From 2b1ea4d7e30cbc5527fc068f7bf438035c59fa5b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
Date: Mon, 17 Aug 2020 20:03:38 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Added Qt Installer Framework

 archive/qt_installer_framework.ksy | 225 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 225 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 archive/qt_installer_framework.ksy

diff --git a/archive/qt_installer_framework.ksy b/archive/qt_installer_framework.ksy
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..32a6eaa3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/archive/qt_installer_framework.ksy
@@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
+  id: qt_installer_framework
+  title: Qt Installer Framework archive
+  application: Qt Installer Framework
+  file-extension: exe
+  endian: le
+  encoding: utf-8
+  license: GPL-3.0 WITH Qt-GPL-exception-1.0
+  xref:
+    wikidata: Q201904
+doc: |
+  Qt installer framework is a set of libs to make SFX installers. Installers usually contain 7zip-compressed archives. Obviously, Qt installer itself is built using this framework.
+  Warning 1: KSC has a bug. It makes the computed values be int32_t. Of course their type should be either explicitly specified by a programmer or derived automatically. The workaroind is to just replace all int32_t to int64_t in sources.
+  Warning 2: don't use this spec on Linux against Qt distribution with overcommit enabled unless you have lot of RAM (> 12 GiB). There is a severe memory leak somewhere (currently I have no idea where exactly). The leak is present in both C++ and python-compiled code. In python even if I have patched the generated source to explicitly free all the `bytes`, `BytesIO`s and `KaitaiStream` objects the leak is still present. At least it is neither in `bytes` nor in `BytesIO`. In C++ I have not patched anything but used move semantics to free the stuff since std::unique_ptr is used. The leak is still present. IDK where it is and how to fix it.
+-license-header: |
+  GNU General Public License Usage
+  Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation with exceptions as appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL3-EXCEPT included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will be met:
+  -
+  -
+  -
+  -
+  - id: magic_cookie_offset
+    type: u8
+    -orig-id: endOfBinaryContent - 8
+    doc:  "In order to use this spec find the magic cookie [0xf8, 0x68, 0xd6, 0x99, 0x1c, 0x0a, 0x63, 0xc2] in the last MiB of file and set this param to its offset."
+  end_of_binary_content:
+    value: magic_cookie_offset + sizeof<header::cookie_identifier>
+  header:
+    pos: end_of_binary_content - sizeof<header>
+    type: header
+  array:
+    seq:
+      - id: size
+        type: u8
+      - id: value
+        size: size
+  string:
+    seq:
+      - id: size
+        type: u8
+      - id: value
+        size: size
+        type: str
+  header:
+    seq:
+      - id: meta_resources_count
+        type: u8
+        -orig-id: metaResourcesCount
+      - id: unkn
+        type: u8
+        repeat: expr
+        repeat-expr: 2
+      - id: cookie
+        type: cookie_identifier
+        -orig-id: magicCookie
+    instances:
+      other_stuff_size:
+        value: 4 * sizeof<u8>
+        doc: "meta count, offset/length collection index, marker, cookie..."
+      binary_descriptor_offset:
+        value: _root.end_of_binary_content - other_stuff_size
+        -orig-id: posOfResourceCollectionsSegment
+      binary_descriptor:
+        io: _root._io
+        pos: binary_descriptor_offset
+        size: sizeof<binary_descriptor>
+        type: binary_descriptor
+    types:
+      marker_identifier:
+        seq:
+          - id: type
+            type: u1
+            enum: type
+          - id: signature
+            contents: [0x32, 0x02, 0x12]
+        enums:
+          type:
+            0x33: installer
+            0x34: uninstaller
+            0x35: updater
+            0x36: package_manager
+      cookie_identifier:
+        seq:
+          - id: type
+            type: u1
+            enum: type
+          - id: signature
+            contents: [0x68, 0xd6, 0x99, 0x1c, 0x0a, 0x63, 0xc2]
+        enums:
+          type:
+            0xf8: binary
+            0xf9: data
+      range:
+        doc-ref:
+        seq:
+          - id: start_read
+            type: s8
+          - id: size
+            type: s8
+        instances:
+          start:
+            value: _root.header.binary_descriptor.end_of_exectuable + start_read
+      binary_descriptor:
+        seq:
+          - id: resources_count
+            type: s8
+            doc: read it, but deliberately not used
+          - id: binary_content_size
+            type: s8
+            -orig-id: binaryContentSize
+          - id: marker
+            type: marker_identifier
+            -orig-id: magicMarker
+        instances:
+          size_of_segment_descriptor:
+            value: (_parent.meta_resources_count + 2) * sizeof<range>
+          segments_descriptor:
+            io: _root._io
+            pos: _parent.binary_descriptor_offset - size_of_segment_descriptor
+            size: size_of_segment_descriptor
+            type: segments_descriptor
+          end_of_exectuable:
+            value: _parent._root.end_of_binary_content - binary_content_size
+        types:
+          segments_descriptor:
+            seq:
+              - id: resource_collections_segment
+                type: range
+              - id: meta_resource_segments
+                type: range
+                repeat: expr
+                repeat-expr: _parent._parent.meta_resources_count
+                -orig-id: metaResourceSegments
+              - id: operations_segment
+                type: range
+                -orig-id: operationsSegment
+            instances:
+              collections:
+                io: _root._io
+                pos: resource_collections_segment.start
+                size: resource_collections_segment.size
+                type: collections
+              operations:
+                io: _root._io
+                pos: operations_segment.start
+                size: operations_segment.size
+                type: operations
+            types:
+              operations:
+                seq:
+                  - id: count
+                    type: u8
+                  - id: operations
+                    type: operation
+                    repeat: expr
+                    repeat-expr: count
+                  - id: reserved
+                    type: u8
+                    doc: read it, but deliberately not used
+                types:
+                  operation:
+                    seq:
+                      - id: name
+                        type: string
+                      - id: xml
+                        type: string
+              collections:
+                seq:
+                  - id: count
+                    type: s8
+                    -orig-id: size
+                  - id: collections
+                    type: collection
+                    repeat: expr
+                    repeat-expr: count
+                types:
+                  collection:
+                    seq:
+                      - id: name
+                        type: string
+                      - id: segment_range
+                        type: range
+                    instances:
+                      segment:
+                        io: _root._io
+                        pos: segment_range.start
+                        size: segment_range.size
+                        type: segment
+                    types:
+                      segment:
+                        seq:
+                          - id: count
+                            type: u8
+                          - id: resources
+                            type: resource
+                            repeat: expr
+                            repeat-expr: count
+                        types:
+                          resource:
+                            seq:
+                              - id: name
+                                type: string
+                              - id: segment
+                                type: range