Learning python by working on projects
Working on mining on Twitter API
Worked on installing tweepy
(Twitter API for python) and studying little about it, then worked on creating Twitter developers
account and accessing consumer key, consumer secret, access key, access secret for authorization into the API. Then read about
some of it's certain basic modules. Finally worked on code for getting the data from Twitter and printed tweets from timeline
and got data of friends and saved it into .json
That was it for Day 1, more work to do next day.
Worked on exploring about Stream
and StreamListener
methods from tweepy
module. It is for gathering all the upcoming tweets. Also, used .filter
method to filter tweets with certain keyword like in this case used '#python' keyword for filtering. It will gather all the upcoming tweet with'#python' and save it to data.json file in that directory.
Short day, all of it for today. More to learn next day.