Get a user's info using the default configuration
:users "info" :username "rhicke")
or with more abstraction
(def my-user (get/info :users "rhicke"))
more still:
(user/gen-fields my-user)
Like the examples above:
;; where `slum` is alternative configuration (for the Society of Linguistics Undergraduates at McGill RocketChat at
(with-config slum
(rocket-get :users "info" :fields "{\"userRooms\": 1}" :username "rhicke")
;; or
(with-config slum
(get/info :users "rhicke"))
;; or
(with-config slum
(user/gen-fields (get/info :users "rhicke")))
Send a message to rhicke
with a human-readable list of the emails of
all new members (those who had joined since September 2020)
(->> (get/users)
(filter (comp :join-date re-matches (re-pattern "2021-( ... ") ) )) ;; todo: compose all this so it works
(map :email)
(str/join " "))) ;; todo test this
(channel/modify-user-in-room my-user :remove :owner :channels "wg-collab")
(channel/modify-user-in-room my-user :add :leader :channels "meowth-test")
Remake a channel from scratch, define its description and topic, invite some users, and change the owner
(def me
(->> @cache/users
(filter #(= (:id %) (:id *config*)))
(let [rocketcat (get @cache/users "")] ;; this gets the full information about this user, including the id, which is what most functions care about
(doto "meowth-test-2"
(channel/set-topic "For testing! Again!")
(channel/set-description "Using this channel to test out the RocketChat API. You can learn more in the #meowth channel. This got set by a nice `doto` statement.")
(channel/invite-user rocketcat)
(channel/grant-status :add :owner rocketcat)
(channel/grant-status :remove :owner me)))
(map channel/delete ["meowth-test-3" "meowth-test-1" "off-topic-test"])
Find out more about the last users to have sent a message to channels ending in "taskforce" who are online now
(->> @cache/channels
(filter #(re-matches #".*taskforce" (:name %)))
(map #(->> % :lastMessage :u :username (get @cache/users)))
(filter #(not= (:connection %) "offline")))
Create a new channel, provide some information, make it a default, add all users, then send an initial message
(let [topic "...."
description "What it says on the tin."
msg "Hey everyone! [...] So we've made this #off-topic channel! Please use it :smiling_imp: [...]"]
(doto "off-topic"
(channel/set-topic topic)
(channel/set-description description)
(channel/set-default true)
(message/send-message msg)))