diff --git a/package/kedro_viz/api/apps.py b/package/kedro_viz/api/apps.py
index 8c2b6b298..4628b94ef 100644
--- a/package/kedro_viz/api/apps.py
+++ b/package/kedro_viz/api/apps.py
@@ -18,7 +18,6 @@
 from kedro_viz.api.rest.responses.utils import EnhancedORJSONResponse
 from kedro_viz.integrations.kedro import telemetry as kedro_telemetry
-from .graphql.router import router as graphql_router
 from .rest.router import router as rest_router
 _HTML_DIR = Path(__file__).parent.parent.absolute() / "html"
@@ -63,7 +62,6 @@ def create_api_app_from_project(
     app = _create_base_api_app()
-    app.include_router(graphql_router)
     # Check for html directory existence.
     if Path(_HTML_DIR).is_dir():
@@ -81,7 +79,6 @@ async def favicon():
         return FileResponse(_HTML_DIR / "favicon.ico")
-    @app.get("/experiment-tracking")
     async def index():
         heap_app_id = kedro_telemetry.get_heap_app_id(project_path)
         heap_user_identity = kedro_telemetry.get_heap_identity()
diff --git a/package/kedro_viz/api/graphql/schema.py b/package/kedro_viz/api/graphql/schema.py
index 24632b57b..75c78d4aa 100644
--- a/package/kedro_viz/api/graphql/schema.py
+++ b/package/kedro_viz/api/graphql/schema.py
@@ -2,160 +2,20 @@
 from __future__ import annotations
-import json
 import logging
-from typing import List, Optional
+from packaging.version import parse
 import strawberry
-from graphql.validation import NoSchemaIntrospectionCustomRule
-from packaging.version import parse
-from strawberry import ID
 from strawberry.extensions import AddValidationRules
 from strawberry.tools import merge_types
+from graphql.validation import NoSchemaIntrospectionCustomRule
 from kedro_viz import __version__
-from kedro_viz.data_access import data_access_manager
 from kedro_viz.integrations.pypi import get_latest_version, is_running_outdated_version
-from .serializers import (
-    format_run,
-    format_run_metric_data,
-    format_run_tracking_data,
-    format_runs,
-from .types import (
-    MetricPlotDataset,
-    Run,
-    RunInput,
-    TrackingDataset,
-    TrackingDatasetGroup,
-    UpdateRunDetailsFailure,
-    UpdateRunDetailsResponse,
-    UpdateRunDetailsSuccess,
-    Version,
+from .types import Version
 logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-class RunsQuery:
-    @strawberry.field(
-        description="Get metadata for specified run_ids from the session store"
-    )
-    def run_metadata(self, run_ids: List[ID]) -> List[Run]:
-        # TODO: this is hacky and should be improved together with reworking the format
-        #  functions.
-        # Note we keep the order here the same as the queried run_ids.
-        runs = {
-            run.id: run
-            for run in format_runs(
-                data_access_manager.runs.get_runs_by_ids(run_ids),
-                data_access_manager.runs.get_user_run_details_by_run_ids(run_ids),
-            )
-        }
-        return [runs[run_id] for run_id in run_ids if run_id in runs]
-    @strawberry.field(description="Get metadata for all runs from the session store")
-    def runs_list(self) -> List[Run]:
-        all_runs = data_access_manager.runs.get_all_runs()
-        if not all_runs:
-            return []
-        all_run_ids = [run.id for run in all_runs]
-        return format_runs(
-            all_runs,
-            data_access_manager.runs.get_user_run_details_by_run_ids(all_run_ids),
-        )
-    @strawberry.field(
-        description="Get tracking datasets for specified group and run_ids"
-    )
-    def run_tracking_data(
-        self,
-        run_ids: List[ID],
-        group: TrackingDatasetGroup,
-        show_diff: Optional[bool] = True,
-    ) -> List[TrackingDataset]:
-        tracking_dataset_models = data_access_manager.tracking_datasets.get_tracking_datasets_by_group_by_run_ids(
-            run_ids, group
-        )
-        # TODO: this handling of dataset.runs is hacky and should be done by e.g. a
-        #  proper query parameter instead of filtering to right run_ids here.
-        # Note we keep the order here the same as the queried run_ids.
-        all_tracking_datasets = []
-        for dataset in tracking_dataset_models:
-            runs = {run_id: dataset.runs[run_id] for run_id in run_ids}
-            formatted_tracking_data = format_run_tracking_data(runs, show_diff)
-            if formatted_tracking_data:
-                tracking_data = TrackingDataset(
-                    dataset_name=dataset.dataset_name,
-                    dataset_type=dataset.dataset_type,
-                    data=formatted_tracking_data,
-                    run_ids=run_ids,
-                )
-                all_tracking_datasets.append(tracking_data)
-        return all_tracking_datasets
-    @strawberry.field(
-        description="Get metrics data for a limited number of recent runs"
-    )
-    def run_metrics_data(self, limit: Optional[int] = 25) -> MetricPlotDataset:
-        run_ids = [
-            run.id for run in data_access_manager.runs.get_all_runs(limit_amount=limit)
-        ]
-        group = TrackingDatasetGroup.METRIC
-        metric_dataset_models = data_access_manager.tracking_datasets.get_tracking_datasets_by_group_by_run_ids(
-            run_ids, group
-        )
-        metric_data = {}
-        for dataset in metric_dataset_models:
-            metric_data[dataset.dataset_name] = dataset.runs
-        formatted_metric_data = format_run_metric_data(metric_data, run_ids)
-        return MetricPlotDataset(data=formatted_metric_data)
-class Mutation:
-    @strawberry.mutation(description="Update run metadata")
-    def update_run_details(
-        self, run_id: ID, run_input: RunInput
-    ) -> UpdateRunDetailsResponse:
-        run = data_access_manager.runs.get_run_by_id(run_id)
-        if not run:
-            return UpdateRunDetailsFailure(
-                id=run_id, error_message=f"Given run_id: {run_id} doesn't exist"
-            )
-        updated_run = format_run(
-            run.id,
-            json.loads(run.blob),
-            data_access_manager.runs.get_user_run_details(run.id),
-        )
-        # only update user run title if the input is not empty
-        if run_input.title is not None and bool(run_input.title.strip()):
-            updated_run.title = run_input.title
-        if run_input.bookmark is not None:
-            updated_run.bookmark = run_input.bookmark
-        if run_input.notes is not None and bool(run_input.notes.strip()):
-            updated_run.notes = run_input.notes
-        data_access_manager.runs.create_or_update_user_run_details(
-            run_id,
-            updated_run.title,
-            updated_run.bookmark,
-            updated_run.notes,
-        )
-        return UpdateRunDetailsSuccess(run=updated_run)
 class VersionQuery:
     @strawberry.field(description="Get the installed and latest Kedro-Viz versions")
@@ -168,11 +28,9 @@ def version(self) -> Version:
             latest=str(latest_version) or "",
 schema = strawberry.Schema(
-    query=(merge_types("Query", (RunsQuery, VersionQuery))),
-    mutation=Mutation,
+    query=merge_types("Query", (VersionQuery,)),
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/package/kedro_viz/api/graphql/serializers.py b/package/kedro_viz/api/graphql/serializers.py
deleted file mode 100644
index b3d8e3ca7..000000000
--- a/package/kedro_viz/api/graphql/serializers.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,198 +0,0 @@
-"""`kedro_viz.api.graphql.serializers` defines serializers to create strawberry types
-from the underlying domain models."""
-from __future__ import annotations
-import json
-from collections import defaultdict
-from itertools import product
-from typing import Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, cast
-from strawberry import ID
-from kedro_viz.api.graphql.types import Run
-from kedro_viz.models.experiment_tracking import RunModel, UserRunDetailsModel
-def format_run(
-    run_id: str, run_blob: Dict, user_run_details: Optional[UserRunDetailsModel] = None
-) -> Run:
-    """Convert blob data in the correct Run format.
-    Args:
-        run_id: ID of the run to fetch
-        run_blob: JSON blob of run metadata
-        user_run_details: The user run details associated with this run
-    Returns:
-        Run object
-    """
-    git_data = run_blob.get("git")
-    bookmark = user_run_details.bookmark if user_run_details else False
-    title = (
-        user_run_details.title
-        if user_run_details and user_run_details.title
-        else run_id
-    )
-    notes = (
-        user_run_details.notes if user_run_details and user_run_details.notes else ""
-    )
-    run = Run(
-        author=run_blob.get("username"),
-        bookmark=bookmark,
-        git_branch=git_data.get("branch") if git_data else None,
-        git_sha=git_data.get("commit_sha") if git_data else None,
-        id=ID(run_id),
-        notes=notes,
-        run_command=run_blob.get("cli", {}).get("command_path"),
-        title=title,
-    )
-    return run
-def format_runs(
-    runs: Iterable[RunModel],
-    user_run_details: Optional[Dict[str, UserRunDetailsModel]] = None,
-) -> List[Run]:
-    """Format a list of RunModel objects into a list of GraphQL Run.
-    Args:
-        runs: The collection of RunModels to format.
-        user_run_details: the collection of user_run_details associated with the given runs.
-    Returns:
-        The list of formatted Runs.
-    """
-    if not runs:  # it could be None in case the db isn't there.
-        return []
-    return [
-        format_run(
-            run.id,
-            json.loads(cast(str, run.blob)),
-            user_run_details.get(run.id) if user_run_details else None,
-        )
-        for run in runs
-    ]
-def format_run_tracking_data(
-    tracking_data: Dict, show_diff: Optional[bool] = True
-) -> Dict:
-    """Convert tracking data in the front-end format.
-    Args:
-        tracking_data: JSON blob of tracking data for selected runs
-        show_diff: If false, show runs with only common tracking
-            data; else show all available tracking data
-    Returns:
-        Dictionary with formatted tracking data for selected runs
-    Example:
-        >>> from kedro_datasets.tracking import MetricsDataset
-        >>> tracking_data = {
-        >>>     'My Favorite Sprint': {
-        >>>         'bootstrap':0.8
-        >>>         'classWeight":23
-        >>>     },
-        >>>     'Another Favorite Sprint': {
-        >>>         'bootstrap':0.5
-        >>>         'classWeight":21
-        >>>     },
-        >>>     'Slick test this one': {
-        >>>         'bootstrap':1
-        >>>         'classWeight":21
-        >>>     },
-        >>> }
-        >>> format_run_tracking_data(tracking_data, False)
-        {
-            bootstrap: [
-                { runId: 'My Favorite Run', value: 0.8 },
-                { runId: 'Another favorite run', value: 0.5 },
-                { runId: 'Slick test this one', value: 1 },
-            ],
-            classWeight: [
-                { runId: 'My Favorite Run', value: 23 },
-                { runId: 'Another favorite run', value: 21 },
-                { runId: 'Slick test this one', value: 21 },
-            ]
-        }
-    """
-    formatted_tracking_data = defaultdict(list)
-    for run_id, run_tracking_data in tracking_data.items():
-        for tracking_name, data in run_tracking_data.items():
-            formatted_tracking_data[tracking_name].append(
-                {"runId": run_id, "value": data}
-            )
-    if not show_diff:
-        for tracking_key, run_tracking_data in list(formatted_tracking_data.items()):
-            if len(run_tracking_data) != len(tracking_data):
-                del formatted_tracking_data[tracking_key]
-    return formatted_tracking_data
-def format_run_metric_data(metric_data: Dict, run_ids: List[ID]) -> Dict:
-    """Format metric data to conforms to the schema required by plots on the front
-    end. Parallel Coordinate plots and Timeseries plots are supported.
-    Arguments:
-        metric_data: the data to format
-        run_ids: list of specified runs
-    Returns:
-        a dictionary containing metric data in two sub-dictionaries, containing
-        metric data aggregated by run_id and by metric respectively.
-    """
-    formatted_metric_data = _initialise_metric_data_template(metric_data, run_ids)
-    _populate_metric_data_template(metric_data, **formatted_metric_data)
-    return formatted_metric_data
-def _initialise_metric_data_template(metric_data: Dict, run_ids: List[ID]) -> Dict:
-    """Initialise a dictionary to store formatted metric data.
-    Arguments:
-        metric_data: the data being formatted
-        run_ids: list of specified runs
-    Returns:
-        A dictionary with two sub-dictionaries containing lists (initialised
-        with `None` values) of the correct length for holding metric data
-    """
-    runs: Dict = {}
-    metrics: Dict = {}
-    for dataset_name in metric_data:
-        dataset = metric_data[dataset_name]
-        for run_id in run_ids:
-            runs[run_id] = []
-            for metric in dataset[run_id]:
-                metric_name = f"{dataset_name}.{metric}"
-                metrics[metric_name] = []
-    for empty_list in runs.values():
-        empty_list.extend([None] * len(metrics))
-    for empty_list in metrics.values():
-        empty_list.extend([None] * len(runs))
-    return {"metrics": metrics, "runs": runs}
-def _populate_metric_data_template(
-    metric_data: Dict, runs: Dict, metrics: Dict
-) -> None:
-    """Populates two dictionaries containing uninitialised lists of
-    the correct length with metric data. Changes made in-place.
-    Arguments:
-        metric_data: the data to be being formatted
-        runs: a dictionary to store metric data aggregated by run
-        metrics: a dictionary to store metric data aggregated by metric
-    """
-    for (run_idx, run_id), (metric_idx, metric) in product(
-        enumerate(runs), enumerate(metrics)
-    ):
-        dataset_name_root, _, metric_name = metric.rpartition(".")
-        for dataset_name in metric_data:
-            if dataset_name_root == dataset_name:
-                value = metric_data[dataset_name][run_id].get(metric_name, None)
-                runs[run_id][metric_idx] = metrics[metric][run_idx] = value
diff --git a/package/kedro_viz/api/graphql/types.py b/package/kedro_viz/api/graphql/types.py
index d5ec8ad52..2cc7bee60 100644
--- a/package/kedro_viz/api/graphql/types.py
+++ b/package/kedro_viz/api/graphql/types.py
@@ -2,82 +2,10 @@
 from __future__ import annotations
-import sys
-from typing import List, Optional, Union
 import strawberry
-from strawberry import ID
-from strawberry.scalars import JSON
-from kedro_viz.models.experiment_tracking import (
-    TrackingDatasetGroup as TrackingDatasetGroupModel,
-if sys.version_info >= (3, 9):
-    from typing import Annotated  # pragma: no cover
-    from typing_extensions import Annotated  # pragma: no cover
-@strawberry.type(description="Run metadata")
-class Run:
-    author: Optional[str]
-    bookmark: Optional[bool]
-    git_branch: Optional[str]
-    git_sha: Optional[str]
-    id: ID
-    notes: Optional[str]
-    run_command: Optional[str]
-    title: str
-@strawberry.type(description="Tracking data for a Run")
-class TrackingDataset:
-    data: JSON
-    dataset_name: str
-    dataset_type: str
-    run_ids: List[ID]
-@strawberry.type(description="Metric data")
-class MetricPlotDataset:
-    data: JSON
-TrackingDatasetGroup = strawberry.enum(
-    TrackingDatasetGroupModel, description="Group to show kind of tracking data"
-@strawberry.input(description="Input to update run metadata")
-class RunInput:
-    bookmark: Optional[bool] = None
-    notes: Optional[str] = None
-    title: Optional[str] = None
-@strawberry.type(description="Response for successful update of run metadata")
-class UpdateRunDetailsSuccess:
-    run: Run
-@strawberry.type(description="Response for unsuccessful update of run metadata")
-class UpdateRunDetailsFailure:
-    id: ID
-    error_message: str
-UpdateRunDetailsResponse = Annotated[
-    Union[UpdateRunDetailsSuccess, UpdateRunDetailsFailure],
-    strawberry.union(
-        "UpdateRunDetailsResponse",
-        description="Response for update of run metadata",
-    ),
 @strawberry.type(description="Installed and latest Kedro-Viz versions")
 class Version:
     installed: str
     is_outdated: bool
-    latest: str
+    latest: str
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/package/tests/test_api/test_graphql/conftest.py b/package/tests/test_api/test_graphql/conftest.py
deleted file mode 100644
index fb57f5aa5..000000000
--- a/package/tests/test_api/test_graphql/conftest.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,246 +0,0 @@
-import base64
-import json
-from pathlib import Path
-import pytest
-from kedro.io import DataCatalog, Version
-from kedro_datasets import matplotlib, pandas, plotly, tracking
-from kedro_viz.api.graphql.types import Run
-from kedro_viz.database import make_db_session_factory
-from kedro_viz.models.experiment_tracking import RunModel, UserRunDetailsModel
-def example_run_ids():
-    yield ["2021-11-03T18.24.24.379Z", "2021-11-02T18.24.24.379Z"]
-def example_db_session(tmp_path):
-    session_store_location = Path(tmp_path / "session_store.db")
-    session_class = make_db_session_factory(session_store_location)
-    yield session_class
-def example_db_session_with_runs(example_db_session, example_run_ids):
-    with example_db_session.begin() as session:
-        for run_id in example_run_ids:
-            session_data = {
-                "package_name": "testsql",
-                "project_path": "/Users/Projects/testsql",
-                "session_id": run_id,
-                "cli": {
-                    "args": [],
-                    "params": {
-                        "from_inputs": [],
-                        "to_outputs": [],
-                        "from_nodes": [],
-                        "to_nodes": [],
-                        "node_names": (),
-                        "runner": None,
-                        "parallel": False,
-                        "is_async": False,
-                        "env": None,
-                        "tag": (),
-                        "load_version": {},
-                        "pipeline": None,
-                        "config": None,
-                        "params": {},
-                    },
-                    "command_name": "run",
-                    "command_path": "kedro run",
-                },
-            }
-            run = RunModel(id=run_id, blob=json.dumps(session_data))
-            user_run_details = UserRunDetailsModel(run_id=run.id, bookmark=True)
-            session.add(run)
-            session.add(user_run_details)
-    yield example_db_session
-def data_access_manager_with_no_run(data_access_manager, example_db_session, mocker):
-    data_access_manager.set_db_session(example_db_session)
-    mocker.patch(
-        "kedro_viz.api.graphql.schema.data_access_manager", data_access_manager
-    )
-    yield data_access_manager
-def data_access_manager_with_runs(
-    data_access_manager, example_db_session_with_runs, mocker
-    data_access_manager.set_db_session(example_db_session_with_runs)
-    mocker.patch(
-        "kedro_viz.api.graphql.schema.data_access_manager", data_access_manager
-    )
-    yield data_access_manager
-def save_version(example_run_ids):
-    yield example_run_ids[0]
-def example_tracking_catalog(example_run_ids, tmp_path):
-    example_run_id = example_run_ids[0]
-    metrics_dataset = tracking.MetricsDataset(
-        filepath=Path(tmp_path / "test.json").as_posix(),
-        version=Version(None, example_run_id),
-    )
-    metrics_dataset.save({"col1": 1, "col2": 2, "col3": 3})
-    csv_dataset = pandas.CSVDataset(
-        filepath=Path(tmp_path / "metrics.csv").as_posix(),
-        version=Version(None, example_run_id),
-    )
-    more_metrics = tracking.MetricsDataset(
-        filepath=Path(tmp_path / "metrics.json").as_posix(),
-        version=Version(None, example_run_id),
-    )
-    more_metrics.save({"col4": 4, "col5": 5, "col6": 6})
-    json_dataset = tracking.JSONDataset(
-        filepath=Path(tmp_path / "tracking.json").as_posix(),
-        version=Version(None, example_run_id),
-    )
-    json_dataset.save({"col7": "column_seven", "col2": True, "col3": 3})
-    plotly_dataset = plotly.JSONDataset(
-        filepath=Path(tmp_path / "plotly.json").as_posix(),
-        version=Version(None, example_run_id),
-    )
-    class MockPlotlyData:
-        data = {
-            "data": [
-                {
-                    "x": ["giraffes", "orangutans", "monkeys"],
-                    "y": [20, 14, 23],
-                    "type": "bar",
-                }
-            ]
-        }
-        @classmethod
-        def write_json(cls, fs_file, **kwargs):
-            json.dump(cls.data, fs_file, **kwargs)
-    plotly_dataset.save(MockPlotlyData)
-    matplotlib_dataset = matplotlib.MatplotlibWriter(
-        filepath=Path(tmp_path / "matplotlib.png").as_posix(),
-        version=Version(None, example_run_id),
-    )
-    class MockMatplotData:
-        data = base64.b64decode(
-            "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUg"
-            "AAC0lEQVQYV2NgYAAAAAM"
-            "AAWgmWQ0AAAAASUVORK5CYII="
-        )
-        @classmethod
-        def savefig(cls, bytes_buffer, **kwargs):
-            bytes_buffer.write(cls.data)
-    matplotlib_dataset.save(MockMatplotData)
-    catalog = DataCatalog(
-        datasets={
-            "metrics": metrics_dataset,
-            "csv_dataset": csv_dataset,
-            "more_metrics": more_metrics,
-            "json_tracking": json_dataset,
-            "plotly_dataset": plotly_dataset,
-            "matplotlib_dataset": matplotlib_dataset,
-        }
-    )
-    yield catalog
-def example_multiple_run_tracking_catalog(example_run_ids, tmp_path):
-    new_metrics_dataset = tracking.MetricsDataset(
-        filepath=Path(tmp_path / "test.json").as_posix(),
-        version=Version(None, example_run_ids[1]),
-    )
-    new_metrics_dataset.save({"col1": 1, "col3": 3})
-    new_metrics_dataset = tracking.MetricsDataset(
-        filepath=Path(tmp_path / "test.json").as_posix(),
-        version=Version(None, example_run_ids[0]),
-    )
-    new_data = {"col1": 3, "col2": 3.23}
-    new_metrics_dataset.save(new_data)
-    catalog = DataCatalog(
-        datasets={
-            "new_metrics": new_metrics_dataset,
-        }
-    )
-    yield catalog
-def example_multiple_run_tracking_catalog_at_least_one_empty_run(
-    example_run_ids, tmp_path
-    new_metrics_dataset = tracking.MetricsDataset(
-        filepath=Path(tmp_path / "test.json").as_posix(),
-        version=Version(None, example_run_ids[1]),
-    )
-    new_metrics_dataset.save({"col1": 1, "col3": 3})
-    new_metrics_dataset = tracking.MetricsDataset(
-        filepath=Path(tmp_path / "test.json").as_posix(),
-        version=Version(None, example_run_ids[0]),
-    )
-    catalog = DataCatalog(
-        datasets={
-            "new_metrics": new_metrics_dataset,
-        }
-    )
-    yield catalog
-def example_multiple_run_tracking_catalog_all_empty_runs(example_run_ids, tmp_path):
-    new_metrics_dataset = tracking.MetricsDataset(
-        filepath=Path(tmp_path / "test.json").as_posix(),
-        version=Version(None, example_run_ids[1]),
-    )
-    new_metrics_dataset = tracking.MetricsDataset(
-        filepath=Path(tmp_path / "test.json").as_posix(),
-        version=Version(None, example_run_ids[0]),
-    )
-    catalog = DataCatalog(
-        datasets={
-            "new_metrics": new_metrics_dataset,
-        }
-    )
-    yield catalog
-def example_runs(example_run_ids):
-    yield [
-        Run(
-            id=run_id,
-            bookmark=False,
-            notes="Hello World",
-            title="Hello Kedro",
-            author="",
-            git_branch="",
-            git_sha="",
-            run_command="",
-        )
-        for run_id in example_run_ids
-    ]
diff --git a/package/tests/test_api/test_graphql/test_mutations.py b/package/tests/test_api/test_graphql/test_mutations.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 5ff328538..000000000
--- a/package/tests/test_api/test_graphql/test_mutations.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,232 +0,0 @@
-import json
-import pytest
-from kedro_viz.models.experiment_tracking import RunModel
-class TestGraphQLMutation:
-    @pytest.mark.parametrize(
-        "bookmark,notes,title",
-        [
-            (
-                False,
-                "new notes",
-                "new title",
-            ),
-            (True, "new notes", "new title"),
-            (True, "", ""),
-        ],
-    )
-    def test_update_user_details_success(
-        self,
-        bookmark,
-        notes,
-        title,
-        client,
-        example_run_ids,
-    ):
-        example_run_id = example_run_ids[0]
-        query = f"""
-            mutation updateRun {{
-              updateRunDetails(
-                  runId: "{example_run_id}",
-                  runInput: {{bookmark: {str(bookmark).lower()}, notes: "{notes}", title: "{title}"}}
-                ) {{
-                    __typename
-                    ... on UpdateRunDetailsSuccess {{
-                        run {{
-                            id
-                            title
-                            bookmark
-                            notes
-                        }}
-                    }}
-                    ... on UpdateRunDetailsFailure {{
-                      id
-                      errorMessage
-                    }}
-                }}
-            }}
-        """
-        response = client.post("/graphql", json={"query": query})
-        assert response.json() == {
-            "data": {
-                "updateRunDetails": {
-                    "__typename": "UpdateRunDetailsSuccess",
-                    "run": {
-                        "id": example_run_id,
-                        "bookmark": bookmark,
-                        "title": title if title != "" else example_run_id,
-                        "notes": notes,
-                    },
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    def test_update_user_details_only_bookmark(
-        self,
-        client,
-        example_run_ids,
-    ):
-        example_run_id = example_run_ids[0]
-        query = f"""
-            mutation updateRun {{
-                updateRunDetails(runId: "{example_run_id}", runInput: {{bookmark: true}}) {{
-                    __typename
-                    ... on UpdateRunDetailsSuccess {{
-                        run {{
-                            id
-                            title
-                            bookmark
-                            notes
-                        }}
-                    }}
-                    ... on UpdateRunDetailsFailure {{
-                        id
-                        errorMessage
-                    }}
-                }}
-            }}
-        """
-        response = client.post("/graphql", json={"query": query})
-        assert response.json() == {
-            "data": {
-                "updateRunDetails": {
-                    "__typename": "UpdateRunDetailsSuccess",
-                    "run": {
-                        "id": example_run_id,
-                        "bookmark": True,
-                        "title": example_run_id,
-                        "notes": "",
-                    },
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    def test_update_user_details_should_add_when_no_details_exist(
-        self, client, data_access_manager_with_no_run
-    ):
-        # add a new run
-        example_run_id = "test_id"
-        run = RunModel(
-            id=example_run_id,
-            blob=json.dumps(
-                {"session_id": example_run_id, "cli": {"command_path": "kedro run"}}
-            ),
-        )
-        data_access_manager_with_no_run.runs.add_run(run)
-        query = f"""
-            mutation updateRun {{
-              updateRunDetails(runId: "{example_run_id}", runInput: {{bookmark: true}}) {{
-                __typename
-                ... on UpdateRunDetailsSuccess {{
-                    run {{
-                        id
-                        title
-                        bookmark
-                        notes
-                    }}
-                }}
-                ... on UpdateRunDetailsFailure {{
-                    id
-                    errorMessage
-                }}
-              }}
-            }}
-        """
-        response = client.post("/graphql", json={"query": query})
-        assert response.json() == {
-            "data": {
-                "updateRunDetails": {
-                    "__typename": "UpdateRunDetailsSuccess",
-                    "run": {
-                        "id": example_run_id,
-                        "bookmark": True,
-                        "title": example_run_id,
-                        "notes": "",
-                    },
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    def test_update_user_details_should_update_when_details_exist(
-        self, client, example_run_ids
-    ):
-        example_run_id = example_run_ids[0]
-        query = f"""
-            mutation updateRun {{
-              updateRunDetails(runId: "{example_run_id}", runInput: {{title:"new title", notes: "new notes"}}) {{
-                __typename
-                ... on UpdateRunDetailsSuccess {{
-                    run {{
-                        id
-                        title
-                        bookmark
-                        notes
-                    }}
-                }}
-                ... on UpdateRunDetailsFailure {{
-                    id
-                    errorMessage
-                }}
-              }}
-            }}
-        """
-        response = client.post("/graphql", json={"query": query})
-        assert response.json() == {
-            "data": {
-                "updateRunDetails": {
-                    "__typename": "UpdateRunDetailsSuccess",
-                    "run": {
-                        "id": example_run_id,
-                        "bookmark": True,
-                        "title": "new title",
-                        "notes": "new notes",
-                    },
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    def test_update_user_details_should_fail_when_run_doesnt_exist(self, client):
-        response = client.post(
-            "/graphql",
-            json={
-                "query": """
-                    mutation {
-                        updateRunDetails(
-                            runId: "I don't exist",
-                            runInput: { bookmark: false, title: "Hello Kedro", notes: "There are notes"}
-                        ) {
-                            __typename
-                            ... on UpdateRunDetailsSuccess {
-                                run {
-                                    id
-                                    title
-                                    notes
-                                    bookmark
-                                }
-                            }
-                            ... on UpdateRunDetailsFailure {
-                                id
-                                errorMessage
-                            }
-                        }
-                    }
-                """
-            },
-        )
-        assert response.json() == {
-            "data": {
-                "updateRunDetails": {
-                    "__typename": "UpdateRunDetailsFailure",
-                    "id": "I don't exist",
-                    "errorMessage": "Given run_id: I don't exist doesn't exist",
-                }
-            }
-        }
diff --git a/package/tests/test_api/test_graphql/test_queries.py b/package/tests/test_api/test_graphql/test_queries.py
index 05dcf6fcd..1bb0dea7d 100644
--- a/package/tests/test_api/test_graphql/test_queries.py
+++ b/package/tests/test_api/test_graphql/test_queries.py
@@ -1,413 +1,9 @@
-import json
 import pytest
 from packaging.version import parse
 from kedro_viz import __version__
-class TestQueryNoSessionStore:
-    def test_graphql_run_list_endpoint(self, client):
-        response = client.post("/graphql", json={"query": "{runsList {id bookmark}}"})
-        assert response.json() == {"data": {"runsList": []}}
-    def test_graphql_runs_metadata_endpoint(self, client):
-        response = client.post(
-            "/graphql",
-            json={"query": '{runMetadata(runIds: ["id"]) {id bookmark}}'},
-        )
-        assert response.json() == {"data": {"runMetadata": []}}
-class TestQueryNoRun:
-    def test_graphql_run_list_endpoint(self, client):
-        response = client.post("/graphql", json={"query": "{runsList {id bookmark}}"})
-        assert response.json() == {"data": {"runsList": []}}
-    def test_graphql_runs_metadata_endpoint(self, client):
-        response = client.post(
-            "/graphql",
-            json={"query": '{runMetadata(runIds: ["invalid run id"]) {id bookmark}}'},
-        )
-        assert response.json() == {"data": {"runMetadata": []}}
-class TestQueryWithRuns:
-    def test_run_list_query(
-        self,
-        client,
-        example_run_ids,
-    ):
-        response = client.post("/graphql", json={"query": "{runsList {id bookmark}}"})
-        assert response.json() == {
-            "data": {
-                "runsList": [
-                    {"id": run_id, "bookmark": True} for run_id in example_run_ids
-                ]
-            }
-        }
-    def test_graphql_runs_metadata_endpoint(self, example_run_ids, client):
-        response = client.post(
-            "/graphql",
-            json={
-                "query": f"""{{runMetadata(runIds: ["{ example_run_ids[0] }"]) {{id bookmark}}}}"""
-            },
-        )
-        assert response.json() == {
-            "data": {"runMetadata": [{"id": example_run_ids[0], "bookmark": True}]}
-        }
-    def test_run_tracking_data_query(
-        self,
-        example_run_ids,
-        client,
-        example_tracking_catalog,
-        data_access_manager_with_runs,
-        example_pipelines,
-    ):
-        data_access_manager_with_runs.add_catalog(
-            example_tracking_catalog, example_pipelines
-        )
-        example_run_id = example_run_ids[0]
-        response = client.post(
-            "/graphql",
-            json={
-                "query": f"""
-                {{
-                    metrics: runTrackingData(runIds:["{example_run_id}"],group:METRIC)
-                {{datasetName, datasetType, data}}
-                     json: runTrackingData(runIds:["{example_run_id}"],group:JSON)
-                {{datasetName, datasetType, data}}
-                    plots: runTrackingData(runIds:["{example_run_id}"],group:PLOT)
-                {{datasetName, datasetType, data}}
-                }}
-                """
-            },
-        )
-        expected_response = {
-            "data": {
-                "metrics": [
-                    {
-                        "datasetName": "metrics",
-                        "datasetType": "tracking.metrics_dataset.MetricsDataset",
-                        "data": {
-                            "col1": [{"runId": example_run_id, "value": 1.0}],
-                            "col2": [{"runId": example_run_id, "value": 2.0}],
-                            "col3": [{"runId": example_run_id, "value": 3.0}],
-                        },
-                    },
-                    {
-                        "datasetName": "more_metrics",
-                        "datasetType": "tracking.metrics_dataset.MetricsDataset",
-                        "data": {
-                            "col4": [{"runId": example_run_id, "value": 4.0}],
-                            "col5": [{"runId": example_run_id, "value": 5.0}],
-                            "col6": [{"runId": example_run_id, "value": 6.0}],
-                        },
-                    },
-                ],
-                "json": [
-                    {
-                        "datasetName": "json_tracking",
-                        "datasetType": "tracking.json_dataset.JSONDataset",
-                        "data": {
-                            "col2": [{"runId": example_run_id, "value": True}],
-                            "col3": [{"runId": example_run_id, "value": 3}],
-                            "col7": [
-                                {
-                                    "runId": example_run_id,
-                                    "value": "column_seven",
-                                }
-                            ],
-                        },
-                    },
-                ],
-                "plots": [
-                    {
-                        "datasetName": "plotly_dataset",
-                        "datasetType": "plotly.json_dataset.JSONDataset",
-                        "data": {
-                            "plotly.json": [
-                                {
-                                    "runId": "2021-11-03T18.24.24.379Z",
-                                    "value": {
-                                        "data": [
-                                            {
-                                                "x": [
-                                                    "giraffes",
-                                                    "orangutans",
-                                                    "monkeys",
-                                                ],
-                                                "y": [20, 14, 23],
-                                                "type": "bar",
-                                            }
-                                        ]
-                                    },
-                                }
-                            ]
-                        },
-                    },
-                    {
-                        "datasetName": "matplotlib_dataset",
-                        "datasetType": "matplotlib.matplotlib_writer.MatplotlibWriter",
-                        "data": {
-                            "matplotlib.png": [
-                                {
-                                    "runId": "2021-11-03T18.24.24.379Z",
-                                }
-                            ]
-                        },
-                    },
-                ],
-            }
-        }
-        assert response.json() == expected_response
-    def test_metrics_data(
-        self,
-        client,
-        example_tracking_catalog,
-        data_access_manager_with_runs,
-        example_pipelines,
-    ):
-        data_access_manager_with_runs.add_catalog(
-            example_tracking_catalog, example_pipelines
-        )
-        response = client.post(
-            "/graphql",
-            json={
-                "query": "query MyQuery {\n  runMetricsData(limit: 3) {\n    data\n  }\n}\n"
-            },
-        )
-        expected = {
-            "data": {
-                "runMetricsData": {
-                    "data": {
-                        "metrics": {
-                            "metrics.col1": [1.0, None],
-                            "metrics.col2": [2.0, None],
-                            "metrics.col3": [3.0, None],
-                            "more_metrics.col4": [4.0, None],
-                            "more_metrics.col5": [5.0, None],
-                            "more_metrics.col6": [6.0, None],
-                        },
-                        "runs": {
-                            "2021-11-02T18.24.24.379Z": [
-                                None,
-                                None,
-                                None,
-                                None,
-                                None,
-                                None,
-                            ],
-                            "2021-11-03T18.24.24.379Z": [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0],
-                        },
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        assert response.json() == expected
-    @pytest.mark.parametrize(
-        "show_diff,expected_response",
-        [
-            (
-                True,
-                {
-                    "data": {
-                        "runTrackingData": [
-                            {
-                                "datasetName": "new_metrics",
-                                "datasetType": "tracking.metrics_dataset.MetricsDataset",
-                                "data": {
-                                    "col1": [
-                                        {
-                                            "runId": "2021-11-03T18.24.24.379Z",
-                                            "value": 3.0,
-                                        },
-                                        {
-                                            "runId": "2021-11-02T18.24.24.379Z",
-                                            "value": 1.0,
-                                        },
-                                    ],
-                                    "col2": [
-                                        {
-                                            "runId": "2021-11-03T18.24.24.379Z",
-                                            "value": 3.23,
-                                        },
-                                    ],
-                                    "col3": [
-                                        {
-                                            "runId": "2021-11-02T18.24.24.379Z",
-                                            "value": 3.0,
-                                        },
-                                    ],
-                                },
-                            }
-                        ]
-                    }
-                },
-            ),
-            (
-                False,
-                {
-                    "data": {
-                        "runTrackingData": [
-                            {
-                                "datasetName": "new_metrics",
-                                "datasetType": "tracking.metrics_dataset.MetricsDataset",
-                                "data": {
-                                    "col1": [
-                                        {
-                                            "runId": "2021-11-03T18.24.24.379Z",
-                                            "value": 3.0,
-                                        },
-                                        {
-                                            "runId": "2021-11-02T18.24.24.379Z",
-                                            "value": 1.0,
-                                        },
-                                    ],
-                                },
-                            },
-                        ]
-                    }
-                },
-            ),
-        ],
-    )
-    def test_graphql_run_tracking_data(
-        self,
-        example_run_ids,
-        client,
-        example_multiple_run_tracking_catalog,
-        data_access_manager_with_runs,
-        show_diff,
-        expected_response,
-        example_pipelines,
-    ):
-        data_access_manager_with_runs.add_catalog(
-            example_multiple_run_tracking_catalog, example_pipelines
-        )
-        response = client.post(
-            "/graphql",
-            json={
-                "query": f"""{{runTrackingData
-                (group: METRIC runIds:{json.dumps(example_run_ids)}, showDiff: {json.dumps(show_diff)})
-                {{datasetName, datasetType, data}}}}"""
-            },
-        )
-        assert response.json() == expected_response
-    @pytest.mark.parametrize(
-        "show_diff,expected_response",
-        [
-            (
-                True,
-                {
-                    "data": {
-                        "runTrackingData": [
-                            {
-                                "datasetName": "new_metrics",
-                                "datasetType": "tracking.metrics_dataset.MetricsDataset",
-                                "data": {
-                                    "col1": [
-                                        {
-                                            "runId": "2021-11-02T18.24.24.379Z",
-                                            "value": 1.0,
-                                        },
-                                    ],
-                                    "col3": [
-                                        {
-                                            "runId": "2021-11-02T18.24.24.379Z",
-                                            "value": 3.0,
-                                        },
-                                    ],
-                                },
-                            }
-                        ]
-                    }
-                },
-            ),
-            (
-                False,
-                {"data": {"runTrackingData": []}},
-            ),
-        ],
-    )
-    def test_graphql_run_tracking_data_at_least_one_empty_run(
-        self,
-        example_run_ids,
-        client,
-        example_multiple_run_tracking_catalog_at_least_one_empty_run,
-        data_access_manager_with_runs,
-        show_diff,
-        expected_response,
-        example_pipelines,
-    ):
-        data_access_manager_with_runs.add_catalog(
-            example_multiple_run_tracking_catalog_at_least_one_empty_run,
-            example_pipelines,
-        )
-        response = client.post(
-            "/graphql",
-            json={
-                "query": f"""{{runTrackingData
-                (group: METRIC runIds:{json.dumps(example_run_ids)}, showDiff: {json.dumps(show_diff)})
-                {{datasetName, datasetType, data}}}}"""
-            },
-        )
-        assert response.json() == expected_response
-    @pytest.mark.parametrize(
-        "show_diff,expected_response",
-        [
-            (
-                True,
-                {"data": {"runTrackingData": []}},
-            ),
-            (
-                False,
-                {"data": {"runTrackingData": []}},
-            ),
-        ],
-    )
-    def test_graphql_run_tracking_data_all_empty_runs(
-        self,
-        example_run_ids,
-        client,
-        example_multiple_run_tracking_catalog_all_empty_runs,
-        data_access_manager_with_runs,
-        show_diff,
-        expected_response,
-        example_pipelines,
-    ):
-        data_access_manager_with_runs.add_catalog(
-            example_multiple_run_tracking_catalog_all_empty_runs, example_pipelines
-        )
-        response = client.post(
-            "/graphql",
-            json={
-                "query": f"""{{runTrackingData
-                      (group: METRIC runIds:{json.dumps(example_run_ids)}, showDiff: {json.dumps(show_diff)})
-                      {{datasetName, datasetType, data}}}}"""
-            },
-        )
-        assert response.json() == expected_response
 class TestQueryVersion:
     def test_graphql_version_endpoint(self, client, mocker):
diff --git a/package/tests/test_api/test_graphql/test_serializers.py b/package/tests/test_api/test_graphql/test_serializers.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29bb..000000000