Useful things in TCL, also used by Nuke Expressions
// knob value
// input knob value
// input knob value outside group
// node channel value at [x,y]
[sample [node input] red 10 10]
// topnode
[value [topnode].name]
// knob value with decimal limit
[format "%.2f" [value knobname]]
// File Path (no extension)
[file rootname [value [topnode].file]]
// ifs
a > 0 ? 1 : 0
// random
( random( seed, frame * freq ) * amp ) + offset
( random( 101, frame * 0.5 ) * 3 ) + 5
// knob value at frame
nodename.knob.( frame )
Transform1.translate.x ( 50 )
// animation curve at frame
curve( frame )
// animation curve inverse
// pixel value
x( frame )
y( frame )
// comp size
// math
sin( x )
sqrt( x*x + y*y )
atan( x, y )
abs( v )
// generating noise
fBm(x, y, z, octaves, lacunarity, gain) // full range values
turbulence(x, y, z, octaves, lucanarity, gain) // only abs values
noise(x, y, z)
![ exists parent.input[value nodename.number] ]
predefined knobs: seed, phase, freq, val_max, offset, fade
sample: fade.nk
Different types of waves: Nuke Wave Expressions