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Your first Project

Thomas edited this page Oct 22, 2019 · 40 revisions

Step 1 - A new project 👩🏼‍💻

How to navigate and create a new project

Top bar navigation [1] At the moment, titra has three selection options:

  • Track - opens the time tracking view.
  • Overview - opens the project overview with histogram and pie chart.
  • Details - opens the table view with detailed information and filter possibilities.

Settings [2] More information about the settings can be found here.

New Project [3] Adds a new project and opens its options.

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💬 The colored underline below the navigation indicates which view you are currently in.

How to set up the new project

▪️ First click on the New project button [3]. The settings page will be opened. ⤵️

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💬 The project will not be created until the settings are saved for the first time.

▪️ Add a Name for your project.

▪️ Add a project Description.

▪️ Set a custom Color to the project. Click colored button to open the color picker.

▪️ Add a Customer to the project.

▪️ Set a Rate($/hour) to the project. For example: 50$ per tracked hour.

▪️ Set a Target/Budget to the project. For example: 1000 hours.

▪️ Press Save to create the Project. The project settings can be adjusted at any time.

▪️ The Access rights are displayed after saving. Add colleagues or co-workers to give them access to the project. Type in the e-mail of your contact and press the Add button. Repeat the process to add more contacts.

To grant access to all users enable the check box ☑️ Public project (visible to all users) ⤵️

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💬 Dont forget to save your changes 😉

Step 2 - Time tracking ⏱

How to keep track and track time.

After creating a project, you will get an overview of the project and other options.

Each project has its own Project information panel displaying information and progress. In this case, we initially see only a small amount of information. This changes as soon as we start to track time. ⤵️

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  • Select the Track button [1] to track time on this project.
  • Select the Details button [2] to open the details for this project.
  • Select the Edit button [3] to open the project settings. (Project Owner only)
  • Select the Archive button [4] to archive the project. (Project Owner only)

Lets start to track time.

Select Track on the top main navigation or on the project panel of your desired project. The time recording view shows up. ⤵️

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  1. The calendar section can be controlled in different ways.

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