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RK03 RT-11 v4.0 Disk |
/disks/dec/rk03/rt11v4/ |
To boot the RK03 "RT-11 v4.0" disk, start a PDP-11/70 with an RK11 Disk Controller, select the "RT-11 v4.0" disk from the list of disks available for drive "RK0", click Load, and wait for the message:
Mounted disk "RT-11 v4.0" in drive RK0
Then start the machine (click Run) and make sure the following prompt has been displayed:
At the prompt, type "BOOT RK0". The following text should appear:
RT-11SJ V04.00C
.D 56=5015
Welcome to RT-11 Version 4. RT-11 V04 provides new hardware support
and some major enhancements over Version 3B.
Please use the HELP command; it describes the new options in many
of the utilities.
If you are using a terminal that requires fill characters,
modify location 56 with a Deposit command before proceeding with
system installation. LA36 DECwriter II and VT52 DECscope terminals
do NOT require such modification.
.D 56=0
NOTE: Any RK11 disk drive (RK0-RK7) can be used. RK0 was selected for demonstration purposes.
The "DIR" command displays the following information:
SWAP .SYS 25 01-Feb-82 RT11BL.SYS 65 01-Feb-82
RT11SJ.SYS 67 01-Feb-82 RT11FB.SYS 80 01-Feb-82
TT .SYS 2 01-Feb-82 DT .SYS 3 01-Feb-82
DP .SYS 3 01-Feb-82 DX .SYS 3 01-Feb-82
DY .SYS 4 01-Feb-82 RF .SYS 3 01-Feb-82
RK .SYS 3 01-Feb-82 DL .SYS 4 01-Feb-82
DM .SYS 5 01-Feb-82 DS .SYS 3 01-Feb-82
DD .SYS 5 01-Feb-82 MT .SYS 9 01-Feb-82
MM .SYS 9 01-Feb-82 MS .SYS 10 01-Feb-82
LP .SYS 2 01-Feb-82 LS .SYS 2 01-Feb-82
CR .SYS 3 01-Feb-82 NL .SYS 2 01-Feb-82
PC .SYS 2 01-Feb-82 PD .SYS 3 01-Feb-82
CT .SYS 6 01-Feb-82 BA .SYS 7 01-Feb-82
MTHD .SYS 4 01-Feb-82 MMHD .SYS 4 01-Feb-82
MSHD .SYS 5 01-Feb-82 PIP .SAV 23 01-Feb-82
DUP .SAV 41 01-Feb-82 DIR .SAV 17 01-Feb-82
FORMAT.SAV 19 01-Feb-82 SLP .SAV 9 01-Feb-82
SIPP .SAV 20 01-Feb-82 STARTS.COM 1 01-Feb-82
STARTF.COM 1 01-Feb-82 V4USER.TXT 1 01-Feb-82
CREF .SAV 6 01-Feb-82 DUMP .SAV 8 01-Feb-82
MBOT16.BOT 1 01-Feb-82 RESORC.SAV 15 01-Feb-82
SYSMAC.SML 42 01-Feb-82 EDIT .SAV 19 01-Feb-82
KED .SAV 60 01-Feb-82 K52 .SAV 55 01-Feb-82
TECO .SAV 50 01-Feb-82 MACRO .SAV 51 01-Feb-82
MAC8K .SAV 56 01-Feb-82 LINK .SAV 41 01-Feb-82
LIBR .SAV 22 01-Feb-82 FILEX .SAV 18 01-Feb-82
SRCCOM.SAV 13 01-Feb-82 BINCOM.SAV 10 01-Feb-82
PATCH .SAV 10 01-Feb-82 PAT .SAV 8 01-Feb-82
HELP .SAV 107 01-Feb-82 HELP .EXE 7 01-Feb-82
HELP .MLB 98 01-Feb-82 ERROUT.SAV 17 01-Feb-82
SYSGEN.SAV 39 01-Feb-82 SYSGEN.CND 134 01-Feb-82
SYSTBL.CND 23 01-Feb-82 BATCH .SAV 26 01-Feb-82
QUEMAN.SAV 13 01-Feb-82 QUEUE .REL 14 01-Feb-82
SYSLIB.OBJ 47 01-Feb-82 MDUP .SAV 18 01-Feb-82
MDUP .MM 48 01-Feb-82 MDUP .MT 48 01-Feb-82
MDUP .MS 48 01-Feb-82 MBOOT .BOT 1 01-Feb-82
MSBOOT.BOT 3 01-Feb-82 DEMOF1.FOR 2 01-Feb-82
DEMOED.TXT 1 01-Feb-82 README.TXT 36 01-Feb-82
VT52 .TEC 5 01-Feb-82 VEG .TEC 4 01-Feb-82
EDIT .TEC 1 01-Feb-82 INSERT.TEC 2 01-Feb-82
LOCAL .TEC 3 01-Feb-82 SORT .TEC 3 01-Feb-82
VTEDIT.TEC 32 01-Feb-82 TECO .TC 23 01-Feb-82
SEARCH.TEC 3 01-Feb-82 SQU .TEC 13 01-Feb-82
TYPE .TEC 12 01-Feb-82 TECO .INI 15 01-Feb-82
ODT .OBJ 9 01-Feb-82 VDT .OBJ 9 01-Feb-82
VTHDLR.OBJ 9 01-Feb-82 PLOT55.OBJ 3 01-Feb-82
TEST55.FOR 5 01-Feb-82 GETSTR.FOR 2 01-Feb-82
PUTSTR.FOR 2 01-Feb-82 SPEED .SAV 4 01-Feb-82
SYCND .BL 3 01-Feb-82 SYSTBL.BL 4 01-Feb-82
SYCND .DIS 5 01-Feb-82 SYCND .HD 5 01-Feb-82
SYSTBL.DIS 4 01-Feb-82 DISMT1.COM 9 01-Feb-82
DISMT2.COM 8 01-Feb-82 DUNGEO.COM 1 07-Jun-86
DSAVE .DAT 10 07-Jun-86 ADVENT.DOC 4 20-Jul-85
DUNGEO.SAV 216 07-Jun-86 DINDX .DAT 20 07-Jun-86
DTEXT .DAT 383 07-Jun-86 ADVENT.SAV 93 20-Jul-85
ADVENT.VAR 22 20-Jul-85 ADVTXT.TXT 125 20-Jul-85
113 Files, 2784 Blocks
1978 Free blocks