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base repository: karthink/gptel
Failed to load repositories. Confirm that selected base ref is valid, then try again.
base: v0.9.7
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head repository: karthink/gptel
Failed to load repositories. Confirm that selected head ref is valid, then try again.
compare: master
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Showing with 3,265 additions and 1,159 deletions.
  1. +164 −69
  2. +237 −62 gptel-anthropic.el
  3. +117 −62 gptel-context.el
  4. +109 −148 gptel-curl.el
  5. +234 −57 gptel-gemini.el
  6. +5 −3 gptel-kagi.el
  7. +86 −60 gptel-ollama.el
  8. +118 −15 gptel-privategpt.el → gptel-openai-extras.el
  9. +203 −57 gptel-openai.el
  10. +67 −42 gptel-org.el
  11. +118 −85 gptel-rewrite.el
  12. +528 −174 gptel-transient.el
  13. +1,278 −324 gptel.el
  14. +1 −1 test