4.1.1 (2023-02-09)
- broken screens when access is granted from dashboard (db8f413)
4.1.0 (2023-02-01)
- playlist: add additional images webp format support (579cd0c)
4.0.1 (2023-01-31)
- playlist: fix empty recommendations (0d31f4e)
4.0.0 (2023-01-30)
- feat!: add JWP authentication, payments, and subscriptions with docs (bump version) (a3e2a08)
- add JWP authentication, payments, and subscriptions with docs (bump version)
3.4.0 (2023-01-27)
- project: enableSharing toggled on by default (6367493)
3.3.0 (2023-01-25)
- player: update player settings (1733977)
3.2.2 (2023-01-24)
3.2.1 (2023-01-18)
- doc updates for modes and minor file reorg (d9c7e8f)
3.2.0 (2023-01-18)
- project: remove posterFading, shelfTitles and dynamicBlur settings (9b3a315)
3.1.1 (2023-01-12)
- player: hide inside player title and description (84dae80)
3.1.0 (2023-01-11)
- project: add default player ID to the .env (1c15875)
- project: add default_player_id to config.ts (fac3038)
- project: remove deprecated app config props (b6bb06f)
- project: remove player entry from the docs (e53aa38)
- project: Update .env (5dc107f)
3.0.2 (2022-12-27)
- inlineplayer: display correct video title after play next clicked BC-229 (bffc1d9)
3.0.1 (2022-12-22)
- auth: check the free value (e4b233c)
- auth: check the requiresSubscription value (a878ab6)
- auth: check the requiresSubscription value (5ad9f30)
3.0.0 (2022-12-14)
- introduce InPlayer services
2.9.1 (2022-12-14)
2.9.0 (2022-12-05)
- inplayer authentication (f1922e4)
2.8.0 (2022-12-01)
- replace compile constants with ini files (158079d)
2.7.1 (2022-11-28)
- build improvements, code cleanup, small improvements, test fixes (8891cee)
2.7.0 (2022-11-17)
- add demo dialog when no config ID (c6de430)
2.6.2 (2022-10-12)
- fix the changelog path in the release template (229fa55)
2.6.1 (2022-10-12)
- trivial doc change to test release action (09062b6)
2.6.0 (2022-10-12)
- home: shelf e2e test for mobile (35ff1f1)
- inlineplayer: inline layout UI and a11y fixes (71c9666)
- project: error when assets.banner is null (#180) (cd80916), closes #179
- project: fix missing shelves and cards (e490487)
- project: home button always in active state (3141fe3)
- project: player fixes and UI improvements (5670fd8)
- search route without path and stale debounce (bebd490)
- styling bug fixes (#176) (ef57976)
- inlineplayer: add inline player support (159d135)
- project: add static page (84d21bf)
- project: add support for custom screens (77b264c)
- project: support alternate images (e81f491)
- project: update react-router to 6.4.0 (0631763)
- remove virtualized and add aspect ratio support (d42f9fc)
2.5.0 (2022-08-05)
- epg: add epg component and live channel and schedule support (3c84877)
2.4.2 (2022-07-19)
- project: assets object not required anymore (d17f6e4)
2.4.1 (2022-07-18)
- project: bug fixes after preview check (3e8a0df)
2.4.0 (2022-07-18)
- series: add new series-api (29e8599)
2.3.0 (2022-07-11)
- config: add dynamic config options at build (6520ad0)
2.2.0 (2022-07-08)
2.1.0 (2022-07-05)
- project: support watchlists (e71e6b4)
- project: support watchlists (bff95ab)
- project: support watchlists (b506b52)
- project: support watchlists (0124428)
2.0.4 (2022-06-30)
- project: docs link fixed (a64587a)
2.0.3 (2022-06-21)
- playlist: smooth transition on hover (0ab070f)
2.0.2 (2022-06-08)
- add docs for versioning and test changelog (#80) (cc3695d)
- test version bump (716b289)
- update docs and test version bump (cfa4b2d)
2.0.1 (2022-06-07)
- use action token for version bump workflow (50e95c8)
2.0.0 (2022-06-03)
- auth: clear subscription, transactions and payment after logout (d977dcc)
- auth: prevent login error when watch history item is removed (cfc82ec)
- entitlement: improve entitlement mechanism (4a7cba7)
- payment: clear the order after closing the checkout modal (3f590d7)
- payment: fix incorrect svod redirect (cf3bd7d)
- payment: fix offer not always being selected (23c67c2)
- payment: show offer modal after registration in authvod platform (0071c63)
- payment: tvod checkout fixes for authvod platform (31325e4)
- react query staleTime wrong value (020a06a)
- series: fix start watching button url (833c364)
- signing: prevent signing when DRM is disabled (0d70e99)
- upgrade packages to resolve vulnerabilities (#53) (c2d1efc)
- user: show payments menu in authvod access model (6e2671a)
- videodetail: prevents flash when navigating to movie page (9c320bc)
- auth: reload subscriptions, transactions and payment parallel (8b526b0)
- entitlement: add tvod entitlement check to movie screen (5c5e388)
- entitlement: prevent UI blocking while loading auth or subscriptions (fefab30)
- payment: add tvod to checkout (c92bb15)
- payment: add tvods to choose offer modal (bc8e6d7)
- payment: implement authvod + tvod (836e457)
- payment: update choose offer modal title and subtitle (a474b2a)
- project: add Zustand dependency (ed9968e)
- project: cache media items from playlists (2b8b5ee)
- signing: add playlist and media entitlement using a service (e93a655)
- videodetail: add tvod entitlement to series screen (b3df73e)
2.0.0-alpha (2022-05-06)
- auth: fix console error controlled checkbox (b4f9379)
- auth: fix console errors (e293764)
- auth: Make logout into a function (#48) (97940a0)
- auth: prevent content shift when checking checkbox (72ea3f6)
- e2e: fix watchlist flaky test (#50) (1974614)
- payment: fix Adyen form label styling (b4f48c6)
- payment: fix Adyen live environment when cleengSandbox is set to false (4ff1e42)
- player: fix autoplay (3e7d7b4)
- project: fix DateField react error (631e932)
- project: fix for custom domains base url (2426b27)
- project: fix getPublicUrl for dev builds (ec9bc60)
- project: use json property from description blob (c1c0fee)
- remove unfinished mutations for consents and customer data and move logic to account store (#17) (4a75628)
- auth: add backdrop click to login codecept test (9a29722)
- auth: add login codecept tests (1d74a18)
- auth: add register codecept tests (b4bc475)
- home: add codecept tests (5f6c38d)
- project: add github pages deployment (8484572)
- project: add not found pages and 404.html for github pages (3249d63)
- project: hash based router for github pages (2250f33)
- user: add account codecept test (f7e9395)
- user: add payments codecept tests (70521df)
- videodetail: add codecept tests (5fd6931)
- watchhistory: add codecept test (120055f)
- watchhistory: add mobile codecept test and login step (1467b44)
1.1.1 (2021-08-06)
- auth: fix checkbox color on Firefox (ee49664)
- auth: fix default option for required dropdown (fab40d5)
- project: add spacing between search input and user menu icon (de99481)
- project: fix header logo and search alignment (5ec7522)
- project: set checkbox color to config highlight (c097da5)
1.1.0 (2021-08-05)
- auth: disable continue button in registration form (c8ccfc7)
- auth: fix and improve edit password form (9d862c0)
- auth: fix auth modal width (8dd2482)
- auth: fix registration loading height (9b9bf59)
- auth: improve date field with leading zeros (bd475ab)
- auth: improve invalid reset password token message (01a565e)
- auth: remove defaultLabel for required capture fields (57d405b)
- auth: skip account initialization when platform has no cleengId (dca2459)
- auth: skip reload subscriptions when platform is not svod (b4e3a22)
- auth: validate registration form on blur and improve password strength (89644bc)
- payment: choose offer layout improvements (a19d55e)
- payment: clear payment error after switching payment method (b15e2c7)
- payment: fix coupon code error (1a7b1e8)
- payment: improve checkout price breakdown (7017341)
- payment: reload subscription after successful payment (75de7ec)
- payment: select year offer by default (d85c9ba)
- payment: update coupon not valid message (8baf273)
- player: fix dropdown showing above video player (345a80b)
- player: fix player error after playing the same item a second time (ed31555)
- player: save watch progress on player complete event (7b8dcfb)
- project: fix build for iOS 13 (f84c8b7)
- project: fix checkbox styling to meet designs (44e2691)
- project: fix start watching button when not logged in (aabd79e)
- project: fix user menu not opening in some cases (395b9e8)
- project: fix vertical centering loadingoverlay (5ecdc24)
- project: fix vertical centering modal (ef4686e)
- project: prevent native styling and content shift (1718e2c)
- project: remove optional label for non editing text field (2facbf9)
- project: update breakpoints to meet designs (880a1aa)
- user: disable update consents form after submitting (decfa98)
- user: hide menu on tablet as well (2c6f7e8)
- user: prevent early form submitting (a405ebe)
- user: remove delete account button (feb2023)
- videodetail: fix breakpoints and margins to meet designs (48968e4)
- videodetail: prevent play behind paywall (bcbc3ba)
- auth: add account service and store (84a3687)
- auth: add AccountModal base and login button (92fb23a)
- auth: add checkout form (a1075d6)
- auth: add ChooseOfferForm (2f75031)
- auth: add LoginForm component (dbdb875)
- auth: add sign up link in login form (b774a42)
- auth: connect login form with MediaStore API (8dc53e9)
- auth: handle refresh token error (7a4a9eb)
- auth: implement cancel subscription flow (2fef77f)
- auth: implement renew subscription flow (ccd6e4d)
- auth: make Modal component more generic (9474f87)
- auth: restore user session from local storage (a04b15e)
- auth: skip personal details when optional (4d676a9)
- auth: update AccountStore with modal state (db2db50)
- auth: use routing for the AccountModal (02fc5e2)
- favorites: add favorites to account (f42599e)
- home: add pagination dots to feature shelf (0317426)
- menu: add popover component (9324f09)
- menu: add usermenu component (101f4f9)
- menu: add usermenu to header (735fb45)
- menu: add usermenu to sidebar (51a1783)
- payment: add checkout welcome component (9ba4589)
- payment: implement Adyen and PayPal payment methods (b6570fa)
- player: add save to watchhistory on pause (403671a)
- player: use playlist item in player config (5ee0a59)
- project: add checkbox component (5eb48f5)
- project: add datefield component (6a6aedc)
- project: add detect outsideclick component (8fb1cd3)
- project: add header to checkbox (23e2ef3)
- project: add loadingoverlay to all forms (3ba922a)
- project: add password strength component (dc80d85)
- project: add paywall lock icon to shelf/grid items (345ac68)
- project: add radio component (2d101bd)
- project: add slide from right to animation (a65552b)
- project: add static page (db0fb6a)
- project: add support for left and right control to TextField (5926efd)
- project: add terms conditions url to config (d9cc77a)
- project: add TextField component (6c6efa0)
- project: add width and height to logo img (df27e8e)
- project: add yupschema creator (807a981)
- project: added cleengutil for cleengcapture (636e47c)
- project: implement logout (2e920eb)
- project: limit playlists item to 25 (58c9560)
- project: set default QueryProvider options (cd7f93a)
- project: update banner, icons and manifest (b31a82a)
- project: update popover and close UserMenu after click (a6d7d67)
- user: add confirmation dialog before clearing the favorites (b075697)
- user: add consent validation (497bd49)
- user: add edit password form (5773cca)
- user: add favorites screen (7f94e98)
- user: add forgot password form (86c75ab)
- user: add form component and implement to user screen (d270d93)
- user: add loadingoverlay while logging in (6d28b91)
- user: add nav translations (4f6a203)
- user: add no subscription text (83de9aa)
- user: add password reset modal (96048a1)
- user: add personal details form to modal (90ca709)
- user: add registration container (c2479a6)
- user: add registrationform component (a412129)
- user: add reset password logic (c0b9681)
- user: add show all transactions button (3cda7cf)
- user: add text describing empty paymentmethod or transactions (ab2237b)
- user: add user screen with account and payment (d16034e)
- user: add validation to my-account screen (bd72479)
- user: clear blurimage when entering user screen (9fdaf4e)
- user: implement editing account (e22de8f)
- user: implement subscription business logics (8fa377b)
- user: implemented create account logic (58eff73)
- user: redirect to home when user is not logged in (eb35cc3)
- user: show empty favorites screen (ce0da5c)
- videodetail: adjust buttons according design (7cbdaed)
- videodetail: implement conditional startwatching button + label (9915acb)
- watchhistory: store watchhistory in account (009315b)
- Revert "chore(project): removed css module fix" (6eea39b)
1.0.0 (2021-06-25)
- home: avoid tab for react-virtualized (65fdcac)
- home: disabled out of view cards (03dcc0d)
- home: fix CodeceptJS mobile test (820fb5c)
- home: fix featured shelf height (8a520ae)
- home: fix nowrap for tags (98926b0)
- home: initially disable left arrow slider (9f9bcea)
- home: make tiles and arrows tabable (2ab122f)
- home: prevent featured card title clipping (ae0ac47)
- home: recompute height when favorites or watch history change (39dbcc9)
- home: show series tag when available (11a25c1)
- playlist: button improvements (5cc20a2)
- playlist: change filters color and style (83fa7ac)
- playlist: filters styling and reset filter when the id changes (2c12e07)
- playlist: iOS Dropdown styling fixes (fed2e3b)
- project: disable TileDock animation when not multipage (85acb3a)
- project: don’t show copied text when using native share dialog (3bebd65)
- project: dynamic blur (f2ce8dc)
- project: featured card title still clipping (041a56b)
- project: fix backgroundColor option not working (f0503d8)
- project: fix episode URL (2b40c81)
- project: fix header content shift due to image load (0dbde3f)
- project: fix iOS 13 type error (c55a9b3)
- project: fix snowpack optimize using webpack (4a2883f)
- project: fix styling for mobile (8196aa3)
- project: focus state on focus-visible (d6eb8c3)
- project: implement calculating 100vh correctly (2e09110)
- project: inherit all options from the description json (0dcb0cc)
- project: live tag contrast ratio (57add4d)
- project: make header buttons visible when using a light header background (dd94c5d)
- project: make page transition smoother (e1f6bb9)
- project: make PlaylistItem.tags optional (4e16f59)
- project: overflow bug (33afa32)
- project: remove Layout width/height (b77d5bd)
- project: remove outline from menubuttons (53439c2)
- project: reset scroll on video and series screens (7bcc930)
- project: skip focus-visibile on outlined for ipad (d2887b1)
- project: skip playlist fetch when no playlistid (f2f12a9)
- project: unify breakpoints js and css (deb2e56)
- project: update current video text (99447f0)
- search: prevent text clip in search bar (c107638)
- search: reset search bar when clicking a result (d5ad5b8)
- series: add season prefix to episodes dropdown (3a89e3d)
- videodetail: favorite button hover state (eee9a99)
- videodetail: fix collapsibletext mask for webkit (91a143c)
- videodetail: fix error before loading episode (62406b8)
- videodetail: fix icon shadow and overlay gradient (f899f5d)
- videodetail: fix NaN visible in continue watching button (81a4d58)
- videodetail: fix posterfading responsiveness (aab58bb)
- videodetail: fix real 100vh player (5ff99e1)
- videodetail: fix unnecessary chevron collapsibletext (a476f7a)
- videodetail: wrap trailer button and fix buttons responsive (f190c28)
- add classnames dependency (b675390)
- analytics: implement OTT video analytics (90bbbaa)
- analytics: load jwpltx adhoc when analyticsToken is set (ed30fe8)
- favorites: add favorites shelf (15ff11c)
- favorites: implement favorites store and hooks (1032cdb)
- home: add arrow icons to slider (f04b74c)
- home: add chevron correction for featured shelf (e704d75)
- home: add home screen and slider (17f1f00)
- home: add lazy rendering (3d1c954)
- home: add shelf loading state (3bcb426)
- home: add skeletons while loading (c010592)
- home: add watchhistory to home content (e87ca15)
- home: fix roles tree for accessibility (f8bfe6d)
- home: implement auto play for continue watching shelf (86d8ecc)
- home: implement loading few shelves (d9898d4)
- home: make skeleton more subtle (e9d69ff)
- home: prevent vertical scroll while sliding shelf (10b2c45)
- home: show only 1 tile in featured shelf (e7cd1ba)
- home: show shelf arrows on hover (f978d37)
- layout: add button component (c1ba8e2)
- layout: add filter modal (6576771)
- layout: removed button outline (71d645d)
- layout: ui tweaks (f07809d)
- playlist: add layout component (743cefe)
- playlist: add playlist navigation to header (0b0b1a6)
- playlist: add playlist navigation to sidebar (1f1a5fb)
- playlist: add series tag (61fca28)
- playlist: add virtualizedgrid (8f850f4)
- playlist: add virtualizedgrid to playlist (235c99c)
- playlist: fix roles for accessibility (566fe72)
- playlist: get filters from config (2a7aea6)
- playlist: made filters responsive (f833add)
- project: add and implement SearchBar component (939860f)
- project: add animation, grow and fade components (944c9cc)
- project: add aria properties to header (df53f63)
- project: add buttonlink component (7177e9a)
- project: add card component and first test (e82f950)
- project: add card enum aspect ratio (2bec3c9)
- project: add card grid component (ca52c6b)
- project: add category filtering to playlist (829ab43)
- project: add chunk collection util (c2513f5)
- project: add classnames dependency (4086f33)
- project: add close icon component (54fc326)
- project: add config loader and provider (5a66fcd)
- project: add create icon component (d5a72dd)
- project: add debounce function (b54753f)
- project: add dom util functions (c28a288)
- project: add dropdown component (8079987)
- project: add dynamic blur (47b409d)
- project: add fallback to highlight color (09e20de)
- project: add filters to config (f822de8)
- project: add footer and footer markdown (c3297f3)
- project: add footer from config (ded5171)
- project: add header component (b793979)
- project: add helmet and move metadata to helmet (b6c0a42)
- project: add hover to card component (0f57a3d)
- project: add jest-dom dev dependency (31fc7ff)
- project: add layout component (c9d813b)
- project: add layout component to home screen (c4057f3)
- project: add live and episode tag to card (fb28192)
- project: add lodash.throttle dependency (be50781)
- project: add logo component (bb67fe3)
- project: add markdown component (a9308de)
- project: add menu icon component (82a066a)
- project: add metatags, logo and icons (9134799)
- project: add mobile menu button to header (6576d5b)
- project: add nullable as values for colors (9a3cc67)
- project: add placeholder home screen (06df909)
- project: add playlist container (7092c99)
- project: add playlist grid (672d96d)
- project: add playlist placeholderdata for skeletons (b6c8e7a)
- project: add playlist screen and container (ccba942)
- project: add playlist types (360d774)
- project: add preconnect tags (bec5608)
- project: add provisional stores for user, watchhistory, favorites, config (c5aa477)
- project: add pullstate dependency (b02043f)
- project: add query provider and use playlist hook (303a5e8)
- project: add react-virtualized (67c5cc8)
- project: add readme (73c6598)
- project: add rel noopener to external links in Markdown (15a5eaa)
- project: add root component (5aa3458)
- project: add root component (577b963)
- project: add SEO for screens and update translations (de5ddc8)
- project: add serialize deprecated config (13d81f0)
- project: add sidebar aria labels (d8963e2)
- project: add sidebar component (11a39fb)
- project: add sidebar transition (fbacf79)
- project: add structured data for movie and series screens (2a6df70)
- project: add styling and icon props to button (a1302d2)
- project: add styling to body element (ba33fb6)
- project: add support for shelveTitles option (ab37b6b)
- project: add testUtils (b5cf3e2)
- project: add title and tag to card component (b33f40b)
- project: add uistate provider (59def36)
- project: add use breakpoint hook (24fdf83)
- project: add valueprefix to filtering (6150be9)
- project: button variants and calculated contrast color (888094b)
- project: config loading state and add screens (034da76)
- project: fetch images responsive (5b06f72)
- project: get header background from config (16b134c)
- project: get site metadata from config (df7ba35)
- project: hide off-screen card metadata (144ca6a)
- project: highlight, background color as var (3cb89d9)
- project: implement enablecontinuewatching config setting (0d9694d)
- project: implement i18next-parser (22c7abd)
- project: initialize CodeceptJS tests (a62dff1)
- project: initialized project (f2ee34c)
- project: make all accessible by keyboard (14c10af)
- project: make card component accessible (f595117)
- project: prevent fade when sliding (341b8f5)
- project: put tag above the current playing overlay (77fe5bd)
- project: replace buttonlink with variant text buttons (f139924)
- project: setup react-i18next (6fb4692)
- project: show error page when config fails (abe95c2)
- project: skip filtering when only 1 item (7ab705a)
- project: update styling to meet designs (df01d5a)
- project: use watchhistory between min and max values (d776bf0)
- project: wrap featured slider with empty tiles (570d1c9)
- pwa: add manifest.json and service worker (49a8d01)
- pwa: use register service worker script (9e3e430)
- search: add search screen (f95fdd4)
- search: add useSearchPlaylist hook (b30ce66)
- search: auto focus search bar after clicking the search icon (bf100eb)
- seo: update meta tags and add structured data (2d32ecf)
- series: add total episodes in video metadata (7ba0599)
- series: show watch progress in episode grid (18754dd)
- videodetail: add animation to modal and player (7164c61)
- videodetail: add button icons (14917da)
- videodetail: add card overlay for currently playing (4dcd01e)
- videodetail: add cinema and jwplayer (0397ac3)
- videodetail: add collapsible text (405ec1f)
- videodetail: add continue watching and watch history (7296635)
- videodetail: add loading and error screen (808ba61)
- videodetail: add modal and trailer (017c6f1)
- videodetail: add playnext for movie (7564a88)
- videodetail: add playnext for series (ec39437)
- videodetail: add posterfading (e7b64f8)
- videodetail: add screen and routing (76ac62c)
- videodetail: add season filters (8161f3f)
- videodetail: add series metadata (0c2ffaf)
- videodetail: add tracks for player (cf8c192)
- videodetail: fix responsiveness (bded9bf)
- videodetail: hide metadata on mouse activity (a3c109d)
- videodetail: implement no vertical scroll while playing (ec5816c)
- videodetail: implement share functionality (7d96945)
- videodetail: let metadata react to player useractive event (a60fc99)
- videodetail: player render optimizations (eefa987)
- videodetail: remove watchlistlistener on play complete (467501c)
- videodetail: set share button conditional to config (322b1fe)
- videodetail: show continue watching button (9f4c2d9)
- watchhistory: add progress indicator to continue watching shelf (345e04f)