This service is developed using express which facilates using latest cutting edge features of JavaScript
You need to build this code which generates ES5 compatible code which can be excuted on any version of Node.js (Even though it has been made sure that the Node.js version is above 8.9 in package.json
The application code starts inside /app. The code organization s fairly simple. It consists of Routes, Models and helpers.
- /app: Entry point of the application code
- /routes: The defination of end points with bussiness logic.
- /models:All the
models are defined here - /db: Contains the DB connection code
- /helpers: This contains sendResponse function.
Just look for the imports inside the file to navigate to the desired code block. Functions defined are small chunks of code which was kept as much readable as possible.
For DB options are set by user in
whose keys are self exlanatory.