Releases: kagof/intellij-pokemon-progress
new Gen II: Raikou, Entei, Suicune, Lugia, Ho-Oh, Celebi (thanks @marcodenisi)
new Gen III: Kyogre, Groudon, Rayquaza, Jirachi, Deoxys (thanks @Paola351)
new Gen IV: Turtwig, Torterra, Chimchar, Infernape, Piplup, Empoleon (thanks @Paola351)
new Gen I-VI: Vaporeon, Jolteon, Flareon, Espeon, Umbreon, Leafeon, Glaceon, Sylveon
configuration grouped by generation
stores an instance of the icons on the PokemonProgressBarUi, for (hopefully) better performance
plugin logo rasterized to look better
addition of a class for testing progress bar UI more easily
makes plugin compatible with all versions of IntelliJ based IDE's ≥ 2019.3. With this change, it should no longer be necessary to release a new version of this plugin with every major version increment of IntelliJ, unless a breaking change has actually occurred.
- New Gen I: Nidoqueen, Nidoking, Jigglypuff, Alakazam, Machamp, Magnemite, Scyther, Dragonite
- New Gen II: Chikorita, Meganium, Cyndaquil, Typhlosion, Totodile, Feraligatr
- #9 Makes chosen Pokémon configurable
- Makes sprite drawing & tool tips configurable
- Cleans up sprite loading
- Losslessly compresses images (Thanks imgbot!)
- Fixes Mew sprite on Retina screens
- Fixes colour gradients
- #8 uses a Listener instead of Component, so plugin is now dynamically reloadable
- lazy loads sprites
Pokemon added:
- (#2) Gen I: Butterfree, Meowth, Slowpoke, Gengar, Koffing, Gyarados, Snorlax, Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres, Mewtwo, Mew
- Gen II: Togepi, Wobbuffet
- Gen III: Wailmer, Wailord
- Gen VIII: Grookey, Rillaboom, Scorbunny, Cinderace, Sobble, Intelleon, Wooloo, Zacian, Zamazenta