These demo apps showcase the Kairos APIs by giving the user a means to quickly get up and running with our Emotion Analysis and Facial Recognition / Detection APIs.
The app is basically a single page application, which is viewed at index.html.
The easiest way to get started is to clone or fork the repo, and add your APP_ID and API_KEY to the app.rb file after signing up at
From your command prompt, run rvm install ruby-2.3.0
or the latest version.
From your command prompt, run:
gem install sinatra
gem install rest-client
gem install httparty
Run ruby app.rb
Point your browser to
The Detect Demo uses Kairos Face Recognition API to detect a human face in an existing photo, or a snapshot from the user's webcam.
The Emotion Demo showcases the Kairos Emotion API by giving the user three methods for analyzing human emotions in a video stream.
The Recognize Demo uses Kairos Face Recognition API to recognize human faces from previously enrolled faces by the user.
Using the Kairos Face Recognition API, the Verify Demo compares two photos, and verifies that the two photos are of the same individual.