The "georchestra" database hosts several schemas, which are specific to the deployed modules:
createuser -SDRI www-data
createdb -E UTF8 -T template0 -O www-data georchestra
psql -d georchestra -c "ALTER USER \"www-data\" WITH PASSWORD 'www-data';"
Note 1: It is of course possible to store webapp-specific schemas in separate databases, taking advantage of geOrchestra's extreme configurability.
Note 2: PostGIS extensions are not required in the georchestra database, unless GeoFence is deployed (see below), or shared.psql.jdbc.driver=org.postgis.DriverWrapper
in your configuration (but this is not the default setup).
If mapfishapp is deployed:
psql -d georchestra -f postgresql/02-mapfishapp.sql
If the ldapadmin webapp is deployed:
psql -d georchestra -f postgresql/04-ldapadmin.sql
If geofence is deployed: (make sure to set the correct values for the baseURL
, username
and password
fields in the geofence.gf_gsinstance
psql -d georchestra -c 'CREATE EXTENSION postgis;'
wget --no-check-certificate -O /tmp/geofence.sql
psql -d georchestra -f /tmp/geofence.sql
in the next query, replace every '@...@' with the values of your shared.maven.filters!
psql -d georchestra -c "INSERT INTO geofence.gf_gsinstance (id, baseURL, dateCreation, description, name, password, username) values (0, 'http(s)://', 'now', 'locale geoserver', 'default-gs', '@shared.privileged.geoserver.pass@', '@shared.privileged.geoserver.user@');"
If the downloadform module is deployed and shared.download_form.activated
is true in your setup (false by default):
psql -d georchestra -f postgresql/03-downloadform.sql
If the security proxy is deployed and shared.ogc.statistics.activated
is true in your setup (false by default):
psql -d georchestra -f postgresql/05-ogc-server-statistics.sql
If the extractor app is deployed:
psql -d georchestra -f postgresql/01-create-extension.sql
psql -d georchestra -f postgresql/09-extractor-app.sql
If the Atlas is deployed:
psql -d georchestra -f postgresql/07-atlas.sql
Ensure geOrchestra database user is owner of database. If your database is dedicated to geOrchestra (no other
apps are running in same database), you can use following procedure to reset ownership of all objects to selected user, for
example www-data
wget -O /tmp/fix-owner.sql
psql -d georchestra -f /tmp/fix-owner.sql
psql -d georchestra -c "SELECT change_owner('mapfishapp', 'www-data');";
psql -d georchestra -c "SELECT change_owner('downloadform', 'www-data');";
psql -d georchestra -c "SELECT change_owner('ldapadmin', 'www-data');";
psql -d georchestra -c "SELECT change_owner('ogcstatistics', 'www-data');";
psql -d georchestra -c "SELECT change_owner('extractorapp', 'www-data');";
psql -d georchestra -c "SELECT change_owner('atlas', 'www-data');";
psql -d georchestra -c "SELECT change_owner('public', 'www-data');";
If geonetwork is to be deployed, you need to create a dedicated user and schema:
createuser -SDRI geonetwork
psql -d georchestra -c "ALTER USER geonetwork WITH PASSWORD 'www-data';"
psql -d georchestra -c 'CREATE SCHEMA AUTHORIZATION geonetwork;'
psql -d georchestra -c 'GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA downloadform TO "geonetwork";'
psql -d georchestra -c "SELECT change_owner('geonetwork', 'geonetwork');";
psql -d georchestra -c 'GRANT SELECT ON downloadform.geonetwork_log TO "geonetwork";'
Finally, you can drop maintenance function :
psql -d georchestra -c "DROP FUNCTION change_owner(text, text);";