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903 lines (819 loc) · 47.2 KB

File metadata and controls

903 lines (819 loc) · 47.2 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.


Breaking Changes

  • PendingWindows opened into a PendingApp now have working WindowHandles. As a result of this fix, Open::open() now returns a WindowHandle instead of an Option<WindowHandle>.

  • CushyWindow::set_occluded and CushyWindow::resize now require a PlatformWindowImplementation` parameter.

  • PlatformWindowImplementation::position has been renamed to PlatformWindowImplementation::outer_position.

  • Window::position has been renamed to Window::outer_position and takes an additional parameter controlling whether to position the window with the initial value of the dynamic or whether to let the operating system perform the initial positioning.

  • Keyboard modifiers have been added to two event structures: ButtonClick and KeyboardEvent. Because of this change, KeyboardEvent no longer implements From<winit::event::KeyEvent>. Instead, a new api KeyEvent::from_winit allows constructing from both the modifiers and key event.

  • The type alias WindowAttributes has been removed. This type is no longer used in Cushy's public API.

  • Window::attributes has been made private. All functionality available from this field should be available directly via functions on Window, and when possible, the attributes are be able to be dynamically updated as well.

  • Window::focused now accepts an IntoValue implementor instead of IntoDynamic. Additionally, the initial value is now used to control whether the OS should initially activate the window when it is opened.

  • WrapperWidget::root_behavior's provided implementation now returns Some(RootBehavior::PassThrough) to reflect the general intention of what WrapperWidget implementors are generally doing. Previously, None was returned.

  • PlatformWindowImplementation::request_inner_size and PlatformWindow::request_inner_size now both return Option<Size<UPx>>. When the function returns a value, Cushy is expected to apply the new size to the state immediately rather than waiting for the platform to notify it of a resize event.

  • PlatformWindow::outer_size is a new function that returns the window's current outer size.

  • Graphics::draw_texture and Graphics::draw_textured_shape now both accept an opactiy parameter controlling how opaque the texture should be rendered at.

  • MakeWigetList has had some of its functions moved to a new trait: IntoWidgetList. A blanket implementation of MakeWidgetList is provided for types that implement IntoWidgetList. In general, compilation errors related to this change can be fixed by importing IntoWidgetList.

    • MakeWidgetList::into_rows -> IntoWidgetList::into_rows
    • MakeWidgetList::into_columns -> IntoWidgetList::into_columns
    • MakeWidgetList::into_layers -> IntoWidgetList::into_layers
    • MakeWidgetList::into_wrap -> IntoWidgetList::into_wrap
    • MakeWidgetList::into_list -> IntoWidgetList::into_list
  • ConstraintLimit::fit_measured and FitMeasuredSize::fit_measured now accept either a Px or UPx measurement, and does not perform scaling adjustments. To convert Lp use into_upx() first.

  • IntoReader::to_label and IntoReader::into_label have been moved to their own trait: Displayable. This allows more flexible acceptance of types.

  • MakeWidget::widget_ref has been renamed to MakeWidget::into_ref.

  • Radio and Checkbox are now powered by a new widget Indicator<T>. This new implementation treats the indicators as independently focusable widgets rather than how the Button-powered implementation shows focus around the entire "label" of the button.

    The Button-powered implementation can still be used by using the kind function to pick the ButtonKind to use. Prior to this change, ButtonKind::Transparent was the default.

    Lastly, several APIs no longer accept a label parameter. Instead, the widgets have new functions labelled_by(label) that can be used to attach a clickable label to an indicator. The affected APIs are:

    • Radio::new
    • Checkbox::new
    • Checkable::into_checkbox
    • Checkable::to_checkbox
    • Dynamic::new_radio
    • Dynamic::new_checkbox
  • Space no longer implements hit_test. If you need an area to intercept mouse events, wrap the Space in a Custom widget:

      Custom::new(Space::colored(Color::RED)).on_hit_test(|_, _| true)
  • Component is now #[non_exhaustive].

  • Wrap::vertical_align has been removed in favor of the VerticalAlignment component.

  • widgets::wrap::VerticalAlign has been moved to styles::VerticalAlign. Additionally VerticalAlign::Middle has been renamed VerticalAlign::Center for consistency with horizontal alignment.

  • Label now honor HorizontalAlignment and VerticalAlignment. Previously Labels centered their content when sized larger than the text they contained. The defaults for the alignment components are left and top, respectively.

  • wgpu has been updated to v24.0.1.

  • Embedding a Expand in a Stack or Grid now honors both directions of expansion. This may cause layouts that use Expand::expand()/MakeWidget::expand() inside of a stack to behave drastically differently. If this affects your user interface, use expand_horizontally() or expand_vertically() to limit the direction of the expansion.

  • All callbacks executed by map_each/for_each/etc are now executed by a single thread rather than in the thread causing the change. The major effect of this change is that updating a dynamic and immediately trying to read a value of a dynamic that is supposed to be updated will not work reliably anymore. Using a DynamicReader to block until the value is updated will work in existing code and in the new callback execution model.

    This change was made to make complex data flows simpler to implement without causing deadlocks. Without this change, it was easy in a multi-threaded application to create deadlocks with relatively simple data flows like the new 7guis-timer example.

  • The type cushy::Graphics is now available at cushy::graphics::Graphics.

  • Source::for_each_cloned_* now invoke the callback with the current contents of of the source before attaching the callback. New functions beginning with for_each_subsequent_cloned have been added with the original behavior. This change was done to make for_each_cloned and for_each have the same semantics.

  • The module cushy::value has been moved to cushy::reactive::value. The new reactive module contains traits and types shared between both channels and value containers.

  • cushy::value::CallbackDisconnected and cushy::value::CallbackHandle are now exported from cushy::reactive.


  • Open is now implemented for most types via a blanket implementation for a new trait, MakeWindow. MakeWindow splits the process of creating a Window<Behavior> from the process of opening a window.

    The new MakeWindow trait adds some new functionality: open_centered/run_centered/run_centered_in. These functions present a window centered on the screen where the window initially is shown.

  • IntoAnimate::on_complete now takes an FnOnce instead of an FnMut. Since this widens the types of functions this accepts, this is not a breaking change. This matches the documented behavior.

  • tracing_subscriber initialization has been moved to PendingApp::default() from Window::run. This ensures logging is always initialized for all Cushy apps.

  • The default logging output has been trimmed to only show errors for wgpu, winit, and naga. Thanks to @bluenote10 for the feedback!

  • WrapperWidget::activate's default implementation now activates the wrapped widget.

  • Space now intercepts mouse events if its color has a non-zero alpha channel.

  • If the root widget of a window is a Resize with an exact width and height, the window will have its resizable attribute disabled. This will not update the resizable Dynamic<bool> on Window.

  • Transparent buttons' focus rings are now drawn using the same corner radius as the button and have padding between the label and the focus ring.


  • Collapse, OverlayLayer, and Progress all honor the theme components EasingIn and EasingOut rather than hard-coded easing functions.
  • Collapse widgets now apply child size changes immediately rather than animating the transition. The previous behavior caused nested collapsed widgets to grow and shrink in an accordian-like fashion rather than animating together.
  • Switcher now unmounts child widgets in all windows it is mounted in. Fixes #139.
  • inner_size and outer_size are now initialized after the first layout is performed. This ensures that when resize_to_fit is used, the first observed values will be the resized values.
  • Resize now performs a second layout pass, if necessary, to ensure that children widgets have an opportunity to fill the resized area. Additionally, the first SizeToFit measurement will be performed with the minimum dimension.
  • When a keyboard-activated widget activates another widget during its callback, the key-up event now sends the deactivate event to the finally-activated widget.
  • A rare deadlock occurring when multiple threads were racing to execute Dynamic<T> change callbacks has been fixed.
  • Stack no longer unwraps a Resize child if the resize widget is resizing in the direction opposite of the Stack's orientation.
  • If the layout of widgets changes during a redraw, the currently hovered widget is now properly updated immediately. Previously, the hover would only update on the next cursor event.
  • Scroll no longer attempts to preserve scroll amounts using a percentage when its child changes size.
  • Stack and Grid now properly recompute exact-sized Lp children when the display scale is changed.
  • Button's colors are now fully reactive. The caching code to prevent color duplicate change animations has been simplified to fix this.
  • Clipping math of widgets with negative origins has been fixed to no longer allow overdrawing the widget's bounds. This was noticable in the example when reducing the height of the window below 6 inches.
  • Scroll now uses the new ScrollBar widget for its bars rather than manually drawing them. By making this change, the bars now have input priority over the contents. This means that the scroll bars are now clickable even in areas where interactive widgets are beneath them.
  • GraphicsContext::fill now properly fills the entire region of the widget.
  • ThemedMode is now properly applied consistently. Previously sometimes the window's theme mode would be used instead of the overridden mode.
  • Expand now requests children size to fit in the non-expanding direction when using either vertical or horizontal expanding modes.
  • Input now draws its selection when not focused.
  • Input no longer immediately selects all of its contents. Instead, when focus is shifted to the input, if there is no selection the entire field will be selected. This is not always the desired behavior, and further customization of this behavior should be allowed, but this is a step in the right direction compared to the previous behavior.
  • Using an Expand inside of a Resize widget no longer panics with overflowing math.
  • Fonts already loaded into a FontCollection when the window is first opened are now properly loaded.
  • Widgets of 0-size are now still rendered, even though all the drawing operations will be clipped away. This allows the ComponentProbe to still actively probe when placed in a location and given no space.
  • Focus order when reversing now correctly evaluates direct parent widgets. Prior to this change, placing a button inside of a button would not allow shift-tab to focus the outer button when focus was on the inner button.
  • Image now honors ConstraintLimit::Fill when using the aspect-fit scaling mode.
  • A fix in Graphics::translation potentially fixes edge cases that could arise when drawing in clipped regions inside of a scrolled area. This change was made without observing any ill effects from the existing logic, but the logic was not correct.
  • Input and Label now honor ConstraintLayout::Fill.
  • Label now properly invalidates itself when various font style components are changed.


  • ComponentProbe<T> is a new widget that allows reading a ComponentDefinition value from the theme at runtime through a Dynamic<T::ComponentType>. For example, a ComponentProbe<TextSize> will provide access to a Dynamic<Dimension>. Previously this required creating a custom widget to access the runtime theme information.

    ContextFreeComponent::probe() and ContextFreeComponent::probe_wrapping() provide an easy interface for creating probes from components.

  • These to_* variations of existing into_* functions have been added to avoid some cases where cloning might be needed.

    • MakeWidget::to_button()
    • MakeWidget::to_checkbox()
    • WidgetInstance::to_window()
  • Watcher is a new type that executes callbacks when one or more sources changes. This can simplify some data flows such as regenerating a value when many one of many UI elements are changed.

  • The resize_to_fit setting has been added to all window types and is no longer limited to VirtualRecorders. This setting can be changed using:

    • Window::resize_to_fit
    • StandaloneWindowBuilder::resize_to_fit
  • Tracked<Source> is a new type that can store a Dynamic<T> or Value<T> and provide easy ways to track whether the value has been updated.

  • Many new functions have been added to Window to expose more functionality supported by winit:

    • Window::app_name
    • Window::content_protected
    • Window::cursor_hittest
    • Window::cursor_position
    • Window::cursor_visible
    • Window::decorated
    • Window::enabled_buttons
    • Window::fullscreen
    • Window::icon
    • Window::inner_position
    • Window::maximized
    • Window::minimized
    • Window::modifiers
    • Window::outer_position
    • Window::outer_size
    • Window::resize_increments
    • Window::resized
    • Window::transparent
    • Window::visible
    • Window::window_level
  • run(&mut App) is a new function that can provide a more concise way of executing applications that would normally require using PendingApp.

  • PendingApp::on_startup allows executing a function once the application's event loop has begun.

  • App::monitors() returns a snapshot of the currently configured monitors attached to the device. A new example demonstrating this API is available at examples/

  • PlatformWindowImplementation has several new functions with provided implementations for winit users:

    • inner_position
    • outer_size
  • #[cushy::main] is a new attribute proc-macro that simplifies initializing and running multi-window applications.

  • Window::on_open executes a callback when the window is initially opened.

  • Shortcuts is a new widget that simplifies attaching logic to keyboard shortcuts. Any widget can be wrapped with keyboard shortcut handling by using MakeWidget::with_shortcut/MakeWidget::with_repeating_shortcut.

  • Window now can have its own ShortcutMap, which can be populated using Window::with_shortcut/Window::with_repeating_shortcut, or provided using Window::with_shortcuts.

  • ModifiersStateExt is a new trait that adds functionality to winit's ModifiersState type. Specifically, this trait adds an associated PRIMARY constant that resolves to the primary shortcut modifier on the target platform.

  • New feature flag serde enables serialization support for some types.

  • WindowHandle::execute executes a function on the window's thread providing access to an EventContext. This can be used to gain access to the window directly, including getting a reference to the underlying winit Window.

  • Modal is a new layer widget that presents a single widget as a modal session.

  • App::prevent_shutdown() returns a guard that prevents the application from closing automatically when the final window is closed.

  • WindowBehavior::initialized is invoked once the window has been fully initialized.

  • Window::on_init is a new callback that is invoked before the winit window is initialized.

  • Window::on_file_drop is a new callback that is invoked when file drop events occur for the window.

  • Image::opacity allows rendering the image with a given opacity.

  • PendingApp::with_tracing and PendingApp::initialize_tracing install Cushy's tracing Subscriber. The default PendingApp has tracing initialized, but PendingApp::new does not.

  • Animate and IntoAnimate are now implemented for:

    • impl FnMut(Duration) -> ControlFlow<Duration> + Send + Sync + 'static
    • SharedCallback<Duration, ControlFlow<Duration>>
    • SharedCallback
  • Cushy::multi_click_threshold/Cushy::set_multi_click_threshold provide access to the setting used by Cushy widgets to detect whether two clicks are related.

  • ClickCounter is a new helper that simplifies handling actions based on how many sequential clicks were observed.

  • Dimension::is_unbounded is a new helper that returns true if neither the start or end is bounded.

  • &String and Cow<'_, str> now implement MakeWidget.

  • Cargo feature native-dialogs has been added to enable native dialogs to be shown by Cushy applications.

  • PendingApp::with_on_unrecoverable_error allows overriding the default behavior when an unrecoverable error occurs. Previously, all unrecoverable errors resulted in a panic. The new default behavior uses the native-dialogs feature when enabled to display the error using a system-native message dialog.

  • MessageBox displays a prompt to the user in a Modal layer, above a WindowHandle, or in an App. When shown above a window or app, the rfd crate is used to use the native system dialogs.

  • FilePicker displays a file picker to the user in a Modal layer, above a WindowHandle, or in an App. When shown above a window or app, the rfd crate is used to use the native system dialogs.

    The FilePicker type supports these modes of operation:

    • Saving a file
    • Choosing a single file
    • Choosing one or more files
    • Choosing a single folder/directory
    • Choosing one or more folders/directories
  • DynamicGuard::unlocked executes a closure while the guard is temporarily unlocked.

  • Scroll::preserve_max_scroll controls whether the scroll view automatically scrolls when currently scrolled to the maximum and its child grows. The default is true, which was the behavior before this flag was added.

  • Image now supports ImageCornerRadius. Thanks to @danbulant for helping with this change!

  • Scroll now exposes its scroll amount, maximum scroll, and more information that allows completely customizing a scroll view's behavior. Thanks to @danbulant for helping with this change!

  • ScrollBar is a new widget that renders a scroll bar meant to scroll through a large container. Additionally its appearance has been updated to be based on the theme. Several new style components have been added to control how scroll bars are rendered: ScrollBarThumbColor, ScrollBarThumbOutlineColor, ScrollBarThumbOutlineThickness, ScrollBarThumbCornerRadius.

  • Label::overflow allows customizing the behavior for a label when it cannot be drawn on a single line.

  • ConstraintLimit::fill_or_fit is a new function that will fill the available space when being requested to fill, otherwise it return the minimum of the measured size and the constraint limit.

  • OutlineWidth is a new component that is used to control the width of most outlines drawn in the user interface.

  • FocusColor is a new component that controls the color of the keyboard focus indicator.

  • Graphics::draw and Graphics::draw_with are a new function that allows performing arbitrary wgpu drawing operations when rendering. See the example for an example on how to use this to render into a Canvas with a custom shader.

  • Pile is a new widget that shows one of many widgets. PiledWidget handles are returned for each widget pushed into a pile. These handles can be used to show or close a specific widget in a pile.

  • HorizontalAlignment and VerticalAlignment are new components that are used by some widgets when positioning their contents. WrapperWidget::position_child has been updated to use WrappedLayout::aligned when the new function WrapperWidget::align_child returns true. Expand, Label, and Resize have been updated to support these components.

  • Local style support has been fully exposed. Local styles are applied to the widget they are attached to, but are not inherited to child widgets. The new APIs are:

    • Styles::insert_local
    • Styles::insert_local_dynamic
    • Styles::insert_local_named
    • Styles::with_local
    • Styles::with_local_dynamic
    • Styles::with_local_named
    • Style::with_local
    • Style::with_local_dynamic
    • Style::with_local_named
    • MakeWidget::with_local
    • MakeWidget::with_local_dynamic
  • Style::hint, MakeWidget::hint, and MakeWidget::with_hint have been added to standardize a method of adding informational text to interfaces.

  • ImageScaling::layout_size and ImageScaling::render_area are new functions that expose the layout calculations the Image widget performed.

  • GraphicsContext::current_font_settings() returns a new struct FontSettings that contains the effective style components for the various font settings supported by a GraphicsContext. FontSettings::apply() can be used to apply settings in one step. FontSettings also implements PartialEq allowing it to be used as a cache invalidation key.

  • New feature localization, included in Cushy's default features, enables multi-lingual/multi-locale support using Fluent. See the localization module for documentation of this feature, or see the example in the repository to see it in action.

  • Duration now has LinearInterpolation and PercentBetween implementations.

  • Source::on_change_try is a new function that executes a callback any time the source is changed.

  • Dynamic::linked_accessor is a new function that takes a getter and setter function and returns a Dynamic that will execute the getter and setter appropriately when its value is changed.

  • DynamicRead::read_nonblocking is a new function that attempts to acquire read access to the dynamic without blocking the current thread.

  • cushy::reactive::Unwrapped is a new trait implemented by many reactive data types that simplifies reacting only when a value is unwrappable. This trait is implemented for Option<T> or Result<T, E> values, and provides for_each_unwrapped for callback attachment and unwrapped() to create a Dynamic<T> that is updated only when the source contains Ok(_) or Some(_).

  • Destination::force_set is a new function that always updates the destination with the specified value. Many functions use PartialEq to short-circuit update notifications that don't change the underlying value. This new API will always notify observers.

v0.4.0 (2024-08-20)

Breaking Changes

  • Dependency kludgine has been updated to v0.10.0, which updates Cushy to wgpu v22.0.0 and cosmic-text v0.12.0.
  • At some point, a dependency of the image crate has been updated with a minimum supported Rust version (MSRV) of 1.80.0. This is Cushy's new MSRV to reflect this requirement.
  • Source::for_each_* now invoke the callback with the current contents of of the source before attaching the callback. New functions beginning with for_each_subsequent_ have been added with the original behavior.
  • CushyWindowBuilder has been renamed to StandaloneWindowBuilder and MakeWidget::build_virtual_window has been renamed to build_standalone_window.
  • All animation easing related functionality has been reactored into a separate crate: easing-function. Most code will remain unaffected due to re-exports, but the Easing trait no longer accepts a ZeroToOne parameter, instead accepting an f32 value.


  • Fixed a panic that could occur when removing certain nested hierarchies from a window.

  • CallbackHandle now has a must_use hint that might help users discover the persist function.

  • Fixed a deadlock that could occur when multiple threads were attempting to execute change callbacks for the same dynamic at the same time.

  • The initial inner_size of a Window is now used if it is non-zero and WindowAttributes::inner_size is None.

  • Container's layout and drawing functions now properly round up/down the measurements to ensure accurate rendering. Fixes #158.

  • Input selection handling when dragging below or above the text field is now handled correctly.

  • Nested hierarchies of widgets stored in a reused WidgetInstance are now properly unmounted and remounted. For widgets that store MountedWidgets, in their mounted events the widgets should remount their children if needed.

    This fix not only fixes underlying issues with how unmounting was occuring, but also fixes Stack, Grid, and WidgetRef to automatically remount as needed.


  • AnimationRecorder::animate_keypress is a new helper that animates a single key press.
  • AnimationRecorder::animate_mouse_button is a new helper that animates a single mouse button press and release.
  • Window::on_close_requested is a new function that allows providing a callback that is invoked before the window is closed when the user or operating system requests that a window is closed. If the callback returns true, the window is allowed to be closed. If false is returned, the window will remain open. This feature is most commonly used to prevent losing unsaved changes.
  • Fraction now has LinearInterpolation and PercentBetween implementations.
  • Window::zoom allows setting a Dynamic<Fraction> that scales all DPI-scaled operations by an additional scaling factor.
  • Edges and ContainerShadow now implement figures::Round.

v0.3.0 (2024-05-12)

Breaking Changes

  • This crate's MSRV is now 1.74.1, required by updating wgpu.

  • wgpu has been updated to 0.20.

  • winit has been updated to 0.30.

  • All context types no longer accept a 'window lifetime. For most end-user code, it means removing one elided lifetime from these types:

    • WidgetContext
    • EventContext
    • LayoutContext
    • GraphicsContext
  • WidgetContext's Deref target is now &mut dyn PlatformWindow. This change ensures all widgets utilize a shared interface between any host architecture.

  • All DeviceId parameters have been changed to a DeviceId type provided by Cushy. This allows for creating arbitrary input device IDs when creating an integration with other frameworks or driving simulated input in a VirtualWindow.

  • WidgetRef is now a struct instead of an enum. This refactor changes the mounted state to be stored in a WindowLocal, ensuring WidgetRefs work properly when used in a WidgetInstance shared between multiple windows.

  • WidgetRef::unmount_in should be called when the widget is being unmounted to clean up individual window state.

  • Dynamic<T> and DynamicReader<T> have had most of their functions moved into the traits Source<T> and Destination<T>. This unifies the APIs between the two types, and offers a path for other specialized reactive data types to all share a unified API.

  • map_mut now takes a Mutable<'_, T> parameter instead of an &mut T parameter. This type tracks whether the reference is accessed using DerefMut, allowing map_mut to skip invoking change callbacks if only Deref is used.

  • redraw_when_changed()/invalidate_when_changed() from some types have been moved to the Trackable trait. This was to ensure all trackable types provide the same API.

  • Label has been refactored to accept any Display type. As a result of this, Label::text is now named display and Label::new() now accepts an IntoReadOnly<T> instead of IntoValue<String>.

  • Dynamic<WidgetList>::wrap and WidgetList::wrap have been renamed to into_wrap for consistency.

  • Cushy now has its own KeyEvent type, as winit's has private fields. This prevented simulating input in a VirtualWindow.

  • FlexibleDimension::ZERO has been removed, and now FlexibleDimension implements Zero which defines an associated constant of the same name and purpose.

  • Children has been renamed to WidgetList.

  • ColorExt::into_source_and_lightness has been renamed to ColorExt::into_hsl, and its return type is now Hsl instead of the individual components.

  • Window::font_data_to_load has been renamed to fonts, and now has the FontCollection type.

  • Several font-related functions have been moved from GraphicsContext to WidgetContext:

    • GraphicsContext::set_font_family()
    • GraphicsContext::find_available_font_family()
    • GraphicsContext::set_available_font_family()
  • Open::open now require exclusive references to the application.

  • PlatformWindowImplementation::set_cursor_icon and PlatformWindow::set_cursor_icon have been renamed to set_cursor and accept winit 0.30's new Cursor type.

  • Button::on_click now takes a Option<ButtonClick> structure. When this value is provided, information about the mouse click that caused the event is provided.

  • OverlayBuilder has hade many of its functions moved into a new trait, Overlayable. This is to ensure common API surfaces across all overlayable widgets including the new Menu widget.


  • The root widget is now included in the search for widgets to accept focus.

  • Widgets that have been laid out with a 0px width or height no longer have their redraw functions called nor can they receive focus.

  • Grid now synchronizes removal of widgets from GridWidgets correctly.

  • WidgetInstances can now be shared between windows. Any unpredictable behaviors when doing this should be reported, as some widgets may still have state that should be moved into a WindowLocal type.

  • Grid no longer passes ConstraintLimit::Fill along to children when it contains more than one element. Previously, if rows contained widgets that filled the given space, this would cause the grid to calculate layouts incorrectly.

  • A potential edge case where a DynamicReader would not return after being disconnected has been removed.

  • #120: Dividing a ZeroToOne now properly checks for NaN and 0..

  • Removed a possible deadlock when using DynamicReader::block_until_updated.

  • Removed an edge case ensuring Wakers are signaled for DynamicReaders that are waiting for value when the last Dynamic is dropped.

  • Progress now utilizes IntoSource<Progress> instead of IntoDynamic<Progress>. In general, this should not cause any code breakages unless the traits were being used in generics.

  • Space now honors ConstraintLimit::Fill in its layout.

  • When handling the Ctrl/Cmd+W shortcut to close windows, repeat keys are now ignored.

  • Color::constrast_between was incorrectly allowing hue shifts to weigh in on the contrast when the color was desaturated, and the attempt to account for that was incorrectly being applied to the lightness contrast calculation. In short, this function should be much more accurate in perceived contrast evaluation.

  • Graphics::set_font_family now clears the cached font family list, ensuring that the next call to apply_current_font_settings works correctly.

  • Image now returns the correct size from layout() when in aspect scaling modes. Previously, it reported back the minimum size, since it's scale was considered flexible. This new behavior ensures that it always requests a size that is scaled with the aspect ratio.

    The rendering behavior remains unchanged, and the image will scale correctly within whatever bounds it is given.

  • Widget::unmounted is now invoked for all widgets in the hierarchy. Previously, only the parent widget was having its unmounted event invoked.

  • Resizing windows should no longer be out of sync with the resize operation. Previously, the window background would sometimes paint in newly revealed areas before the UI was redrawn.


  • WidgetCacheKey now includes the KludgineId of the context it was created from. This ensures if a WidgetInstance moves or is shared between windows, the cache is invalidated.
  • All Dynamic mapping functions now utilize weak references, and the CallbackHandle now contains a strong reference to the originating dynamic. This should have no visible impact on end-user code.
  • ForEach/MapEach's implementations for tuples are now defined using Source<T> and DynamicRead<T>. This allows combinations of Dynamic<T>s and DynamicReader<T>s to be used in for_each/map_each expressions.


  • Cushy now supports being embedded in any wgpu application. Here are the API highlights:

    • CushyWindow is a type that contains the state of a standalone window. It defines an API designed to enable full control with winit integration into any wgpu application. This type's design is inspired by wpgu's "Encapsulating Graphics Work" article. Each of its functions require being passed a type that implements PlatformWindowImplementation, which exposes all APIs Cushy needs to be fully functional.
    • VirtualWindow is a type that makes it easy to render a Cushy interface in any wgpu application where no winit integration is desired. It utilizes VirtualState as its PlatformWindowImplementation. This type also exposes a design inspired by wpgu's "Encapsulating Graphics Work" article.
    • WindowDynamicState is a set of dynamics that can be updated through external threads and tasks.
    • is a new trait that allows customizing the behavior that Cushy widgets need to be rendered.
  • Cushy now supports easily rendering a virtual window: VirtualRecorder. This type utilizes a VirtualWindow and provides easy access to captured images. This type has the ability to capture animated PNGs as well as still images.

  • figures is now directly re-exported at this crate's root. Kludgine still also provides this export, so existing references through kludgine will continue to work. This was added as an attempt to fix links on (see rust-lang/

  • Disclose is a new widget that shows a disclosure triangle and uses a Collapse widget to show/hide the content when the disclosure button is clicked. This widget also supports an optional label that is shown above the content and is also clickable.

  • #99: When an unhandled spacebar event is received by the window, the focused widget will be activated and deactived by the events. This previously was a Button-specific behavior that has been refactored into an automatic behavior for all widgets.

  • GridWidgets now implements FromIterator for types that implement Into<GridSection<N>>.

  • Window::titled allows setting a window's title, and can be provided a string-type or a Dynamic<String> to allow updating the title while the window is open.

  • DynamicReader::on_disconnect allows attaching a callback that is invoked once the final source Dynamic is dropped.

  • Dynamic::instances() returns the number of clones the dynamic has in existence.

  • Dynamic::readers() returns the number of DynamicReaders for the dynamic in existence.

  • RunningWindow::kludgine_id() returns a unique id for that window.

  • WindowLocal<T> is a HashMap-based type that stores data on a per-window basis using RunningWindow::kludgine_id() as the key.

  • Source<T> and Destination<T> are new traits that contain the reactive data model's API interface. Dynamic<T> implements both traits, and DynamicReader<T> implements only Source<T>.

  • DynamicRead<T> is a new trait that provides read-only access to a dynamic's contents.

  • IntoReadOnly<T> is a new trait that types can implement to convert into a ReadOnly<T>.

  • IntoReader<T> is a new trait that types can implement to convert into a DynamicReader<T>.

  • ReadOnly<T> is a type similar to Value<T> but instead of possibly being a Dynamic<T>, ReadOnly::Reader contains a DynamicReader<T>. This type can be used where widgets that receive a value but never mutate it.

  • Owned<T> is a new type that can be used where no shared ownership is necessary. This type uses a RefCell internally instead of an Arc + Mutex. Owned<T> implements Source<T> and Destination<T>.

  • GenerationalValue<T> now implements Default when T does.

  • Value<T> now implements From<Dynamic<T>>.

  • Most into_ functions that create widgets now have to_ variations that clone self before calling the into_ function. This has only been done in situations where it is known or likely that the clone being performed is cheap.

  • CallbackHandle now has weak() and forget_owners(). These functions allow a CallbackHandle to release its strong references to the Dynamic that the callback is installed on. This enables forming weak callback graphs that clean up independent of one another.

  • Source<T>::weak_clone returns a Dynamic<T> with a clone of each value stored in the original source. The returned dynamic holds no strong references to the original source.

  • Point, Size, and Rect now implement LinearInterpolate.

  • MakeWidget::build_virtual_window() returns a builder for a VirtualWindow.

  • MakeWidget::build_recorder() returns a builder for a VirtualRecorder.

  • Space::dynamic() returns a space that dynamically colors itself using component provided. This allows the spacer to use values from the theme at runtime.

  • Space::primary() returns a space that contains the primary color.

  • Hsl is a new color type that is composed of hue, saturation, and lightness.

  • Hsla is a new color type that combines Hsl with an alpha component.

  • Additional color pickers are now available:

    • HslPicker picks Hsl
    • HslaPicker picks Hsla
    • RgbPicker picks Color with 255/1.0 alpha channel
    • RgbaPicker picks Color
  • ComponentPicker is a picker of various ColorComponent implementors. It has constructors for each

  • InvalidationBatch is a type that can batch invalidation requests being made by a background task. This can be useful if the background task is updating a variety of Dynamic<T>s, but wish to limit redrawing the interface until the task has completed its updates.

    This type does not prevent redraws from being performed due to the operating system or other threads requeseting them.

  • A new feature plotters enables integration with the excellent plotters crate. Graphics::as_plot_area() is a new function that returns a plotters::DrawingArea that can be used to draw any plot that the plotters crate supports.

  • Delimiter is a new widget that is similar to html's hr tag.

  • List is a new widget that creates lists similar to HTML's ol and ul tags.

  • Dynamic::try_lock() is a panic-free version of Dynamic::lock().

  • FontCollection is a new type that can be used to load fonts at app/window startup or at runtime.

  • Cushy::fonts()returns a FontCollection that is loaded into all windows.

  • WidgetContext::loaded_font_faces() returns a list of fonts that were loaded for a given LoadedFont.

  • Graphics::font_system() returns a reference to the underlying Cosmic Text FontSystem.

  • Window::vsync is a new setting that allows disabling VSync for that window.

  • ModifiersExt is an extension trait for winit's Modifiers and ModifiersState types. This trait adds helpers for dealing with platform-specific meanings for keyboard modifiers.

  • OverlayLayer::dismiss_all() dismisses all overlays immediately.

  • Menu is a new widget type that can be shown in an OverlayLayer to create contextual menus or other popup menus.

  • PendingApp::new is a new function that accepts an AppRuntime implementor. This abstraction is how Cushy provides the optional integration for tokio.

  • Features tokio and tokio-multi-thread enable the tokio integration for this crate and expose a new type TokioRuntime. The DefaultRuntime automatically will use the TokioRuntime if either feature is enabled.

    When the tokio integration is enabled, tokio::spawn is able to be invoked from all Cushy code safely.


Breaking Changes

  • This crate has been renamed from Gooey to Cushy. Other than the name of the library changing, the only type to change name is Gooey -> Cushy. This changelog has had all references and links updated.
  • Many bounds required UnwindSafe due to a misunderstanding on how to handle this trait in appit. All requirements for UnwindSafe have been removed.
  • Cushy no longer implements default. To gain access to a Cushy instance, create a PendingApp or get a reference to the running App.
  • Window::new no longer accepts a Cushy parameter. The window now adopts the Cushy from the application it is opened within.
  • MakeWidget::into_window() no longer takes any parameters.
  • Label<T> is now generic over a new trait: DynamicDisplay. This new trait allows a way to query a WidgetContext to resolve the value to display. The trait is automatically implemented for all types that implement Display, so this change in practice shouldn't break much code.


  • #92: When a Window is resizable and the root widget's layout() function returns a size larger than the window's inner size, the window will no longer be resized to fit. The content will be forced to render in the given space, which may result in clipping.

    Using a Resize widget in the root hierarchy allows setting minimum width and heights for the content.


  • A memory leak has been fixed that prevented the underlying widget tree of each window from being dropped. This was caused by a reference counting cycle, and has been fixed by switching MountedWidget to use a weak reference internally and having the window hold the strong reference to the tree.
  • #112: Click-selection is handled correctly across graphemes now. Previously, code that was handling selecting between "ff" where cosmic_text had merged the two ASCII characters into a single glpyh was not honoring graphemes, allowing dragging selections inbetween multi-character glyphs.
  • #113: Input now constraints its internal selection to the value's length automatically. This fixes an issue where the backspace key no longer would work after clearing the text field by setting the Dynamic.
  • Validation callbacks are now associated with the Dynamic<Validation> being created rather than being persisted indefinitely on the source dynamic.


  • Validations::validate_result attaches a Dynamic<Result<T,E>> to the validations. This was already available on when conditioned validations.

  • Dynamic::[try_]compare_swap allows swapping the contents of a dynamic after verifying the current contents.

  • #91: Multi-window support has been implemented. PendingApp allows opening one or more windows before starting the program. App is a handle to the running application that can be used to open additional windows at runtime.

    Open is a new trait that allows various types to open as a window given a reference to an application. This trait is implemented for all types that implemented Run, which means any type that was previously able to be run as a standalone executable can now be opened as a window within a multi-window application.

    The multi-window example demonstates using this feature to open multiple windows before starting Cushy as well as dynamically opening windows at runtime.

  • Window::on_close sets a callback to be invoked when the window has closed.

  • WindowHandle is a handle to a Cushy window. It enables requesting that the window closes, refreshing the window, or invalidating a widget contained in the window.

  • RunningWindow::handle() returns a WindowHandle for the current window.

  • RunningWindow::request_close() requests that the window should close. This ensures WindowBehavior::close_requested is invoked before the window is closed.

  • PendingWindow is a new type that can return a WindowHandle for a window that hasn't opened yet. This can be used to allow a widget on a window to close the window.

  • Style components for customizing default widget colors have been added:

    • DefaultForegroundColor
    • DefaultBackgroundColor
    • DefaultHoveredForegroundColor
    • DefaultHoveredBackgroundColor
    • DefaultActiveForegroundColor
    • DefaultActiveBackgroundColor
    • DefaultDisabledForegroundColor
    • DefaultDisabledBackgroundColor
  • CallbackHandle can now be added with other CallbackHandles to merge multiple handles into a single handle.

  • Dynamic::set_source allows attaching a CallbackHandle to a Dynamic, ensuring the callback stays alive as long as the dynamic has an instance alive.

v0.1.3 (2023-12-19)


  • #94Window::inner_size allows setting a dynamic that will be synchronized with the window's inner size. When the dynamic is set to a new value, a resize request will be sent to the operating system. When the window's size is changed by the operating system, this dynamic will be updated with the new value.

    This dynamic is also accessible through RunningWindow::inner_size, which is accessible through contexts passed into various Widget functions.

  • Progress now implements Default by returning Progress::Indeterminant.

  • WeakDynamic<T> now implements Debug when T is Debug.


  • #97: Dynamic callback invocations could be missed for a value when multiple threads were updating values at the same time. Now it is guaranteed that each callback will observe the latest value at least once.

    Cycles on the same thread are still detected and logged to prevent infinite loops from callback chain cycles.

  • An integer underflow has been fixed in the Grid/Stack widgets.

  • Padding is now rounded to the nearest whole pixel when applied across widgets.

v0.1.2 (2023-12-18)


  • Cushy now compiles for Windows. An indirect dependency, appit, also needs to be updated to v0.1.1. Running cargo update should be enough to update appit.

v0.1.1 (2023-12-18)

This release only contains fixed links in the README. No code was changed.

v0.1.0 (2023-12-18)

This is the initial alpha release of Cushy.