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A Clojure library for talking to the GoCardless API.

GoCardless is an online payments provider, leveraging the direct debit network in the UK (BACS) and European Union (SEPA) for low-cost bank-to-bank payments.


Build Status

The library implements most of the functionality for merchants, as described in the GoCardless API docs.

Although the API is pretty clean and should be fairly easy to use, some nice things are not yet in place or are rough around the edges. This also means that the API is in a bit of a flux and may change at any time.

Currently supported:

  • Manual pagination of results
  • Filtering resources
  • Fetching details for your merchant
  • Looking up customer, bills, subscriptions, pre-authorizations and payouts
  • Generating Connect URLs for bills, subscriptions and pre-authorizations
  • Confirming a new resource
  • Pre-populating customer details for the Connect flow
  • Creating a bill under an existing pre-authorization
  • Validating webhooks

Currently not supported:

  • Automatic pagination of results
  • Partner integration

See the GoCardless API docs for notes on filtering and pagination.


gocardless-clj is available on Clojars, at Just copy and paste the relevant line from Clojars into your project.clj.


All the core functionality is available in core.clj. Marginalia-generated API docs are available on Github Pages. You should look at the section for the core namespace.

(ns user
  (:require [gocardless-clj.core :refer :all]))

;; :environment may be either :sandbox or :live
(def account {:environment :sandbox
              :merchant-id "your merchant id"
              :app-id "your app id"
              :app-secret "your app secret"
              :access-token "your access token"})

;; get your account details
(details account)

;; get the first page of your bills
(bills account)

;; get a specific bill
(bill account "bill-id")

;; the former is equivalent to this
(bills account {:id "bill-id"})
;; but you can pass other arguments in the map for filtering and/or pagination
(bills account {:per_page 4 :page 2 :paid true})

;; cancel a bill
(let [my-bill (bill account "bill-id")]
  (when (cancelable? my-bill)
    (cancel my-bill account)))

;; get the first page of your subscriptions, 10 per page
(subscriptions account {:per_page 10})

;; create a new bill URL with minimal parameters
(new-bill account {:amount 10.0})

;; create a new bill URL, but pass in more information
(new-bill account {:amount 10.0
	               :name "My first bill"
				   :user {:email "[email protected]"
				          :first_name "Joe"
						  :last_name "Bloggs"}})

;; When a customer has gone through they will be redirected to
;; a URL specified by Redirect URI in your Dashboard (can be
;; over-ridden in the params hash when creating a new bill,
;; subscription or pre-authorization).
;; Once the customer is redirected back to your site, you'll need
;; to confirm the resource by calling (confirm-resource) and
;; passing in the parameters in the request.
(let [params (:query-params request)]
  (confirm-resource account params))

Example app

There is an example application located in example/example_app.clj which is a simple Compojure web-app.

You should clone this repository

$ git clone

and change in your details in the account-details map, save the file and run lein ring server-headless on the command-line. That should boot a Jetty server and if you go to http://localhost:3000 and you'll see further instructions.

That is all good, but unfortunately there is no way to confirm a resource once you've gone through the GoCardless' Connect flow, as GoCardless cannot redirect the customer to http://localhost:3000/confirm. Fortunately, there is a way to fix it by using a handy tool such as localtunnel or ngrok.

I prefer ngrok, so, in a different terminal window, run ngrok 3000. It should give back a couple of URLs:

ngrok output

Since the URL for confirming a resource is set to http://localhost:3000/confirm, as per the example application, you'll need to set the Redirect URL to something that looks like

Copy the forwarded URL (the one that looks like as the Redirect URL in your GoCardless Developer settings and append /confirm. The customer will be effectively redirected to, which matches the confirm URL in the example app.

Now, when you navigate to, say, and go through the GoCardless' Connect flow, the resource should be confirmed and the response should be something like {:success true}.

Webhooks can be tested in a similar way. There is a Webhook tool in the developer panel that can be used to generate webhooks against the example app. Make sure the Web Hook URL is correct, i.e pointing to the URL similar to The endpoint simply prints true or false depending on whether or not the webhook is valid.


Contributions are welcome!

If you're interested in using this for a partner integration or need more/better functionality, feel free to get in touch via Github issues, or submit a patch.

If you find any bugs, open an issue via Github issues and describe the situation. Explain what are you trying to do, what was the expected behaviour and what was the observed behaviour. Alternatively, fork the repo, write some tests, fix the bug and submit a pull request.


Copyright © 2014 Karl Sutt

Distributed under MIT license, see LICENSE.