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Create Processing-like sketches in Unity for URP.

Mostly made for myself and very incomplete! The goal is for everything to be EASY, not necessarily performant or robust.

⚠️ Requires Shapes ⚠️

For now, this package uses the Shapes library for rendering. This is a paid asset. (This package also pairs well with hot reloading. I use HotReload, but would like to implement it myself if I can figure it out.)

Cool Stuff

  • Easily add high-quality accumulation motion blur by simply calling MotionBlur(subFrames) from OnStart
  • Easily record your sketch by calling StartRecording(mode, quality) from OnStart
  • Easily add screen shake by calling ScreenShake(seed, time, amp, freq) from OnDraw


  • Install Shapes
  • Add Shapes' Immediate Mode render feature
  • Add Sketch package via git url
  • Create a new script derived from the Sketch base class.
  • Override sketch functions like OnStart and OnDraw.
  • Add script to game-object in a blank scene

I recommend poking around the Sketch base class to see the various utilities and functions it provides. Its goal is to provide (almost) everything you need in a simple API. For example, rather than using UnityEngine.Time.time you can simply use the Time variable.


  • Get/Set pixels
  • Integrated recorder
  • Multiple canvases
  • Audio
  • 3D mode
  • Custom rendering backend
  • Hot reloading
  • Runtime code editing
  • GUI
  • Physics
  • Masking
  • Shaders


Hello Circle


public class SimpleExample : Sketch
    protected override void OnDraw()
        Circle(Width / 2, Height / 2, 100f);
Accumulation Motion Blur


public float speed = 1080;
public float speedMult = 1;
public int circleCount = 6;
float angle;
protected override void OnStart()
    MotionBlur(subFrames: 256, shutterProfile: SmoothShutter);   
protected override void OnDrawBackground()
protected override void OnDraw()
    angle -= speed * speedMult * DeltaTime * math.pow(MouseX / Width, 2f);
    angle %= 360f;
    var center = Size / 2;
    for (int i = 0; i < circleCount; i++)
        var offset = PointOnCircle(radius: 300, angle: i / (float)circleCount * 360f);
        var color = HSV(i / (float)circleCount, 1f, 1f);
        Ring(position: center + offset, radius: 20);
        Line(center, center + offset);
Bouncing Balls


public class Ball
    public float Radius;
    public float2 Position;
    public float2 Velocity;
    public float4 Color;
public float gravity = -1f;
public int ballCount = 1;
public float minRadius = 10;
public float maxRadius = 50;
public float minInitialVelocity = 1000;
public float maxInitialVelocity = 5000;
List<Ball> balls;
protected override void OnStart()
    MotionBlur(30, UniformShutter);
    balls = new();
    for (int i = 0; i < ballCount; i++)
        var radius = Random.NextFloat(minRadius, maxRadius);
        var newBall = new Ball
            Radius = radius,
            Position = RandomScreenPoint(padding: radius),
            Velocity = Random.NextFloat2Direction() * Random.NextFloat(minInitialVelocity, maxInitialVelocity),
            Color = RandomColorHue(saturation: 0.8f, value: 1f)
protected override void OnDrawBackground()
protected override void OnDraw()
    foreach (var ball in balls)
        ball.Velocity += float2(0, gravity * DeltaTime);
        ball.Position += ball.Velocity * DeltaTime;
    foreach (var ball in balls)
        Circle(ball.Position, ball.Radius);
protected override void OnMouseHeld()
    var radius = Random.NextFloat(minRadius, maxRadius);
    var newBall = new Ball
        Radius = radius,
        Position = MousePosition,
        Velocity = Random.NextFloat2Direction() * Random.NextFloat(minInitialVelocity, maxInitialVelocity),
        Color = RandomColorHue(saturation: 0.8f, value: 1f)
void EdgeBounce(Ball ball)
    if (ball.Position.x < ball.Radius)
        ball.Position.x = ball.Radius;
        ball.Velocity.x *= -1;
    if (ball.Position.x > Width - ball.Radius)
        ball.Position.x = Width - ball.Radius;
        ball.Velocity.x *= -1;
    if (ball.Position.y < ball.Radius)
        ball.Position.y = ball.Radius;
        ball.Velocity.y *= -1;
    if (ball.Position.y > Height - ball.Radius)
        ball.Position.y = Height - ball.Radius;
        ball.Velocity.y *= -1;
Smooth Snake


public float radius = 25f;
public float followSpeed = 30f;
public float followPadding = 5f;
float2[] positions;
protected override void OnStart()
    positions = new float2[8];
    for (int i = 0; i < positions.Length; i++)
        positions[i] = (Size / 2f) + left().xy * i * (radius + followPadding);
    MotionBlur(256, SmoothShutter);
protected override void OnDrawBackground()
protected override void OnDraw()
    positions[0] = lerp(positions[0], MousePosition, 1f - exp(-followSpeed * DeltaTime));
    Circle(positions[0], radius);
    for (int i = 1; i < positions.Length; i++)
        var currentPosition = positions[i];
        var targetPosition  = positions[i - 1];
        var direction       = normalize(targetPosition - currentPosition);
        var newPosition     = lerp(currentPosition, targetPosition - direction * (radius * 2f + followPadding), 1f - exp(-followSpeed * DeltaTime));
        Circle(newPosition, radius);
        positions[i] = newPosition;


struct Player { public float2 position, velocity, size; }
struct Projectile { public float2 position, velocity; public float size; }
struct Target { public float2 position, velocity; public float4 color; public float radius; }
struct Shake { public float startTime; }
Player player;
List<Projectile> projectiles;
List<Target> targets;
List<Shake> shakes;
float _lastShootTime;
protected override void OnStart()
    player = new Player 
        position = new(Width / 2, 0),
        size = float2(50, 100)
    projectiles = new();
    targets = new();
    shakes = new();
    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
        targets.Add(new Target { position = RandomScreenPoint(100), radius = Random.NextFloat(20, 50), color = RED });
    _lastShootTime = float.NegativeInfinity;
    MotionBlur(60, SmoothShutter);
protected override void OnDrawBackground()
    LinearGradient(BLACK, float4(0.05f, 0.02f, 0.1f, 1f));
protected override void OnDraw()
    // Player Physics
        var movementSpeed = 1_000_000f;
        var jumpSpeed = 3500f;
        // Move left/right
        if (KeyHeld(Key.A) || KeyHeld(Key.LeftArrow))
            player.velocity.x = lerp(player.velocity.x, -movementSpeed, 1f - exp(-DeltaTime));
        if (KeyHeld(Key.D) || KeyHeld(Key.RightArrow))
            player.velocity.x = lerp(player.velocity.x, movementSpeed, 1f - exp(-DeltaTime));
            player.velocity.x = lerp(player.velocity.x, 0f, 1f - exp(-DeltaTime * 20f));
        // Jump
        if (KeyPressed(Key.Space) || KeyPressed(Key.W) || KeyPressed(Key.UpArrow))
            player.velocity.y = max(jumpSpeed, player.velocity.y);
        // Gravity
        var gravityForce = float2(0f, -20000f);
        player.velocity += gravityForce * DeltaTime;
        // Apply velocity
        player.position += player.velocity * DeltaTime;
        // Window edges
        var playerCenter = player.position + float2(0, player.size.y / 2f);
        HandleScreenBoundary(ref playerCenter, ref player.velocity, player.size, 0f);
        player.position = playerCenter - float2(0, player.size.y / 2f);
    // Projectile physics
        for (int i = 0; i < projectiles.Count; i++)
            var projectile = projectiles[i];
            projectile.position += projectile.velocity * DeltaTime;
            projectiles[i] = projectile;
            if (CheckScreenBoundary(projectile.position, projectile.size))
    // Target physics
        for (int i = 0; i < targets.Count; i++)
            var target = targets[i];
            for (int j = 0; j < projectiles.Count; j++)
                var projectile = projectiles[j];
                var offset = projectile.position - target.position;
                var distance = length(offset);
                // Projectile hit target!
                if (distance < target.radius + projectile.size)
                    // Knockback force
                    target.velocity += projectile.velocity / (target.radius * target.radius * PI) * 500f;
                    // Flash white
                    target.color = WHITE * 2f;
                    target.color.w = 1f;
                    // Delete projectile
            // Targets bounce of screen edges
            HandleScreenBoundary(ref target.position, ref target.velocity, float2(target.radius), bounciness: 1f);
            target.velocity = lerp(target.velocity, 0, 1f - exp(-DeltaTime * 5f));
            target.position += target.velocity * DeltaTime;
            targets[i] = target;
    // Camera shake
        for (int i = 0; i < shakes.Count; i++)
            var startTime = shakes[i].startTime;
            var elapsedTime = Time - startTime;
            // Amplitude dies out over 0.2 seconds
            var amplitude = smoothstep(0.2f, 0f, elapsedTime) * 2f;
            // Remove shake if amplitude is small enough
            if (amplitude <= 0.01f)
            // Shake the canvas
            ScreenShake(seed: i * 10, time: elapsedTime, amplitude: amplitude, frequency: 5f);
    // Draw player
    Rectangle(player.position + float2(0, player.size.y / 2f), player.size);
    // Draw projectiles
    Color(float3(1f, 0.5f, 0.1f) * 10f); // Multiply color by 10 for it to glow
    for (int i = 0; i < projectiles.Count; i++)
        Circle(projectiles[i].position, projectiles[i].size);
    // Draw targets
    for (int i = 0; i < targets.Count; i++)
        var target = targets[i];
        Circle(target.position, target.radius);
        target.color = lerp(target.color, RED, DeltaTime * 5f);
        targets[i] = target;
// Machine Gun
protected override void OnMouseHeld()
    if (!MouseButtonHeld(MouseButton.Left))
    var shootDelay = 0.1f;
    var shootKick = 100f;
    if (Time - _lastShootTime < shootDelay)
    _lastShootTime = Time;
    var bulletSpeed = 10000f;
    var bulletAngle = Random.NextFloat(-2f, 5f);
    Shoot(bulletSpeed, bulletAngle, Random.NextFloat(2, 4), out var _, out var direction);
    player.velocity -= normalize(direction) * shootKick;
// Shotgun
protected override void OnMousePress()
    if (!MouseButtonPressed(MouseButton.Right))
    int burstCount = 8;
    var shootKick = 100f;
    for (int i = 0; i < burstCount; i++)
        var bulletAngle = Random.NextFloat(-10f, 10f);
        var bulletSpeed = Random.NextFloat(10_000f, 15_000);
        Shoot(bulletSpeed, bulletAngle, Random.NextFloat(3, 6), out var _, out var direction);
        player.velocity -= normalize(direction) * shootKick;
private void Shoot(float speed, float angle, float size, out float2 position, out float2 direction)
    var playerCenter = player.position + float2(0f, player.size.y * 0.5f);
    var aimSign = sign(MouseX - playerCenter);
    var projectilePosition = playerCenter + aimSign * player.size.x * 0.5f;
    var projectileDirection = normalize(MousePosition - projectilePosition);
    // Rotate direction based on relative angle
    var angleRadians = radians(angle);
    var cAngle = cos(angleRadians);
    var sAngle = sin(angleRadians);
    projectileDirection = float2(projectileDirection.x * cAngle - projectileDirection.y * sAngle, projectileDirection.x * sAngle + pro
    var projectileVelocity = projectileDirection * speed;
    // Add new projectile
    projectiles.Add(new Projectile { position = projectilePosition, velocity = projectileVelocity, size = size });
    // Add new camera shale
    shakes.Add(new Shake { startTime = Time });
    position = projectilePosition;
    direction = projectileDirection;
private bool HandleScreenBoundary(ref float2 position, ref float2 velocity, float2 size, float bounciness)
    var hit = false;
    var halfSize = size / 2f;
    // Bottom
    if (position.y - halfSize.y < 0)
        position.y = halfSize.y;
        velocity.y *= -bounciness;
        hit = true;
    // Top
    if (position.y + halfSize.y > Height)
        position.y = Height - halfSize.y;
        velocity.y *= -bounciness;
        hit = true;
    // Left
    if (position.x - halfSize.x < 0f)
        position.x = halfSize.x;
        velocity.x *= -bounciness;
        hit = true;
    // Right
    if (position.x > Width - halfSize.x)
        position.x = Width - halfSize.x;
        velocity.x *= -bounciness;
        hit = true;
    return hit;
private bool CheckScreenBoundary(float2 position, float2 size)
    var halfSize = size / 2f;
    // Bottom
    if (position.y - halfSize.y < 0)
        return true;
    // Top
    if (position.y + halfSize.y > Height)
        return true;
    // Left
    if (position.x - halfSize.x < 0f)
        return true;
    // Right
    if (position.x > Width - halfSize.x)
        return true;
    return false;