* Refactor RedundantRPCSubprovider into RedundantSubprovider where it now accepts an array of subproviders rather then an array of RPC endpoints (#500)
* Add PrivateKeySubprovider and refactor shared functionality into a base wallet subprovider (#506)
* Add MnemonicWalletsubprovider, deprecating our truffle-hdwallet-provider fork (#507)
* Support multiple addresses in ledger and mnemonic wallets (#507)
* Refactors LedgerSubprovider such that explicitly setting the `pathIndex` is no longer required. Simply set the request `from` address as desired (#507)
* Renamed derivationPath to baseDerivationPath. (#507)
* Dependencies updated
* Introduce `JSONRPCRequestPayloadWithMethod` type (#465)
* Export `ErrorCallback` type. (#465)
* Export `GanacheSubprovider` and `Subprovider` (#426)
* Make all subproviders to derive from `Subprovider` (#426)
* Add types for `NextCallback`, `OnNextCompleted` (#426)
* Ignore `ganache-core` dependency when using package in a browser environment.
* Updated legerco packages. Removed node-hid package as a dependency and make it an optional dependency. It is still used in integration tests but is causing problems for users on Linux distros. (#437)
* Move web3 types from being a devDep to a dep since one cannot use this package without it (#429)
* Add `numberOfAccounts` param to `LedgerSubprovider` method `getAccountsAsync` (#432)
* Add EmptyWalletSubprovider and FakeGasEstimateSubprovider (#392)
* Fix publishing issue where .npmignore was not properly excluding undesired content (#389)
* Added NonceTrackerSubprovider (#355)
* InjectedWeb3Subprovider accepts a Provider in the constructor, previously it was a Web3 object (#363)
* Return a transaction hash from `_sendTransactionAsync` (#303)
* Allow LedgerSubprovider to handle `eth_sign` in addition to `personal_sign` RPC requests
* Improve the performance of address fetching (#271)