Non-deterministic Turing Machine single tape simulator, with trivial loop checking, a stdin given template and a max number of steps before halting.
It can be compiled with gcc easily.
gcc -o ntm ntm.c
./ntm < input.txt
input.txt formatting and assumptions on TM are listed here.
- The machine starts at the initial state 0, the current tape symbol is the first char of the input string.
- The input string is made by the firsts 127 char of the ASCII table (you can easily tweak the code changing that).
- _ is the blank symbol.
Every input follows this format:
S c w M E
- On the line after tr there is a list of 5-tuple, separated by a newline,describing all the transactions, where given the state S the machine is currently in and the symbol c, it replaces c with w, moves the head of M (three values, L (left), R (right) and S (stop)), and go to state E.
- On the line after acc, there is a the set of final states, separated by a newline. By convention, the machine crash on final states.
- On the line after max, there is the number of maximum step for each non-deterministic branch that the machine will compute.
- On the line after run, there is the set of the input string that the machine will tests, separated by a newline.
The machine can return three values:
- 1 , if the machine halts in a final state.
- 0, if all the non-deterministic branches crash in a non-final state.
- U, if the machine doesn't halt in final state and at least one of the non-deterministic branches computes more than max step.