All notable changes to ds-license will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Bumped SwaggerUI dependency to v5.18.2
- Bumped multiple OpenAPI dependency versions
- Fixed /api-docs wrongly showing petstore example API spec
1.5.2 2025-01-07
- Upgraded dependency cxf-rt-transports-http to v.3.6.4 (fix memory leak)
1.5.1 2024-12-02
- make all loggers static
- changed spammy to log.debug and added information about user data.
1.5.0 2024-09-10
- Bumped kb-util version to improve YAML logging and remove double logging.
- Removed non-resolvable git.tag from
- Enabled OAuth2 on module. Much is copy-paste from ds-image to see it working in two different modules. Plans are to refactor common functionality out into kb-util/template projects. No methods are defined to require OAuth yet!
1.4.2 2024-06-11
- Added YAML property to disable all GUI: gui.adminGuiEnabled=true
- Added YAML property for cache refresh time : cache.reloadInSeconds=300
- Audit log will now show name and email from AD loaded by KeyCloak.
- Access to admin GUI will also required login via KeyCloak. AD realm is configured in the KeyCloak server. direct URL and clientSecret must be known my both KeyCloak and LicenseModule.
1.4.1 2024-05-13
- Added git information to the status endpoint. It now delivers, deployed branch name, commit hash, time of latest commit and closest tag
- Bumb sb-parent to v.25
- Added 'integration' tag to some unittests.
- Support for dynamically updating values in OpenAPI spec through internal JIRA issue DRA-139.
- Added sample config files and documentation to distribution tar archive. DRA-415
- Added POM profiles to control testing
- Changed parent POM and thereby nexus repository
- Correct resolving of maven build time in project properties. DRA-415
- Switch to nested properties camelCase DRA-431
1.4.0 2024-01-11
- logback template changes
- Update exception throwing and catching throughout the service.
- Client jar not longer has logback.xml included. Using maven jar-plugin instead that can handle exclusions.
- Added service endpoints to webapp, which makes the service endpoints reachable.
- General style of YAML configuration files, by removing the first level of indentation.
- Ds-license client
- Option for caching to prevent DOS from image zooming calls.
- Solr calls changed from GET to POST
- Initial release of