Keep state, react on changes, efficiently!
Please read:
- Extracting State Logic into a Reducer
- Passing Data Deeply with Context
- Scaling Up with Reducer and Context
- Reusing Logic with Custom Hooks
- State is what makes front-end harder than back-end development
- Scalable to large and complex data structures
- Reactive to any change
- Synchronization with other state representations
- Performance
- Developer experience
- Component - with React
- Too much code repetition
- Local storage - with
Web API- Reactivity must be handled manually
- URL - in query or hash part
- URL has a length limit
- Privacy issue when sharing
- global variables
- Reactivity must be handled manually
- React Context - less repetition
- Redux and other libraries - selectors for performance
- Server - persistant across sessions
- Reactivity must be handled manually
For a somewhat serious example of storing state in the URL, look at this cute little world-builder game demo:
- Passing state up and down the component hierachy is a very verbose
- Refactoring component structure becomes very tedious
- Refactoring state structure becomes very tedious
- Cannot hoist state above RouterProvider, loosing state on navigation
- Combining a set of properties into a single state
- Transactionally update set of properties
- Works like a state machine
- Functional Programming alternative to Object Oriented encapsulation
- Must be pure - no side-effects
- Immutable to support reactivity
Example reducer for a read-only cache:
interface ProductState {
data: Record<string, Product>;
loading: boolean;
error: string;
const initialProductState: ProductState = {
data: {},
loading: true,
error: "",
type ProductAction =
| { type: "loaded"; payload: ProductState["data"] }
| { type: "failed"; payload: string };
function productReducer(state: ProductState, action: ProductAction) {
switch (action.type) {
case "loaded":
return {
data: action.payload,
loading: false,
error: "",
case "failed":
return {
data: {},
loading: false,
error: action.payload,
// example dispatch
type: "failed",
payload: `Failed to load products: ${(err as Error).message}`,
How it works:
- First: provide the context at the top
- Second: use the context at any deeper level without passing through props
- Separate into multiple contexts for improved reactive performance
- Separate into state and dispatch contexts for improved reactive performance
Example code structure:
// Type of state
interface MyState = {...}
// Initial state
const initialMyState: MyState = {...}
// Type of actions
type MyAction = { type: 'this-happened', payload: {...} } | ...
// Reducer
const myReducer = (state: MyState, action: MyAction) => {
switch(action.type) {
case 'this-happened':
return ...
// State context
const MyContext = createContext<MyState | null>(null)
// Dispatch context
const MyDispatchContext = createContext<React.Dispatch<MyAction> | null>(null)
// Provider
type MyProviderProps = React.PropsWithChildren<{state?: MyState}>
export function MyProvider({ children, state: explicitState }: MyProviderProps) {
const [state, dispatch] = useReducer(
explicitState || initialMyState
return (
<MyContext.Provider value={state}>
<MyDispatchContext.Provider value={dispatch}>
// state hook
function useMyState() {
const myState = useContext(MyContext);
if (myState === null) {
throw new Error("Unexpected useMyState without parent <MyProvider>");
return myState;
// dispatch hook
function useMyDispatch() {
const dispatch = useContext(MyDispatchContext);
if (dispatch === null) {
throw new Error(
"Unexpected useMyDispatch without parent <MyProvider>"
return dispatch;
- add
| null
to the type and throw if null inuseMyContext
- Pass in optional explicit initial state
- Provide explicit initial state in tests
- Extract state into contexts
- Extract into smaller components becomes easier with context
- Extract hooks to combine values from different context
- Extract non-react functionality into plain functions for easier testing