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Adding API Protection with NGINX App Protect WAF

The SecOps engineers monitoring the Brewz application have discovered that there appear to be nefarious users and/or bots that have been attempting to perform injection attacks against the API. Additionally, these actors have been spotted trying to exploit destructive HTTP verbs against the API, searching for ways to mine data out of their APIs as well as alter/destroy data.

NGINX Ingress Controller has the ability to configure the NGINX App Protect WAF which will be used to defend against these kind of attacks. The standard "out of the box" capability of NAP WAF will protect against commonly observed injection attacks. However, how can we configure it with knowledge of our Brewz APIs in order to exclude illegitimate API traffic? NAP WAF can build a complex "positive security" policy using an OpenAPI spec, which the Brewz developers have already produced to describe their APIs. It is just a matter of presenting The OpenAPI spec and NAP policy to NGINX Ingress Controller expressed as custom resources, and it will start enforcing.

Abuse the API

  1. In your local shell, set the BREWZ_URL variable with the Brewz UDF Access method in the k3s component (without the trailing slash, and no path parameters). Example:

  2. Use cURL to make requests against the API. This first request violates the implicitly expected type of userId in the user API by injecting alphanumeric characters into it:

    curl -k -X GET "$BREWZ_URL/api/users/12345b/cart" | jq

    You should receive a response of {"msg": "Could not find the resource!"}, as 12345b is not a valid user id.

  3. The next request will attempt a POST with a valid user, but an unexpected payload:

    curl -k -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST "$BREWZ_URL/api/users/12345/cart" -d '{"unexpectedProperty": "123"}' | jq

    You should again receive a response of {"msg": "Could not find the resource!"}. If this request were called with a valid productId in the body, it would add the requested item in the user's cart, then return the current list of items in the cart. However, this did not occur. Why are we allowing this service to be called with unexpected payloads?

  4. Now we will send a request valid user, but with a productId that does not exist in the database:

    curl -k -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST "$BREWZ_URL/api/users/12345/cart" -d '{"productId": "42"}' | jq

    The Brewz developers know that all product ids must be at least 3 digits in length. Why should they allow this service to be called with product ids that don't match this constraint?

Observation: Each of the above examples highlight potential ways this API could be abused. It would be ideal to add constraints in our API Gateway to validate requests in advance, so that our microservices do not waste CPU and IO resources attempting to serve unexpected and invalid requests.

Create and Deploy Security Policy

We will deploy the NAP WAF policy that is referencing the OpenAPI spec that the Brewz developers provided us. This should stop unexpected and invalid requests from making it through NGINX Ingress Controller, our API Gateway.

Note: You will use your forked version of the primary repository for this portion of the lab.

  1. Copy waf-ap-logconf.yaml, waf-ap-policy.yaml and waf-policy.yaml from your docs/ingress/source-manifests folder into your manifests/brewz folder.

  2. Update your manifests/brewz/virtual-server.yaml file to add the waf-policy policy reference to the VirtualServer spec as in this snippet:

    kind: VirtualServer
      name: brewz
        secret: brewz-tls
        - name: waf-policy
        - name: spa
          service: spa
          port: 80
  3. Commit the copied and modified files to your local repository, then push them to your remote repository. Argo CD will pick up the most recent changes, and deploy them for you.

    Note: In the UDF environment, at times Argo CD may not immediately detect and deploy the changes. If this is the case, click the Refresh button on the brewz application in Argo CD.

  4. Review the files you copied:

    • waf-ap-policy.yaml is the NAP policy itself, packaged into an APPolicy custom resource type. It is set to global blocking, and enables blocking for specific violations that we would like to have enforced for the Brewz APIs. Note that the OpenAPI file itself is referenced at the bottom of the policy file. Once the policy is loaded into the ingress controller and presented to NAP, it will be downloaded from the referenced public GitHub URL. You are free to examine this file now, or later in the exercise.
    • waf-ap-logconf.yaml is the logging configuration that NAP WAF will use, packaged as an APLogConf custom resource. Note that it is set to log blocked requests only.
    • waf-policy.yaml is a Policy custom resource that stitches together the APPolicy and APLogConf resources. This is the resource that we referenced and attached to the VirtualServer resource above.

Monitor NAP WAF Security Events

If you examine the contents of the APLogConf resource contained in manifests/brewz/waf-ap-logconf.yaml file, you will notice that we have configured NAP WAF to log to stderr rather than to a file destination. NGINX Ingress Controller is already logging both access log entries and configuration events to the stdout and stderr log stream and are viewable with kubectl logs executed on its pod. NAP WAF violation logs will now appear in this log stream as well.

  1. Open a new terminal and tail ("follow" with the -f option) the NIC pod logs and stream them to your terminal. You will likely need to set the KUBECONFIG variable in this new terminal, so we include this command here:

    export KUBECONFIG=~/Downloads/config-udf.yaml
    NIC_POD=`kubectl get pods -n nginx-ingress -o json | jq '.items[0]' -r`
    kubectl logs $NIC_POD -n nginx-ingress -f

    We will use this log stream in the next section.

    Note: At times, the log stream may stop. If you are not seeing events appear after some time, type ctrl+c and attempt to stream logs again.

Test for Efficacy

  1. We are going to attempt the requests we attempted before:

    curl -k -X GET "$BREWZ_URL/api/users/12345b/cart" | jq
    curl -k -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST "$BREWZ_URL/api/users/12345/cart" -d '{"unexpectedProperty": "123"}' | jq
    curl -k -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST "$BREWZ_URL/api/users/12345/cart" -d '{"productId": "42"}' | jq

    ALL of these requests should return a response similar to:

    {"supportID": "387465341565226259"}
  2. Examine the log stream. Notice there are NAP WAF log entries that contain violations of VIOL_PARAMETER_DATA_TYPE and VIOL_JSON_SCHEMA in the logs. This is because NAP WAF is now enforcing expectations associated with requests as dictated by the OpenAPI spec we provided NAP WAF.

  3. Attempt a new request that uses a properly formatted userId, but does not include the correct content type:

    curl -k -X POST "$BREWZ_URL/api/users/12345/cart" -d '{"productId": "42"}' | jq

    In the log stream, notice a violation of VIOL_URL_CONTENT_TYPE appears. This is due to the fact that line 117 in the oas.yaml spec file stipulates that requests to this http URI and verb must be of content type application/json.

  4. Attempt a new request that includes the expected content type, yet violates the request payload expectations:

    curl -k -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST "$BREWZ_URL/api/users/12345/cart" -d '{"productId":"1234r"}' | jq

    In the log stream, notice a violation of VIOL_JSON_SCHEMA appears. This is due to the fact that line 120 in the oas.yaml spec file stipulates that requests must include a productId property, that is a string that is coercable into a number with a minimum of 3 digits enforced by a regular expression.

  5. Finally, send a valid request and note that it is successful and returns all the products in the user cart:

    curl -k -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST "$BREWZ_URL/api/users/12345/cart" -d '{"productId":"123"}' | jq

End of Lab

K8s Ingress lab complete. Return to workshop index.