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keveman edited this page Nov 14, 2010 · 36 revisions

Carbon is a simple language embedded in C++. The syntax is a subset of Boost.Phoenix. Carbon has been implemented with Thrust in mind. Therefore its main purpose is to act as a lambda library for Thrust. Carbon makes it more convenient to specify simple functors as arguments to Thrust functions like thrust::transform and thrust::reduce. Here is an example :

SAXPY in Thrust without Carbon
struct saxpy_functor : public thrust::binary_function<float,float,float>
    const float a;

    saxpy_functor(float _a) : a(_a) {}

    __host__ __device__
        float operator()(const float& x, const float& y) const { 
            return a * x + y;

void saxpy_fast(float A, thrust::device_vector<float>& X, thrust::device_vector<float>& Y)
    // Y <- A * X + Y
    thrust::transform(X.begin(), X.end(), Y.begin(), Y.begin(), saxpy_functor(A));
SAXPY in Thrust with Carbon
using namespace carbon::lambda;
void saxpy_fast(float A, thrust::device_vector<float>& X, thrust::device_vector<float>& Y)
    // Y <- A * X + Y
    thrust::transform(X.begin(), X.end(), Y.begin(), Y.begin(), A*_1+_2);

Here is a somewhat complex example of a program that you can write in Carbon.

int i=0, j=41;

let_(_a=_2) [
  while_(_a >= 0) [
    _1 = _1 + 1,
    _a = _a-1
] (i, j);

cout << i << "\n";

The above code should print
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