gator is A RSS aggregator that will let you browse headlines and descriptions from the command line.
To use this program you will require Postgres and Go to be installed on your computer. After running go build you can run the program from your command line with ./gator
All functions need to be run with ./gator, this will be omited for the setup
You will need to register your account with register [name] This will be the name that feeds are saved under
login [name] This will switch the feed view from one user to another
reset This will clear all feeds for everyone
users This will provide you with a list of all users on the local machine
agg [[number][timeFrame]] eg: agg 60s This will poll all followed RSS feeds every [number][timeFrame]. In the example above it would be very 60 seconds
addfeed [name] [url] Adds a feed under name at url
feeds Prints out all feeds you are following
unfollow [url] Removes url from yoru following list
browse [?number] Takes an optional number that will return number or 2 articles that were most recently updated
git clone
cd gator
go build
./gator register
go test ./...
If you'd like to contribute, please fork the repository and open a pull request to the main