#LORIS Neuroimaging Platform
LORIS is a web-accessible database solution for neuroimaging, providing a secure infrastructure to automate the flow of clinical data for complex multi-site neuroimaging studies.
- LINUX (supported on Ubuntu 14.04 and CentOS 6.5) or Mac OS X (tested for Mavericks - OS X 10.9)
- Apache2 (libapache2-mod-php5)
- MySQL (libmysqlclient15-dev mysql-client mysql-server)
- PHP/PEAR 5.3+ (php5 php-pear php5-mysql php5-gd)
- php5-json (for Debian/Ubuntu distributions)
- Smarty 3
- Package manager (for LINUX distributions)
Set up LINUX user lorisadmin and create LORIS base directory:
sudo useradd -U -m -G sudo -s /bin/bash lorisadmin sudo passwd lorisadmin su - lorisadmin
Important ⇾ All steps from this point forward must be executed by lorisadmin user
sudo mkdir -m 775 -p /var/www/$projectname sudo chown lorisadmin.lorisadmin /var/www/$projectname
$projectname ⇾ “loris” or one-word project name
Get code: Download the latest release from the releases page and extract it to
Run installer script to install core code, libraries, and MySQL schema (see LORIS Setup Schematic). The script will prompt for information, including usernames and folders which it will create automatically.
cd /var/www/$projectname/tools ./install.sh sudo service apache2 reload
Go to http://localhost to verify that the LORIS core database has been successfully installed. Congratulations! Log in with the username “admin” and the password you supplied for this user while running the Install script.
Note: Apache config files will be installed as *.conf, per Ubuntu 14.04. Rename these if running earlier version.
sudo a2dissite default sudo a2ensite $projectname
Notes for LORIS post-installation setup are contained in the LORIS Wiki.
Please feel free to subscribe to the LORIS Developers mailing list to ask any LORIS-related questions.