- Next.js
- Shadcn UI
- recharts
- Supabase
- Ethers.js
- Tailwind CSS
- React Query
- TypeScript
- it is a dashboard for a onchain governance platform
- it has a sidebar with a list of networks (only ethereum mainnet now. but we can add more later)
- it has a main content area with tabs for a list of governance(proposals)
- it has a chart for the number of proposals over time
- it has a chart for the number of votes over time
- it has a chart for the number of votes per proposal over time
- it has a voting power distribution chart
- it has a visualisation of the current epoch
- it has a visualisation of the current epoch's proposal distribution
- it has a visualisation of the current epoch's vote distribution
- it has a visualisation of the validator's vote what they voted for