diff --git a/docs/plugins/dashboard/gatsby-config.ts b/docs/plugins/dashboard/gatsby-config.ts
index 277f2f890f..a887fd5427 100644
--- a/docs/plugins/dashboard/gatsby-config.ts
+++ b/docs/plugins/dashboard/gatsby-config.ts
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-import path from "path";
+// import path from "path";
 const config = {
   plugins: [
@@ -8,13 +8,13 @@ const config = {
         typeName: `Tracking`,
-    {
-      resolve: "gatsby-source-filesystem",
-      options: {
-        name: "data",
-        path: path.resolve(__dirname, "../../data"),
-      },
-    },
+    // {
+    //   resolve: "gatsby-source-filesystem",
+    //   options: {
+    //     name: "data",
+    //     path: path.resolve(__dirname, "../../data"),
+    //   },
+    // },
       resolve: `gatsby-plugin-create-client-paths`,
       options: { prefixes: [`/dashboard/*`] },
diff --git a/docs/plugins/dashboard/gatsby-node.ts b/docs/plugins/dashboard/gatsby-node.ts
index cf3275f5d8..f13f96f76f 100644
--- a/docs/plugins/dashboard/gatsby-node.ts
+++ b/docs/plugins/dashboard/gatsby-node.ts
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 import onPreInit from "./gatsby/onPreInit";
 import createSchemaCustomization from "./gatsby/createSchemeCustomization";
-import createPages from "./gatsby/createPages";
+// import createPages from "./gatsby/createPages";
-export { createPages, onPreInit, createSchemaCustomization };
+export { onPreInit, createSchemaCustomization };
diff --git a/docs/src/components/Dashboard/AllRepositories.tsx b/docs/src/components/Dashboard/AllRepositories.tsx
index fce995e74e..9f58d11f2d 100644
--- a/docs/src/components/Dashboard/AllRepositories.tsx
+++ b/docs/src/components/Dashboard/AllRepositories.tsx
@@ -1,64 +1,64 @@
-import React from "react";
-import { PageRendererProps, graphql, useStaticQuery } from "gatsby";
+// import React from "react";
+// import { PageRendererProps, graphql, useStaticQuery } from "gatsby";
-import ComponentsList from "./components/ComponentList";
-import DocLayout from "../DocLayout";
-import { SchemeTrackingNode } from "./interfaces";
+// import ComponentsList from "./components/ComponentList";
+// import DocLayout from "../DocLayout";
+// import { SchemeTrackingNode } from "./interfaces";
-const AllRepositories = ({ location }: PageRendererProps) => {
-  const { allTracking }: SchemeTrackingNode = useStaticQuery(graphql`
-    query AllRepositoriesTracking {
-      # get only the latest
-      allTracking(sort: { fields: createdAt, order: DESC }, limit: 8) {
-        nodes {
-          createdAt
-          trackedData {
-            instances
-            category
-            icon
-            isDeprecated
-            name
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  `);
+// const AllRepositories = ({ location }: PageRendererProps) => {
+//   const { allTracking }: SchemeTrackingNode = useStaticQuery(graphql`
+//     query AllRepositoriesTracking {
+//       # get only the latest
+//       allTracking(sort: { fields: createdAt, order: DESC }, limit: 8) {
+//         nodes {
+//           createdAt
+//           trackedData {
+//             instances
+//             category
+//             icon
+//             isDeprecated
+//             name
+//           }
+//         }
+//       }
+//     }
+//   `);
-  const components = allTracking.nodes.reduce((acc, cur) => {
-    cur.trackedData
-      .filter(source => !source.icon)
-      .forEach(({ name, instances, category, isDeprecated }) => {
-        if (!acc[name]) {
-          acc[name] = {
-            name,
-            instances,
-            category,
-            isDeprecated,
-            slug: `/dashboard/tracking/allrepositories/${name.toLowerCase()}`,
-          };
-        } else {
-          const prev = acc[name];
+//   const components = allTracking.nodes.reduce((acc, cur) => {
+//     cur.trackedData
+//       .filter(source => !source.icon)
+//       .forEach(({ name, instances, category, isDeprecated }) => {
+//         if (!acc[name]) {
+//           acc[name] = {
+//             name,
+//             instances,
+//             category,
+//             isDeprecated,
+//             slug: `/dashboard/tracking/allrepositories/${name.toLowerCase()}`,
+//           };
+//         } else {
+//           const prev = acc[name];
-          acc[name] = {
-            ...acc[name],
-            instances: prev.instances + instances,
-          };
-        }
-      });
+//           acc[name] = {
+//             ...acc[name],
+//             instances: prev.instances + instances,
+//           };
+//         }
+//       });
-    return acc;
-  }, []);
+//     return acc;
+//   }, []);
-  return (
-    <DocLayout
-      location={location}
-      path="/dashboard/tracking/allrepositories/"
-      title="All Repositories"
-      noElevation
-    >
-      <ComponentsList components={Object.values(components)} />
-    </DocLayout>
-  );
+//   return (
+//     <DocLayout
+//       location={location}
+//       path="/dashboard/tracking/allrepositories/"
+//       title="All Repositories"
+//       noElevation
+//     >
+//       <ComponentsList components={Object.values(components)} />
+//     </DocLayout>
+//   );
+// };
-export default AllRepositories;
+// export default AllRepositories;
diff --git a/docs/src/components/Dashboard/AllRepositoriesComponent.tsx b/docs/src/components/Dashboard/AllRepositoriesComponent.tsx
index 33d957e906..4ecc6002ed 100644
--- a/docs/src/components/Dashboard/AllRepositoriesComponent.tsx
+++ b/docs/src/components/Dashboard/AllRepositoriesComponent.tsx
@@ -1,198 +1,198 @@
-import React from "react";
-import { PageRendererProps, graphql, useStaticQuery } from "gatsby";
-import { sortBy, upperFirst } from "lodash";
-import fp from "lodash/fp";
-import {
-  Table,
-  TableRow,
-  TableCell,
-  TableHead,
-  TableBody,
-  Stack,
-  TextLink,
-  Modal,
-  ModalSection,
-} from "@kiwicom/orbit-components";
-import { css } from "styled-components";
-import { ChevronDown, ChevronUp } from "@kiwicom/orbit-components/icons";
+// import React from "react";
+// import { PageRendererProps, graphql, useStaticQuery } from "gatsby";
+// import { sortBy, upperFirst } from "lodash";
+// import fp from "lodash/fp";
+// import {
+//   Table,
+//   TableRow,
+//   TableCell,
+//   TableHead,
+//   TableBody,
+//   Stack,
+//   TextLink,
+//   Modal,
+//   ModalSection,
+// } from "@kiwicom/orbit-components";
+// import { css } from "styled-components";
+// import { ChevronDown, ChevronUp } from "@kiwicom/orbit-components/icons";
-import DocLayout from "../DocLayout";
-import { sumProperties } from "./helpers";
-import { TrackedData, TrackingProp, SchemeTrackingNode } from "./interfaces";
+// import DocLayout from "../DocLayout";
+// import { sumProperties } from "./helpers";
+// import { TrackedData, TrackingProp, SchemeTrackingNode } from "./interfaces";
-const Sort = ({ children, onClick, isSorted }) => (
-  <TextLink
-    type="secondary"
-    iconRight={isSorted ? <ChevronUp /> : <ChevronDown />}
-    onClick={onClick}
-  >
-    {children}
-  </TextLink>
+// const Sort = ({ children, onClick, isSorted }) => (
+//   <TextLink
+//     type="secondary"
+//     iconRight={isSorted ? <ChevronUp /> : <ChevronDown />}
+//     onClick={onClick}
+//   >
+//     {children}
+//   </TextLink>
+// );
-const AllRepositoriesComponent = ({ location }: PageRendererProps) => {
-  const [isOpenModal, setOpenModal] = React.useState(false);
-  const [propsInstances, setPropsInstances] = React.useState<string[]>([]);
-  const [isSortedByName, setSortedByName] = React.useState(false);
-  const [isSortedByInstances, setSortedByInstances] = React.useState(false);
-  const [allData, setAllData] = React.useState<TrackingProp[] | null>(null);
-  const { pathname } = location;
-  const title = pathname.split("/").filter(Boolean).slice(-1)[0];
+// const AllRepositoriesComponent = ({ location }: PageRendererProps) => {
+//   const [isOpenModal, setOpenModal] = React.useState(false);
+//   const [propsInstances, setPropsInstances] = React.useState<string[]>([]);
+//   const [isSortedByName, setSortedByName] = React.useState(false);
+//   const [isSortedByInstances, setSortedByInstances] = React.useState(false);
+//   const [allData, setAllData] = React.useState<TrackingProp[] | null>(null);
+//   const { pathname } = location;
+//   const title = pathname.split("/").filter(Boolean).slice(-1)[0];
-  const { allTracking }: SchemeTrackingNode = useStaticQuery(graphql`
-    query AllTrackingComponentQuery {
-      allTracking(sort: { fields: createdAt, order: DESC }, limit: 8) {
-        nodes {
-          createdAt
-          name
-          trackedData {
-            icon
-            instances
-            category
-            isDeprecated
-            name
-            props {
-              name
-              used
-              values {
-                name
-                used
-              }
-            }
-            sources {
-              url
-              props {
-                name
-                value
-              }
-            }
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  `);
+//   const { allTracking }: SchemeTrackingNode = useStaticQuery(graphql`
+//     query AllTrackingComponentQuery {
+//       allTracking(sort: { fields: createdAt, order: DESC }, limit: 8) {
+//         nodes {
+//           createdAt
+//           name
+//           trackedData {
+//             icon
+//             instances
+//             category
+//             isDeprecated
+//             name
+//             props {
+//               name
+//               used
+//               values {
+//                 name
+//                 used
+//               }
+//             }
+//             sources {
+//               url
+//               props {
+//                 name
+//                 value
+//               }
+//             }
+//           }
+//         }
+//       }
+//     }
+//   `);
-  const component = fp.compose(
-    fp.map((n: TrackedData[]) => n.find(c => c.name.toLowerCase() === title)),
-    fp.map(fp.get(["trackedData"])),
-  )(allTracking.nodes);
+//   const component = fp.compose(
+//     fp.map((n: TrackedData[]) => n.find(c => c.name.toLowerCase() === title)),
+//     fp.map(fp.get(["trackedData"])),
+//   )(allTracking.nodes);
-  const props = fp.compose(
-    sumProperties,
-    fp.filter(Boolean),
-    fp.flatten,
-    fp.map(fp.get("props")),
-  )(component);
+//   const props = fp.compose(
+//     sumProperties,
+//     fp.filter(Boolean),
+//     fp.flatten,
+//     fp.map(fp.get("props")),
+//   )(component);
-  const sources = fp.compose(fp.filter(Boolean), fp.flatten, fp.map(fp.get("sources")))(component);
+//   const sources = fp.compose(fp.filter(Boolean), fp.flatten, fp.map(fp.get("sources")))(component);
-  React.useEffect(() => {
-    setAllData(Object.values<TrackingProp>(props));
-  }, [setAllData]);
+//   React.useEffect(() => {
+//     setAllData(Object.values<TrackingProp>(props));
+//   }, [setAllData]);
-  const handleInstances = (instances, propName, valueName) => {
-    const filteredProps = instances
-      .filter(({ props: instanceProps }) =>
-        instanceProps.some(prop => prop.name === propName && prop.value === valueName),
-      )
-      .map(({ url }) => url);
+//   const handleInstances = (instances, propName, valueName) => {
+//     const filteredProps = instances
+//       .filter(({ props: instanceProps }) =>
+//         instanceProps.some(prop => prop.name === propName && prop.value === valueName),
+//       )
+//       .map(({ url }) => url);
-    setOpenModal(true);
-    setPropsInstances(filteredProps);
-  };
+//     setOpenModal(true);
+//     setPropsInstances(filteredProps);
+//   };
-  if (!allData) return null;
+//   if (!allData) return null;
-  return (
-    <DocLayout location={location} path={location.pathname} title={upperFirst(title)}>
-      {isOpenModal && (
-        <Modal onClose={() => setOpenModal(false)}>
-          <ModalSection>
-            <ol
-              css={css`
-                list-style-type: decimal;
-                & > * {
-                  margin-bottom: 0.5rem;
-                }
-              `}
-            >
-              {propsInstances.map(instance => (
-                <li key={instance}>
-                  <TextLink key={instance} title={instance} href={instance}>
-                    {instance.split("/").slice(-4).join("/")}
-                  </TextLink>
-                </li>
-              ))}
-            </ol>
-          </ModalSection>
-        </Modal>
-      )}
-      <Table>
-        <TableHead>
-          <TableRow>
-            <TableCell>
-              <Sort
-                isSorted={isSortedByName}
-                onClick={() => {
-                  if (isSortedByName) {
-                    setAllData(prev => sortBy(prev, ["name"]).reverse());
-                    setSortedByName(false);
-                  } else {
-                    setSortedByName(true);
-                    setAllData(prev => sortBy(prev, ["name"]));
-                  }
-                }}
-              >
-                Property name
-              </Sort>
-            </TableCell>
-            <TableCell>
-              <Sort
-                isSorted={isSortedByInstances}
-                onClick={() => {
-                  if (isSortedByInstances) {
-                    setAllData(prev => sortBy(prev, ["used"]).reverse());
-                    setSortedByInstances(false);
-                  } else {
-                    setSortedByInstances(true);
-                    setAllData(prev => sortBy(prev, ["used"]));
-                  }
-                }}
-              >
-                Instances
-              </Sort>
-            </TableCell>
-            <TableCell>Properties</TableCell>
-          </TableRow>
-        </TableHead>
-        <TableBody>
-          {allData.map(({ name: propName, used, values }, idx) => (
-            // eslint-disable-next-line react/no-array-index-key
-            <TableRow key={idx}>
-              <TableCell>{propName}</TableCell>
-              <TableCell>{used}</TableCell>
-              <TableCell>
-                <Stack direction="column" spacing="XXSmall">
-                  {sortBy(values, ["used"])
-                    .reverse()
-                    .map(({ name: valueName, used: valueInstances }, id) => (
-                      <TextLink
-                        // eslint-disable-next-line react/no-array-index-key
-                        key={id}
-                        size="small"
-                        onClick={() => handleInstances(sources, propName, valueName)}
-                      >
-                        {valueName}: <b>{valueInstances}</b>
-                      </TextLink>
-                    ))}
-                </Stack>
-              </TableCell>
-            </TableRow>
-          ))}
-        </TableBody>
-      </Table>
-    </DocLayout>
-  );
+//   return (
+//     <DocLayout location={location} path={location.pathname} title={upperFirst(title)}>
+//       {isOpenModal && (
+//         <Modal onClose={() => setOpenModal(false)}>
+//           <ModalSection>
+//             <ol
+//               css={css`
+//                 list-style-type: decimal;
+//                 & > * {
+//                   margin-bottom: 0.5rem;
+//                 }
+//               `}
+//             >
+//               {propsInstances.map(instance => (
+//                 <li key={instance}>
+//                   <TextLink key={instance} title={instance} href={instance}>
+//                     {instance.split("/").slice(-4).join("/")}
+//                   </TextLink>
+//                 </li>
+//               ))}
+//             </ol>
+//           </ModalSection>
+//         </Modal>
+//       )}
+//       <Table>
+//         <TableHead>
+//           <TableRow>
+//             <TableCell>
+//               <Sort
+//                 isSorted={isSortedByName}
+//                 onClick={() => {
+//                   if (isSortedByName) {
+//                     setAllData(prev => sortBy(prev, ["name"]).reverse());
+//                     setSortedByName(false);
+//                   } else {
+//                     setSortedByName(true);
+//                     setAllData(prev => sortBy(prev, ["name"]));
+//                   }
+//                 }}
+//               >
+//                 Property name
+//               </Sort>
+//             </TableCell>
+//             <TableCell>
+//               <Sort
+//                 isSorted={isSortedByInstances}
+//                 onClick={() => {
+//                   if (isSortedByInstances) {
+//                     setAllData(prev => sortBy(prev, ["used"]).reverse());
+//                     setSortedByInstances(false);
+//                   } else {
+//                     setSortedByInstances(true);
+//                     setAllData(prev => sortBy(prev, ["used"]));
+//                   }
+//                 }}
+//               >
+//                 Instances
+//               </Sort>
+//             </TableCell>
+//             <TableCell>Properties</TableCell>
+//           </TableRow>
+//         </TableHead>
+//         <TableBody>
+//           {allData.map(({ name: propName, used, values }, idx) => (
+//             // eslint-disable-next-line react/no-array-index-key
+//             <TableRow key={idx}>
+//               <TableCell>{propName}</TableCell>
+//               <TableCell>{used}</TableCell>
+//               <TableCell>
+//                 <Stack direction="column" spacing="XXSmall">
+//                   {sortBy(values, ["used"])
+//                     .reverse()
+//                     .map(({ name: valueName, used: valueInstances }, id) => (
+//                       <TextLink
+//                         // eslint-disable-next-line react/no-array-index-key
+//                         key={id}
+//                         size="small"
+//                         onClick={() => handleInstances(sources, propName, valueName)}
+//                       >
+//                         {valueName}: <b>{valueInstances}</b>
+//                       </TextLink>
+//                     ))}
+//                 </Stack>
+//               </TableCell>
+//             </TableRow>
+//           ))}
+//         </TableBody>
+//       </Table>
+//     </DocLayout>
+//   );
+// };
-export default AllRepositoriesComponent;
+// export default AllRepositoriesComponent;
diff --git a/docs/src/components/Dashboard/Repository.tsx b/docs/src/components/Dashboard/Repository.tsx
index 5f28c2bb4d..2d909e4a97 100644
--- a/docs/src/components/Dashboard/Repository.tsx
+++ b/docs/src/components/Dashboard/Repository.tsx
@@ -1,100 +1,100 @@
-import React from "react";
-import { Heading, TextLink, Stack, Text } from "@kiwicom/orbit-components";
-import { upperFirst } from "lodash";
-import { graphql, PageRendererProps, useStaticQuery } from "gatsby";
-import fp from "lodash/fp";
+// import React from "react";
+// import { Heading, TextLink, Stack, Text } from "@kiwicom/orbit-components";
+// import { upperFirst } from "lodash";
+// import { graphql, PageRendererProps, useStaticQuery } from "gatsby";
+// import fp from "lodash/fp";
-import DocLayout from "../DocLayout";
-import Members from "./components/Members";
-import ComponentList from "./components/ComponentList";
-import UsageByCategory from "./components/UsageByCategory";
-import { SchemeTrackingNode } from "./interfaces";
+// import DocLayout from "../DocLayout";
+// import Members from "./components/Members";
+// import ComponentList from "./components/ComponentList";
+// import UsageByCategory from "./components/UsageByCategory";
+// import { SchemeTrackingNode } from "./interfaces";
-export default function Tracking({ location }: PageRendererProps) {
-  const { allTracking }: SchemeTrackingNode = useStaticQuery(graphql`
-    query TrackingDataQuery {
-      allTracking(sort: { fields: createdAt, order: DESC }, limit: 8) {
-        nodes {
-          id
-          name
-          lastCommit {
-            title
-            webUrl
-          }
-          members {
-            maintainers {
-              avatarUrl
-              name
-              id
-              bot
-              state
-              publicEmail
-              status {
-                availability
-                message
-              }
-              webUrl
-              webPath
-            }
-          }
-          trackedData {
-            icon
-            sources {
-              url
-              props {
-                name
-                value
-              }
-            }
-            instances
-            category
-            isDeprecated
-            name
-            props {
-              used
-              name
-            }
-          }
-          orbitVersion
-          url
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  `);
+// export default function Tracking({ location }: PageRendererProps) {
+//   const { allTracking }: SchemeTrackingNode = useStaticQuery(graphql`
+//     query TrackingDataQuery {
+//       allTracking(sort: { fields: createdAt, order: DESC }, limit: 8) {
+//         nodes {
+//           id
+//           name
+//           lastCommit {
+//             title
+//             webUrl
+//           }
+//           members {
+//             maintainers {
+//               avatarUrl
+//               name
+//               id
+//               bot
+//               state
+//               publicEmail
+//               status {
+//                 availability
+//                 message
+//               }
+//               webUrl
+//               webPath
+//             }
+//           }
+//           trackedData {
+//             icon
+//             sources {
+//               url
+//               props {
+//                 name
+//                 value
+//               }
+//             }
+//             instances
+//             category
+//             isDeprecated
+//             name
+//             props {
+//               used
+//               name
+//             }
+//           }
+//           orbitVersion
+//           url
+//         }
+//       }
+//     }
+//   `);
-  const { pathname } = location;
-  const pageName = pathname.split("/").filter(Boolean).slice(-1)[0];
+//   const { pathname } = location;
+//   const pageName = pathname.split("/").filter(Boolean).slice(-1)[0];
-  const { url, members, orbitVersion, trackedData, lastCommit } = fp.compose(
-    fp.head,
-    fp.filter(({ name }) => name === pageName),
-  )(allTracking.nodes);
+//   const { url, members, orbitVersion, trackedData, lastCommit } = fp.compose(
+//     fp.head,
+//     fp.filter(({ name }) => name === pageName),
+//   )(allTracking.nodes);
-  const components = trackedData
-    .filter(({ icon }) => !icon)
-    .map(({ name, isDeprecated, instances, category }) => ({
-      name,
-      category,
-      slug: `/dashboard/tracking/${pageName.toLowerCase()}/${name.toLowerCase()}`,
-      isDeprecated,
-      instances,
-    }));
+//   const components = trackedData
+//     .filter(({ icon }) => !icon)
+//     .map(({ name, isDeprecated, instances, category }) => ({
+//       name,
+//       category,
+//       slug: `/dashboard/tracking/${pageName.toLowerCase()}/${name.toLowerCase()}`,
+//       isDeprecated,
+//       instances,
+//     }));
-  return (
-    <DocLayout location={location} path={location.pathname} title={upperFirst(pageName)}>
-      <Stack flex direction="column">
-        <TextLink href={url}>Gitlab repository</TextLink>
-        <Heading type="title3">Orbit version: {orbitVersion}</Heading>
-      </Stack>
+//   return (
+//     <DocLayout location={location} path={location.pathname} title={upperFirst(pageName)}>
+//       <Stack flex direction="column">
+//         <TextLink href={url}>Gitlab repository</TextLink>
+//         <Heading type="title3">Orbit version: {orbitVersion}</Heading>
+//       </Stack>
-      <Stack inline spacing="XSmall">
-        <Text>Last commit:</Text>
-        <TextLink href={lastCommit.webUrl}>{lastCommit.title}</TextLink>
-      </Stack>
+//       <Stack inline spacing="XSmall">
+//         <Text>Last commit:</Text>
+//         <TextLink href={lastCommit.webUrl}>{lastCommit.title}</TextLink>
+//       </Stack>
-      <Members members={members} />
-      <ComponentList components={components} />
-      <UsageByCategory components={components} />
-    </DocLayout>
-  );
+//       <Members members={members} />
+//       <ComponentList components={components} />
+//       <UsageByCategory components={components} />
+//     </DocLayout>
+//   );
+// }
diff --git a/docs/src/components/Dashboard/RepositoryComponent.tsx b/docs/src/components/Dashboard/RepositoryComponent.tsx
index f141f7ca4a..060afe547c 100644
--- a/docs/src/components/Dashboard/RepositoryComponent.tsx
+++ b/docs/src/components/Dashboard/RepositoryComponent.tsx
@@ -1,173 +1,173 @@
-import React from "react";
-import { graphql, useStaticQuery } from "gatsby";
-import { upperFirst } from "lodash";
-import fp from "lodash/fp";
-import {
-  Heading,
-  InputField,
-  Table,
-  TableRow,
-  TableCell,
-  TableHead,
-  Button,
-  Truncate,
-  TableBody,
-  Text,
-  Stack,
-  TextLink,
-} from "@kiwicom/orbit-components";
-import Slide from "@kiwicom/orbit-components/lib/utils/Slide";
+// import React from "react";
+// import { graphql, useStaticQuery } from "gatsby";
+// import { upperFirst } from "lodash";
+// import fp from "lodash/fp";
+// import {
+//   Heading,
+//   InputField,
+//   Table,
+//   TableRow,
+//   TableCell,
+//   TableHead,
+//   Button,
+//   Truncate,
+//   TableBody,
+//   Text,
+//   Stack,
+//   TextLink,
+// } from "@kiwicom/orbit-components";
+// import Slide from "@kiwicom/orbit-components/lib/utils/Slide";
-import { SchemeTrackingNode } from "./interfaces";
-import DocLayout from "../DocLayout";
+// import { SchemeTrackingNode } from "./interfaces";
+// import DocLayout from "../DocLayout";
-const ComponentPage = ({ location }) => {
-  const [allSources, setAllSources] = React.useState<string[]>([]);
-  const [height, setHeight] = React.useState(0);
-  const [expanded, setExpanded] = React.useState(false);
+// const ComponentPage = ({ location }) => {
+//   const [allSources, setAllSources] = React.useState<string[]>([]);
+//   const [height, setHeight] = React.useState(0);
+//   const [expanded, setExpanded] = React.useState(false);
-  const { allTracking }: SchemeTrackingNode = useStaticQuery(graphql`
-    query TrackingComponentQuery {
-      allTracking(sort: { fields: createdAt, order: DESC }, limit: 8) {
-        nodes {
-          createdAt
-          name
-          trackedData {
-            icon
-            instances
-            category
-            isDeprecated
-            name
-            props {
-              name
-              used
-              values {
-                name
-                used
-              }
-            }
-            sources {
-              url
-              props {
-                name
-                value
-              }
-            }
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  `);
+//   const { allTracking }: SchemeTrackingNode = useStaticQuery(graphql`
+//     query TrackingComponentQuery {
+//       allTracking(sort: { fields: createdAt, order: DESC }, limit: 8) {
+//         nodes {
+//           createdAt
+//           name
+//           trackedData {
+//             icon
+//             instances
+//             category
+//             isDeprecated
+//             name
+//             props {
+//               name
+//               used
+//               values {
+//                 name
+//                 used
+//               }
+//             }
+//             sources {
+//               url
+//               props {
+//                 name
+//                 value
+//               }
+//             }
+//           }
+//         }
+//       }
+//     }
+//   `);
-  const { pathname } = location;
-  const [repo, title] = pathname.split("/").filter(Boolean).slice(-2);
+//   const { pathname } = location;
+//   const [repo, title] = pathname.split("/").filter(Boolean).slice(-2);
-  const { category, props, sources, instances, isDeprecated } = fp.compose(
-    fp.head,
-    fp.filter(({ name: componentName }) => componentName.toLowerCase() === title),
-    fp.get("trackedData"),
-    fp.head,
-    fp.filter(({ name }) => name.toLowerCase() === repo),
-  )(allTracking.nodes);
+//   const { category, props, sources, instances, isDeprecated } = fp.compose(
+//     fp.head,
+//     fp.filter(({ name: componentName }) => componentName.toLowerCase() === title),
+//     fp.get("trackedData"),
+//     fp.head,
+//     fp.filter(({ name }) => name.toLowerCase() === repo),
+//   )(allTracking.nodes);
-  const sourceLinks = sources && sources.map(({ url }) => url);
+//   const sourceLinks = sources && sources.map(({ url }) => url);
-  React.useEffect(() => {
-    setAllSources(sourceLinks);
-  }, []);
+//   React.useEffect(() => {
+//     setAllSources(sourceLinks);
+//   }, []);
-  const measureRef = React.useCallback(n => {
-    if (n) {
-      setHeight(n.getBoundingClientRect().height);
-    }
-  }, []);
+//   const measureRef = React.useCallback(n => {
+//     if (n) {
+//       setHeight(n.getBoundingClientRect().height);
+//     }
+//   }, []);
-  return (
-    <DocLayout location={location} title={upperFirst(title)} path={location.pathname}>
-      <Table>
-        <TableHead>
-          <TableRow>
-            <TableCell>Category</TableCell>
-            <TableCell>Instances</TableCell>
-            <TableCell>Deprecated</TableCell>
-          </TableRow>
-        </TableHead>
-        <TableBody>
-          <TableRow>
-            <TableCell>{category}</TableCell>
-            <TableCell>{instances}</TableCell>
-            <TableCell>{isDeprecated}</TableCell>
-          </TableRow>
-        </TableBody>
-      </Table>
-      <Table>
-        <TableHead>
-          <TableRow>
-            <TableCell>Property name</TableCell>
-            <TableCell>Instances</TableCell>
-            <TableCell>Properties</TableCell>
-          </TableRow>
-        </TableHead>
-        <TableBody>
-          {props.map(({ name: propName, used, values }) => (
-            <TableRow key={propName}>
-              <TableCell>{propName}</TableCell>
-              <TableCell>{used}</TableCell>
-              <TableCell>
-                {values.map(({ name: valueName, used: valueInstances }) => (
-                  <Text size="small" key={valueName}>
-                    {valueName}: <b>{valueInstances}</b>
-                  </Text>
-                ))}
-              </TableCell>
-            </TableRow>
-          ))}
-        </TableBody>
-      </Table>
-      <Heading>Sources</Heading>
-      <Stack direction="column">
-        {sources.length > 15 && (
-          <InputField
-            placeholder="filter sources"
-            onChange={ev => {
-              if (ev.currentTarget.value.length === 0) {
-                setAllSources(sourceLinks);
-              } else {
-                setAllSources(allSources.filter(el => el.includes(ev.currentTarget.value)));
-              }
-            }}
-          />
-        )}
-        {allSources.length < 15 ? (
-          allSources.map(source => (
-            <TextLink key={source} size="small" href={source}>
-              <Truncate maxWidth="887px">{source.split("master")[1]}</Truncate>
-            </TextLink>
-          ))
-        ) : (
-          <>
-            <Button onClick={() => setExpanded(prev => !prev)}>Toggle all sources</Button>
-            {allSources.slice(0, 15).map(source => (
-              <TextLink key={source} size="small" href={source}>
-                <Truncate maxWidth="887px">{source.split("master")[1]}</Truncate>
-              </TextLink>
-            ))}
-            <Slide maxHeight={height} expanded={expanded}>
-              <div ref={measureRef}>
-                <Stack inline direction="column">
-                  {allSources.slice(15, allSources.length).map(source => (
-                    <TextLink key={source} size="small" href={source}>
-                      <Truncate maxWidth="887px">{source.split("master")[1]}</Truncate>
-                    </TextLink>
-                  ))}
-                </Stack>
-              </div>
-            </Slide>
-          </>
-        )}
-      </Stack>
-    </DocLayout>
-  );
+//   return (
+//     <DocLayout location={location} title={upperFirst(title)} path={location.pathname}>
+//       <Table>
+//         <TableHead>
+//           <TableRow>
+//             <TableCell>Category</TableCell>
+//             <TableCell>Instances</TableCell>
+//             <TableCell>Deprecated</TableCell>
+//           </TableRow>
+//         </TableHead>
+//         <TableBody>
+//           <TableRow>
+//             <TableCell>{category}</TableCell>
+//             <TableCell>{instances}</TableCell>
+//             <TableCell>{isDeprecated}</TableCell>
+//           </TableRow>
+//         </TableBody>
+//       </Table>
+//       <Table>
+//         <TableHead>
+//           <TableRow>
+//             <TableCell>Property name</TableCell>
+//             <TableCell>Instances</TableCell>
+//             <TableCell>Properties</TableCell>
+//           </TableRow>
+//         </TableHead>
+//         <TableBody>
+//           {props.map(({ name: propName, used, values }) => (
+//             <TableRow key={propName}>
+//               <TableCell>{propName}</TableCell>
+//               <TableCell>{used}</TableCell>
+//               <TableCell>
+//                 {values.map(({ name: valueName, used: valueInstances }) => (
+//                   <Text size="small" key={valueName}>
+//                     {valueName}: <b>{valueInstances}</b>
+//                   </Text>
+//                 ))}
+//               </TableCell>
+//             </TableRow>
+//           ))}
+//         </TableBody>
+//       </Table>
+//       <Heading>Sources</Heading>
+//       <Stack direction="column">
+//         {sources.length > 15 && (
+//           <InputField
+//             placeholder="filter sources"
+//             onChange={ev => {
+//               if (ev.currentTarget.value.length === 0) {
+//                 setAllSources(sourceLinks);
+//               } else {
+//                 setAllSources(allSources.filter(el => el.includes(ev.currentTarget.value)));
+//               }
+//             }}
+//           />
+//         )}
+//         {allSources.length < 15 ? (
+//           allSources.map(source => (
+//             <TextLink key={source} size="small" href={source}>
+//               <Truncate maxWidth="887px">{source.split("master")[1]}</Truncate>
+//             </TextLink>
+//           ))
+//         ) : (
+//           <>
+//             <Button onClick={() => setExpanded(prev => !prev)}>Toggle all sources</Button>
+//             {allSources.slice(0, 15).map(source => (
+//               <TextLink key={source} size="small" href={source}>
+//                 <Truncate maxWidth="887px">{source.split("master")[1]}</Truncate>
+//               </TextLink>
+//             ))}
+//             <Slide maxHeight={height} expanded={expanded}>
+//               <div ref={measureRef}>
+//                 <Stack inline direction="column">
+//                   {allSources.slice(15, allSources.length).map(source => (
+//                     <TextLink key={source} size="small" href={source}>
+//                       <Truncate maxWidth="887px">{source.split("master")[1]}</Truncate>
+//                     </TextLink>
+//                   ))}
+//                 </Stack>
+//               </div>
+//             </Slide>
+//           </>
+//         )}
+//       </Stack>
+//     </DocLayout>
+//   );
+// };
-export default ComponentPage;
+// export default ComponentPage;
diff --git a/docs/src/components/Dashboard/Tracking.tsx b/docs/src/components/Dashboard/Tracking.tsx
index 3f3065ec4e..e45b9469b0 100644
--- a/docs/src/components/Dashboard/Tracking.tsx
+++ b/docs/src/components/Dashboard/Tracking.tsx
@@ -1,81 +1,81 @@
-import React from "react";
-import { PageRendererProps, graphql, useStaticQuery } from "gatsby";
-import { Grid } from "@kiwicom/orbit-components";
-import { sortBy, upperFirst } from "lodash";
+// import React from "react";
+// import { PageRendererProps, graphql, useStaticQuery } from "gatsby";
+// import { Grid } from "@kiwicom/orbit-components";
+// import { sortBy, upperFirst } from "lodash";
-import DocLayout from "../DocLayout";
-import Tile from "../Tile";
-import useDevMode from "../../hooks/useDevMode";
-import { SchemeTrackingNode } from "./interfaces";
+// import DocLayout from "../DocLayout";
+// import Tile from "../Tile";
+// import useDevMode from "../../hooks/useDevMode";
+// import { SchemeTrackingNode } from "./interfaces";
-const Tracking = ({ location }: PageRendererProps) => {
-  const [devMode] = useDevMode();
-  const { allTracking }: SchemeTrackingNode = useStaticQuery(graphql`
-    query TrackingPageQuery {
-      allTracking(sort: { fields: createdAt, order: DESC }, limit: 8) {
-        nodes {
-          name
-          createdAt
-          description
-          trackedData {
-            icon
-            name
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  `);
+// const Tracking = ({ location }: PageRendererProps) => {
+//   const [devMode] = useDevMode();
+//   const { allTracking }: SchemeTrackingNode = useStaticQuery(graphql`
+//     query TrackingPageQuery {
+//       allTracking(sort: { fields: createdAt, order: DESC }, limit: 8) {
+//         nodes {
+//           name
+//           createdAt
+//           description
+//           trackedData {
+//             icon
+//             name
+//           }
+//         }
+//       }
+//     }
+//   `);
-  const pages = allTracking.nodes.map(({ name, description }) => {
-    const url = `/dashboard/tracking/${name.toLowerCase()}`;
+//   const pages = allTracking.nodes.map(({ name, description }) => {
+//     const url = `/dashboard/tracking/${name.toLowerCase()}`;
-    return {
-      slug: url,
-      title: upperFirst(name),
-      description,
-      hasReactTab: false,
-    };
-  });
+//     return {
+//       slug: url,
+//       title: upperFirst(name),
+//       description,
+//       hasReactTab: false,
+//     };
+//   });
-  pages.push({
-    slug: "/dashboard/tracking/allrepositories/",
-    title: "All Repositories",
-    description: "Combined data from all repositories on single page",
-    hasReactTab: false,
-  });
+//   pages.push({
+//     slug: "/dashboard/tracking/allrepositories/",
+//     title: "All Repositories",
+//     description: "Combined data from all repositories on single page",
+//     hasReactTab: false,
+//   });
-  pages.push({
-    slug: "/dashboard/difference/",
-    title: "Tracking difference",
-    description: "Shows difference between the first and last tracked data",
-    hasReactTab: false,
-  });
+//   pages.push({
+//     slug: "/dashboard/difference/",
+//     title: "Tracking difference",
+//     description: "Shows difference between the first and last tracked data",
+//     hasReactTab: false,
+//   });
-  return (
-    <DocLayout location={location} path="dashboard/tracking" title="Tracking" noElevation>
-      <Grid
-        columns="1fr"
-        gap="2rem"
-        largeMobile={{ columns: "repeat(2, 1fr)" }}
-        desktop={{ columns: "repeat(3, 1fr)" }}
-        largeDesktop={{ columns: "repeat(2, 1fr)" }}
-      >
-        {sortBy(pages, ["title"]).map(
-          ({ title: pageTitle, slug: pageSlug, description, hasReactTab }) => {
-            return (
-              <Tile
-                key={pageSlug}
-                title={pageTitle}
-                href={hasReactTab && devMode ? `${pageSlug}react/` : pageSlug}
-              >
-                {description}
-              </Tile>
-            );
-          },
-        )}
-      </Grid>
-    </DocLayout>
-  );
+//   return (
+//     <DocLayout location={location} path="dashboard/tracking" title="Tracking" noElevation>
+//       <Grid
+//         columns="1fr"
+//         gap="2rem"
+//         largeMobile={{ columns: "repeat(2, 1fr)" }}
+//         desktop={{ columns: "repeat(3, 1fr)" }}
+//         largeDesktop={{ columns: "repeat(2, 1fr)" }}
+//       >
+//         {sortBy(pages, ["title"]).map(
+//           ({ title: pageTitle, slug: pageSlug, description, hasReactTab }) => {
+//             return (
+//               <Tile
+//                 key={pageSlug}
+//                 title={pageTitle}
+//                 href={hasReactTab && devMode ? `${pageSlug}react/` : pageSlug}
+//               >
+//                 {description}
+//               </Tile>
+//             );
+//           },
+//         )}
+//       </Grid>
+//     </DocLayout>
+//   );
+// };
-export default Tracking;
+// export default Tracking;
diff --git a/docs/src/components/Dashboard/index.tsx b/docs/src/components/Dashboard/index.tsx
index c05e127a05..41707aa30a 100644
--- a/docs/src/components/Dashboard/index.tsx
+++ b/docs/src/components/Dashboard/index.tsx
@@ -1,33 +1,33 @@
-import React from "react";
-import { Grid } from "@kiwicom/orbit-components";
-import { WindowLocation } from "@reach/router";
-import { Pet as PetIcon } from "@kiwicom/orbit-components/icons";
+// import React from "react";
+// import { Grid } from "@kiwicom/orbit-components";
+// import { WindowLocation } from "@reach/router";
+// import { Pet as PetIcon } from "@kiwicom/orbit-components/icons";
-import Tile from "../Tile";
-import DocLayout from "../DocLayout";
-import Tracking from "./Tracking";
-import AllRepositories from "./AllRepositories";
-import AllRepositoriesComponent from "./AllRepositoriesComponent";
-import Repository from "./Repository";
-import RepositoryComponent from "./RepositoryComponent";
+// import Tile from "../Tile";
+// import DocLayout from "../DocLayout";
+// import Tracking from "./Tracking";
+// import AllRepositories from "./AllRepositories";
+// import AllRepositoriesComponent from "./AllRepositoriesComponent";
+// import Repository from "./Repository";
+// import RepositoryComponent from "./RepositoryComponent";
-interface Props {
-  path: string;
-  location: WindowLocation;
+// interface Props {
+//   path: string;
+//   location: WindowLocation;
+// }
-const Dashboard = ({ path = "/dashboard/", location }: Props) => {
-  return (
-    <DocLayout location={location} title="Tracking" path={path} noElevation>
-      <Grid columns="1fr" tablet={{ columns: "1fr 1fr" }}>
-        <Tile title="Tracking" icon={<PetIcon />} href="tracking">
-          Orbit tracking tool shows the data collected from frontend repositories with react-scanner
-          and eslint
-        </Tile>
-      </Grid>
-    </DocLayout>
-  );
+// const Dashboard = ({ path = "/dashboard/", location }: Props) => {
+//   return (
+//     <DocLayout location={location} title="Tracking" path={path} noElevation>
+//       <Grid columns="1fr" tablet={{ columns: "1fr 1fr" }}>
+//         <Tile title="Tracking" icon={<PetIcon />} href="tracking">
+//           Orbit tracking tool shows the data collected from frontend repositories with react-scanner
+//           and eslint
+//         </Tile>
+//       </Grid>
+//     </DocLayout>
+//   );
+// };
-export default Dashboard;
-export { Tracking, AllRepositories, AllRepositoriesComponent, Repository, RepositoryComponent };
+// export default Dashboard;
+// export { Tracking, AllRepositories, AllRepositoriesComponent, Repository, RepositoryComponent };
diff --git a/docs/src/pages/dashboard.tsx b/docs/src/pages/dashboard.tsx
index 024ab99a2a..8c7f5b5ca7 100644
--- a/docs/src/pages/dashboard.tsx
+++ b/docs/src/pages/dashboard.tsx
@@ -1,52 +1,53 @@
 import { Router } from "@reach/router";
-import { navigate } from "gatsby";
+// import { navigate } from "gatsby";
 import React from "react";
-import Dashboard, {
-  AllRepositories,
-  AllRepositoriesComponent,
-  Repository,
-  RepositoryComponent,
-  Tracking,
-} from "../components/Dashboard";
-import Login from "../components/Login";
-import { isBrowser, isLoggedIn } from "../services/auth";
+// import Dashboard, {
+//   AllRepositories,
+//   AllRepositoriesComponent,
+//   Repository,
+//   RepositoryComponent,
+//   Tracking,
+// } from "../components/Dashboard";
+// import Login from "../components/Login";
+// import { isBrowser, isLoggedIn } from "../services/auth";
 import NotFound from "./404";
-const PrivateRoute = ({ component: Component, location, ...rest }) => {
-  if (!isLoggedIn() && location.pathname !== `/dashboard/login/` && isBrowser) {
-    navigate(`/dashboard/login/`);
-    return null;
-  }
+// const PrivateRoute = ({ component: Component, location, ...rest }) => {
+//   if (!isLoggedIn() && location.pathname !== `/dashboard/login/` && isBrowser) {
+//     navigate(`/dashboard/login/`);
+//     return null;
+//   }
-  return <Component location={location} {...rest} />;
+//   return <Component location={location} {...rest} />;
+// };
 export default ({ location }) => {
   return (
       {/* @ts-expect-error TODO */}
       <NotFound default />
-      <PrivateRoute path="/dashboard/" component={Dashboard} location={location} />
+      {/* <PrivateRoute path="/dashboard/" component={Dashboard} location={location} />
       <PrivateRoute path="/dashboard/tracking/" component={Tracking} location={location} />
-      <PrivateRoute path="/dashboard/tracking/:slug/" component={Repository} location={location} />
+      <PrivateRoute path="/dashboard/tracking/:slug/" component={Repository} location={location} /> */}
-      <PrivateRoute
-        path="/dashboard/tracking/*/*/"
+      {/* <PrivateRoute
+        // path="/dashboard/tracking/*\/*\/"
-        path="/dashboard/tracking/allrepositories/"
+        // path="/dashboard/tracking/allrepositories/"
-        path="/dashboard/tracking/allrepositories/:slug/"
+        // path="/dashboard/tracking/allrepositories/:slug/"
       <Login path="/dashboard/login/" location={location} />
+      */}
diff --git a/packages/orbit-design-tokens/output/theo-spec.ios.json b/packages/orbit-design-tokens/output/theo-spec.ios.json
index 4b4a5b8a85..80dd5b8830 100644
--- a/packages/orbit-design-tokens/output/theo-spec.ios.json
+++ b/packages/orbit-design-tokens/output/theo-spec.ios.json
@@ -2957,4 +2957,4 @@
       "name": "marginButtonGroup"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/packages/orbit-design-tokens/output/theo-spec.json b/packages/orbit-design-tokens/output/theo-spec.json
index a7166dd7bd..b5712602a3 100644
--- a/packages/orbit-design-tokens/output/theo-spec.json
+++ b/packages/orbit-design-tokens/output/theo-spec.json
@@ -491,4 +491,4 @@
   "paletteOrangeDark": "rgb(174, 87, 0)",
   "lineHeightTextSmall": "16px",
   "marginButtonGroup": "0 1px 0 0"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/packages/orbit-design-tokens/src/theo/theo-spec.json b/packages/orbit-design-tokens/src/theo/theo-spec.json
index 80af6ff4a2..12a220d85b 100644
--- a/packages/orbit-design-tokens/src/theo/theo-spec.json
+++ b/packages/orbit-design-tokens/src/theo/theo-spec.json
@@ -3941,4 +3941,4 @@
\ No newline at end of file