DTNSIM is a simulator devoted to study different aspects of Delay/Disruption Tolerant Network (DTN) such as routing, forwarding, scheduling, planning, and others.
The simulator is implemented on the Omnet++ framework version 6.x and can be conveniently utilized using the Qtenv environment and modified or extended using the Omnet++ Eclipse-based IDE. Check this video in youtube for a quick overview of the tool.
The simulator is still under development: this is a beta version. Nonetheless, feel free to use it and test it. Our contact information is below.
Download Omnet++. DTNSIM was tested on version 5.5.1.
Import the DTNSIM repository from the Omnet++ IDE (File->Import->Projects from Git->Clone URI).
Build DTNSIM project.
Open dtnsim_demo.ini config file from the use cases folder.
Run the simulation. If using Omnet++ IDE, the Qtenv environment will be started.
Results (scalar and vectorial statistics) will be stored in the results folder.
Note: Nodes will remain static in the simulation visualization. Indeed, the dynamic of the network is captured in the "contact plans" which comprises a list of all time-bound communication opportunities between nodes. In other words, if simulating mobile network, the mobility should be captured in such contact plans and provided to DTNSIM as input.
Interplanetary Overlay Network (ION) flight code is supported in the support-ion branch. Currenly, ION 3.5.0 Contact Graph Routing library is supported by DTNSIM.
If you have any comment, suggestion, or contribution you can reach us at [email protected] and [email protected].