- f2d4160: skip impersonation users
- 97d2867: support custom PDS. Thanks @kodxana
- acc719b: fix a break loop bug.
- a84e11a: only search unique terms. Thanks @dtflowers
- 97d2867: fix scroll bug in list members. Thanks @dtflowers
- c0d62de: prevent id entry error
- 5528400: Add darkmode
- c2e1beb: re fixed unnecessary permission requests
- 06068a6: fixed unnecessary permission requests
- 2049044: implement batch search feature
- e9e9206: bump dependencies
- 4338429: "handle name in description", drop matches preceeded by "pfp". thanks @lowercase-donkey
- ea68829: replace all underscores in a handle, not just the first. #29 thanks @lowercase-donkey
- 7040d1c: - fixed a bug that prevented credentials from being saved
- 46891c9: - fixed a bug that prevented typing
- e2845c4: - improve search logic
- e85e475: - remove unnecessary files
- ded6d19: - fix word break
- 6a83846: - fix non query error
- add insert animation
- 58281f7: - skip when there is no search term. #15
- 788547c: - fix link design
- fix connection error
- 0a4138c: - accommodate verified following
- bcc3233: - add launch command
- 0713ffd: - fix card design
- 91dec26: - Fixed a bug that results were not returned in case of error
- 506dde7: - fixed a bug that reload button was duplicated.
- 69e2d01: - support for Firefox
- 82096d3: - fixed to work even if @ is in login handle name
- a4a51d7: - fixed a bug in the recommended users field insertion
- 3908457: - Fixed to be searchable even by list members.
- a449216: set up distribution environment