Foundation object offers us very easy and quick way how to define design tokens and also how to simply create needed themes.
You can overwrite some or all properties in this object with
const foundation = {
palette: {
product: {
light: "#ECF8F7",
lightHover: "#D6F0EE",
lightActive: "#C0E8E4",
normal: "#00A991",
normalHover: "#009882",
normalActive: "#008F7B",
dark: "#007F6D",
darkHover: "#007060",
darkActive: "#006657",
darker: "#005C4E",
white: {
normal: "#FFFFFF",
normalHover: "#F1F4F7",
normalActive: "#E7ECF1",
cloud: {
light: "#F5F7F9",
lightHover: "#E5EAEF",
lightActive: "#D6DEE6",
normal: "#EFF2F5",
normalHover: "#DCE3E9",
normalActive: "#CAD4DE",
dark: "#E8EDF1",
ink: {
light: "#697D95",
lightHover: "#5D738E",
lightActive: "#4A617C",
normal: "#4F5E71",
normalHover: "#3E4E63",
normalActive: "#324256",
dark: "#252A31",
darkHover: "#181B20",
darkActive: "#0B0C0F",
orange: {
light: "#FDF0E3",
lightHover: "#FAE2C7",
lightActive: "#F8D3AB",
normal: "#F9971E",
normalHover: "#F38906",
normalActive: "#D67906",
dark: "#AB3307",
darkHover: "#972C07",
darkActive: "#7A2405",
darker: "#842706",
red: {
light: "#FAEAEA",
lightHover: "#F4D2D2",
lightActive: "#EEB9B9",
normal: "#D21C1C",
normalHover: "#B91919",
normalActive: "#9D1515",
dark: "#970C0C",
darkHover: "#890B0B",
darkActive: "#6D0909",
darker: "#760909",
green: {
light: "#EBF4EC",
lightHover: "#D7EAD9",
lightActive: "#C3DFC7",
normal: "#28A138",
normalHover: "#238B31",
normalActive: "#1D7228",
dark: "#2D7738",
darkHover: "#276831",
darkActive: "#1F5126",
darker: "#235C2B",
blue: {
light: "#E5F7FF",
lightHover: "#C7EEFF",
lightActive: "#A8E5FF",
normal: "#0172CB",
normalHover: "#0161AC",
normalActive: "#01508E",
dark: "#005AA3",
darkHover: "#004F8F",
darkActive: "#003E70",
darker: "#004680",
social: {
facebook: "#1778F2",
facebookHover: "#0C69DE",
facebookActive: "#0B5CC1",
base: {
'"Roboto", -apple-system, ".SFNSText-Regular", "San Francisco", "Segoe UI", "Helvetica Neue", "Lucida Grande", sans-serif',
fontSizeSm: "12px",
fontSizeMd: "14px",
fontSizeLg: "16px",
borderRadius: "3px",
sizeSm: "16px",
sizeMd: "24px",
sizeLg: "32px",
sizeXl: "44px",
size2xl: "52px",
opacitySmall: "0.3",
opacityMedium: "0.5",
opacityLarge: "0.8",
fontWeightNormal: "400",
fontWeightMedium: "500",
fontWeightBold: "700",
space2xs: "4px",
spaceXs: "8px",
spaceSm: "12px",
spaceMd: "16px",
spaceLg: "24px",
spaceXl: "32px",
space2xl: "40px",
space3xl: "52px",
durationFast: "0.15s",
durationNormal: "0.3s",
durationSlow: "0.4s",
transitionDefault: "ease-in-out",
lineHeight: "1.4",