title |
Features and behavior |
To control the layout of Storybook’s UI you can use addons.setConfig
in your .storybook/manager.js
<CodeSnippets paths={[ 'common/storybook-config-layout.js.mdx', ]} />
The following table details how to use the API values:
Name | Type | Description | Example Value |
navSize | Number (pixels) | The size of the sidebar that shows a list of stories | 300 |
bottomPanelHeight | Number (pixels) | The size of the addon panel when in the bottom position | 200 |
rightPanelWidth | Number (pixels) | The size of the addon panel when in the right position | 200 |
panelPosition | String | Where to show the addon panel | 'bottom' or 'right' |
enableShortcuts | Boolean | Enable/disable shortcuts | true |
showToolbar | Boolean | Show/hide tool bar | true |
theme | Object | Storybook Theme, see next section | undefined |
selectedPanel | String | Id to select an addon panel | 'storybook/actions/panel' |
initialActive | String | Select the default active tab on Mobile | 'sidebar' or 'canvas' or 'addons' |
sidebar | Object | Sidebar options, see below | { showRoots: false } |
toolbar | Object | Modify the tools in the toolbar using the addon id | { fullscreen: { hidden: false } } } |
The following options are configurable under the sidebar
Name | Type | Description | Example Value |
showRoots | Boolean | Display the top-level nodes as a "root" in the sidebar | false |
collapsedRoots | Array | Set of root node IDs to visually collapse by default | ['misc', 'other'] |
renderLabel | Function | Create a custom label for tree nodes; must return a ReactNode | (item) => <abbr title="...">{item.name}</abbr> |
The following options are configurable under the toolbar
Name | Type | Description | Example Value |
id | String | Toggle visibility for toolbar item | { hidden: false } |
You can use URL parameters to configure some of the available features:
Config option | Query param | Supported values |
enableShortcuts | shortcuts |
false |
--- (fullscreen) | full |
true , false |
--- (show sidebar) | nav |
true , false |
--- (show panel) | panel |
false , 'right' , 'bottom' |
selectedPanel | addonPanel |
Any panel ID |
showTabs | tabs |
true |
--- | instrument |
false , true |