Bit of an off day energy-wise—trying to fit in too much, not doing a great job cutting myself slack when I can’t fit all that, and wallowing over all of it. I know I should heed advice I shared just last week, Mandy Brown’s “Energy makes time”—and yet, and yet, and yet.
Some recent brightspots included sunny afternoons in parks with T, quality time with family and friends visiting town (S and C yesterday, along with S and V!), morning bike rides, and plenty of summer ice cream. Quality go-tos, regardless of whatever else is going on.
I’ve also been enjoying Star Trek: Strange New Worlds. I’m sure others have put this better, but it’s a good example of how Trek could become / is becoming an archetypal universe, where different performers can play Kirk, or Uhura, or Spock, or so on, each bringing new dimensions to a familiar character—and, perhaps, helping us re-nuance misunderstandings of characters we think we know through and through. The musical episode was also a delight, and I look forward to continued Trek oddness. (Also to Women at Warp’s review of said musical episode, once the writers / actors strike concludes.)
So anyhow—time to put some energy into making good of today’s time. All the best for the week ahead!