
-      integer :: domainID
    end type domain_type
diff --git a/src/framework/mpas_field_routines.F b/src/framework/mpas_field_routines.F
index a5f6960749..0ae6e169e8 100644
--- a/src/framework/mpas_field_routines.F
+++ b/src/framework/mpas_field_routines.F
@@ -108,6 +108,22 @@ module mpas_field_routines
       module procedure mpas_deallocate_field1d_char
    end interface
+   interface mpas_deallocate_field_target
+      module procedure mpas_deallocate_field0d_logical_target
+      module procedure mpas_deallocate_field0d_integer_target
+      module procedure mpas_deallocate_field1d_integer_target
+      module procedure mpas_deallocate_field2d_integer_target
+      module procedure mpas_deallocate_field3d_integer_target
+      module procedure mpas_deallocate_field0d_real_target
+      module procedure mpas_deallocate_field1d_real_target
+      module procedure mpas_deallocate_field2d_real_target
+      module procedure mpas_deallocate_field3d_real_target
+      module procedure mpas_deallocate_field4d_real_target
+      module procedure mpas_deallocate_field5d_real_target
+      module procedure mpas_deallocate_field0d_char_target
+      module procedure mpas_deallocate_field1d_char_target
+   end interface
@@ -1388,43 +1404,39 @@ end subroutine mpas_deallocate_scratch_field1d_char!}}}
-!  routine mpas_deallocate_field0d_logical
+!  routine mpas_deallocate_field0D_logical
-!> \brief   MPAS 0D logical deallocation routine.
-!> \author  Doug Jacobsen
-!> \date    04/02/13
+!> \brief   MPAS 0D int deallocation routine.
+!> \author  Michael G. Duda
+!> \date    4 November 2019
 !> \details 
-!> This routine deallocates a 0D logical field.
+!>  This routine deallocates a 0-d logical field. Upon return, all memory
+!>  that is uniquely associated with the field pointed to by f
+!>  (i.e., array storage, attribute lists, constitutent names; *not* sendList,
+!>  recvList, block, etc. that are potentially referenced by other fields)
+!>  will have been freed, and the input pointer will be nullified.
+!>  For fields that are elements of an array of fields, do not use this
+!>  routine, and instead use mpas_deallocate_field_target.
    subroutine mpas_deallocate_field0d_logical(f)!{{{
+       implicit none
        type (field0dLogical), pointer :: f !< Input: Field to deallocate
-       type (field0dLogical), pointer :: f_cursor
-       integer :: threadNum
-       integer :: i, iErr
-       threadNum = mpas_threading_get_thread_num()
-       if ( threadNum == 0 ) then
-          f_cursor => f
-          do while(associated(f_cursor))
-            if(associated(f % next)) then
-              f => f % next
-            else
-              nullify(f)
-            end if
-            if ( associated(f_cursor % attLists) ) then
-               do i = 1, size(f_cursor % attLists, dim=1)
-                  call mpas_deallocate_attlist(f_cursor % attLists(i) % attList, iErr)
-               end do
-               deallocate(f_cursor % attLists)
-            end if
+       type (field0dLogical), pointer :: f_cursor, f_next
-            deallocate(f_cursor)
-            f_cursor => f
-          end do
+       call mpas_deallocate_field_target(f)
+       if ( mpas_threading_get_thread_num() == 0 ) then
+           f_cursor => f
+           do while(associated(f_cursor))
+               f_next => f_cursor % next
+               deallocate(f_cursor)
+               f_cursor => f_next
+           end do
        end if
    end subroutine mpas_deallocate_field0d_logical!}}}
@@ -1432,43 +1444,39 @@ end subroutine mpas_deallocate_field0d_logical!}}}
-!  routine mpas_deallocate_field0d_integer
+!  routine mpas_deallocate_field0D_integer
-!> \brief   MPAS 0D integer deallocation routine.
-!> \author  Doug Jacobsen
-!> \date    04/02/13
+!> \brief   MPAS 0D int deallocation routine.
+!> \author  Michael G. Duda
+!> \date    4 November 2019
 !> \details 
-!> This routine deallocates a 0D integer field.
+!>  This routine deallocates a 0-d integer field. Upon return, all memory
+!>  that is uniquely associated with the field pointed to by f
+!>  (i.e., array storage, attribute lists, constitutent names; *not* sendList,
+!>  recvList, block, etc. that are potentially referenced by other fields)
+!>  will have been freed, and the input pointer will be nullified.
+!>  For fields that are elements of an array of fields, do not use this
+!>  routine, and instead use mpas_deallocate_field_target.
    subroutine mpas_deallocate_field0d_integer(f)!{{{
+       implicit none
        type (field0dInteger), pointer :: f !< Input: Field to deallocate
-       type (field0dInteger), pointer :: f_cursor
-       integer :: threadNum
-       integer :: i, iErr
-       threadNum = mpas_threading_get_thread_num()
-       if ( threadNum == 0 ) then
-          f_cursor => f
-          do while(associated(f_cursor))
-            if(associated(f % next)) then
-              f => f % next
-            else
-              nullify(f)
-            end if
-            if ( associated(f_cursor % attLists) ) then
-               do i = 1, size(f_cursor % attLists, dim=1)
-                  call mpas_deallocate_attlist(f_cursor % attLists(i) % attList, iErr)
-               end do
-               deallocate(f_cursor % attLists)
-            end if
+       type (field0dInteger), pointer :: f_cursor, f_next
+       call mpas_deallocate_field_target(f)
-            deallocate(f_cursor)
-            f_cursor => f
-          end do
+       if ( mpas_threading_get_thread_num() == 0 ) then
+           f_cursor => f
+           do while(associated(f_cursor))
+               f_next => f_cursor % next
+               deallocate(f_cursor)
+               f_cursor => f_next
+           end do
        end if
    end subroutine mpas_deallocate_field0d_integer!}}}
@@ -1478,45 +1486,37 @@ end subroutine mpas_deallocate_field0d_integer!}}}
 !  routine mpas_deallocate_field1D_integer
-!> \brief   MPAS 1D integer deallocation routine.
-!> \author  Doug Jacobsen
-!> \date    04/02/13
+!> \brief   MPAS 1D int deallocation routine.
+!> \author  Michael G. Duda
+!> \date    4 November 2019
 !> \details 
-!> This routine deallocates a 1D integer field.
+!>  This routine deallocates a 1-d integer field. Upon return, all memory
+!>  that is uniquely associated with the field pointed to by f
+!>  (i.e., array storage, attribute lists, constitutent names; *not* sendList,
+!>  recvList, block, etc. that are potentially referenced by other fields)
+!>  will have been freed, and the input pointer will be nullified.
+!>  For fields that are elements of an array of fields, do not use this
+!>  routine, and instead use mpas_deallocate_field_target.
    subroutine mpas_deallocate_field1d_integer(f)!{{{
+       implicit none
        type (field1dInteger), pointer :: f !< Input: Field to deallocate
-       type (field1dInteger), pointer :: f_cursor
-       integer :: threadNum
-       integer :: i, iErr
-       threadNum = mpas_threading_get_thread_num()
+       type (field1dInteger), pointer :: f_cursor, f_next
-       if ( threadNum == 0 ) then
-          f_cursor => f
-          do while(associated(f_cursor))
-            if(associated(f % next)) then
-              f => f % next
-            else
-              nullify(f)
-            end if
-            if(associated(f_cursor % array)) then
-              deallocate(f_cursor % array)
-            end if
-            if ( associated(f_cursor % attLists) ) then
-               do i = 1, size(f_cursor % attLists, dim=1)
-                  call mpas_deallocate_attlist(f_cursor % attLists(i) % attList, iErr)
-               end do
-               deallocate(f_cursor % attLists)
-            end if
+       call mpas_deallocate_field_target(f)
-            deallocate(f_cursor)
-            f_cursor => f
-          end do
+       if ( mpas_threading_get_thread_num() == 0 ) then
+           f_cursor => f
+           do while(associated(f_cursor))
+               f_next => f_cursor % next
+               deallocate(f_cursor)
+               f_cursor => f_next
+           end do
        end if
    end subroutine mpas_deallocate_field1d_integer!}}}
@@ -1526,45 +1526,37 @@ end subroutine mpas_deallocate_field1d_integer!}}}
 !  routine mpas_deallocate_field2D_integer
-!> \brief   MPAS 2D integer deallocation routine.
-!> \author  Doug Jacobsen
-!> \date    04/02/13
+!> \brief   MPAS 2D int deallocation routine.
+!> \author  Michael G. Duda
+!> \date    4 November 2019
 !> \details 
-!> This routine deallocates a 2D integer field.
+!>  This routine deallocates a 2-d integer field. Upon return, all memory
+!>  that is uniquely associated with the field pointed to by f
+!>  (i.e., array storage, attribute lists, constitutent names; *not* sendList,
+!>  recvList, block, etc. that are potentially referenced by other fields)
+!>  will have been freed, and the input pointer will be nullified.
+!>  For fields that are elements of an array of fields, do not use this
+!>  routine, and instead use mpas_deallocate_field_target.
    subroutine mpas_deallocate_field2d_integer(f)!{{{
+       implicit none
        type (field2dInteger), pointer :: f !< Input: Field to deallocate
-       type (field2dInteger), pointer :: f_cursor
-       integer :: threadNum
-       integer :: i, iErr
-       threadNum = mpas_threading_get_thread_num()
+       type (field2dInteger), pointer :: f_cursor, f_next
-       if ( threadNum == 0 ) then
-          f_cursor => f
-          do while(associated(f_cursor))
-            if(associated(f % next)) then
-              f => f % next
-            else
-              nullify(f)
-            end if
-            if(associated(f_cursor % array)) then
-              deallocate(f_cursor % array)
-            end if
-            if ( associated(f_cursor % attLists) ) then
-               do i = 1, size(f_cursor % attLists, dim=1)
-                  call mpas_deallocate_attlist(f_cursor % attLists(i) % attList, iErr)
-               end do
-               deallocate(f_cursor % attLists)
-            end if
+       call mpas_deallocate_field_target(f)
-            deallocate(f_cursor)
-            f_cursor => f
-          end do
+       if ( mpas_threading_get_thread_num() == 0 ) then
+           f_cursor => f
+           do while(associated(f_cursor))
+               f_next => f_cursor % next
+               deallocate(f_cursor)
+               f_cursor => f_next
+           end do
        end if
    end subroutine mpas_deallocate_field2d_integer!}}}
@@ -1574,45 +1566,37 @@ end subroutine mpas_deallocate_field2d_integer!}}}
 !  routine mpas_deallocate_field3D_integer
-!> \brief   MPAS 3D integer deallocation routine.
-!> \author  Doug Jacobsen
-!> \date    04/02/13
+!> \brief   MPAS 3D int deallocation routine.
+!> \author  Michael G. Duda
+!> \date    4 November 2019
 !> \details 
-!> This routine deallocates a 3D integer field.
+!>  This routine deallocates a 3-d integer field. Upon return, all memory
+!>  that is uniquely associated with the field pointed to by f
+!>  (i.e., array storage, attribute lists, constitutent names; *not* sendList,
+!>  recvList, block, etc. that are potentially referenced by other fields)
+!>  will have been freed, and the input pointer will be nullified.
+!>  For fields that are elements of an array of fields, do not use this
+!>  routine, and instead use mpas_deallocate_field_target.
    subroutine mpas_deallocate_field3d_integer(f)!{{{
+       implicit none
        type (field3dInteger), pointer :: f !< Input: Field to deallocate
-       type (field3dInteger), pointer :: f_cursor
-       integer :: threadNum
-       integer :: i, iErr
-       threadNum = mpas_threading_get_thread_num()
+       type (field3dInteger), pointer :: f_cursor, f_next
-       if ( threadNum == 0 ) then
-          f_cursor => f
-          do while(associated(f_cursor))
-            if(associated(f % next)) then
-              f => f % next
-            else
-              nullify(f)
-            end if
-            if(associated(f_cursor % array)) then
-              deallocate(f_cursor % array)
-            end if
-            if ( associated(f_cursor % attLists) ) then
-               do i = 1, size(f_cursor % attLists, dim=1)
-                  call mpas_deallocate_attlist(f_cursor % attLists(i) % attList, iErr)
-               end do
-               deallocate(f_cursor % attLists)
-            end if
+       call mpas_deallocate_field_target(f)
-            deallocate(f_cursor)
-            f_cursor => f
-          end do
+       if ( mpas_threading_get_thread_num() == 0 ) then
+           f_cursor => f
+           do while(associated(f_cursor))
+               f_next => f_cursor % next
+               deallocate(f_cursor)
+               f_cursor => f_next
+           end do
        end if
    end subroutine mpas_deallocate_field3d_integer!}}}
@@ -1620,44 +1604,39 @@ end subroutine mpas_deallocate_field3d_integer!}}}
-!  routine mpas_deallocate_field0d_real
+!  routine mpas_deallocate_field0D_real
 !> \brief   MPAS 0D real deallocation routine.
-!> \author  Doug Jacobsen
-!> \date    04/02/13
+!> \author  Michael G. Duda
+!> \date    4 November 2019
 !> \details 
-!> This routine deallocates a 0D real field.
+!>  This routine deallocates a 0-d real field. Upon return, all memory
+!>  that is uniquely associated with the field pointed to by f
+!>  (i.e., array storage, attribute lists, constitutent names; *not* sendList,
+!>  recvList, block, etc. that are potentially referenced by other fields)
+!>  will have been freed, and the input pointer will be nullified.
+!>  For fields that are elements of an array of fields, do not use this
+!>  routine, and instead use mpas_deallocate_field_target.
    subroutine mpas_deallocate_field0d_real(f)!{{{
-       type (field0dReal), pointer :: f !< Input: Field to deallocate
-       type (field0dReal), pointer :: f_cursor
-       integer :: threadNum
-       integer :: i, iErr
-       threadNum = mpas_threading_get_thread_num()
+       implicit none
-       f_cursor => f
+       type (field0dReal), pointer :: f !< Input: Field to deallocate
-       if ( threadNum == 0 ) then
-          do while(associated(f_cursor))
-            if(associated(f % next)) then
-              f => f % next
-            else
-              nullify(f)
-            end if
-            if ( associated(f_cursor % attLists) ) then
-               do i = 1, size(f_cursor % attLists, dim=1)
-                  call mpas_deallocate_attlist(f_cursor % attLists(i) % attList, iErr)
-               end do
-               deallocate(f_cursor % attLists)
-            end if
+       type (field0dReal), pointer :: f_cursor, f_next
-            deallocate(f_cursor)
-            f_cursor => f
-          end do
+       call mpas_deallocate_field_target(f)
+       if ( mpas_threading_get_thread_num() == 0 ) then
+           f_cursor => f
+           do while(associated(f_cursor))
+               f_next => f_cursor % next
+               deallocate(f_cursor)
+               f_cursor => f_next
+           end do
        end if
    end subroutine mpas_deallocate_field0d_real!}}}
@@ -1668,44 +1647,36 @@ end subroutine mpas_deallocate_field0d_real!}}}
 !  routine mpas_deallocate_field1D_real
 !> \brief   MPAS 1D real deallocation routine.
-!> \author  Doug Jacobsen
-!> \date    04/02/13
+!> \author  Michael G. Duda
+!> \date    4 November 2019
 !> \details 
-!> This routine deallocates a 1D real field.
+!>  This routine deallocates a 1-d real field. Upon return, all memory
+!>  that is uniquely associated with the field pointed to by f
+!>  (i.e., array storage, attribute lists, constitutent names; *not* sendList,
+!>  recvList, block, etc. that are potentially referenced by other fields)
+!>  will have been freed, and the input pointer will be nullified.
+!>  For fields that are elements of an array of fields, do not use this
+!>  routine, and instead use mpas_deallocate_field_target.
    subroutine mpas_deallocate_field1d_real(f)!{{{
-       type (field1dReal), pointer :: f !< Input: Field to deallocate
-       type (field1dReal), pointer :: f_cursor
-       integer :: threadNum
-       integer :: i, iErr
-       threadNum = mpas_threading_get_thread_num()
+       implicit none
-       if ( threadNum == 0 ) then
-          f_cursor => f
-          do while(associated(f_cursor))
-            if(associated(f % next)) then
-              f => f % next
-            else
-              nullify(f)
-            end if
-            if(associated(f_cursor % array)) then
-              deallocate(f_cursor % array)
-            end if
-            if ( associated(f_cursor % attLists) ) then
-               do i = 1, size(f_cursor % attLists, dim=1)
-                  call mpas_deallocate_attlist(f_cursor % attLists(i) % attList, iErr)
-               end do
-               deallocate(f_cursor % attLists)
-            end if
+       type (field1dReal), pointer :: f !< Input: Field to deallocate
+       type (field1dReal), pointer :: f_cursor, f_next
-            deallocate(f_cursor)
+       call mpas_deallocate_field_target(f)
-            f_cursor => f
-          end do
+       if ( mpas_threading_get_thread_num() == 0 ) then
+           f_cursor => f
+           do while(associated(f_cursor))
+               f_next => f_cursor % next
+               deallocate(f_cursor)
+               f_cursor => f_next
+           end do
        end if
    end subroutine mpas_deallocate_field1d_real!}}}
@@ -1716,44 +1687,36 @@ end subroutine mpas_deallocate_field1d_real!}}}
 !  routine mpas_deallocate_field2D_real
 !> \brief   MPAS 2D real deallocation routine.
-!> \author  Doug Jacobsen
-!> \date    04/02/13
+!> \author  Michael G. Duda
+!> \date    4 November 2019
 !> \details 
-!> This routine deallocates a 2D real field.
+!>  This routine deallocates a 2-d real field. Upon return, all memory
+!>  that is uniquely associated with the field pointed to by f
+!>  (i.e., array storage, attribute lists, constitutent names; *not* sendList,
+!>  recvList, block, etc. that are potentially referenced by other fields)
+!>  will have been freed, and the input pointer will be nullified.
+!>  For fields that are elements of an array of fields, do not use this
+!>  routine, and instead use mpas_deallocate_field_target.
    subroutine mpas_deallocate_field2d_real(f)!{{{
-       type (field2dReal), pointer :: f !< Input: Field to deallocate
-       type (field2dReal), pointer :: f_cursor
-       integer :: threadNum
-       integer :: i, iErr
-       threadNum = mpas_threading_get_thread_num()
+       implicit none
-       if ( threadNum == 0 ) then
-          f_cursor => f
-          do while(associated(f_cursor))
-            if(associated(f % next)) then
-              f => f % next
-            else
-              nullify(f)
-            end if
-            if(associated(f_cursor % array)) then
-              deallocate(f_cursor % array)
-            end if
-            if ( associated(f_cursor % attLists) ) then
-               do i = 1, size(f_cursor % attLists, dim=1)
-                  call mpas_deallocate_attlist(f_cursor % attLists(i) % attList, iErr)
-               end do
-               deallocate(f_cursor % attLists)
-            end if
+       type (field2dReal), pointer :: f !< Input: Field to deallocate
-            deallocate(f_cursor)
+       type (field2dReal), pointer :: f_cursor, f_next
-            f_cursor => f
-          end do
+       call mpas_deallocate_field_target(f)
+       if ( mpas_threading_get_thread_num() == 0 ) then
+           f_cursor => f
+           do while(associated(f_cursor))
+               f_next => f_cursor % next
+               deallocate(f_cursor)
+               f_cursor => f_next
+           end do
        end if
    end subroutine mpas_deallocate_field2d_real!}}}
@@ -1764,44 +1727,36 @@ end subroutine mpas_deallocate_field2d_real!}}}
 !  routine mpas_deallocate_field3D_real
 !> \brief   MPAS 3D real deallocation routine.
-!> \author  Doug Jacobsen
-!> \date    04/02/13
+!> \author  Michael G. Duda
+!> \date    4 November 2019
 !> \details 
-!> This routine deallocates a 3D real field.
+!>  This routine deallocates a 3-d real field. Upon return, all memory
+!>  that is uniquely associated with the field pointed to by f
+!>  (i.e., array storage, attribute lists, constitutent names; *not* sendList,
+!>  recvList, block, etc. that are potentially referenced by other fields)
+!>  will have been freed, and the input pointer will be nullified.
+!>  For fields that are elements of an array of fields, do not use this
+!>  routine, and instead use mpas_deallocate_field_target.
    subroutine mpas_deallocate_field3d_real(f)!{{{
-       type (field3dReal), pointer :: f !< Input: Field to deallocate
-       type (field3dReal), pointer :: f_cursor
-       integer :: threadNum
-       integer :: i, iErr
-       threadNum = mpas_threading_get_thread_num()
+       implicit none
-       if ( threadNum == 0 ) then
-          f_cursor => f
-          do while(associated(f_cursor))
-            if(associated(f % next)) then
-              f => f % next
-            else
-              nullify(f)
-            end if
-            if(associated(f_cursor % array)) then
-              deallocate(f_cursor % array)
-            end if
-            if ( associated(f_cursor % attLists) ) then
-               do i = 1, size(f_cursor % attLists, dim=1)
-                  call mpas_deallocate_attlist(f_cursor % attLists(i) % attList, iErr)
-               end do
-               deallocate(f_cursor % attLists)
-            end if
+       type (field3dReal), pointer :: f !< Input: Field to deallocate
+       type (field3dReal), pointer :: f_cursor, f_next
-            deallocate(f_cursor)
+       call mpas_deallocate_field_target(f)
-            f_cursor => f
-          end do
+       if ( mpas_threading_get_thread_num() == 0 ) then
+           f_cursor => f
+           do while(associated(f_cursor))
+               f_next => f_cursor % next
+               deallocate(f_cursor)
+               f_cursor => f_next
+           end do
        end if
    end subroutine mpas_deallocate_field3d_real!}}}
@@ -1812,44 +1767,36 @@ end subroutine mpas_deallocate_field3d_real!}}}
 !  routine mpas_deallocate_field4D_real
 !> \brief   MPAS 4D real deallocation routine.
-!> \author  Doug Jacobsen
-!> \date    04/02/13
+!> \author  Michael G. Duda
+!> \date    4 November 2019
 !> \details 
-!> This routine deallocates a 4D real field.
+!>  This routine deallocates a 4-d real field. Upon return, all memory
+!>  that is uniquely associated with the field pointed to by f
+!>  (i.e., array storage, attribute lists, constitutent names; *not* sendList,
+!>  recvList, block, etc. that are potentially referenced by other fields)
+!>  will have been freed, and the input pointer will be nullified.
+!>  For fields that are elements of an array of fields, do not use this
+!>  routine, and instead use mpas_deallocate_field_target.
    subroutine mpas_deallocate_field4d_real(f)!{{{
-       type (field4dReal), pointer :: f !< Input: Field to deallocate
-       type (field4dReal), pointer :: f_cursor
-       integer :: threadNum
-       integer :: i, iErr
-       threadNum = mpas_threading_get_thread_num()
+       implicit none
-       if ( threadNum == 0 ) then
-          f_cursor => f
-          do while(associated(f_cursor))
-            if(associated(f % next)) then
-              f => f % next
-            else
-              nullify(f)
-            end if
-            if(associated(f_cursor % array)) then
-              deallocate(f_cursor % array)
-            end if
-            if ( associated(f_cursor % attLists) ) then
-               do i = 1, size(f_cursor % attLists, dim=1)
-                  call mpas_deallocate_attlist(f_cursor % attLists(i) % attList, iErr)
-               end do
-               deallocate(f_cursor % attLists)
-            end if
+       type (field4dReal), pointer :: f !< Input: Field to deallocate
-            deallocate(f_cursor)
+       type (field4dReal), pointer :: f_cursor, f_next
-            f_cursor => f
-          end do
+       call mpas_deallocate_field_target(f)
+       if ( mpas_threading_get_thread_num() == 0 ) then
+           f_cursor => f
+           do while(associated(f_cursor))
+               f_next => f_cursor % next
+               deallocate(f_cursor)
+               f_cursor => f_next
+           end do
        end if
    end subroutine mpas_deallocate_field4d_real!}}}
@@ -1860,139 +1807,753 @@ end subroutine mpas_deallocate_field4d_real!}}}
 !  routine mpas_deallocate_field5D_real
 !> \brief   MPAS 5D real deallocation routine.
-!> \author  Doug Jacobsen
-!> \date    04/02/13
+!> \author  Michael G. Duda
+!> \date    4 November 2019
 !> \details 
-!> This routine deallocates a 5D real field.
+!>  This routine deallocates a 5-d real field. Upon return, all memory
+!>  that is uniquely associated with the field pointed to by f
+!>  (i.e., array storage, attribute lists, constitutent names; *not* sendList,
+!>  recvList, block, etc. that are potentially referenced by other fields)
+!>  will have been freed, and the input pointer will be nullified.
+!>  For fields that are elements of an array of fields, do not use this
+!>  routine, and instead use mpas_deallocate_field_target.
    subroutine mpas_deallocate_field5d_real(f)!{{{
+       implicit none
        type (field5dReal), pointer :: f !< Input: Field to deallocate
-       type (field5dReal), pointer :: f_cursor
+       type (field5dReal), pointer :: f_cursor, f_next
+       call mpas_deallocate_field_target(f)
+       if ( mpas_threading_get_thread_num() == 0 ) then
+           f_cursor => f
+           do while(associated(f_cursor))
+               f_next => f_cursor % next
+               deallocate(f_cursor)
+               f_cursor => f_next
+           end do
+       end if
+   end subroutine mpas_deallocate_field5d_real!}}}
+!  routine mpas_deallocate_field0D_char
+!> \brief   MPAS 0D real deallocation routine.
+!> \author  Michael G. Duda
+!> \date    4 November 2019
+!> \details 
+!>  This routine deallocates a 0-d character field. Upon return, all memory
+!>  that is uniquely associated with the field pointed to by f
+!>  (i.e., array storage, attribute lists, constitutent names; *not* sendList,
+!>  recvList, block, etc. that are potentially referenced by other fields)
+!>  will have been freed, and the input pointer will be nullified.
+!>  For fields that are elements of an array of fields, do not use this
+!>  routine, and instead use mpas_deallocate_field_target.
+   subroutine mpas_deallocate_field0d_char(f)!{{{
+       implicit none
+       type (field0dChar), pointer :: f !< Input: Field to deallocate
+       type (field0dChar), pointer :: f_cursor, f_next
+       call mpas_deallocate_field_target(f)
+       if ( mpas_threading_get_thread_num() == 0 ) then
+           f_cursor => f
+           do while(associated(f_cursor))
+               f_next => f_cursor % next
+               deallocate(f_cursor)
+               f_cursor => f_next
+           end do
+       end if
+   end subroutine mpas_deallocate_field0d_char!}}}
+!  routine mpas_deallocate_field1D_char
+!> \brief   MPAS 1D char deallocation routine.
+!> \author  Michael G. Duda
+!> \date    4 November 2019
+!> \details 
+!>  This routine deallocates a 1-d character field. Upon return, all memory
+!>  that is uniquely associated with the field pointed to by f
+!>  (i.e., array storage, attribute lists, constitutent names; *not* sendList,
+!>  recvList, block, etc. that are potentially referenced by other fields)
+!>  will have been freed, and the input pointer will be nullified.
+!>  For fields that are elements of an array of fields, do not use this
+!>  routine, and instead use mpas_deallocate_field_target.
+   subroutine mpas_deallocate_field1d_char(f)!{{{
+       implicit none
+       type (field1dChar), pointer :: f !< Input: Field to deallocate
+       type (field1dChar), pointer :: f_cursor, f_next
+       call mpas_deallocate_field_target(f)
+       if ( mpas_threading_get_thread_num() == 0 ) then
+           f_cursor => f
+           do while(associated(f_cursor))
+               f_next => f_cursor % next
+               deallocate(f_cursor)
+               f_cursor => f_next
+           end do
+       end if
+   end subroutine mpas_deallocate_field1d_char!}}}
+!  routine mpas_deallocate_field0D_logical_target
+!> \brief   MPAS 0D int deallocation routine.
+!> \author  Doug Jacobsen, Michael G. Duda
+!> \date    04/02/13
+!> \details 
+!>  This routine deallocates a 0D logical field.
+   subroutine mpas_deallocate_field0d_logical_target(f)!{{{
+       implicit none
+       type (field0dLogical), target :: f !< Input: Field to deallocate
+       type (field0dLogical), pointer :: f_cursor, f_next
        integer :: threadNum
        integer :: i, iErr
        threadNum = mpas_threading_get_thread_num()
        if ( threadNum == 0 ) then
-          f_cursor => f
-          do while(associated(f_cursor))
-            if(associated(f % next)) then
-              f => f % next
-            else
-              nullify(f)
-            end if
-            if(associated(f_cursor % array)) then
-              deallocate(f_cursor % array)
-            end if
-            if ( associated(f_cursor % attLists) ) then
-               do i = 1, size(f_cursor % attLists, dim=1)
-                  call mpas_deallocate_attlist(f_cursor % attLists(i) % attList, iErr)
-               end do
-               deallocate(f_cursor % attLists)
-            end if
+           f_cursor => f
+           do while(associated(f_cursor))
+               f_next => f_cursor % next
+               if (associated(f_cursor % attLists)) then
+                   do i = 1, size(f_cursor % attLists, dim=1)
+                       call mpas_deallocate_attlist(f_cursor % attLists(i) % attList, iErr)
+                   end do
+                   deallocate(f_cursor % attLists)
+               end if
-            deallocate(f_cursor)
+               if (associated(f_cursor % constituentNames)) then
+                   deallocate(f_cursor % constituentNames)
+               end if
-            f_cursor => f
-          end do
+               f_cursor => f_next
+           end do
        end if
-   end subroutine mpas_deallocate_field5d_real!}}}
+   end subroutine mpas_deallocate_field0d_logical_target!}}}
-!  routine mpas_deallocate_field0D_char
+!  routine mpas_deallocate_field0D_integer_target
-!> \brief   MPAS 0D character deallocation routine.
-!> \author  Doug Jacobsen
+!> \brief   MPAS 0D int deallocation routine.
+!> \author  Doug Jacobsen, Michael G. Duda
 !> \date    04/02/13
 !> \details 
-!> This routine deallocates a 0D character field.
+!>  This routine deallocates a 0D int field.
-   subroutine mpas_deallocate_field0d_char(f)!{{{
-       type (field0dChar), pointer :: f !< Input: Field to deallocate
-       type (field0dChar), pointer :: f_cursor
+   subroutine mpas_deallocate_field0d_integer_target(f)!{{{
+       implicit none
+       type (field0dInteger), target :: f !< Input: Field to deallocate
+       type (field0dInteger), pointer :: f_cursor, f_next
        integer :: threadNum
        integer :: i, iErr
        threadNum = mpas_threading_get_thread_num()
        if ( threadNum == 0 ) then
-          f_cursor => f
-          do while(associated(f_cursor))
-            if(associated(f % next)) then
-              f => f % next
-            else
-              nullify(f)
-            end if
-            if ( associated(f_cursor % attLists) ) then
-               do i = 1, size(f_cursor % attLists, dim=1)
-                  call mpas_deallocate_attlist(f_cursor % attLists(i) % attList, iErr)
-               end do
-               deallocate(f_cursor % attLists)
-            end if
+           f_cursor => f
+           do while(associated(f_cursor))
+               f_next => f_cursor % next
+               if (associated(f_cursor % attLists)) then
+                   do i = 1, size(f_cursor % attLists, dim=1)
+                       call mpas_deallocate_attlist(f_cursor % attLists(i) % attList, iErr)
+                   end do
+                   deallocate(f_cursor % attLists)
+               end if
+               if (associated(f_cursor % constituentNames)) then
+                   deallocate(f_cursor % constituentNames)
+               end if
-            deallocate(f_cursor)
-            f_cursor => f
-          end do
+               f_cursor => f_next
+           end do
        end if
-   end subroutine mpas_deallocate_field0d_char!}}}
+   end subroutine mpas_deallocate_field0d_integer_target!}}}
-!  routine mpas_deallocate_field1D_char
+!  routine mpas_deallocate_field1D_integer_target
-!> \brief   MPAS 1D character deallocation routine.
-!> \author  Doug Jacobsen
+!> \brief   MPAS 1D int deallocation routine.
+!> \author  Doug Jacobsen, Michael G. Duda
 !> \date    04/02/13
 !> \details 
-!> This routine deallocates a 1D character field.
+!>  This routine deallocates a 1D int field.
-   subroutine mpas_deallocate_field1d_char(f)!{{{
-       type (field1dChar), pointer :: f !< Input: Field to deallocate
-       type (field1dChar), pointer :: f_cursor
+   subroutine mpas_deallocate_field1d_integer_target(f)!{{{
+       implicit none
+       type (field1dInteger), target :: f !< Input: Field to deallocate
+       type (field1dInteger), pointer :: f_cursor, f_next
        integer :: threadNum
        integer :: i, iErr
        threadNum = mpas_threading_get_thread_num()
        if ( threadNum == 0 ) then
-          f_cursor => f
-          do while(associated(f_cursor))
-            if(associated(f % next)) then
-              f => f % next
-            else
-              nullify(f)
-            end if
-            if(associated(f_cursor % array)) then
-              deallocate(f_cursor % array)
-            end if
-            if ( associated(f_cursor % attLists) ) then
-               do i = 1, size(f_cursor % attLists, dim=1)
-                  call mpas_deallocate_attlist(f_cursor % attLists(i) % attList, iErr)
-               end do
-               deallocate(f_cursor % attLists)
-            end if
+           f_cursor => f
+           do while(associated(f_cursor))
+               f_next => f_cursor % next
+               if (associated(f_cursor % array)) then
+                   deallocate(f_cursor % array)
+               end if
+               if (associated(f_cursor % attLists)) then
+                   do i = 1, size(f_cursor % attLists, dim=1)
+                       call mpas_deallocate_attlist(f_cursor % attLists(i) % attList, iErr)
+                   end do
+                   deallocate(f_cursor % attLists)
+               end if
-            deallocate(f_cursor)
+               if (associated(f_cursor % constituentNames)) then
+                   deallocate(f_cursor % constituentNames)
+               end if
-            f_cursor => f
-          end do
+               f_cursor => f_next
+           end do
        end if
-   end subroutine mpas_deallocate_field1d_char!}}}
+   end subroutine mpas_deallocate_field1d_integer_target!}}}
+!  routine mpas_deallocate_field2D_integer_target
+!> \brief   MPAS 2D int deallocation routine.
+!> \author  Doug Jacobsen, Michael G. Duda
+!> \date    04/02/13
+!> \details 
+!>  This routine deallocates a 2D int field.
+   subroutine mpas_deallocate_field2d_integer_target(f)!{{{
+       implicit none
+       type (field2dInteger), target :: f !< Input: Field to deallocate
+       type (field2dInteger), pointer :: f_cursor, f_next
+       integer :: threadNum
+       integer :: i, iErr
+       threadNum = mpas_threading_get_thread_num()
+       if ( threadNum == 0 ) then
+           f_cursor => f
+           do while(associated(f_cursor))
+               f_next => f_cursor % next
+               if (associated(f_cursor % array)) then
+                   deallocate(f_cursor % array)
+               end if
+               if (associated(f_cursor % attLists)) then
+                   do i = 1, size(f_cursor % attLists, dim=1)
+                       call mpas_deallocate_attlist(f_cursor % attLists(i) % attList, iErr)
+                   end do
+                   deallocate(f_cursor % attLists)
+               end if
+               if (associated(f_cursor % constituentNames)) then
+                   deallocate(f_cursor % constituentNames)
+               end if
+               f_cursor => f_next
+           end do
+       end if
+   end subroutine mpas_deallocate_field2d_integer_target!}}}
+!  routine mpas_deallocate_field3D_integer_target
+!> \brief   MPAS 3D int deallocation routine.
+!> \author  Doug Jacobsen, Michael G. Duda
+!> \date    04/02/13
+!> \details 
+!>  This routine deallocates a 3D int field.
+   subroutine mpas_deallocate_field3d_integer_target(f)!{{{
+       implicit none
+       type (field3dInteger), target :: f !< Input: Field to deallocate
+       type (field3dInteger), pointer :: f_cursor, f_next
+       integer :: threadNum
+       integer :: i, iErr
+       threadNum = mpas_threading_get_thread_num()
+       if ( threadNum == 0 ) then
+           f_cursor => f
+           do while(associated(f_cursor))
+               f_next => f_cursor % next
+               if (associated(f_cursor % array)) then
+                   deallocate(f_cursor % array)
+               end if
+               if (associated(f_cursor % attLists)) then
+                   do i = 1, size(f_cursor % attLists, dim=1)
+                       call mpas_deallocate_attlist(f_cursor % attLists(i) % attList, iErr)
+                   end do
+                   deallocate(f_cursor % attLists)
+               end if
+               if (associated(f_cursor % constituentNames)) then
+                   deallocate(f_cursor % constituentNames)
+               end if
+               f_cursor => f_next
+           end do
+       end if
+   end subroutine mpas_deallocate_field3d_integer_target!}}}
+!  routine mpas_deallocate_field0D_real_target
+!> \brief   MPAS 0D real deallocation routine.
+!> \author  Doug Jacobsen, Michael G. Duda
+!> \date    04/02/13
+!> \details 
+!>  This routine deallocates a 0D real field.
+   subroutine mpas_deallocate_field0d_real_target(f)!{{{
+       implicit none
+       type (field0dReal), target :: f !< Input: Field to deallocate
+       type (field0dReal), pointer :: f_cursor, f_next
+       integer :: threadNum
+       integer :: i, iErr
+       threadNum = mpas_threading_get_thread_num()
+       if ( threadNum == 0 ) then
+           f_cursor => f
+           do while(associated(f_cursor))
+               f_next => f_cursor % next
+               if (associated(f_cursor % attLists)) then
+                   do i = 1, size(f_cursor % attLists, dim=1)
+                       call mpas_deallocate_attlist(f_cursor % attLists(i) % attList, iErr)
+                   end do
+                   deallocate(f_cursor % attLists)
+               end if
+               if (associated(f_cursor % constituentNames)) then
+                   deallocate(f_cursor % constituentNames)
+               end if
+               f_cursor => f_next
+           end do
+       end if
+   end subroutine mpas_deallocate_field0d_real_target!}}}
+!  routine mpas_deallocate_field1D_real_target
+!> \brief   MPAS 1D real deallocation routine.
+!> \author  Doug Jacobsen, Michael G. Duda
+!> \date    04/02/13
+!> \details 
+!>  This routine deallocates a 1D real field.
+   subroutine mpas_deallocate_field1d_real_target(f)!{{{
+       implicit none
+       type (field1dReal), target :: f !< Input: Field to deallocate
+       type (field1dReal), pointer :: f_cursor, f_next
+       integer :: threadNum
+       integer :: i, iErr
+       threadNum = mpas_threading_get_thread_num()
+       if ( threadNum == 0 ) then
+           f_cursor => f
+           do while(associated(f_cursor))
+               f_next => f_cursor % next
+               if (associated(f_cursor % array)) then
+                   deallocate(f_cursor % array)
+               end if
+               if (associated(f_cursor % attLists)) then
+                   do i = 1, size(f_cursor % attLists, dim=1)
+                       call mpas_deallocate_attlist(f_cursor % attLists(i) % attList, iErr)
+                   end do
+                   deallocate(f_cursor % attLists)
+               end if
+               if (associated(f_cursor % constituentNames)) then
+                   deallocate(f_cursor % constituentNames)
+               end if
+               f_cursor => f_next
+           end do
+       end if
+   end subroutine mpas_deallocate_field1d_real_target!}}}
+!  routine mpas_deallocate_field2D_real_target
+!> \brief   MPAS 2D real deallocation routine.
+!> \author  Doug Jacobsen, Michael G. Duda
+!> \date    04/02/13
+!> \details 
+!>  This routine deallocates a 2D real field.
+   subroutine mpas_deallocate_field2d_real_target(f)!{{{
+       implicit none
+       type (field2dReal), target :: f !< Input: Field to deallocate
+       type (field2dReal), pointer :: f_cursor, f_next
+       integer :: threadNum
+       integer :: i, iErr
+       threadNum = mpas_threading_get_thread_num()
+       if ( threadNum == 0 ) then
+           f_cursor => f
+           do while(associated(f_cursor))
+               f_next => f_cursor % next
+               if (associated(f_cursor % array)) then
+                   deallocate(f_cursor % array)
+               end if
+               if (associated(f_cursor % attLists)) then
+                   do i = 1, size(f_cursor % attLists, dim=1)
+                       call mpas_deallocate_attlist(f_cursor % attLists(i) % attList, iErr)
+                   end do
+                   deallocate(f_cursor % attLists)
+               end if
+               if (associated(f_cursor % constituentNames)) then
+                   deallocate(f_cursor % constituentNames)
+               end if
+               f_cursor => f_next
+           end do
+       end if
+   end subroutine mpas_deallocate_field2d_real_target!}}}
+!  routine mpas_deallocate_field3D_real_target
+!> \brief   MPAS 3D real deallocation routine.
+!> \author  Doug Jacobsen, Michael G. Duda
+!> \date    04/02/13
+!> \details 
+!>  This routine deallocates a 3D real field.
+   subroutine mpas_deallocate_field3d_real_target(f)!{{{
+       implicit none
+       type (field3dReal), target :: f !< Input: Field to deallocate
+       type (field3dReal), pointer :: f_cursor, f_next
+       integer :: threadNum
+       integer :: i, iErr
+       threadNum = mpas_threading_get_thread_num()
+       if ( threadNum == 0 ) then
+           f_cursor => f
+           do while(associated(f_cursor))
+               f_next => f_cursor % next
+               if (associated(f_cursor % array)) then
+                   deallocate(f_cursor % array)
+               end if
+               if (associated(f_cursor % attLists)) then
+                   do i = 1, size(f_cursor % attLists, dim=1)
+                       call mpas_deallocate_attlist(f_cursor % attLists(i) % attList, iErr)
+                   end do
+                   deallocate(f_cursor % attLists)
+               end if
+               if (associated(f_cursor % constituentNames)) then
+                   deallocate(f_cursor % constituentNames)
+               end if
+               f_cursor => f_next
+           end do
+       end if
+   end subroutine mpas_deallocate_field3d_real_target!}}}
+!  routine mpas_deallocate_field4D_real_target
+!> \brief   MPAS 4D real deallocation routine.
+!> \author  Doug Jacobsen, Michael G. Duda
+!> \date    04/02/13
+!> \details 
+!>  This routine deallocates a 4D real field.
+   subroutine mpas_deallocate_field4d_real_target(f)!{{{
+       implicit none
+       type (field4dReal), target :: f !< Input: Field to deallocate
+       type (field4dReal), pointer :: f_cursor, f_next
+       integer :: threadNum
+       integer :: i, iErr
+       threadNum = mpas_threading_get_thread_num()
+       if ( threadNum == 0 ) then
+           f_cursor => f
+           do while(associated(f_cursor))
+               f_next => f_cursor % next
+               if (associated(f_cursor % array)) then
+                   deallocate(f_cursor % array)
+               end if
+               if (associated(f_cursor % attLists)) then
+                   do i = 1, size(f_cursor % attLists, dim=1)
+                       call mpas_deallocate_attlist(f_cursor % attLists(i) % attList, iErr)
+                   end do
+                   deallocate(f_cursor % attLists)
+               end if
+               if (associated(f_cursor % constituentNames)) then
+                   deallocate(f_cursor % constituentNames)
+               end if
+               f_cursor => f_next
+           end do
+       end if
+   end subroutine mpas_deallocate_field4d_real_target!}}}
+!  routine mpas_deallocate_field5D_real_target
+!> \brief   MPAS 5D real deallocation routine.
+!> \author  Doug Jacobsen, Michael G. Duda
+!> \date    04/02/13
+!> \details 
+!>  This routine deallocates a 5D real field.
+   subroutine mpas_deallocate_field5d_real_target(f)!{{{
+       implicit none
+       type (field5dReal), target :: f !< Input: Field to deallocate
+       type (field5dReal), pointer :: f_cursor, f_next
+       integer :: threadNum
+       integer :: i, iErr
+       threadNum = mpas_threading_get_thread_num()
+       if ( threadNum == 0 ) then
+           f_cursor => f
+           do while(associated(f_cursor))
+               f_next => f_cursor % next
+               if (associated(f_cursor % array)) then
+                   deallocate(f_cursor % array)
+               end if
+               if (associated(f_cursor % attLists)) then
+                   do i = 1, size(f_cursor % attLists, dim=1)
+                       call mpas_deallocate_attlist(f_cursor % attLists(i) % attList, iErr)
+                   end do
+                   deallocate(f_cursor % attLists)
+               end if
+               if (associated(f_cursor % constituentNames)) then
+                   deallocate(f_cursor % constituentNames)
+               end if
+               f_cursor => f_next
+           end do
+       end if
+   end subroutine mpas_deallocate_field5d_real_target!}}}
+!  routine mpas_deallocate_field0D_char_target
+!> \brief   MPAS 0D real deallocation routine.
+!> \author  Doug Jacobsen, Michael G. Duda
+!> \date    04/02/13
+!> \details 
+!>  This routine deallocates a 0D real field.
+   subroutine mpas_deallocate_field0d_char_target(f)!{{{
+       implicit none
+       type (field0dChar), target :: f !< Input: Field to deallocate
+       type (field0dChar), pointer :: f_cursor, f_next
+       integer :: threadNum
+       integer :: i, iErr
+       threadNum = mpas_threading_get_thread_num()
+       if ( threadNum == 0 ) then
+           f_cursor => f
+           do while(associated(f_cursor))
+               f_next => f_cursor % next
+               if (associated(f_cursor % attLists)) then
+                   do i = 1, size(f_cursor % attLists, dim=1)
+                       call mpas_deallocate_attlist(f_cursor % attLists(i) % attList, iErr)
+                   end do
+                   deallocate(f_cursor % attLists)
+               end if
+               if (associated(f_cursor % constituentNames)) then
+                   deallocate(f_cursor % constituentNames)
+               end if
+               f_cursor => f_next
+           end do
+       end if
+   end subroutine mpas_deallocate_field0d_char_target!}}}
+!  routine mpas_deallocate_field1D_char_target
+!> \brief   MPAS 1D char deallocation routine.
+!> \author  Doug Jacobsen, Michael G. Duda
+!> \date    04/02/13
+!> \details 
+!>  This routine deallocates a 1D char field.
+   subroutine mpas_deallocate_field1d_char_target(f)!{{{
+       implicit none
+       type (field1dChar), target :: f !< Input: Field to deallocate
+       type (field1dChar), pointer :: f_cursor, f_next
+       integer :: threadNum
+       integer :: i, iErr
+       threadNum = mpas_threading_get_thread_num()
+       if ( threadNum == 0 ) then
+           f_cursor => f
+           do while(associated(f_cursor))
+               f_next => f_cursor % next
+               if (associated(f_cursor % array)) then
+                   deallocate(f_cursor % array)
+               end if
+               if (associated(f_cursor % attLists)) then
+                   do i = 1, size(f_cursor % attLists, dim=1)
+                       call mpas_deallocate_attlist(f_cursor % attLists(i) % attList, iErr)
+                   end do
+                   deallocate(f_cursor % attLists)
+               end if
+               if (associated(f_cursor % constituentNames)) then
+                   deallocate(f_cursor % constituentNames)
+               end if
+               f_cursor => f_next
+           end do
+       end if
+   end subroutine mpas_deallocate_field1d_char_target!}}}
diff --git a/src/framework/mpas_log.F b/src/framework/mpas_log.F
index a7391d2314..08404ca4c0 100644
--- a/src/framework/mpas_log.F
+++ b/src/framework/mpas_log.F
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ module mpas_log
    use mpas_derived_types
    use mpas_abort, only : mpas_dmpar_global_abort
-   use mpas_io_units
+   use mpas_io_units, only : mpas_new_unit, mpas_release_unit
    implicit none
@@ -176,13 +176,9 @@ subroutine mpas_log_init(coreLogInfo, domain, unitNumbers, err)
       mpas_log_info % taskID = domain % dminfo % my_proc_id
       mpas_log_info % nTasks = domain % dminfo % nprocs
-      ! Store the domain number and initialized_mpi
+      ! Store the domain number
       !   This will be used to number the log files
       mpas_log_info % domainID = domain % domainID
-      write(domainString, '(i4.4)') mpas_log_info % domainID
-      !   This will be used to decide whether to abort MPI
-      mpas_log_info % initialized_mpi = domain % dminfo % initialized_mpi
       ! Set log file to be active or not based on master/nonmaster task and optimized/debug build
       !   * Optimized build: Only master task log is active
@@ -215,12 +211,16 @@ subroutine mpas_log_init(coreLogInfo, domain, unitNumbers, err)
          write(taskString, '(i9.9)') mpas_log_info % taskID
       end if
-      write(proposedLogFileName, fmt='(a, a, a, a, a)') "log.", trim(mpas_log_info % coreName), ".", trim(taskString), ".out"
-      write(proposedErrFileName, fmt='(a, a, a, a, a)') "log.", trim(mpas_log_info % coreName), ".", trim(taskString), ".err"
       if ( mpas_log_info % domainID > 0 ) then
-         write(proposedLogFileName, fmt='(a, a, a)') trim(proposedLogFileName),".d", trim(domainString)
-         write(proposedErrFileName, fmt='(a, a, a)') trim(proposedErrFileName),".d", trim(domainString)
+         write(domainString, '(i4.4)') mpas_log_info % domainID
+         write(proposedLogFileName, fmt='(a, a, a, a, a, a, a)') &
+                                    "log.", trim(mpas_log_info % coreName), ".", trim(taskString), ".d", trim(domainString), ".out"
+         write(proposedErrFileName, fmt='(a, a, a, a, a, a, a)') &
+                                    "log.", trim(mpas_log_info % coreName), ".", trim(taskString), ".d", trim(domainString), ".err"
+      else
+         write(proposedLogFileName, fmt='(a, a, a, a, a)') "log.", trim(mpas_log_info % coreName), ".", trim(taskString), ".out"
+         write(proposedErrFileName, fmt='(a, a, a, a, a)') "log.", trim(mpas_log_info % coreName), ".", trim(taskString), ".err"
       end if
       ! Set the log and err file names and unit numbers
@@ -284,9 +284,6 @@ subroutine mpas_log_init(coreLogInfo, domain, unitNumbers, err)
          mpas_log_info % outputLog % unitNum = unitNumber
          call mpas_new_unit(unitNumber)
          mpas_log_info % errorLog % unitNum = unitNumber
-         if ( unitNumber < 0 ) then
-            call mpas_dmpar_global_abort('ERROR: All file units are taken.  Change maxUnits in mpas_io_units.F')
-         end if
@@ -437,8 +434,7 @@ subroutine mpas_log_open(openErrorFile, err)
          write(unitNumber, '(a,a,a,a,a,i7.1,a,i7.1)') 'Beginning MPAS-', trim(mpas_log_info % coreName), ' ', &
             trim(logTypeString), ' Log File for task ', mpas_log_info % taskID, ' of ', mpas_log_info % nTasks
          if ( mpas_log_info % domainID > 0 ) then
-            write(unitNumber, '(a,i7.1)') &
-               ' for domain number ',  mpas_log_info % domainID
+            write(unitNumber, '(a,i7.1)') '    for domain ID ',  mpas_log_info % domainID
          end if
          call date_and_time(date,time)
          write(unitNumber, '(a)') '    Opened at ' // date(1:4)//'/'//date(5:6)//'/'//date(7:8) // &
@@ -851,9 +847,7 @@ subroutine log_abort()
 #ifdef _MPI
-      if ( mpas_log_info % initialized_mpi ) then
-         call MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, mpi_errcode, mpi_ierr)
-      end if
+      call MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, mpi_errcode, mpi_ierr)
diff --git a/src/framework/mpas_log_types.inc b/src/framework/mpas_log_types.inc
index 9acd32fa7e..34ba091a56 100644
--- a/src/framework/mpas_log_types.inc
+++ b/src/framework/mpas_log_types.inc
@@ -28,7 +28,6 @@
                    !< (stored here to eliminate the need for dminfo later)
       character(len=StrKIND) :: coreName  !< name of the core to which this log manager instance belongs
       integer :: domainID !< domain number for this instance of the log manager
-      logical :: initialized_mpi
       integer :: outputMessageCount  !< counter for number of output messages printed during the run
       integer :: warningMessageCount  !< counter for number of warning messages printed during the run
diff --git a/src/framework/mpas_pool_routines.F b/src/framework/mpas_pool_routines.F
index c362c770d8..aab1818c30 100644
--- a/src/framework/mpas_pool_routines.F
+++ b/src/framework/mpas_pool_routines.F
@@ -209,7 +209,7 @@ recursive subroutine mpas_pool_destroy_pool(inPool)!{{{
       integer :: i, j
       type (mpas_pool_member_type), pointer :: ptr
       type (mpas_pool_data_type), pointer :: dptr
-      integer :: local_err, threadNum
+      integer :: threadNum
       threadNum = mpas_threading_get_thread_num()
@@ -224,9 +224,9 @@ recursive subroutine mpas_pool_destroy_pool(inPool)!{{{
                if (ptr % contentsType == MPAS_POOL_DIMENSION) then
                   if (ptr % data % contentsDims > 0) then
-                     deallocate(ptr % data % simple_int_arr, stat=local_err)
+                     deallocate(ptr % data % simple_int_arr)
-                     deallocate(ptr % data % simple_int, stat=local_err)
+                     deallocate(ptr % data % simple_int)
                   end if
                else if (ptr % contentsType == MPAS_POOL_CONFIG) then
@@ -234,13 +234,13 @@ recursive subroutine mpas_pool_destroy_pool(inPool)!{{{
                   dptr => ptr % data
                   if (dptr % contentsType == MPAS_POOL_REAL) then
-                     deallocate(dptr % simple_real, stat=local_err)
+                     deallocate(dptr % simple_real)
                   else if (dptr % contentsType == MPAS_POOL_INTEGER) then
-                     deallocate(dptr % simple_int, stat=local_err)
+                     deallocate(dptr % simple_int)
                   else if (dptr % contentsType == MPAS_POOL_CHARACTER) then
-                     deallocate(dptr % simple_char, stat=local_err)
+                     deallocate(dptr % simple_char)
                   else if (dptr % contentsType == MPAS_POOL_LOGICAL) then
-                     deallocate(dptr % simple_logical, stat=local_err)
+                     deallocate(dptr % simple_logical)
                   end if
                else if (ptr % contentsType == MPAS_POOL_FIELD) then
@@ -249,138 +249,96 @@ recursive subroutine mpas_pool_destroy_pool(inPool)!{{{
                   ! Do this through brute force...
                   if (associated(dptr % r0)) then
-                     deallocate(dptr % r0, stat=local_err)
+                     call mpas_deallocate_field(dptr % r0)
                   else if (associated(dptr % r1)) then
-                     if (associated(dptr % r1 % array)) then
-                        deallocate(dptr % r1 % array, stat=local_err)
-                     end if
-                     deallocate(dptr % r1, stat=local_err)
+                     call mpas_deallocate_field(dptr % r1)
                   else if (associated(dptr % r2)) then
-                     if (associated(dptr % r2 % array)) then
-                        deallocate(dptr % r2 % array, stat=local_err)
-                     end if
-                     deallocate(dptr % r2, stat=local_err)
+                     call mpas_deallocate_field(dptr % r2)
                   else if (associated(dptr % r3)) then
-                     if (associated(dptr % r3 % array)) then
-                        deallocate(dptr % r3 % array, stat=local_err)
-                     end if
-                     deallocate(dptr % r3, stat=local_err)
+                     call mpas_deallocate_field(dptr % r3)
                   else if (associated(dptr % r4)) then
-                     if (associated(dptr % r4 % array)) then
-                        deallocate(dptr % r4 % array, stat=local_err)
-                     end if
-                     deallocate(dptr % r4, stat=local_err)
+                     call mpas_deallocate_field(dptr % r4)
                   else if (associated(dptr % r5)) then
-                     if (associated(dptr % r5 % array)) then
-                        deallocate(dptr % r5 % array, stat=local_err)
-                     end if
-                     deallocate(dptr % r5, stat=local_err)
+                     call mpas_deallocate_field(dptr % r5)
                   else if (associated(dptr % i0)) then
-                     deallocate(dptr % i0, stat=local_err)
+                     call mpas_deallocate_field(dptr % i0)
                   else if (associated(dptr % i1)) then
-                     if (associated(dptr % i1 % array)) then
-                        deallocate(dptr % i1 % array, stat=local_err)
-                     end if
-                     deallocate(dptr % i1, stat=local_err)
+                     call mpas_deallocate_field(dptr % i1)
                   else if (associated(dptr % i2)) then
-                     if (associated(dptr % i2 % array)) then
-                        deallocate(dptr % i2 % array, stat=local_err)
-                     end if
-                     deallocate(dptr % i2, stat=local_err)
+                     call mpas_deallocate_field(dptr % i2)
                   else if (associated(dptr % i3)) then
-                     if (associated(dptr % i3 % array)) then
-                        deallocate(dptr % i3 % array, stat=local_err)
-                     end if
-                     deallocate(dptr % i3, stat=local_err)
+                     call mpas_deallocate_field(dptr % i3)
                   else if (associated(dptr % c0)) then
-                     deallocate(dptr % c0, stat=local_err)
+                     call mpas_deallocate_field(dptr % c0)
                   else if (associated(dptr % c1)) then
-                     if (associated(dptr % c1 % array)) then
-                        deallocate(dptr % c1 % array, stat=local_err)
-                     end if
-                     deallocate(dptr % c1, stat=local_err)
+                     call mpas_deallocate_field(dptr % c1)
                   else if (associated(dptr % l0)) then
-                     deallocate(dptr % l0, stat=local_err)
+                     call mpas_deallocate_field(dptr % l0)
                   else if (associated(dptr % r0a)) then
-                     deallocate(dptr % r0a, stat=local_err)
+                     do j=1,dptr % contentsTimeLevs
+                        call mpas_deallocate_field_target(dptr % r0a(j))
+                     end do
+                     deallocate(dptr % r0a)
                   else if (associated(dptr % r1a)) then
                      do j=1,dptr % contentsTimeLevs
-                        if (associated(dptr % r1a(j) % array)) then
-                           deallocate(dptr % r1a(j) % array, stat=local_err)
-                        end if
+                        call mpas_deallocate_field_target(dptr % r1a(j))
                      end do
-                     deallocate(dptr % r1a, stat=local_err)
+                     deallocate(dptr % r1a)
                   else if (associated(dptr % r2a)) then
                      do j=1,dptr % contentsTimeLevs
-                        if (associated(dptr % r2a(j) % array)) then
-                           deallocate(dptr % r2a(j) % array, stat=local_err)
-                        end if
+                        call mpas_deallocate_field_target(dptr % r2a(j))
                      end do
-                     deallocate(dptr % r2a, stat=local_err)
+                     deallocate(dptr % r2a)
                   else if (associated(dptr % r3a)) then
                      do j=1,dptr % contentsTimeLevs
-                        if (associated(dptr % r3a(j) % array)) then
-                           deallocate(dptr % r3a(j) % array, stat=local_err)
-                        end if
+                        call mpas_deallocate_field_target(dptr % r3a(j))
                      end do
-                     deallocate(dptr % r3a, stat=local_err)
+                     deallocate(dptr % r3a)
                   else if (associated(dptr % r4a)) then
                      do j=1,dptr % contentsTimeLevs
-                        if (associated(dptr % r4a(j) % array)) then
-                           deallocate(dptr % r4a(j) % array, stat=local_err)
-                        end if
+                        call mpas_deallocate_field_target(dptr % r4a(j))
                      end do
-                     deallocate(dptr % r4a, stat=local_err)
+                     deallocate(dptr % r4a)
                   else if (associated(dptr % r5a)) then
                      do j=1,dptr % contentsTimeLevs
-                        if (associated(dptr % r5a(j) % array)) then
-                           deallocate(dptr % r5a(j) % array, stat=local_err)
-                        end if
+                        call mpas_deallocate_field_target(dptr % r5a(j))
                      end do
-                     deallocate(dptr % r5a, stat=local_err)
+                     deallocate(dptr % r5a)
                   else if (associated(dptr % i0a)) then
-                     deallocate(dptr % i0a, stat=local_err)
+                     do j=1,dptr % contentsTimeLevs
+                        call mpas_deallocate_field_target(dptr % i0a(j))
+                     end do
+                     deallocate(dptr % i0a)
                   else if (associated(dptr % i1a)) then
                      do j=1,dptr % contentsTimeLevs
-                        if (associated(dptr % i1a(j) % array)) then
-                           deallocate(dptr % i1a(j) % array, stat=local_err)
-                        end if
+                        call mpas_deallocate_field_target(dptr % i1a(j))
                      end do
-                     deallocate(dptr % i1a, stat=local_err)
+                     deallocate(dptr % i1a)
                   else if (associated(dptr % i2a)) then
                      do j=1,dptr % contentsTimeLevs
-                        if (associated(dptr % i2a(j) % array)) then
-                           deallocate(dptr % i2a(j) % array, stat=local_err)
-                        end if
+                        call mpas_deallocate_field_target(dptr % i2a(j))
                      end do
-                     deallocate(dptr % i2a, stat=local_err)
+                     deallocate(dptr % i2a)
                   else if (associated(dptr % i3a)) then
                      do j=1,dptr % contentsTimeLevs
-                        if (associated(dptr % i3a(j) % array)) then
-                           deallocate(dptr % i3a(j) % array, stat=local_err)
-                        end if
+                        call mpas_deallocate_field_target(dptr % i3a(j))
                      end do
-                     deallocate(dptr % i3a, stat=local_err)
+                     deallocate(dptr % i3a)
                   else if (associated(dptr % c0a)) then
-                     deallocate(dptr % c0a, stat=local_err)
+                     do j=1,dptr % contentsTimeLevs
+                        call mpas_deallocate_field_target(dptr % c0a(j))
+                     end do
+                     deallocate(dptr % c0a)
                   else if (associated(dptr % c1a)) then
                      do j=1,dptr % contentsTimeLevs
-                        if (associated(dptr % c1a(j) % array)) then
-                           deallocate(dptr % c1a(j) % array, stat=local_err)
-                        end if
+                        call mpas_deallocate_field_target(dptr % c1a(j))
                      end do
-                     deallocate(dptr % c1a, stat=local_err)
+                     deallocate(dptr % c1a)
                   else if (associated(dptr % l0a)) then
-                     deallocate(dptr % l0a, stat=local_err)
+                     do j=1,dptr % contentsTimeLevs
+                        call mpas_deallocate_field_target(dptr % l0a(j))
+                     end do
+                     deallocate(dptr % l0a)
                      call pool_mesg('While destroying pool, member '//trim(ptr % key)//' has no valid field pointers.')
                   end if
@@ -390,14 +348,14 @@ recursive subroutine mpas_pool_destroy_pool(inPool)!{{{
                   call mpas_pool_destroy_pool(ptr % data % p)
                end if
-               deallocate(ptr % data, stat=local_err)
-               deallocate(ptr, stat=local_err)
+               deallocate(ptr % data)
+               deallocate(ptr)
             end do
          end do
-         deallocate(inPool % table, stat=local_err)
-         deallocate(inPool, stat=local_err)
+         deallocate(inPool % table)
+         deallocate(inPool)
       end if
    end subroutine mpas_pool_destroy_pool!}}}
@@ -1861,7 +1819,7 @@ recursive subroutine mpas_pool_link_parinfo(block, inPool)!{{{
                      end if
                   else if (poolItr % nDims == 4) then
                      if (poolItr % nTimeLevels > 1) then
-                        decompType = pool_get_member_decomp_type(poolMem % r4 % dimNames(4))
+                        decompType = pool_get_member_decomp_type(poolMem % r4a(1) % dimNames(4))
                         if (decompType == MPAS_DECOMP_CELLS) then
                            do i = 1, poolItr % nTimeLevels
@@ -5142,7 +5100,7 @@ subroutine mpas_pool_add_subpool(inPool, key, subPool)!{{{
       type (mpas_pool_type), intent(inout) :: inPool
       character (len=*), intent(in) :: key
-      type (mpas_pool_type), intent(in), target :: subPool
+      type (mpas_pool_type), pointer :: subPool
       type (mpas_pool_member_type), pointer :: newmem
diff --git a/src/framework/mpas_timekeeping.F b/src/framework/mpas_timekeeping.F
index c6de8f0aed..1ca9f8bc9c 100644
--- a/src/framework/mpas_timekeeping.F
+++ b/src/framework/mpas_timekeeping.F
@@ -1334,6 +1334,9 @@ subroutine mpas_set_timeInterval(interval, YY, MM, DD, H, M, S, S_n, S_d, S_i8,
       character (len=StrKIND) :: timeSubString
       character (len=StrKIND) :: secDecSubString
       character(len=StrKIND), pointer, dimension(:) :: subStrings
+      character(len=16) :: fmtString
+      integer :: iwidth
+      integer :: idecimals
 !      if (present(DD)) then
 !         days = DD
@@ -1403,8 +1406,29 @@ subroutine mpas_set_timeInterval(interval, YY, MM, DD, H, M, S, S_n, S_d, S_i8,
       if (present(timeString) .or. present(dt)) then
-         if(present(dt)) then
-            write (timeString_,*) "00:00:", dt         
+         if (present(dt)) then
+            !
+            ! Before writing dt into a timeString, first construct an appropriate format string
+            !
+            ! Number of decimal places of precision (9 = nanosecond precision)
+            idecimals = 9
+            ! Scale total width of representation based on max(log10(dt),0.0)
+            ! (+2 for at least a leading zero and a '.')
+            if (dt /= 0.0_RKIND) then
+               iwidth = int(max(log10(abs(dt)),0.0_RKIND)) + idecimals + 2
+            else
+               iwidth = idecimals + 2
+            end if
+            ! Add an extra character for a minus sign if needed
+            if (dt < 0.0_RKIND) then
+               iwidth = iwidth + 1
+            end if
+            write(fmtString, '(a,i2.2,a,i2.2,a)') '(a,f', iwidth, '.', idecimals, ')'
+            write(timeString_,trim(fmtString)) '00:00:', dt
             timeString_ = timeString
          end if
diff --git a/src/operators/mpas_geometry_utils.F b/src/operators/mpas_geometry_utils.F
index 7ec62be6cb..ba9d49522a 100644
--- a/src/operators/mpas_geometry_utils.F
+++ b/src/operators/mpas_geometry_utils.F
@@ -1728,4 +1728,142 @@ subroutine mpas_spherical_linear_interp(pInterp, p0, p1, alpha) !{{{
    end subroutine mpas_spherical_linear_interp !}}}
+!  routine mpas_rotate_about_vector
+!> \brief Rotates a point about a vector in R3
+!> \author Michael Duda
+!> \date   7 March 2019
+!> \details
+!>  Rotates the point (x,y,z) through an angle theta about the vector
+!>  originating at (a, b, c) and having direction (u, v, w).
+!>  Reference: https://sites.google.com/site/glennmurray/Home/rotation-matrices-and-formulas/rotation-about-an-arbitrary-axis-in-3-dimensions
+   subroutine mpas_rotate_about_vector(x, y, z, theta, a, b, c, u, v, w, xp, yp, zp)
+      implicit none
+      real (kind=RKIND), intent(in) :: x, y, z, theta, a, b, c, u, v, w
+      real (kind=RKIND), intent(out) :: xp, yp, zp
+      real (kind=RKIND) :: vw2, uw2, uv2
+      real (kind=RKIND) :: m
+      vw2 = v**2.0 + w**2.0
+      uw2 = u**2.0 + w**2.0
+      uv2 = u**2.0 + v**2.0
+      m = sqrt(u**2.0 + v**2.0 + w**2.0)
+      xp = (a*vw2 + u*(-b*v-c*w+u*x+v*y+w*z) + ((x-a)*vw2+u*(b*v+c*w-v*y-w*z))*cos(theta) + m*(-c*v+b*w-w*y+v*z)*sin(theta))/m**2.0
+      yp = (b*uw2 + v*(-a*u-c*w+u*x+v*y+w*z) + ((y-b)*uw2+v*(a*u+c*w-u*x-w*z))*cos(theta) + m*( c*u-a*w+w*x-u*z)*sin(theta))/m**2.0
+      zp = (c*uv2 + w*(-a*u-b*v+u*x+v*y+w*z) + ((z-c)*uv2+w*(a*u+b*v-u*x-v*y))*cos(theta) + m*(-b*u+a*v-v*x+u*y)*sin(theta))/m**2.0
+   end subroutine mpas_rotate_about_vector
+!  routine mpas_mirror_point
+!> \brief Finds the "mirror" of a point about a great-circle arc
+!> \author Michael Duda
+!> \date   7 March 2019
+!> \details
+!>  Given the endpoints of a great-circle arc (A,B) and a point, computes
+!>  the location of the point on the opposite side of the arc along a great-
+!>  circle arc that intersects (A,B) at a right angle, and such that the arc
+!>  between the point and its mirror is bisected by (A,B).
+!>  Assumptions: A, B, and the point to be reflected all lie on the surface
+!>  of the unit sphere.
+   subroutine mpas_mirror_point(xPoint, yPoint, zPoint, xA, yA, zA, xB, yB, zB, xMirror, yMirror, zMirror)
+      implicit none
+      real(kind=RKIND), intent(in) :: xPoint, yPoint, zPoint
+      real(kind=RKIND), intent(in) :: xA, yA, zA
+      real(kind=RKIND), intent(in) :: xB, yB, zB
+      real(kind=RKIND), intent(out) :: xMirror, yMirror, zMirror
+      real(kind=RKIND) :: alpha
+      !
+      ! Find the spherical angle between arcs AP and AB (where P is the point to be reflected)
+      !
+      alpha = mpas_sphere_angle(xA, yA, zA, xPoint, yPoint, zPoint, xB, yB, zB)
+      !
+      ! Rotate the point to be reflected by twice alpha about the vector from the origin to A
+      !
+      call mpas_rotate_about_vector(xPoint, yPoint, zPoint, 2.0_RKIND * alpha, 0.0_RKIND, 0.0_RKIND, 0.0_RKIND, &
+                                    xA, yA, zA, xMirror, yMirror, zMirror)
+   end subroutine mpas_mirror_point
+!  routine mpas_in_cell
+!> \brief Determines whether a point is within a Voronoi cell
+!> \author Michael Duda
+!> \date   7 March 2019
+!> \details
+!>  Given a point on the surface of the sphere, the corner points of a Voronoi
+!>  cell, and the generating point for that Voronoi cell, determines whether
+!>  the given point is within the Voronoi cell.
+   logical function mpas_in_cell(xPoint, yPoint, zPoint, xCell, yCell, zCell, &
+                                 nEdgesOnCell, verticesOnCell, xVertex, yVertex, zVertex)
+      implicit none
+      real(kind=RKIND), intent(in) :: xPoint, yPoint, zPoint
+      real(kind=RKIND), intent(in) :: xCell, yCell, zCell
+      integer, intent(in) :: nEdgesOnCell
+      integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: verticesOnCell
+      real(kind=RKIND), dimension(:), intent(in) :: xVertex, yVertex, zVertex
+      integer :: i
+      integer :: vtx1, vtx2
+      real(kind=RKIND) :: xNeighbor, yNeighbor, zNeighbor
+      real(kind=RKIND) :: inDist, outDist
+      real(kind=RKIND) :: radius
+      real(kind=RKIND) :: radius_inv
+      radius = sqrt(xCell * xCell + yCell * yCell + zCell * zCell)
+      radius_inv = 1.0_RKIND / radius
+      inDist = mpas_arc_length(xPoint, yPoint, zPoint, xCell, yCell, zCell)
+      mpas_in_cell = .true.
+      do i=1,nEdgesOnCell
+         vtx1 = verticesOnCell(i)
+         vtx2 = verticesOnCell(mod(i,nEdgesOnCell)+1)
+         call mpas_mirror_point(xCell*radius_inv, yCell*radius_inv, zCell*radius_inv, &
+                                xVertex(vtx1)*radius_inv, yVertex(vtx1)*radius_inv, zVertex(vtx1)*radius_inv, &
+                                xVertex(vtx2)*radius_inv, yVertex(vtx2)*radius_inv, zVertex(vtx2)*radius_inv, &
+                                xNeighbor, yNeighbor, zNeighbor)
+         xNeighbor = xNeighbor * radius
+         yNeighbor = yNeighbor * radius
+         zNeighbor = zNeighbor * radius
+         outDist = mpas_arc_length(xPoint, yPoint, zPoint, xNeighbor, yNeighbor, zNeighbor)
+         if (outDist < inDist) then
+            mpas_in_cell = .false.
+            return
+         end if
+      end do
+   end function mpas_in_cell
 end module mpas_geometry_utils
diff --git a/src/operators/mpas_spline_interpolation.F b/src/operators/mpas_spline_interpolation.F
index f7fa682842..6d0d2ffa02 100644
--- a/src/operators/mpas_spline_interpolation.F
+++ b/src/operators/mpas_spline_interpolation.F
@@ -115,6 +115,10 @@ subroutine mpas_interpolate_cubic_spline( &!{{{
+  integer, intent(in) :: &
+    n,      &!< Input: number of nodes, input grid
+    nOut       !< Input: number of nodes, output grid
   real (kind=RKIND), dimension(n), intent(in) :: &
     x,         &!< Input: node location, input grid
     y,       &!< Input: interpolation variable, input grid
@@ -123,10 +127,6 @@ subroutine mpas_interpolate_cubic_spline( &!{{{
   real (kind=RKIND), dimension(nOut), intent(in) :: &
     xOut          !< Input: node location, output grid
-  integer, intent(in) :: &
-    n,      &!< Input: number of nodes, input grid
-    nOut       !< Input: number of nodes, output grid
   real (kind=RKIND), dimension(nOut), intent(out) :: &
@@ -359,6 +359,10 @@ subroutine mpas_interpolate_linear( &!{{{
+  integer, intent(in) :: &
+    N,      &!< Input: number of nodes, input grid
+    NOut       !< Input: number of nodes, output grid
   real (kind=RKIND), dimension(n), intent(in) :: &
     x,         &!< Input: node location, input grid
     y         !< Input: interpolation variable, input grid
@@ -366,10 +370,6 @@ subroutine mpas_interpolate_linear( &!{{{
   real (kind=RKIND), dimension(nOut), intent(in) :: &
     xOut          !< Input: node location, output grid
-  integer, intent(in) :: &
-    N,      &!< Input: number of nodes, input grid
-    NOut       !< Input: number of nodes, output grid
   real (kind=RKIND), dimension(nOut), intent(out) :: &
diff --git a/src/operators/mpas_tracer_advection_helpers.F b/src/operators/mpas_tracer_advection_helpers.F
index f18570bd79..15c9ec22d4 100644
--- a/src/operators/mpas_tracer_advection_helpers.F
+++ b/src/operators/mpas_tracer_advection_helpers.F
@@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ subroutine mpas_tracer_advection_coefficients( meshPool, horiz_adv_order, deriv_
                sorted_cell_indices(2, n) = cellsOnCell(i, cell1)
                call mpas_hash_insert(cell_hash, cellsOnCell(i, cell1))
              end if
-           end do ! loop over i
+           end do
            do i = 1, nEdgesOnCell(cell2)
              if(.not. mpas_hash_search(cell_hash, cellsOnCell(i, cell2))) then
@@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ subroutine mpas_tracer_advection_coefficients( meshPool, horiz_adv_order, deriv_
                sorted_cell_indices(2, n) = cellsOnCell(i, cell2)
                call mpas_hash_insert(cell_hash, cellsOnCell(i, cell2))
              end if
-           end do ! loop over i
+           end do
            call mpas_hash_destroy(cell_hash)
@@ -207,11 +207,28 @@ subroutine mpas_tracer_advection_coefficients( meshPool, horiz_adv_order, deriv_
            nAdvCellsForEdge(iEdge) = n
            do iCell = 1, nAdvCellsForEdge(iEdge)
              advCellsForEdge(iCell, iEdge) = sorted_cell_indices(2, iCell)
-           end do ! loop over iCell
+           end do
+           ! equation 7 in Skamarock, W. C., & Gassmann, A. (2011):
+           ! F(u,psi)_{i+1/2} = u_{i+1/2} *
+           !  [   1/2 (psi_{i+1} + psi_i)                       term 1
+           !    - 1/12(dx^2psi_{i+1} + dx^2psi_i)               term 2
+           !    + sign(u) beta/12 (dx^2psi_{i+1} - dx^2psi_i)]  term 3 (note minus sign)
+           !
+           ! adv_coefs accounts for terms 1 and 2 in SG11 equation 7. Term 1 is
+           ! the 2nd-order flux-function term. adv_coefs accounts for this with
+           ! the "+ 0.5" lines below. In the advection routines that use these
+           ! coefficients, the 2nd-order flux loop is then skipped. Term 2 is
+           ! the 4th-order flux-function term. adv_coefs_3rd accounts for term
+           ! 3, the beta term. beta > 0 corresponds to the third-order flux
+           ! function. The - sign in the deriv_two accumulation is for the i+1
+           ! part of term 3, while the + sign is for the i part.
            adv_coefs(:,iEdge) = 0.
            adv_coefs_3rd(:,iEdge) = 0.
+           ! pull together third and fourth order contributions to the flux
+           ! first from cell1
            k = mpas_binary_search(sorted_cell_indices, 2, 1, nAdvCellsForEdge(iEdge), indexToCellID(cell1))
            if(k <= nAdvCellsForEdge(iEdge)) then
              adv_coefs(k, iEdge) = adv_coefs(k, iEdge) + deriv_two(1,1,iEdge)
@@ -224,27 +241,30 @@ subroutine mpas_tracer_advection_coefficients( meshPool, horiz_adv_order, deriv_
                adv_coefs(k, iEdge) = adv_coefs(k, iEdge) + deriv_two(iCell+1, 1, iEdge)
                adv_coefs_3rd(k, iEdge) = adv_coefs_3rd(k, iEdge) + deriv_two(iCell+1, 1, iEdge)
              end if
-           end do ! loop over iCell
+           end do
+           ! pull together third and fourth order contributions to the flux
+           ! now from cell2
            k = mpas_binary_search(sorted_cell_indices, 2, 1, nAdvCellsForEdge(iEdge), indexToCellID(cell2))
            if(k <= nAdvCellsForEdge(iEdge)) then
              adv_coefs(k, iEdge) = adv_coefs(k, iEdge) + deriv_two(1,2,iEdge)
-             adv_coefs_3rd(k, iEdge) = adv_coefs_3rd(k, iEdge) + deriv_two(1,2,iEdge)
+             adv_coefs_3rd(k, iEdge) = adv_coefs_3rd(k, iEdge) - deriv_two(1,2,iEdge)
            end if
            do iCell = 1, nEdgesOnCell(cell2)
              k = mpas_binary_search(sorted_cell_indices, 2, 1, nAdvCellsForEdge(iEdge), indexToCellID(cellsOnCell(iCell,cell2)))
              if(k <= nAdvCellsForEdge(iEdge)) then
                adv_coefs(k, iEdge) = adv_coefs(k, iEdge) + deriv_two(iCell+1, 2, iEdge)
-               adv_coefs_3rd(k, iEdge) = adv_coefs_3rd(k, iEdge) + deriv_two(iCell+1, 2, iEdge)
+               adv_coefs_3rd(k, iEdge) = adv_coefs_3rd(k, iEdge) - deriv_two(iCell+1, 2, iEdge)
              end if
-           end do ! loop over iCell
+           end do
            do iCell = 1,nAdvCellsForEdge(iEdge)
              adv_coefs    (iCell,iEdge) = - (dcEdge(iEdge) **2) * adv_coefs    (iCell,iEdge) / 12.
              adv_coefs_3rd(iCell,iEdge) = - (dcEdge(iEdge) **2) * adv_coefs_3rd(iCell,iEdge) / 12.
-           end do ! loop over iCell
+           end do
+           ! 2nd order centered contribution - place this in the main flux weights
            k = mpas_binary_search(sorted_cell_indices, 2, 1, nAdvCellsForEdge(iEdge), indexToCellID(cell1))
            if(k <= nAdvCellsForEdge(iEdge)) then
              adv_coefs(k, iEdge) = adv_coefs(k, iEdge) + 0.5
@@ -255,11 +275,12 @@ subroutine mpas_tracer_advection_coefficients( meshPool, horiz_adv_order, deriv_
              adv_coefs(k, iEdge) = adv_coefs(k, iEdge) + 0.5
            end if
+           !  multiply by edge length - thus the flux is just dt*ru times the results of the vector-vector multiply
            do iCell=1,nAdvCellsForEdge(iEdge)
              adv_coefs    (iCell,iEdge) = dvEdge(iEdge) * adv_coefs    (iCell,iEdge)
              adv_coefs_3rd(iCell,iEdge) = dvEdge(iEdge) * adv_coefs_3rd(iCell,iEdge)
-           end do ! loop over iCell
-        end if
+           end do
+        end if  ! only do for edges of owned-cells
       end do ! end loop over edges
diff --git a/src/operators/operators.cmake b/src/operators/operators.cmake
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d65c7c661e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/operators/operators.cmake
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# operators
+  operators/mpas_vector_operations.F
+  operators/mpas_matrix_operations.F
+  operators/mpas_tensor_operations.F
+  operators/mpas_rbf_interpolation.F
+  operators/mpas_vector_reconstruction.F
+  operators/mpas_spline_interpolation.F
+  operators/mpas_tracer_advection_helpers.F
+  operators/mpas_tracer_advection_mono.F
+  operators/mpas_tracer_advection_std.F
+  operators/mpas_geometry_utils.F
diff --git a/src/tools/CMakeLists.txt b/src/tools/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..513ae48cf1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/tools/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+  message(STATUS "*** Using MPAS tools from $ENV{MPAS_TOOL_DIR} ***")
+  add_custom_target(namelist_gen)
+  add_custom_command(
+    TARGET namelist_gen PRE_BUILD
+    COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy $ENV{MPAS_TOOL_DIR}/input_gen/namelist_gen ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/namelist_gen)
+  add_custom_target(streams_gen)
+  add_custom_command(
+    TARGET streams_gen PRE_BUILD
+    COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy $ENV{MPAS_TOOL_DIR}/input_gen/streams_gen ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/streams_gen)
+  add_custom_target(parse)
+  add_custom_command(
+  message(STATUS "*** Building MPAS tools from source ***")
+  # Make build tools, need to be compiled with serial compiler.
+  add_executable(streams_gen input_gen/streams_gen.c input_gen/test_functions.c ../external/ezxml/ezxml.c)
+  add_executable(namelist_gen input_gen/namelist_gen.c input_gen/test_functions.c ../external/ezxml/ezxml.c)
+  add_executable(parse registry/parse.c registry/dictionary.c registry/gen_inc.c registry/fortprintf.c registry/utility.c ../external/ezxml/ezxml.c)
+  foreach(EXEITEM streams_gen namelist_gen parse)
+    target_compile_definitions(${EXEITEM} PRIVATE ${CPPDEFS})
+    target_compile_options(${EXEITEM} PRIVATE "-Uvector")
+    target_include_directories(${EXEITEM} PRIVATE ${INCLUDES})
+  endforeach()
diff --git a/src/tools/registry/gen_inc.c b/src/tools/registry/gen_inc.c
index 7b4526a56f..619740002f 100644
--- a/src/tools/registry/gen_inc.c
+++ b/src/tools/registry/gen_inc.c
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ void write_model_variables(ezxml_t registry){/*{{{*/
-int write_field_pointers(FILE* fd){/*{{{*/
+int write_field_pointer_arrays(FILE* fd){/*{{{*/
 	fortprintf(fd, "\n");
 	fortprintf(fd, "      type (field0DReal), pointer :: r0Ptr\n");
 	fortprintf(fd, "      type (field1DReal), pointer :: r1Ptr\n");
@@ -64,79 +64,80 @@ int write_field_pointers(FILE* fd){/*{{{*/
 	fortprintf(fd, "      type (field3DInteger), pointer :: i3Ptr\n");
 	fortprintf(fd, "      type (field0DChar), pointer :: c0Ptr\n");
 	fortprintf(fd, "      type (field1DChar), pointer :: c1Ptr\n");
+	fortprintf(fd, "      type (field0DReal), dimension(:), pointer :: r0aPtr\n");
+	fortprintf(fd, "      type (field1DReal), dimension(:), pointer :: r1aPtr\n");
+	fortprintf(fd, "      type (field2DReal), dimension(:), pointer :: r2aPtr\n");
+	fortprintf(fd, "      type (field3DReal), dimension(:), pointer :: r3aPtr\n");
+	fortprintf(fd, "      type (field4DReal), dimension(:), pointer :: r4aPtr\n");
+	fortprintf(fd, "      type (field5DReal), dimension(:), pointer :: r5aPtr\n");
+	fortprintf(fd, "      type (field0DInteger), dimension(:), pointer :: i0aPtr\n");
+	fortprintf(fd, "      type (field1DInteger), dimension(:), pointer :: i1aPtr\n");
+	fortprintf(fd, "      type (field2DInteger), dimension(:), pointer :: i2aPtr\n");
+	fortprintf(fd, "      type (field3DInteger), dimension(:), pointer :: i3aPtr\n");
+	fortprintf(fd, "      type (field0DChar), dimension(:), pointer :: c0aPtr\n");
+	fortprintf(fd, "      type (field1DChar), dimension(:), pointer :: c1aPtr\n");
 	fortprintf(fd, "\n");
 	return 0;
-int write_field_pointer_arrays(FILE* fd){/*{{{*/
-	fortprintf(fd, "\n");
-	fortprintf(fd, "      type (field0DReal), dimension(:), pointer :: r0Ptr\n");
-	fortprintf(fd, "      type (field1DReal), dimension(:), pointer :: r1Ptr\n");
-	fortprintf(fd, "      type (field2DReal), dimension(:), pointer :: r2Ptr\n");
-	fortprintf(fd, "      type (field3DReal), dimension(:), pointer :: r3Ptr\n");
-	fortprintf(fd, "      type (field4DReal), dimension(:), pointer :: r4Ptr\n");
-	fortprintf(fd, "      type (field5DReal), dimension(:), pointer :: r5Ptr\n");
-	fortprintf(fd, "      type (field0DInteger), dimension(:), pointer :: i0Ptr\n");
-	fortprintf(fd, "      type (field1DInteger), dimension(:), pointer :: i1Ptr\n");
-	fortprintf(fd, "      type (field2DInteger), dimension(:), pointer :: i2Ptr\n");
-	fortprintf(fd, "      type (field3DInteger), dimension(:), pointer :: i3Ptr\n");
-	fortprintf(fd, "      type (field0DChar), dimension(:), pointer :: c0Ptr\n");
-	fortprintf(fd, "      type (field1DChar), dimension(:), pointer :: c1Ptr\n");
-	fortprintf(fd, "\n");
+int set_pointer_name(int type, int ndims, char *pointer_name, int time_levs){/*{{{*/
-	return 0;
+	char suffix[6];
+	if (time_levs > 1) {
+		snprintf(suffix, 6, "aPtr");
+	} else {
+		snprintf(suffix, 6, "Ptr");
+	}
-int set_pointer_name(int type, int ndims, char *pointer_name){/*{{{*/
 	if(type == REAL) {
 		switch (ndims){
 			case 0:
-				snprintf(pointer_name, 1024, "r0Ptr");
+				snprintf(pointer_name, 1024, "r0%s", suffix);
 			case 1:
-				snprintf(pointer_name, 1024, "r1Ptr");
+				snprintf(pointer_name, 1024, "r1%s", suffix);
 			case 2:
-				snprintf(pointer_name, 1024, "r2Ptr");
+				snprintf(pointer_name, 1024, "r2%s", suffix);
 			case 3:
-				snprintf(pointer_name, 1024, "r3Ptr");
+				snprintf(pointer_name, 1024, "r3%s", suffix);
 			case 4:
-				snprintf(pointer_name, 1024, "r4Ptr");
+				snprintf(pointer_name, 1024, "r4%s", suffix);
 			case 5:
-				snprintf(pointer_name, 1024, "r5Ptr");
+				snprintf(pointer_name, 1024, "r5%s", suffix);
 	} else if (type == INTEGER) {
 		switch (ndims){
 			case 0:
-				snprintf(pointer_name, 1024, "i0Ptr");
+				snprintf(pointer_name, 1024, "i0%s", suffix);
 			case 1:
-				snprintf(pointer_name, 1024, "i1Ptr");
+				snprintf(pointer_name, 1024, "i1%s", suffix);
 			case 2:
-				snprintf(pointer_name, 1024, "i2Ptr");
+				snprintf(pointer_name, 1024, "i2%s", suffix);
 			case 3:
-				snprintf(pointer_name, 1024, "i3Ptr");
+				snprintf(pointer_name, 1024, "i3%s", suffix);
 	} else if (type == CHARACTER) {
 		switch (ndims){
 			case 0:
-				snprintf(pointer_name, 1024, "c0Ptr");
+				snprintf(pointer_name, 1024, "c0%s", suffix);
 			case 1:
-				snprintf(pointer_name, 1024, "c1Ptr");
+				snprintf(pointer_name, 1024, "c1%s", suffix);
@@ -538,7 +539,7 @@ int parse_namelist_records_from_registry(ezxml_t registry)/*{{{*/
 	int in_subpool;
-	FILE *fd, *fd2;
+	FILE *fd, *fd2, *fcd, *fcg;
 	const_core = ezxml_attr(registry, "core_abbrev");
@@ -546,6 +547,8 @@ int parse_namelist_records_from_registry(ezxml_t registry)/*{{{*/
 	fd = fopen("namelist_defines.inc", "w+");
 	fd2 = fopen("namelist_call.inc", "w+");
+	fcd = fopen("config_declare.inc", "w+");
+	fcg = fopen("config_get.inc", "w+");
 	fortprintf(fd2, "   function %s_setup_namelists(configPool, namelistFilename, dminfo) result(iErr)\n", core_string);
 	fortprintf(fd2, "      use mpas_derived_types\n");
@@ -607,7 +610,7 @@ int parse_namelist_records_from_registry(ezxml_t registry)/*{{{*/
 		fortprintf(fd, "      integer :: ierr\n");
 		fortprintf(fd, "\n");
-		// Define variable defintions prior to reading the namelist in.
+		// Define variable definitions prior to reading the namelist in.
 		for (nmlopt_xml = ezxml_child(nmlrecs_xml, "nml_option"); nmlopt_xml; nmlopt_xml = nmlopt_xml->next){
 			nmloptname = ezxml_attr(nmlopt_xml, "name");
 			nmlopttype = ezxml_attr(nmlopt_xml, "type");
@@ -619,9 +622,12 @@ int parse_namelist_records_from_registry(ezxml_t registry)/*{{{*/
 			if(strncmp(nmlopttype, "real", 1024) == 0){
 				fortprintf(fd, "      real (kind=RKIND) :: %s = %lf\n", nmloptname, (double)atof(nmloptval));
+				fortprintf(fcd, "      real (kind=RKIND), pointer :: %s\n", nmloptname);
 			} else if(strncmp(nmlopttype, "integer", 1024) == 0){
 				fortprintf(fd, "      integer :: %s = %d\n", nmloptname, atoi(nmloptval));
+				fortprintf(fcd, "      integer, pointer :: %s\n", nmloptname);
 			} else if(strncmp(nmlopttype, "logical", 1024) == 0){
+				fortprintf(fcd, "      logical, pointer :: %s\n", nmloptname);
 				if(strncmp(nmloptval, "true", 1024) == 0 || strncmp(nmloptval, ".true.", 1024) == 0){
 					fortprintf(fd, "      logical :: %s = .true.\n", nmloptname);
 				} else {
@@ -629,9 +635,11 @@ int parse_namelist_records_from_registry(ezxml_t registry)/*{{{*/
 			} else if(strncmp(nmlopttype, "character", 1024) == 0){
 					fortprintf(fd, "      character (len=StrKIND) :: %s = '%s'\n", nmloptname, nmloptval);
+					fortprintf(fcd, "      character (len=StrKIND), pointer :: %s\n", nmloptname);
 		fortprintf(fd, "\n");
+		fortprintf(fcd, "\n");
 		// Define the namelist block, to read the namelist record in.
 		fortprintf(fd, "      namelist /%s/ &\n", nmlrecname);
@@ -653,7 +661,11 @@ int parse_namelist_records_from_registry(ezxml_t registry)/*{{{*/
 		fortprintf(fd, "      if (dminfo %% my_proc_id == IO_NODE) then\n");
+		fortprintf(fd, "! Rewinding before each read leads to errors when the code is built with\n");
+		fortprintf(fd, "! the NAG Fortran compiler. If building with NAG, be kind and don't rewind.\n");
+		fortprintf(fd, "#ifndef NAG_COMPILER\n");
 		fortprintf(fd, "         rewind(unitNumber)\n");
+		fortprintf(fd, "#endif\n");
 		fortprintf(fd, "         read(unitNumber, %s, iostat=ierr)\n", nmlrecname);
 		fortprintf(fd, "      end if\n");
@@ -712,8 +724,10 @@ int parse_namelist_records_from_registry(ezxml_t registry)/*{{{*/
 			nmloptname = ezxml_attr(nmlopt_xml, "name");
 			fortprintf(fd, "      call mpas_pool_add_config(%s, '%s', %s)\n", pool_name, nmloptname, nmloptname);
+			fortprintf(fcg, "      call mpas_pool_get_config(configPool, '%s', %s)\n", nmloptname, nmloptname);
 		fortprintf(fd, "\n");
+		fortprintf(fcg, "\n");
 		// End new subroutine for namelist record.
 		fortprintf(fd, "   end subroutine %s_setup_nmlrec_%s\n", core_string, nmlrecname);
@@ -724,6 +738,11 @@ int parse_namelist_records_from_registry(ezxml_t registry)/*{{{*/
 	fortprintf(fd2, "      close(unitNumber)\n");
 	fortprintf(fd2, "   end function %s_setup_namelists\n", core_string);
+	fclose(fd);
+	fclose(fd2);
+	fclose(fcd);
+	fclose(fcg);
 	return 0;
@@ -1023,6 +1042,7 @@ int parse_var_array(FILE *fd, ezxml_t registry, ezxml_t superStruct, ezxml_t var
 	char *string, *tofree, *token;
 	char temp_str[1024];
 	char pointer_name[1024];
+	char pointer_name_arr[1024];
 	char spacing[1024], sub_spacing[1024];
 	char default_value[1024];
 	char missing_value[1024];
@@ -1071,13 +1091,23 @@ int parse_var_array(FILE *fd, ezxml_t registry, ezxml_t superStruct, ezxml_t var
 	// Determine field type and default value.
 	get_field_information(vararrtype, vararrdefaultval, default_value, vararrmissingval, missing_value, &type);
+	// If a default_value is not specified, but a missing_value is, then set the
+	// default_value (defaultValue) to missing_value
+	if(!vararrdefaultval && vararrmissingval) {
+		snprintf(default_value, 1024, "%s ! defaultValue taking specified missing_value", missing_value);
+	}
 	// Determine ndims, hasTime, and decomp type
 	build_dimension_information(registry, var_arr_xml, &ndims, &hasTime, &decomp);
 	ndims++; // Add a dimension for constituents in var_array
 	// Determine name of pointer for this field.
-	set_pointer_name(type, ndims, pointer_name);
-	fortprintf(fd, "      allocate(%s(%d))\n", pointer_name, time_levs);
+	set_pointer_name(type, ndims, pointer_name, time_levs);
+	if (time_levs > 1) {
+		fortprintf(fd, "      allocate(%s(%d))\n", pointer_name, time_levs);
+	} else {
+		fortprintf(fd, "      allocate(%s)\n", pointer_name);
+	}
 	fortprintf(fd, "      index_counter = 0\n", spacing);
 	fortprintf(fd, "      group_counter = -1\n", spacing);
@@ -1253,27 +1283,32 @@ int parse_var_array(FILE *fd, ezxml_t registry, ezxml_t superStruct, ezxml_t var
 	fortprintf(fd, "      end if\n");
 	for(time_lev = 1; time_lev <= time_levs; time_lev++){
+		if (time_levs > 1) {
+			snprintf(pointer_name_arr, 1024, "%s(%d)", pointer_name, time_lev);
+		} else {
+			snprintf(pointer_name_arr, 1024, "%s", pointer_name);
+		}
 		fortprintf(fd, "! Defining time level %d\n", time_lev);
-		fortprintf(fd, "      allocate( %s(%d) %% constituentNames(numConstituents) )\n", pointer_name, time_lev);
-		fortprintf(fd, "      %s(%d) %% fieldName = '%s'\n", pointer_name, time_lev, vararrname);
+		fortprintf(fd, "      allocate( %s %% constituentNames(numConstituents) )\n", pointer_name_arr);
+		fortprintf(fd, "      %s %% fieldName = '%s'\n", pointer_name_arr , vararrname);
 		if (decomp != -1) {
-			fortprintf(fd, "      %s(%d) %% isDecomposed = .true.\n", pointer_name, time_lev);
+			fortprintf(fd, "      %s %% isDecomposed = .true.\n", pointer_name_arr);
 		} else {
-			fortprintf(fd, "      %s(%d) %% isDecomposed = .false.\n", pointer_name, time_lev);
+			fortprintf(fd, "      %s %% isDecomposed = .false.\n", pointer_name_arr);
 		if (hasTime) {
-			fortprintf(fd, "      %s(%d) %% hasTimeDimension = .true.\n", pointer_name, time_lev);
+			fortprintf(fd, "      %s %% hasTimeDimension = .true.\n", pointer_name_arr);
 		} else {
-			fortprintf(fd, "      %s(%d) %% hasTimeDimension = .false.\n", pointer_name, time_lev);
+			fortprintf(fd, "      %s %% hasTimeDimension = .false.\n", pointer_name_arr);
-		fortprintf(fd, "      %s(%d) %% isVarArray = .true.\n", pointer_name, time_lev);
+		fortprintf(fd, "      %s %% isVarArray = .true.\n", pointer_name_arr);
 		if(ndims > 0){
 			if(persistence == SCRATCH){
-				fortprintf(fd, "      %s(%d) %% isPersistent = .false.\n", pointer_name, time_lev);
-				fortprintf(fd, "      %s(%d) %% isActive = .false.\n", pointer_name, time_lev);
+				fortprintf(fd, "      %s %% isPersistent = .false.\n", pointer_name_arr);
+				fortprintf(fd, "      %s %% isActive = .false.\n", pointer_name_arr);
 			} else {
-				fortprintf(fd, "      %s(%d) %% isPersistent = .true.\n", pointer_name, time_lev);
-				fortprintf(fd, "      %s(%d) %% isActive = .false.\n", pointer_name, time_lev);
+				fortprintf(fd, "      %s %% isPersistent = .true.\n", pointer_name_arr);
+				fortprintf(fd, "      %s %% isActive = .false.\n", pointer_name_arr);
 		fortprintf(fd, "\n");
@@ -1289,7 +1324,7 @@ int parse_var_array(FILE *fd, ezxml_t registry, ezxml_t superStruct, ezxml_t var
 			fortprintf(fd, "         call mpas_pool_get_dimension(newSubPool, 'index_%s', const_index)\n", varname_in_code);
 			fortprintf(fd, "      end if\n");
 			fortprintf(fd, "      if (const_index > 0) then\n", spacing);
-			fortprintf(fd, "         %s(%d) %% constituentNames(const_index) = '%s'\n", pointer_name, time_lev, varname);
+			fortprintf(fd, "         %s %% constituentNames(const_index) = '%s'\n", pointer_name_arr, varname);
 			fortprintf(fd, "      end if\n", spacing);
@@ -1298,7 +1333,7 @@ int parse_var_array(FILE *fd, ezxml_t registry, ezxml_t superStruct, ezxml_t var
 		// Setup dimensions
 		fortprintf(fd, "! Setup dimensions for       \n", vararrname);
 		i = 1;
-		fortprintf(fd, "      %s(%d) %% dimNames(%d) = 'num_%s'\n", pointer_name, time_lev, i, vararrname);
+		fortprintf(fd, "      %s %% dimNames(%d) = 'num_%s'\n", pointer_name_arr, i, vararrname);
 		string = strdup(vararrdims);
 		tofree = string;
@@ -1307,18 +1342,18 @@ int parse_var_array(FILE *fd, ezxml_t registry, ezxml_t superStruct, ezxml_t var
 		if(strncmp(token, "Time", 1024) != 0){
 			if(strncmp(token, "nCells", 1024) == 0 || strncmp(token, "nEdges", 1024) == 0 || strncmp(token, "nVertices", 1024) == 0){
-				fortprintf(fd, "      %s(%d) %% dimNames(%d) = '%s'\n", pointer_name, time_lev, i, token);
+				fortprintf(fd, "      %s %% dimNames(%d) = '%s'\n", pointer_name_arr, i, token);
 			} else {
-				fortprintf(fd, "      %s(%d) %% dimNames(%d) = '%s'\n", pointer_name, time_lev, i, token);
+				fortprintf(fd, "      %s %% dimNames(%d) = '%s'\n", pointer_name_arr, i, token);
 		while( (token = strsep(&string, " ")) != NULL){
 			if(strncmp(token, "Time", 1024) != 0){
 				if(strncmp(token, "nCells", 1024) == 0 || strncmp(token, "nEdges", 1024) == 0 || strncmp(token, "nVertices", 1024) == 0){
-					fortprintf(fd, "      %s(%d) %% dimNames(%d) = '%s'\n", pointer_name, time_lev, i, token);
+					fortprintf(fd, "      %s %% dimNames(%d) = '%s'\n", pointer_name_arr, i, token);
 				} else {
-					fortprintf(fd, "      %s(%d) %% dimNames(%d) = '%s'\n", pointer_name, time_lev, i, token);
+					fortprintf(fd, "      %s %% dimNames(%d) = '%s'\n", pointer_name_arr, i, token);
@@ -1327,13 +1362,13 @@ int parse_var_array(FILE *fd, ezxml_t registry, ezxml_t superStruct, ezxml_t var
 		fortprintf(fd, "\n");
 		if ( ndims == 0 ) {
-			fortprintf(fd, "      %s(%d) %% scalar = %s\n", pointer_name, time_lev, default_value);
+			fortprintf(fd, "      %s %% scalar = %s\n", pointer_name_arr, default_value);
-		fortprintf(fd, "      %s(%d) %% defaultValue = %s\n", pointer_name, time_lev, default_value);
-		fortprintf(fd, "      allocate(%s(%d) %% attLists(size(%s(%d) %% constituentNames, dim=1)))\n", pointer_name, time_lev, pointer_name, time_lev);
+		fortprintf(fd, "      %s %% defaultValue = %s\n", pointer_name_arr, default_value);
+		fortprintf(fd, "      allocate(%s %% attLists(size(%s %% constituentNames, dim=1)))\n", pointer_name_arr, pointer_name_arr);
-		fortprintf(fd, "      do index_counter = 1, size(%s(%d) %% constituentNames, dim=1)\n", pointer_name, time_lev);
-		fortprintf(fd, "         allocate(%s(%d) %% attLists(index_counter) %% attList)\n", pointer_name, time_lev);
+		fortprintf(fd, "      do index_counter = 1, size(%s %% constituentNames, dim=1)\n", pointer_name_arr);
+		fortprintf(fd, "         allocate(%s %% attLists(index_counter) %% attList)\n", pointer_name_arr);
 		fortprintf(fd, "      end do\n");
 		for(var_xml = ezxml_child(var_arr_xml, "var"); var_xml; var_xml = var_xml->next){
@@ -1364,7 +1399,7 @@ int parse_var_array(FILE *fd, ezxml_t registry, ezxml_t superStruct, ezxml_t var
-				fortprintf(fd, "         call mpas_add_att(%s(%d) %% attLists(const_index) %% attList, 'long_name', '%s')\n", pointer_name, time_lev, temp_str);
+				fortprintf(fd, "         call mpas_add_att(%s %% attLists(const_index) %% attList, 'long_name', '%s')\n", pointer_name_arr, temp_str);
 			if ( varunits != NULL ) {
@@ -1381,21 +1416,19 @@ int parse_var_array(FILE *fd, ezxml_t registry, ezxml_t superStruct, ezxml_t var
-				fortprintf(fd, "         call mpas_add_att(%s(%d) %% attLists(const_index) %% attList, 'units', '%s')\n", pointer_name, time_lev, temp_str);
+				fortprintf(fd, "         call mpas_add_att(%s %% attLists(const_index) %% attList, 'units', '%s')\n", pointer_name_arr, temp_str);
 			if ( vararrmissingval ) {
-				fortprintf(fd, "         call mpas_add_att(%s(%d) %% attLists(const_index) %% attList, 'missing_value', %s)\n", pointer_name, time_lev, missing_value);
-				// Uncomment to add _FillValue to match missing_value
-				// fortprintf(fd, "         call mpas_add_att(%s(%d) %% attLists(const_index) %% attList, '_FillValue', %s)\n", pointer_name, time_lev, missing_value);
+				fortprintf(fd, "         call mpas_add_att(%s %% attLists(const_index) %% attList, '_FillValue', %s)\n", pointer_name_arr, missing_value);
-			fortprintf(fd, "         %s(%d) %% missingValue = %s\n", pointer_name, time_lev, missing_value);
-			fortprintf(fd, "         %s(%d) %% constituentNames(const_index) = '%s'\n", pointer_name, time_lev, varname);
+			fortprintf(fd, "         %s %% missingValue = %s\n", pointer_name_arr, missing_value);
+			fortprintf(fd, "         %s %% constituentNames(const_index) = '%s'\n", pointer_name_arr, varname);
 			fortprintf(fd, "      end if\n", spacing);
-		fortprintf(fd, "      %s(%d) %% block => block\n", pointer_name, time_lev);
+		fortprintf(fd, "      %s %% block => block\n", pointer_name_arr);
 	// Parse packages if they are defined
@@ -1417,7 +1450,12 @@ int parse_var_array(FILE *fd, ezxml_t registry, ezxml_t superStruct, ezxml_t var
 	for(time_lev = 1; time_lev <= time_levs; time_lev++){
-		fortprintf(fd, "      %s%s(%d) %% isActive = .true.\n", spacing, pointer_name, time_lev);
+		if (time_levs > 1) {
+			snprintf(pointer_name_arr, 1024, "%s(%d)", pointer_name, time_lev);
+		} else {
+			snprintf(pointer_name_arr, 1024, "%s", pointer_name);
+		}
+		fortprintf(fd, "      %s%s %% isActive = .true.\n", spacing, pointer_name_arr);
 	if (!no_packages) {
@@ -1456,6 +1494,7 @@ int parse_var(FILE *fd, ezxml_t registry, ezxml_t superStruct, ezxml_t currentVa
 	char *string, *tofree, *token;
 	char temp_str[1024];
 	char pointer_name[1024];
+	char pointer_name_arr[1024];
 	char package_spacing[1024];
 	char default_value[1024];
 	char missing_value[1024];
@@ -1502,38 +1541,52 @@ int parse_var(FILE *fd, ezxml_t registry, ezxml_t superStruct, ezxml_t currentVa
 	// Determine field type and default value.
 	get_field_information(vartype, vardefaultval, default_value, varmissingval, missing_value, &type);
+	// If a default_value is not specified, but a missing_value is, then set the
+	// default_value (defaultValue) to missing_value
+	if(!vardefaultval && varmissingval) {
+		snprintf(default_value, 1024, "%s ! defaultValue taking specified missing_value", missing_value);
+	}
 	// Determine ndims, hasTime, and decomp type
 	build_dimension_information(registry, var_xml, &ndims, &hasTime, &decomp);
 	// Determine name of pointer for this field.
-	set_pointer_name(type, ndims, pointer_name);
-	fortprintf(fd, "      allocate(%s(%d))\n", pointer_name, time_levs);
+	set_pointer_name(type, ndims, pointer_name, time_levs);
+	if (time_levs > 1) {
+		fortprintf(fd, "      allocate(%s(%d))\n", pointer_name, time_levs);
+	} else {
+		fortprintf(fd, "      allocate(%s)\n", pointer_name);
+	}
 	for(time_lev = 1; time_lev <= time_levs; time_lev++){
+		if (time_levs > 1) {
+			snprintf(pointer_name_arr, 1024, "%s(%d)", pointer_name, time_lev);
+		} else {
+			snprintf(pointer_name_arr, 1024, "%s", pointer_name);
+		}
 		fortprintf(fd, "\n");
 		fortprintf(fd, "! Setting up time level %d\n", time_lev);
-		fortprintf(fd, "      %s(%d) %% fieldName = '%s'\n", pointer_name, time_lev, varname);
-		fortprintf(fd, "      %s(%d) %% isVarArray = .false.\n", pointer_name, time_lev);
+		fortprintf(fd, "      %s %% fieldName = '%s'\n", pointer_name_arr, varname);
+		fortprintf(fd, "      %s %% isVarArray = .false.\n", pointer_name_arr);
 		if (decomp != -1) {
-			fortprintf(fd, "      %s(%d) %% isDecomposed = .true.\n", pointer_name, time_lev);
+			fortprintf(fd, "      %s %% isDecomposed = .true.\n", pointer_name_arr);
 		} else {
-			fortprintf(fd, "      %s(%d) %% isDecomposed = .false.\n", pointer_name, time_lev);
+			fortprintf(fd, "      %s %% isDecomposed = .false.\n", pointer_name_arr);
 		if(hasTime) {
-			fortprintf(fd, "      %s(%d) %% hasTimeDimension = .true.\n", pointer_name, time_lev);
+			fortprintf(fd, "      %s %% hasTimeDimension = .true.\n", pointer_name_arr);
 		} else {
-			fortprintf(fd, "      %s(%d) %% hasTimeDimension = .false.\n", pointer_name, time_lev);
+			fortprintf(fd, "      %s %% hasTimeDimension = .false.\n", pointer_name_arr);
 		if(ndims > 0){
 			if(persistence == SCRATCH){
-				fortprintf(fd, "      %s(%d) %% isPersistent = .false.\n", pointer_name, time_lev);
-				fortprintf(fd, "      %s(%d) %% isActive = .false.\n", pointer_name, time_lev);
+				fortprintf(fd, "      %s %% isPersistent = .false.\n", pointer_name_arr);
+				fortprintf(fd, "      %s %% isActive = .false.\n", pointer_name_arr);
 			} else {
-				fortprintf(fd, "      %s(%d) %% isPersistent = .true.\n", pointer_name, time_lev);
-				fortprintf(fd, "      %s(%d) %% isActive = .false.\n", pointer_name, time_lev);
+				fortprintf(fd, "      %s %% isPersistent = .true.\n", pointer_name_arr);
+				fortprintf(fd, "      %s %% isActive = .false.\n", pointer_name_arr);
 			// Setup dimensions
@@ -1543,24 +1596,24 @@ int parse_var(FILE *fd, ezxml_t registry, ezxml_t superStruct, ezxml_t currentVa
 			i = 1;
 			token = strsep(&string, " ");
 			if(strncmp(token, "Time", 1024) != 0){
-				fortprintf(fd, "      %s(%d) %% dimNames(%d) = '%s'\n", pointer_name, time_lev, i, token);
+				fortprintf(fd, "      %s %% dimNames(%d) = '%s'\n", pointer_name_arr, i, token);
 			while( (token = strsep(&string, " ")) != NULL){
 				if(strncmp(token, "Time", 1024) != 0){
-					fortprintf(fd, "      %s(%d) %% dimNames(%d) = '%s'\n", pointer_name, time_lev, i, token);
+					fortprintf(fd, "      %s %% dimNames(%d) = '%s'\n", pointer_name_arr, i, token);
-		fortprintf(fd, "      %s(%d) %% defaultValue = %s\n", pointer_name, time_lev, default_value);
+		fortprintf(fd, "      %s %% defaultValue = %s\n", pointer_name_arr, default_value);
 		if ( ndims == 0 ) {
-			fortprintf(fd, "      %s(%d) %% scalar = %s\n", pointer_name, time_lev, default_value);
+			fortprintf(fd, "      %s %% scalar = %s\n", pointer_name_arr, default_value);
-		fortprintf(fd, "      allocate(%s(%d) %% attLists(1))\n", pointer_name, time_lev);
-		fortprintf(fd, "      allocate(%s(%d) %% attLists(1) %% attList)\n", pointer_name, time_lev);
+		fortprintf(fd, "      allocate(%s %% attLists(1))\n", pointer_name_arr);
+		fortprintf(fd, "      allocate(%s %% attLists(1) %% attList)\n", pointer_name_arr);
 		if ( varunits != NULL ) {
 			string = strdup(varunits);
@@ -1576,7 +1629,7 @@ int parse_var(FILE *fd, ezxml_t registry, ezxml_t superStruct, ezxml_t currentVa
-			fortprintf(fd, "      call mpas_add_att(%s(%d) %% attLists(1) %% attList, 'units', '%s')\n", pointer_name, time_lev, temp_str);
+			fortprintf(fd, "      call mpas_add_att(%s %% attLists(1) %% attList, 'units', '%s')\n", pointer_name_arr, temp_str);
 		if ( vardesc != NULL ) {
@@ -1593,17 +1646,15 @@ int parse_var(FILE *fd, ezxml_t registry, ezxml_t superStruct, ezxml_t currentVa
-			fortprintf(fd, "      call mpas_add_att(%s(%d) %% attLists(1) %% attList, 'long_name', '%s')\n", pointer_name, time_lev, temp_str);
+			fortprintf(fd, "      call mpas_add_att(%s %% attLists(1) %% attList, 'long_name', '%s')\n", pointer_name_arr, temp_str);
 		if ( varmissingval != NULL ) {
-			fortprintf(fd, "      call mpas_add_att(%s(%d) %% attLists(1) %% attList, 'missing_value', %s)\n", pointer_name, time_lev, missing_value);
-			// Uncomment to add _FillValue to match missing_value
-			// fortprintf(fd, "      call mpas_add_att(%s(%d) %% attLists(1) %% attList, '_FillValue', %s)\n", pointer_name, time_lev, missing_value);
+			fortprintf(fd, "      call mpas_add_att(%s %% attLists(1) %% attList, '_FillValue', %s)\n", pointer_name_arr, missing_value);
-		fortprintf(fd, "      %s(%d) %% missingValue = %s\n", pointer_name, time_lev, missing_value);
+		fortprintf(fd, "      %s %% missingValue = %s\n", pointer_name_arr, missing_value);
-		fortprintf(fd, "      %s(%d) %% block => block\n", pointer_name, time_lev);
+		fortprintf(fd, "      %s %% block => block\n", pointer_name_arr);
@@ -1627,7 +1678,12 @@ int parse_var(FILE *fd, ezxml_t registry, ezxml_t superStruct, ezxml_t currentVa
 	for(time_lev = 1; time_lev <= time_levs; time_lev++){
-		fortprintf(fd, "      %s%s(%d) %% isActive = .true.\n", package_spacing, pointer_name, time_lev);
+		if (time_levs > 1) {
+			snprintf(pointer_name_arr, 1024, "%s(%d)", pointer_name, time_lev);
+		} else {
+			snprintf(pointer_name_arr, 1024, "%s", pointer_name);
+		}
+		fortprintf(fd, "      %s%s %% isActive = .true.\n", package_spacing, pointer_name_arr);
 	if(varpackages != NULL){
@@ -1800,211 +1856,6 @@ int determine_struct_depth(int curLevel, ezxml_t superStruct){/*{{{*/
-int generate_struct_links(FILE *fd, int curLevel, ezxml_t superStruct, ezxml_t registry){/*{{{*/
-	ezxml_t subStruct;
-	ezxml_t var_arr_xml, var_xml;
-	const char *structname;
-	const char *vartimelevs;
-	const char *varname, *vardims, *vartype;
-	const char *vardefaultval, *varmissingval;
-	const char *varname_in_code;
-	int depth;
-	int err;
-	int has_time;
-	int time_lev, time_levs;
-	int ndims, type;
-	int decomp;
-	char *string, *tofree, *token;
-	char pointer_name[1024];
-	char default_value[1024];
-	char missing_value[1024];
-	depth = curLevel + 1;
-	for(subStruct = ezxml_child(superStruct, "var_struct"); subStruct; subStruct = subStruct->next){
-		structname = ezxml_attr(subStruct, "name");
-		fortprintf(fd, "! ----------- NEW STRUCT ---------\n");
-		fortprintf(fd, "! Get pointers to pools for struct %s\n", structname);
-		fortprintf(fd, "! --------------------------------\n");
-		if(curLevel == 0){
-			fortprintf(fd, "      call mpas_pool_get_subpool(currentBlock %% structs, '%s', poolLevel%d)\n", structname, curLevel+1);
-			fortprintf(fd, "      if(associated(prevBlock)) then\n");
-			fortprintf(fd, "         call mpas_pool_get_subpool(prevBlock %% structs, '%s', prevPoolLevel%d)\n", structname, curLevel+1);
-			fortprintf(fd, "      else\n");
-			fortprintf(fd, "         nullify(prevPoolLevel%d)\n", curLevel+1);
-			fortprintf(fd, "      end if\n");
-			fortprintf(fd, "      if(associated(nextBlock)) then\n");
-			fortprintf(fd, "         call mpas_pool_get_subpool(nextBlock %% structs, '%s', nextPoolLevel%d)\n", structname, curLevel+1);
-			fortprintf(fd, "      else\n");
-			fortprintf(fd, "         nullify(nextPoolLevel%d)\n", curLevel+1);
-			fortprintf(fd, "      end if\n");
-		} else {
-			fortprintf(fd, "      call mpas_pool_get_subpool(poolLevel%d, '%s', poolLevel%d)\n", curLevel, structname, curLevel+1);
-			fortprintf(fd, "      if(associated(prevBlock)) then\n");
-			fortprintf(fd, "         call mpas_pool_get_subpool(prevPoolLevel%d, '%s', prevPoolLevel%d)\n", curLevel, structname, curLevel+1);
-			fortprintf(fd, "      else\n");
-			fortprintf(fd, "         nullify(prevPoolLevel%d)\n", curLevel+1);
-			fortprintf(fd, "      end if\n");
-			fortprintf(fd, "      if(associated(nextBlock)) then\n");
-			fortprintf(fd, "         call mpas_pool_get_subpool(nextPoolLevel%d, '%s', nextPoolLevel%d)\n", curLevel, structname, curLevel+1);
-			fortprintf(fd, "      else\n");
-			fortprintf(fd, "         nullify(nextPoolLevel%d)\n", curLevel+1);
-			fortprintf(fd, "      end if\n");
-		}
-		fortprintf(fd, "\n");
-		// Link var arrays
-		for(var_arr_xml = ezxml_child(subStruct, "var_array"); var_arr_xml; var_arr_xml = var_arr_xml->next){/*{{{*/
-			varname = ezxml_attr(var_arr_xml, "name");
-			vardims = ezxml_attr(var_arr_xml, "dimensions");
-			vartimelevs = ezxml_attr(var_arr_xml, "time_levs");
-			vartype = ezxml_attr(var_arr_xml, "type");
-			vardefaultval = ezxml_attr(var_arr_xml, "default_value");
-			varmissingval = ezxml_attr(var_arr_xml, "missing_value");
-			if(!vartimelevs){
-				vartimelevs = ezxml_attr(subStruct, "time_levs");
-			}
-			if(vartimelevs){
-				time_levs = atoi(vartimelevs);
-				if(time_levs < 1){
-					time_levs = 1;
-				}
-			} else {
-				time_levs = 1;
-			}
-			if(!varmissingval){
-				varmissingval = vardefaultval;
-			}
-			// Determine field type and default value.
-			get_field_information(vartype, vardefaultval, default_value, varmissingval, missing_value, &type);
-			// Determine number of dimensions
-			// and decomp type
-			build_dimension_information(registry, var_arr_xml, &ndims, &has_time, &decomp);
-			ndims++; // Add a dimension for var_arrays
-			// Using type and ndims, determine name of pointer for field.
-			set_pointer_name(type, ndims, pointer_name);
-			for(time_lev = 1; time_lev <= time_levs; time_lev++){
-				fortprintf(fd, "! Linking %s for time level %d\n", varname, time_lev);
-				fortprintf(fd, "      call mpas_pool_get_field(poolLevel%d, '%s', %s, %d)\n", curLevel+1, varname, pointer_name, time_lev);
-				fortprintf(fd, "      if(associated(%s)) then\n", pointer_name);
-				fortprintf(fd, "#ifdef MPAS_DEBUG\n");
-				fortprintf(fd, "         call mpas_log_write('Linking %s')\n", varname);
-				fortprintf(fd, "#endif\n");
-				fortprintf(fd, "         if(associated(prevBlock)) then\n");
-				fortprintf(fd, "            call mpas_pool_get_field(prevPoolLevel%d, '%s', %s %% prev, %d)\n", curLevel+1, varname, pointer_name, time_lev);
-				fortprintf(fd, "         end if\n");
-				fortprintf(fd, "         if(associated(nextBlock)) then\n");
-				fortprintf(fd, "            call mpas_pool_get_field(nextPoolLevel%d, '%s', %s %% next, %d)\n", curLevel+1, varname, pointer_name, time_lev);
-				fortprintf(fd, "         end if\n");
-				if(decomp == CELLS){
-					fortprintf(fd, "         %s %% sendList => currentBlock %% parinfo %% cellsToSend\n", pointer_name);
-					fortprintf(fd, "         %s %% recvList => currentBlock %% parinfo %% cellsToRecv\n", pointer_name);
-					fortprintf(fd, "         %s %% copyList => currentBlock %% parinfo %% cellsToCopy\n", pointer_name);
-				} else if(decomp == EDGES){
-					fortprintf(fd, "         %s %% sendList => currentBlock %% parinfo %% edgesToSend\n", pointer_name);
-					fortprintf(fd, "         %s %% recvList => currentBlock %% parinfo %% edgesToRecv\n", pointer_name);
-					fortprintf(fd, "         %s %% copyList => currentBlock %% parinfo %% edgesToCopy\n", pointer_name);
-				} else if(decomp == VERTICES){
-					fortprintf(fd, "         %s %% sendList => currentBlock %% parinfo %% verticesToSend\n", pointer_name);
-					fortprintf(fd, "         %s %% recvList => currentBlock %% parinfo %% verticesToRecv\n", pointer_name);
-					fortprintf(fd, "         %s %% copyList => currentBlock %% parinfo %% verticesToCopy\n", pointer_name);
-				}
-				fortprintf(fd, "      end if\n");
-			}
-			fortprintf(fd, "\n");
-		}/*}}}*/
-		// Link independent vars
-		for(var_xml = ezxml_child(subStruct, "var"); var_xml; var_xml = var_xml->next){/*{{{*/
-			varname = ezxml_attr(var_xml, "name");
-			vardims = ezxml_attr(var_xml, "dimensions");
-			vartimelevs = ezxml_attr(var_xml, "time_levs");
-			vartype = ezxml_attr(var_xml, "type");
-			vardefaultval = ezxml_attr(var_xml, "default_value");
-			varmissingval = ezxml_attr(var_xml, "missing_value");
-			varname_in_code = ezxml_attr(var_xml, "name_in_code");
-			if(!vartimelevs){
-				vartimelevs = ezxml_attr(subStruct, "time_levs");
-			}
-			if(vartimelevs){
-				time_levs = atoi(vartimelevs);
-				if(time_levs < 1){
-					time_levs = 1;
-				}
-			} else {
-				time_levs = 1;
-			}
-			if(!varname_in_code){
-				varname_in_code = ezxml_attr(var_xml, "name");
-			}
-			if(!varmissingval){
-				varmissingval = vardefaultval;
-			}
-			// Determine field type and default value.
-			get_field_information(vartype, vardefaultval, default_value, varmissingval, missing_value, &type);
-			// Determine number of dimensions
-			// and decomp type
-			build_dimension_information(registry, var_xml, &ndims, &has_time, &decomp);
-			// Using type and ndims, determine name of pointer for field.
-			set_pointer_name(type, ndims, pointer_name);
-			for(time_lev = 1; time_lev <= time_levs; time_lev++){
-				fortprintf(fd, "! Linking %s for time level %d with name\n", varname, time_lev, varname_in_code);
-				fortprintf(fd, "#ifdef MPAS_DEBUG\n");
-				fortprintf(fd, "      call mpas_log_write('Linking %s with name %s')\n", varname, varname_in_code);
-				fortprintf(fd, "#endif\n");
-				fortprintf(fd, "      call mpas_pool_get_field(poolLevel%d, '%s', %s, %d)\n", curLevel+1, varname_in_code, pointer_name, time_lev);
-				fortprintf(fd, "      if(associated(%s)) then\n", pointer_name);
-				fortprintf(fd, "         if(associated(prevBlock)) then\n");
-				fortprintf(fd, "            call mpas_pool_get_field(prevPoolLevel%d, '%s', %s %% prev, %d)\n", curLevel+1, varname_in_code, pointer_name, time_lev);
-				fortprintf(fd, "         end if\n");
-				fortprintf(fd, "         if(associated(nextBlock)) then\n");
-				fortprintf(fd, "            call mpas_pool_get_field(nextPoolLevel%d, '%s', %s %% next, %d)\n", curLevel+1, varname_in_code, pointer_name, time_lev);
-				fortprintf(fd, "         end if\n");
-				if(decomp == CELLS){
-					fortprintf(fd, "         %s %% sendList => currentBlock %% parinfo %% cellsToSend\n", pointer_name);
-					fortprintf(fd, "         %s %% recvList => currentBlock %% parinfo %% cellsToRecv\n", pointer_name);
-					fortprintf(fd, "         %s %% copyList => currentBlock %% parinfo %% cellsToCopy\n", pointer_name);
-				} else if(decomp == EDGES){
-					fortprintf(fd, "         %s %% sendList => currentBlock %% parinfo %% edgesToSend\n", pointer_name);
-					fortprintf(fd, "         %s %% recvList => currentBlock %% parinfo %% edgesToRecv\n", pointer_name);
-					fortprintf(fd, "         %s %% copyList => currentBlock %% parinfo %% edgesToCopy\n", pointer_name);
-				} else if(decomp == VERTICES){
-					fortprintf(fd, "         %s %% sendList => currentBlock %% parinfo %% verticesToSend\n", pointer_name);
-					fortprintf(fd, "         %s %% recvList => currentBlock %% parinfo %% verticesToRecv\n", pointer_name);
-					fortprintf(fd, "         %s %% copyList => currentBlock %% parinfo %% verticesToCopy\n", pointer_name);
-				}
-				fortprintf(fd, "      end if\n");
-				fortprintf(fd, "\n");
-			}
-		}/*}}}*/
-		err = generate_struct_links(fd, curLevel+1, subStruct, registry);
-	}
-	return 0;
 int generate_immutable_struct_contents(FILE *fd, const char *streamname, ezxml_t varstruct_xml){/*{{{*/
 	ezxml_t var_xml, vararr_xml, substruct_xml;
diff --git a/src/tools/registry/gen_inc.h b/src/tools/registry/gen_inc.h
index 0859823fb9..96db3de8b3 100644
--- a/src/tools/registry/gen_inc.h
+++ b/src/tools/registry/gen_inc.h
@@ -10,9 +10,8 @@
 #include "ezxml.h"
 void write_model_variables(ezxml_t registry);
-int write_field_pointers(FILE* fd);
 int write_field_pointer_arrays(FILE* fd);
-int set_pointer_name(int type, int ndims, char *pointer_name);
+int set_pointer_name(int type, int ndims, char *pointer_name, int time_levs);
 int add_package_to_list(const char * package, const char * package_list);
 int build_struct_package_lists(ezxml_t currentPosition, char * out_packages);
 int get_dimension_information(ezxml_t registry, const char *test_dimname, int *has_time, int *decomp);
@@ -27,7 +26,6 @@ int parse_var_array(FILE *fd, ezxml_t registry, ezxml_t superStruct, ezxml_t var
 int parse_var(FILE *fd, ezxml_t registry, ezxml_t superStruct, ezxml_t currentVar, const char * corename);
 int parse_struct(FILE *fd, ezxml_t registry, ezxml_t superStruct, int subpool, const char *parentname, const char * corename);
 int determine_struct_depth(int curLevel, ezxml_t superStruct);
-int generate_struct_links(FILE *fd, int curLevel, ezxml_t superStruct, ezxml_t registry);
 int generate_field_exchanges(FILE *fd, int curLevel, ezxml_t superStruct);
 int generate_field_halo_exchanges_and_copies(ezxml_t registry);
 int generate_field_inputs(FILE *fd, int curLevel, ezxml_t superStruct);
diff --git a/testing_and_setup/atmosphere/setup_atm_run_dir b/testing_and_setup/atmosphere/setup_atm_run_dir
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..b0734c2f5f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testing_and_setup/atmosphere/setup_atm_run_dir
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+# Setup a run directory for the MPAS init_atmosphere, and atmosphere cores.
+# usage() - Display the usage message
+    printf "Usage: setup_atm_run_dir setup-dir\n"
+# init_atmosphere_setup()
+# $1 - Run directory
+# $2 - MPAS-Model Source Code Directory
+# Setup the init_atmosphere in the run directory ($1) by linking the
+# init_atmosphere exetuable and copying the init_atmosphere namelist and
+# streams from the default_inputs/ directory.
+# On error, the program will exit and will return 1, otherwise, 0 will be
+# returned.
+    printf "Setting up the init_atmosphere core ...\n"
+    rundir=$1
+    mpasdir=$2
+    # See if the init_amtosphere_model is compiled
+    if ! [ -f "${mpasdir}/init_atmosphere_model" ]; then
+        printf "The MPAS directory does not appear to have the init_atmosphere core compiled!\n"
+        return 1
+    fi
+    ln -s "${mpasdir}/init_atmosphere_model" $rundir
+    if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+        printf "Failed to link 'init_atmosphere_model' from %s\n" $mpasdir
+        return 1
+    fi
+    cp "${mpasdir}/default_inputs/namelist.init_atmosphere" $rundir
+    if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+        printf "Failed to copy 'namelist.init_atmosphere' from %s\n" "${mpasdir}/default_inputs"
+        return 1
+    fi
+    cp "${mpasdir}/default_inputs/streams.init_atmosphere" $rundir
+    if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+        printf "Failed to copy 'streams.init_atmosphere' from %s\n" "${mpasdir}/default_inputs"
+        return 1
+    fi
+    printf "Succesfully setup the run directory for the init_atmosphere model\n"
+    return 0
+# atmosphere_setup()
+# $1 - Run directory
+# $2 - MPAS-Model Source Code Directory
+# Setup the atmosphere core in the run directory ($1) by linking the
+# atmosphere_model exeutable, physics lookup tables, and by copying
+# the needed namelist, streams, and stream_lists from the default_inputs/
+# directory.
+# On error, this function 1 will be returned, otherwise, 0 will be
+# returned.
+    printf "Setting up the atmosphere core ...\n"
+    rundir=$1
+    mpasdir=$2
+    # See if the amtosphere core is compiled
+    if ! [ -f "${mpasdir}/atmosphere_model" ]; then
+        printf "The MPAS directory does not appear to have the atmosphere core compiled!\n"
+        return 1
+    fi
+    ln -s "${mpasdir}/atmosphere_model" $rundir
+    if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+        printf "Failed to link 'atmosphere_model' from %s\n" $mpasdir
+        return 1
+    fi
+    cp "${mpasdir}/default_inputs/namelist.atmosphere" $rundir
+    if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+        printf "Failed to copy 'namelist.atmosphere' from %s\n" "${mpasdir}/default_inputs"
+        return 1
+    fi
+    cp "${mpasdir}/default_inputs/streams.atmosphere" $rundir
+    if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+        printf "Failed to copy 'streams.atmosphere' from %s\n" "${mpasdir}/default_inputs"
+        return 1
+    fi
+    cp ${mpasdir}/default_inputs/stream_list.atmosphere.* $rundir
+    if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+        printf "Failed to copy 'stream_list.atmosphere.*' from %s\n" "${mpasdir}/default_inputs"
+        return 1
+    fi
+    ln -s ${mpasdir}/src/core_atmosphere/physics/physics_wrf/files/* $rundir
+    if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+        printf "Failed to link physics files from %s\n" "${mpasdir}/src_core_atmosphere_physics/physics_wrf/files"
+        return 1
+    fi
+    printf "Succesfully setup the run directory for the atmosphere model\n"
+    return 0
+# setup_run_atm_run_dir.sh
+# \brief Copy and link the needed files for running the init_atmosphere, and
+# atmosphere core.
+# \details
+# Given a directory, copy or link all the needed executables, namelist,
+# streams, stream_lists and physics lookup tables needed for both the
+# init_atmosphere and atmosphere core.
+# Currently, this script will need to be in the
+# testing_and_setup/atmosphere directory of the MPAS-Model repository that is
+# desired to be setup. If either the init_atmosphere or atmosphere core is
+# compiled in the MPAS-Model directory, then it will be copied into the run
+# directory. If a core is not compiled, it will not be copied.
+if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then
+    printf "Please provide a directory to setup a MPAS run\n"
+    usage
+    exit 1
+if ! [ -d $rundir ]; then
+    printf "The given directory does not appear to be a directory\n"
+    exit 1
+# Find the location of this script, which will be used to find the the needed
+# MPAS files. Note: $0 may fail here with some shells and some uncommon
+# executions, see: http://mywiki.wooledge.org/BashFAQ/028
+cd `dirname $0`
+cd $cwd
+mpasdir=`dirname "$this_script"`
+mpasdir=`dirname "$mpasdir"`
+# See if this is an MPAS directory (Check for src/core_atmosphere,
+# and src/core_init_atmosphere)
+if ! [ -d "${mpasdir}/src/core_atmosphere" ] || ! [ -d "${mpasdir}/src/core_init_atmosphere" ]; then
+    printf "ERROR: Can't seem to locate MPAS-Model directory!\n"
+    printf "ERROR: Please ensure that this script is in the testing_and_setup/atmosphere directory of\n"
+    printf "ERROR: the MPAS-Model you want to setup\n"
+    exit 1
+init_atmosphere_setup $rundir $mpasdir
+atmosphere_setup $rundir $mpasdir
diff --git a/testing_and_setup/compass/manage_regression_suite.py b/testing_and_setup/compass/manage_regression_suite.py
index a8ef17551a..a64e708305 100755
--- a/testing_and_setup/compass/manage_regression_suite.py
+++ b/testing_and_setup/compass/manage_regression_suite.py
@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ def process_test_setup(test_tag, config_file, work_dir, model_runtime,
 # }}}
-def process_test_clean(test_tag, work_dir, suite_script):  # {{{
+def process_test_clean(test_tag, work_dir):  # {{{
     dev_null = open('/dev/null', 'a')
     # Process test attributes
@@ -304,15 +304,13 @@ def clean_suite(suite_tag, work_dir):  # {{{
     for child in suite_tag:
         # Process <test> children within the <regression_suite>
         if child.tag == 'test':
-            process_test_clean(child, work_dir, regression_script)
+            process_test_clean(child, work_dir)
 # }}}
-def summarize_suite(suite_tag):  # {{{
+def get_test_case_procs(suite_tag):  # {{{
-    max_procs = 1
-    max_threads = 1
-    max_cores = 1
+    testcases = {}
     for child in suite_tag:
         if child.tag == 'test':
@@ -367,9 +365,36 @@ def summarize_suite(suite_tag):  # {{{
                 name = case.attrib['name']
+            prereqs = list()
+            for config_prereq in config_root.iter('prerequisite'):
+                prereq = dict()
+                for tag in ['core', 'configuration', 'resolution', 'test']:
+                    prereq[tag] = config_prereq.attrib[tag]
+                # Make sure the prerequisite is already in the test suite
+                found = False
+                for other_name, other_test in testcases.items():
+                    match = [prereq[tag] == other_test[tag] for tag in
+                             ['core', 'configuration', 'resolution', 'test']]
+                    if all(match):
+                        found = True
+                        prereq['name'] = other_name
+                        break
+                if not found:
+                    raise ValueError(
+                        'Prerequisite of {} does not precede it in the test '
+                        'suite: {} {} {} {}'.format(
+                            test_name, prereq['core'], prereq['configuration'],
+                            prereq['resolution'], prereq['test']))
+                prereqs.append(prereq)
             del config_root
             del config_tree
+            procs = 1
+            threads = 1
             # Loop over all files in test_path that have the .xml extension.
             for file in os.listdir('{}'.format(test_path)):
                 if fnmatch.fnmatch(file, '*.xml'):
@@ -395,19 +420,33 @@ def summarize_suite(suite_tag):  # {{{
                                 except (KeyError, ValueError):
                                     threads = 1
-                                cores = threads * procs
+                    del config_root
+                    del config_tree
+            testcases[test_name] = {'core': test_core,
+                                    'configuration': test_configuration,
+                                    'resolution': test_resolution,
+                                    'test': test_test,
+                                    'path': test_path,
+                                    'procs': procs,
+                                    'threads': threads,
+                                    'prereqs': prereqs}
-                                if procs > max_procs:
-                                    max_procs = procs
+    return testcases  # }}}
-                                if threads > max_threads:
-                                    max_threads = threads
-                                if cores > max_cores:
-                                    max_cores = cores
+def summarize_suite(testcases):  # {{{
-                    del config_root
-                    del config_tree
+    max_procs = 1
+    max_threads = 1
+    max_cores = 1
+    for name in testcases:
+        procs = testcases[name]['procs']
+        threads = testcases[name]['threads']
+        cores = threads * procs
+        max_procs = max(max_procs, procs)
+        max_threads = max(max_threads, threads)
+        max_cores = max(max_cores, cores)
     print(" Summary of test cases:")
@@ -417,7 +456,7 @@ def summarize_suite(suite_tag):  # {{{
 # }}}
-if __name__ == "__main__":
+def main ():  # {{{
     # Define and process input arguments
     parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
         description=__doc__, formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter)
@@ -495,14 +534,15 @@ def summarize_suite(suite_tag):  # {{{
         if args.setup:
             print("Setting Up Test Cases:")
+            testcases = get_test_case_procs(suite_root)
             setup_suite(suite_root, args.work_dir, args.model_runtime,
                         args.config_file, args.baseline_dir, args.verbose)
-            summarize_suite(suite_root)
+            summarize_suite(testcases)
             if args.verbose:
                 cmd = ['cat',
                        args.work_dir + '/manage_regression_suite.py.out']
                 print('\nCase setup output:')
-                print(subprocess.check_output(cmd))
+                print(subprocess.check_output(cmd).decode('utf-8'))
             write_history = True
     # Write the history of this command to the command_history file, for
@@ -533,5 +573,10 @@ def summarize_suite(suite_tag):  # {{{
+# }}}
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    main()
 # vim: foldmethod=marker ai ts=4 sts=4 et sw=4 ft=python
diff --git a/testing_and_setup/compass/setup_testcase.py b/testing_and_setup/compass/setup_testcase.py
index d0ed603ed3..ed3538d707 100755
--- a/testing_and_setup/compass/setup_testcase.py
+++ b/testing_and_setup/compass/setup_testcase.py
@@ -25,6 +25,8 @@
 from six.moves import configparser
 import textwrap
 import netCDF4
+import shutil
+import errno
     from collections import defaultdict
@@ -516,6 +518,8 @@ def generate_driver_scripts(config_file, configs):  # {{{
         if not os.path.exists(init_path):
+        link_load_compass_env(init_path, configs)
         # Create script file
         script = open('{}/{}'.format(init_path, name), 'w')
@@ -1176,61 +1180,7 @@ def add_links(config_file, configs):  # {{{
     for child in config_root:
         # Process an <add_link> tag
         if child.tag == 'add_link':
-            try:
-                source = child.attrib['source']
-            except KeyError:
-                print(" add_link tag missing a 'source' attribute.")
-                print(" Exiting...")
-                sys.exit(1)
-            try:
-                source_path_name = child.attrib['source_path']
-                keyword_path = False
-                if source_path_name.find('work_') >= 0:
-                    keyword_path = True
-                elif source_path_name.find('script_') >= 0:
-                    keyword_path = True
-                if not keyword_path:
-                    if configs.has_option('paths', source_path_name):
-                        source_path = configs.get('paths', source_path_name)
-                    else:
-                        source_path = 'NONE'
-                    if source_path == 'NONE':
-                        if configs.has_option('script_paths',
-                                              source_path_name):
-                            source_path = configs.get('script_paths',
-                                                      source_path_name)
-                        else:
-                            source_path = 'NONE'
-                    if source_path == 'NONE':
-                        print("ERROR: source_path on <add_link> tag is '{}' "
-                              "which is not defined".format(source_path_name))
-                        print("Exiting...")
-                        sys.exit(1)
-                else:
-                    source_arr = source_path_name.split('_')
-                    base_name = source_arr[0]
-                    subname = '{}_{}'.format(source_arr[1], source_arr[2])
-                    if base_name == 'work':
-                        file_base_path = 'work_dir'
-                    elif base_name == 'script':
-                        file_base_path = 'script_path'
-                    if subname in {'core_dir', 'configuration_dir',
-                                   'resolution_dir', 'test_dir', 'case_dir'}:
-                        source_path = '{}/{}'.format(
-                                configs.get('script_paths', file_base_path),
-                                configs.get('script_paths', subname))
-                source_file = '{}/{}'.format(source_path, source)
-            except KeyError:
-                source_file = '{}'.format(source)
+            source_file = get_source_file(child, configs)
             dest = child.attrib['dest']
             old_cwd = os.getcwd()
@@ -1240,32 +1190,95 @@ def add_links(config_file, configs):  # {{{
                                   stdout=dev_null, stderr=dev_null)
-            del source
-            del dest
         # Process an <add_executable> tag
         elif child.tag == 'add_executable':
             source_attr = child.attrib['source']
             dest = child.attrib['dest']
             if not configs.has_option("executables", source_attr):
-                print('ERROR: Configuration {} requires a definition of '
+                raise ValueError('Configuration {} requires a definition of '
                       '{}.'.format(config_file, source_attr))
-                sys.exit(1)
-            else:
-                source = configs.get("executables", source_attr)
+            source = configs.get("executables", source_attr)
             subprocess.check_call(['ln', '-sf', '{}'.format(source),
                                    '{}/{}'.format(base_path, dest)],
                                   stdout=dev_null, stderr=dev_null)
-            del source_attr
-            del source
-            del dest
-    del config_tree
-    del config_root
 # }}}
+def get_source_file(child, config):  # {{{
+    try:
+        source = child.attrib['source']
+    except KeyError:
+        raise KeyError("{} tag missing a 'source' attribute.".format(
+            child.tag))
+    try:
+        source_path_name = child.attrib['source_path']
+    except KeyError:
+        return source
+    keyword_path = any(substring in source_path_name for
+                       substring in ['work_', 'script_'])
+    if keyword_path:
+        source_arr = source_path_name.split('_')
+        base_name = source_arr[0]
+        if base_name == 'work':
+            file_base_path = 'work_dir'
+        elif base_name == 'script':
+            file_base_path = 'script_path'
+        else:
+            raise ValueError('Unexpected source prefix {} in {} tag'.format(
+                base_name, child.tag))
+        subname = '{}_{}'.format(source_arr[1], source_arr[2])
+        if subname not in ['core_dir', 'configuration_dir',
+                           'resolution_dir', 'test_dir', 'case_dir']:
+            raise ValueError('Unexpected source suffix {} in {} tag'.format(
+                subname, child.tag))
+        source_path = '{}/{}'.format(
+            config.get('script_paths', file_base_path),
+            config.get('script_paths', subname))
+    else:
+        if config.has_option('paths', source_path_name):
+            source_path = config.get('paths', source_path_name)
+        else:
+            if not config.has_option('script_paths', source_path_name):
+                raise ValueError('Undefined source_path on {} tag: {}'.format(
+                    child.tag, source_path_name))
+            source_path = config.get('script_paths',  source_path_name)
+    source_file = '{}/{}'.format(source_path, source)
+    return source_file
+# }}}
+def copy_files(config_file, config):  # {{{
+    config_tree = ET.parse(config_file)
+    config_root = config_tree.getroot()
+    case = config_root.attrib['case']
+    # Determine the path for the case directory
+    test_path = '{}/{}'.format(config.get('script_paths', 'test_dir'), case)
+    base_path = '{}/{}'.format(config.get('script_paths', 'work_dir'),
+                               test_path)
+    # Process all children tags
+    for child in config_root:
+        # Process an <copy_file> tag
+        if child.tag == 'copy_file':
+            source = get_source_file(child, config)
+            dest = '{}/{}'.format(base_path, child.attrib['dest'])
+            shutil.copy(source, dest)
+# }}}
 def make_case_dir(config_file, base_path):  # {{{
     config_tree = ET.parse(config_file)
     config_root = config_tree.getroot()
@@ -1539,6 +1552,24 @@ def get_case_name(config_file):  # {{{
     return name
 # }}}
+def link_load_compass_env(init_path, configs):  # {{{
+    if configs.getboolean('conda', 'link_load_compass'):
+        target = '{}/{}/load_compass_env.sh'.format(
+            configs.get('script_paths', 'script_path'),
+            configs.get('script_paths', 'core_dir'))
+        link_name = '{}/load_compass_env.sh'.format(init_path)
+        try:
+            os.symlink(target, link_name)
+        except OSError as e:
+            if e.errno == errno.EEXIST:
+                os.remove(link_name)
+                os.symlink(target, link_name)
+            else:
+                raise e
+# }}}
 # }}}
@@ -1580,6 +1611,10 @@ def get_case_name(config_file):  # {{{
                         help="If set, script will create case directories in "
                              "work_dir rather than the current directory.",
+    parser.add_argument("--link_load_compass", dest="link_load_compass",
+                        action="store_true",
+                        help="If set, a link to <core>/load_compass_env.sh is "
+                             "included with each test case")
     args = parser.parse_args()
@@ -1668,6 +1703,15 @@ def get_case_name(config_file):  # {{{
         config.set('script_input_arguments', 'model_runtime',
+    if not config.has_section('conda'):
+        config.add_section('conda')
+    if not config.has_option('conda', 'link_load_compass'):
+        config.set('conda', 'link_load_compass', 'False')
+    if args.link_load_compass:
+        config.set('conda', 'link_load_compass', 'True')
     # Build variables for history output
     old_dir = os.getcwd()
     os.chdir(config.get('script_paths', 'script_path'))
@@ -1765,6 +1809,8 @@ def get_case_name(config_file):  # {{{
                     # Process all links for this case
                     add_links(config_file, config)
+                    copy_files(config_file, config)
                     # Generate run scripts for this case.
                     generate_run_scripts(config_file, '{}'.format(case_path),