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e49f39a · Mar 5, 2021


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130 lines (79 loc) · 3.96 KB



This is a Python program for automatic name Changer bot based on Twitter. Generally, this program works until the local Python software/Online Python Notebook is running. So a system can be developed based on Online platform HEROKU, wherein the code can be deployed and the Twitter bot works even if the local python software is not running.


The code consists of three files that have to be uploaded on GitHub. I) Procfile II) III) requirements.txt

The codes and explanations for respective files are as below:

I) Procfile

worker: python It is used to connect our GitHub code to Heroku. Here the second word is the language in which the code is written and the third one is the the name of the file that contains the code.


import tweepy

It is a python library to access the twitter API.

import os

It is the operating system library which is used to access operating system dependent functionality.

Now a function has been defined below:

def create_api():

consumer_key = os.getenv('consumer_key')

consumer_secret = os.getenv('consumer_secret')

access_token = os.getenv('access_token')

access_token_secret = os.getenv('access_token_secret')

The above lines are keys and tokens which are used to take our required personal information from twitter.

auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(consumer_key,consumer_secret)

Here we are creating an instance of OAuthHandler.

auth.set_access_token(access_token, access_token_secret)

Here we are setting the access so that the tokens can be used.

api = tweepy.API(auth,wait_on_rate_limit=True,wait_on_rate_limit_notify = True)


print('API Created')

return api

Here we finally authenticate to twitter and verify the credentials and with returning the api the function definition ends.

import time

Here we import time module for time operations

Now a function has been defined below:

def follower_count(user):

emoji_numbers = {0: "0️⃣ ", 1: "1️⃣ ", 2: "2️⃣ ", 3: "3️⃣ ", 4: "4️⃣ ", 5: "5️⃣ ", 6: "6️⃣ ", 7: "7️⃣ ", 8: "8️⃣ ", 9: "9️⃣ "}`

This line sets the emojis for respective digits which will be used to display in your name.

`uf_split = [int(i) for i in str(user.followers_count)]`

The above line is used to separate the characters in the string.

`emoji_followers = ''.join([emoji_numbers[j] for j in uf_split if j in emoji_numbers.keys()])`

`return emoji_followers`

By above lines the characters are joined together and emoji_followers is returned and hence function definition ends.

api = create_api()

api is created by the above line as the function name clearly suggests.

while True:

 `user = api.get_user('PiyushK09474018')api.update_profile(name=f'Piyush Kumar|{follower_count(user)} Followers')`

`print(f'Updating Twitter Name : Piyush Kumar|{follower_count(user)} Followers')`

`print('Waiting to refresh')`


The above while loop takes user name to access the account then update the name according the number of followers the user has. Then it prints the updated name. Now “time.sleep()” is a function that is used to add delay in the execution of the program.

III) requirements.txt


As mentioned earlier, it is a python library to access the twitter API.


  • We have to make a twitter developer account and create an app there and then from keys and tokens section we have to generate the keys and use them in code in case we are running the program into google colab.
  • We have to make an account on Heroku. Connect our GitHub with Heroku and the respective repository that contains the code. Then in the settings section, we have to add our tokens and keys that we get from our twitter developer account. Also, we have to edit in Dynos which is in Resources section. Then we can check from Activity section that whether the build and deployment is done or not.