layout | title | number | date | published |
study--newsletter |
“Finish” |
383 |
2025-01-05 19:00:00 -0500 |
true |
Hello!! Yesterday was pretty so-so—irritable all day, like I’d just started it with the wrong mindset (though T’s suggestion of a midday walk did help). Then today was wonderful—started the morning in quiet contemplation, started and finished multiple DIY projects, helped friends (including finishing a project with V that we’d first messaged about in August!?), and puttered.
I think my word for the year will be “finish”. I’ve picked words on and off in recent years, inspired by Sameer (whose word for 2024 was “remember”). Sean and I reflected earlier this week on looking for side project time, trying to get things done where and when we can. In woodworking and data alike, I start far more projects than I finish—I’d like to shift that ratio a bit this year. We’ll see!
My contemplative morning reading:
- Mandy Brown on the infamous “taste gap”, but challenging the idea that we ought ever fully cross or escape that gap
- Alan Jacobs on Le Guin, Graeber, and anarchism (I mentioned Loving Corrections by adrienne maree brown last week—Ursula K. Le Guin features prominently in an excellent essay early in that book)
- L.M. Sacasas on Lewis Mumford’s phrase that “Life cannot be delegated”
Then, over lunch, seeking more contemplation, I turned to that great voice in the ear, Krista Tippett. Maria Popova’s On Being appearance is delightful—and goes perfectly with Popova’s post from yesterday, “Wherever You Are, Stop What You’re Doing”.
Also, I listened to Billy Joel a bunch, including Cold Spring Harbor.
- Final 99PI Power Broker episode
- Paul Wells’s year-end music recommendations
- Kottke on clams controlling water supplies (!?!)
- English New Year used to be, legally, March 25
- Maggie Appleton with a wide-ranging set of thoughts on pregnancy, 30 weeks in
- Why wannabe (and actual) authoritarians dislike Wikipedia, and how their critiques fall short
- With more about Musk, Anil Dash on the corruptability of government procurement
Finally, I leave you with my Nonno’s voicemail to me this afternoon: “Lucas, this is your grandfather. I just want you to know, tonight is La bohème on the radio. Okay? Have a nice day, buh-bye!” (Don’t worry, I immediately called back and we chatted about all sorts of things.) All the best for the week ahead!