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4. Configuration

kd edited this page Apr 15, 2024 · 32 revisions

The Server-Part

Going to the Server/Status-Page in the PluginHandler Section you will find the SailInstrument plugin in the PluginHandler-Section with the following configuration options for the server part:

  • period - computation interval (s)
  • smoothing_factor - factor within (0,1] for exponential smoothing (filtering) of wind and tide, 1 = no smoothing, filtered data as suffix F
  • minmax_samples - number of samples used for calculating min/max TWD
  • allow_fallback - allow fallback to use HDT=COG and/or STW=SOG if former are not available
  • calc_vmc - perform calculation of optimal TWA for maximum VMC (see below)
  • laylines_polar - calculate laylines from speed matrix, not from beat/run angle in polar data`
  • show_polar - compute and display normalized polar diagram in the widget
  • tack_angle - tack angle [0,180) used for laylines, if >0 this fixed angle is used instead the one from the polar data
  • gybe_angle - gybe angle [0,180) used for laylines, if >0 this fixed angle is used instead the one from the polar data
  • ground_wind - manually entered ground wind as direction,speed, used to calculate true and apparent wind if no other wind data is present (for simulation)
  • lee_factor - leeway factor, if >0 leeway angle is estimated, see below
  • wmm_file - file with WMM-coefficents for magnetic deviation
  • wmm_period - period (s) to recompute magnetic variation
  • depth_transducer - depth of transducer (m) (negative=disabled)
  • draught - draught (m) (negative=disabled)
  • nmea_write - write NMEA sentences (sent to outputs and parsed by AvNav)
  • nmea_filter - filter for NMEA sentences to be sent
  • nmea_priority - NMEA source priority
  • nmea_id - NMEA talker ID for emitted sentences
  • nmea_decode - decode own NMEA sentences

If you are only interested in the calculations (or use the plugin as a replacement for the more_nmea plugin ) you can finish the configuration here.

Filter for NMEA-sentences

You can explicitly declare which records to be sent by using the nmea_filter-Parameter (i.e. “$HDT,$MWV" to transmit only these two). If the "nmea_filter" is empty, all records are transmitted.
You can avoid to transmit a specific record by adding its name as inverse (i.e. “^$HDT”) to the "nmea_filter".

The Viewer-Part

Two Classical Widgets

These widgets are installed and configured with the Layout-Editor


There is no specific configuration option available for this widget.


The configuration offers to select 4 different informations using the Displaytype entry:

dist (The distance to the waypoint for each layline individually)
time (The time to the waypoint for each layline individually (based on current speed))
cum-dist (The cumulated distance to the waypoint for both laylines)
cum-time (The cumulated time to the waypoint for both laylines (based on current speed))

Two Map Widgets

The plugin has also two Map-Widget which can be shown as Overlays on the NAV-page They are installed and configured with the Layout-Editor using the map-widget-button map-widget

where you can select the overlays to add or (if already present) configure.


Configuration of the Sail_Instrument_Overlay:

Widgetposition (Boatposition or Mapcenter)

Displaysize (Size of the Sailinstrument in percent)

Opacity (Opacity of the Sailinstrument )


Configuration of the Layline_Overlay:

Opacity (Opacity of the Laylines )

Laylinelength (max. length of the Laylines in nm)

Laylineoverlap (if not set Laylines are cut at the crossing )

LaylineBoat (draw Laylines from Boat position )

LaylineWP (draw Laylines from Waypont position )

For sure you can also activate both together.

Map-Widget Visibility

The visibility of the Map-Widget can be switched on the Settings-Page using the User/Plugins-Button on the Layer-Section.