Testing a module/class/function in isolation (dependencies mocked). Tooling:
- pytest
- pytest_mock
Testing the whole microservice functionality and still mocking network interactions.
- Flask provides
class that simulates HTTP interaction - OR WebTest can be used instead
import json
from flask_basic import app as tested_app
class TestApp():
def test_help(self):
# creating a FlaskClient instance to interact with the app
app = tested_app.test_client()
# calling /api/ endpoint
hello = app.get('/api')
# asserting the body
body = json.loads(str(hello.data, 'utf8'))
assert body['Hello'] == 'World'
Testing microservices integration with each other and other network resources.
Testing performance and maximum workload.
- boom (simple load test)
- molotov (load tests with scenarios)
- flask-profiler (collects metrics while load-testing)
Testing the whole system from the user perspective.
- Selenium (scripts for automating browser)
- pytest-cov (measuring Coverage)
- pytest-flake8 (style checks)
- tox (testing on multiple interpreter versions)
- Sphinx (tool for generating documentation)
- Autodoc (extension for Sphinx that injects docstrings into docs)
- ReadTheDocs (free docs hosting for Sphinx docs; maybe hooked to CI)
CI tools:
- Travis CI
- GitLab CI
- GitHub Actions
Coveralls: hosts your coverage data to show a nice green button in GitHub.