Releases: kickstarter/android-oss
Native project update cards, Login signup events, PP Experiment #2
Actual release date
March 31, 2020
[🔢] NT-929 Adding ProjectCreatorDetails query (#781)
[🎨] NT-986 Adding XML only changes for creator details experiment (#783)
[🧫] NT-987 native_project_page_conversion_creator_details experiment (#784)
[🔮] NT-985 Decreasing Optimizely event dispatch interval (#785)
[🛤] NT-936 Creator Details Clicked event (#786)
[🔮] NT-990 Adding additional Optimizely properties (#787)
[🛤] NT-989 Tracking Campaign Details Button Clicked
for control variant (#791)
Project update cards
[📃] NT-902 Project update cards (#780)
[🛤] NT-656 Login signup events (#779)
[🆕] Updating config and strings (#782)
[🆕] Updating config and strings (#798)
Release Prep
[🚀] 2.4.0 RC (#799)
Pledge Improvements, Back a Project events, PP Experiment #1
Actual release date
March 5, 2020
[🔮] Optimizely X; pledge_cta_copy experiment support (#731)
[🔑] NT-884 Adding campaign details experiment key (#749)
[🕸] NT-875 Campaign details webview (#750)
[⏳] NT-890 Syncing Optimizely every 10 minutes (#752)
[🧪] NT-887 Campaign details experiment on Project page (#753)
[🧪] NT-888 Campaign details experiment on Campaign details page (#754)
[🧪] NT-913 Campaign Details Button Clicked event (#755)
[👤] NT-914 Adding distinct ID header to v1 and graphQL requests (#756)
[🦟] NT-916 Campaign Details Pledge Button Clicked event (#758)
[🧪] NT-915 Adding Project Page Pledge Button Clicked event to Optimizely (#757)
Pledge Improvements
[ℹ️] NT-805 BackingFragment reward card IA (#741)
[␠] NT-805 Missed bottom margin of reward in fragment_backing (#743)
[👋🏾] NT-799 Removing mini reward animation (#747)
[🗒] NT-800 Reward summary redesign (#748)
[ℹ️] NT-849 Adding id field to checkout model (#735)
[🔙] NT-843 Project Page Pledge Button Clicked event (#736)
[✔️] NT-845 Select Reward Button Clicked event (#739)
[💳] NT-846 Checkout Payment Page Viewed event (#744)
[🛍] NT-847 Pledge Submit Button Clicked event (#745)
[🙏🏾] NT-848 Thanks Page Viewed event (#751)
[🧽🐨] NT-926 Koala clean up (#759)
[⏱] NT-951 Adding context_pledge_flow to Project Page Viewed and Project Page Pledge Button Clicked events (#772)
[💥] Fixes crash when clicking a project update (#711)
[🕷] NT-786 Fixes bug with clicking project URLs from an update (#712)
[🤕] NT-726 Cancel pledge NPE (#713)
[💦] NT-725 Cleaning up some context leaks (#714)
[🎩] NT-825 Changing home sort to magic but for real this time (#729)
[🆕] Updating config and strings (#769)
[␡] NT-897 Removing go rewardless feature flag (#775)
[ℹ️] NT-840 Adding device identifier to InternalToolsActivity (#740)
Release Prep
[🚀] 2.3.0 RC (#778)
Qualtrics survey and Discover a Project events
Actual release date
February 12, 2019
[❔] NT-601 Qualtrics survey support (#700)
[🆕] NT-790 Additional Qualtrics properties (#715)
[🎨] NT-792 Updating Qualtrics prompt background color (#723)
[📝] NT-824 Updating Qualtrics survey prompt copy (#726)
[🛁] Adding new tracking session properties (#702)
[🛁] Added new discover properties to TrackingClientType. (#704)
[🛁] Adding new project properties (#705)
[🛁] Adding new tracking user properties (#703)
[⏱️] Adding timestamps to lake events and tests (#706)
[␡] Removing sample Lake events (#707)
[🔍] NT-654 Adding Explore Page Viewed event (#709)
[😅] Adds missing session_os property to session properties (#710)
[🍔] NT-811 Added Hamburger Menu Clicked event (#716)
[🔍] NT-812 Added Explore Sort Clicked event (#717)
[🕵🏾♀️] NT-818 Search Button Clicked event (#721)
[🌚] NT-819 Project Page Viewed event (#720)
[🔍] NT-817 Filter Clicked event (#719)
[⚡️] NT-816 Activity Feed Viewed event (#718)
[🔍] NT-820 Search Page Viewed event and NT-821 Search Results Loaded event (#722)
[ℹ️] NT-813 Updating "partition-key" value in Data Lake events (#724)
[🔒] NT-693 Adding client_id param to Lake requests (#725)
[🕷] NT-826 Renaming session_user_logged_in property to session_user_is_logged_in (#728)
[🚮] NT-831 Removing volatile user tracking properties (#727)
[👩👧] NT-839 Adding parentName to Category model (#733)
[💧] NT-815 Hitting prod data Lake in prod (#734)
[🔢] NT-850 session_os_version tracking property should only contain numbers (#737)
[🛤] NT-851 Add session_client_platform to session properties (#738)
[💥] Fixes crash when clicking a project update (#711)
[🕷] NT-786 Fixes bug with clicking project URLs from an update (#712)
[🤕] NT-726 Cancel pledge NPE (#713)
[💦] NT-725 Cleaning up some context leaks (#714)
[🎩] NT-825 Changing home sort to magic but for real this time (#729)
[🎉] Updating the readme for 2k20 (#708)
[✅] Fixing add new cards tests (#730)
User education
[♿️] NT-709 Adding accessibility statement to help section of settings (#732)
Release Prep
[🚀] 2.2.0 RC (#742 )
Go Rewardless (again!) and a Webview Mystery™
Actual release date
Dec 18, 2019
[🐛] NT-689 Fetching projects by "tag_id" and not "tad_id" (#693)
[😕] NT-713 Handling users clicking on project links in the webviews
Feature flags
[🏴] NT-691 Go rewardless flag, take 2 (#695)
[📱] NT-690 Sending custom User Agent header with graphQL requests (#694)
[💧] NT-653 Set up additional tracking client to hit the Data Lake™ (#692)
[🔄] Refactor of TrackingClient (#697)
Release Prep
Go Rewardless
[🆕] NT-585 Showing go rewardless tout in Disco (#682)
[🚀] NT-586 Clicking Editorial in disco opens Editorial projects list (#683)
[🔌] NT-619 Error handling when viewing Editorial (#684)
[✨] NT-587 Go rewardless carousel treatment (#685)
[🛤] NT-622 Go rewardless tracking (#687)
[💥] NT-625 No Crash Zone™ (#688)
[🐞] NT-661 Removing secondary ProgressBar in Discovery (#690)
[👷🏾♀️] Updating fabric gradle tools and google services to silence obsolete (#686)
Release Prep
[💳] Native Checkout
(This was released in the Play Store on November 21, 2019)
[🗣] NT-252 Improved a11y on project page (#635)
[💳] NT-416 Improved a11y in Pledge screen (#636)
[💳] NT-414 Improved a11y support for stored cards (#634)
[🗣] NT-457 A11y label for backing payment method (#647)
[🎨] NT-390 Total pledge color is static (#639)
[🎨] NT-487 Customizing 3DS2 style (#662)
[🎨] NT-473 Pledge currency text styles (#668)
[🔁] NT-379 Synchronous createBacking (#637)
[💳] NT-380 Synchronous updateBacking (#649)
[💳] NT-369 createBacking with SCA support (#646)
[🎊] NT-464 UpdateBacking SCA (#654)
Always displaying the pledge minimum. (#640)
[😭] NT-412 Pledge validation (#641)
[💰] NT-441 Showing backer if they used Google Pay or Apple Pay (#642)
[🙈] NT-442 Pledge summary visibility in the pledge screen (#650)
[🙈] NT-466 Pledge summary visibility in the view/manage pledge screen (#651)
[⛔️] NT-509 Hiding reward CTA for creators on their own project (#660)
[🔙] NT-479 Pledge toolbar navigation (#661)
[ℹ️] NT-511 Showing project launch date when current user is project's creator (#664)
[👀] NT-510 Pledge CTA for creators viewing their own project is "View your rewards" (#665)
[📛] NT-536 Added current user's name and avatar to view/manage pledge (#667)
[📈] NT-512 Added creator dashboard button to project page (#666)
[ℹ️] NT-507 Displaying backing status in BackingFragment (#669)
[👆🏾] NT-566 Pull to refresh support in View/Manage pledge (#670)
[🔜] NT-564 Preauth backing status support (#671)
[🆕] NT-567 Special manage pledge menu for backings in preauth state (#672)
[🙈] Hiding payment method section in BackingFragment when paymentMethod is null (#675)
[👷🏾♀️] NT-584 Go rewardless feature flag support (#679)
[🐛] NT-225 NPE when saving card unsuccessfully in settings (#638)
[🐛] NT-455 Fixing bug when viewing rewards of a backed project. (#644)
[🐜] NT-448 Pledge warning rotation bug (#663)
[🐛] NT-467 Fixes bug with pledge text color and max warning (#658)
[🐞] NT-566 Refreshing project page bug (#680)
[👷🏾♀️] NT-452 Stripe 11.1.3 -> 12.0.1 (#648)
[🚮] NT-351 Updating Google Wallet library 17.0.0 -> 18.0.0 (#655)
[✅] NT-344 Adds missing tests in ProjectViewModel (#657)
[💥] NT-443 Fixing Crashlytics setup (#659)
[📱] Adding KSRequestInterceptor to graphQL client (#677)
[👷🏾♀️] Fixes documentation with signing.gradle credentials (#674)
[👷🏾♀️] NT-588 Setting up regression variant (#678)
Release prep
[🏳] NT-344 Using native checkout feature flag in external builds (#656)
[🚀] 2.0.0 RC (#673)
[👯♀️] Syncing master and 2.0.0 release branch (#676)
[🚀] 2.0.0 part 3 (#681)
Internal Tools
[🔥] Internal tools redesign and config feature flags display (#643)
Fixes imports from moved files in internal tools (#645)
Q Support 𝐐, RefTags 🏷
Included from hot fix releases
[1.17.1] Downgrading Facebook library #601
Sending client_id secret with GraphQL requests
♻️ NT-83 Project reload
Externally, deep linked users will see a ProgressBar and the project action button will animate.
💰🤔 NT-165 Displaying converted reward minimum (#608)
✨Button style update
🆕 NT-253 Stripe SDK 8.3.0 -> 11.1.3
𝐐 NT-336 Targeting SDK 29
RefTag updates
🏷 NT-343 Adding default ref tag to project deep links that don't have one #620
🔗 NT-337 Adding ref tag when sharing projects #621
🔗 NT-342 Adding ref tag when sharing updates #622
🔗 NT-339 Adding ref tag when sharing from Thanks #624
Manage your pledge
[🔁] Manage pledge UI #593
[🍡] View/manage pledge menu #595
[🔁] CancelPledgeFragment redesign #594
[🔥] Update pledge #596
[✨] View/Manage pledge UI #597
[💰] Always showing the total pledge amount in manage pledge summary #598
[💳] Update backing payment method #599
[🌍] Consuming backing.locationName #610
[🚫] NT-247 Pledge can't be canceled warning #615
Reward updates
👣Hiding the rewards count in landscape #604
🔙 Reward buttons copy and style #603
🔙 Reversing reward animation on back press #609
📝 No reward copy, 3 #605
ℹ️NT-236 Reward IA additions #613
[♻️] NT-83 Project reload
[🚧] Removing some repos from gradle to fix the build in CI #606
[🐛] Back button bug #611
[💳] NT-246 Disabling stored cards based on project.availableCardTypes #614
[👋🏾] Remove leak canary #626