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Assignment 5

This assignment builds on the work you have done for Assignment 4.

In this assignment you will focus on building the backend service for the bookstore. Here is a high-level overview of what you will be doing:

  • Set up a MongoDB database
  • Build a simple web server using Node.js
  • Build a check-out routine using AJAX POST


  1. You will need Node.js to complete this assignment, so please install Node.js if you haven't done so yet. Node.js comes with a tool called NPM (Node Package Manager), which you can use to download Node.js modules written by other people. After you have installed Node.js, you will need the following NPM modules (but don't install these NPM modules yet, you will do this in Task 1):

    • express (npm)
    • mongodb (npm)
  2. You will also need MongoDB to store the data that your application will be accessing.

  3. In addition, we provide you with a boilerplate and a some utility functions - you will find them in the instructions below.


We use the following object schemas to describe the structure of objects:

Product = {
    "_id": ObjectId(String),
    "label": String,
    "price" : Number,
    "quantity" : Number,
    "imageUrl": String,
    "category": String

ProductArray = [ Product, Product, Product, ... ]

Products = {
    Product._id: {
        "label": Product.label,
        "price": Product.price,
        "quantity": Product.quantity,
        "imageUrl": Product.imageUrl,
    Product._id: {
        "label": Product.label,
    Product._id: {
        "label": Product.label,

Cart = {
    Product._id: Number,
    Product._id: Number,
    Product._id: Number,

Order = {
    "_id": ObjectId(String),
    "client_id": String,
    "cart": Cart,
    "total": Number

Query = {
    minPrice: Number|String,
    maxPrice: Number|String,
    category: String

For example, when we refer to a "Product object" in the instructions below, we mean an object with fields "label", "price", "quantity","imageUrl","category" as shown in the schema above. The field "_id" exists in the case of a MongoDB document.

  1. (2 Points) We will take a few small steps first to prepare for "full-stack" development.

    • A) Reorganize your project directory to include the server application. A boilerplate of the application has been provided for you and you're welcome to copy it and start from there (if you copied it before, take a look at it again as it's been updated). Your project directory should now have the following structure:
      • When you're moving things within your project directory, make sure you don't move the .git directory and .gitignore file.
      • Make sure in your .gitignore file, you have a line **/node_modules/** (you should already have this as we included it upon setting up the repo). This tells git not to commit your NPM dependencies.
      • The /public/ directory should now contain the files you had until now (up to assignment-4).
      • You can now remove the /images directory as you will be fetching the images from a different server.
      • Once you've reorganized the directory, install the NPM dependencies mentioned above. You should see a /node_modules directory once you've installed them.
      • If everything is set up properly, you should now be able to serve your client-side application by typing node index.js (index.js is your server application). The server should bind to port 3000 and your client app should be accessible via a browser at http://localhost:3000.
    • B) Initialize the database using the script provided. Start a Mongo Shell by typing mongo, then load the script by load("initdb.mongo"). It initializes two collections, products and orders, and it will populate your database with the product list. You can type db.products.find() to see if the products were entered properly. If you need to reset your database, simply repeat the load command.
  2. (2 Points) [JS+HTML] To interact with the server, we will make some modifications in the client app. To help you focus on server-side development, we're providing you with some client-side functions that you can copy+paste into your application. You will need to set up the rest of your code to properly integrate the functions we're providing.

    • A) In assignment-4 you initialized store with the URL Change this URL and use the URL of your server instead.
    • B) Declare a new global variable displayed and assign an empty array. This array will store the keys of products that should be displayed in the view.
    • C) Previously in the renderProductList function, you iterated over the keys of storeInstance.stock. Modify this loop to iterate over the displayed array.
    • D) Previously, after you initialized the store instance, you called store.syncWithServer with no arguments. Now pass in a callback function with signature function(delta). In the callback function, update the displayed array, assigning the keys of the delta object. Then invoke renderProductList with the appropriate arguments.
    • E) We are providing 2 functions for you to use here. Copy them into your client application. You are also welcome to write your own or modify the given code, but you will be responsible for making them work.
      • The first is a Store method called queryProducts with the signature function(query, callback). This method takes in a query object, makes an AJAX GET request with the appropriate query string, then invokes onUpdate upon getting a response, and finally invokes the callback function.
      • The second is a rendering function named renderMenu with the signature function(container, storeInstance). It renders the product category menu and the price filters on the given DOM element.
    • F) To use the provided functions, replace the #menu element with a div#menuView in your HTML. This is where you will render the product category menu. In your JavaScript where you define store.onUpdate handler, add a call to renderMenu, passing in the appropriate arguments.
  3. (3 Points) [JS] We can use the mongodb library to interact with the database. However, the API provided by the module are quite low-level and we want to abstract out these details so we don't have to call the low-level methods all the time. In this task we will write a StoreDB object that will take care of the low-level operations. We have provided a template for StoreDB, which you will complete.

    • A) Complete the implementation for StoreDB.prototype.getProducts.
      • It should accept a single argument queryParams, which is a Query object.
      • It should find documents in the MongoDB products collection, filtered according to the queryParams object.
      • If "minPrice" is given, the result should only contain products with price higher than or equal to "minPrice".
      • If "maxPrice" is given, the result should only contain products with price lower than or equal to "maxPrice".
      • If "category" is given, the result should only contain products with category equal to "category".
      • Any combination of the above query parameters should work.
      • It should return a Promise that resolves to a Products object we've been working with so far (not the raw MongoDB result). Make sure you don't return an array (while the standard practice is returning an array, we'll return an associative array so that we don't have to make a lot of changes on the client side)
    • B) require the module StoreDB.js in your server application (i.e. index.js). Then declare a variable db, assigning a StoreDB instance initialized with the appropriate arguments (look in initdb.mongo for the database name).
  4. (2 Points) [JS] In your server app, create a HTTP GET endpoint /products that returns the products in the database.

    • Use the Express.js API to define a GET endpoint.
    • The handler for this endpoint should use db.getProducts to read a Products object.
    • The handler should pass a Query object (created from the query-string) as the argument into db.getProducts function.
    • If the database operation was successful, send the Products object as a JSON object.
    • If the database operation was unsuccessful, set the response status to 500 and send an error message.
  5. (1 Point) [JS] Write a reusable function that can be used to make an AJAX POST request, similar to the ajaxGet function you implemented in assignment-4. The function should have the following signature: ajaxPost(url, data, onSuccess, onError).

    • The first argument url is a string representing the URL to make request to.
    • The second argument data is the object to attach as the payload of the request.
    • The third argument onSuccess is a function that is called if the request was successful, and it takes in a single argument - the response returned from the server.
    • The fourth argument onError is a function that is called if the request failed or timed out, and it also takes in a single argument - the error of the request.
    • Unlike ajaxGet, you do not need to retry the request in case of failure; simply invoke the onError callback with the appropriate error.
    • Upon successfully receiving a response, invoke the onSuccess callback function. Convert the response payload into a JavaScript object and then pass it as the argument.
    • The request payload should be a JSON string, and the request header should be set accordingly to indicate that the payload is JSON (i.e. the Content-Type header should be "application/json;charset=UTF-8").

You should be able to use the function like this:

        // some object
        // do something with the response
        // do something with the error
  1. (1 Point) [JS] Update Store.prototype.checkOut to make an actual AJAX POST request.

    • In the place where you alert the user the total amount due, remove the alert and use ajaxPost to make an AJAX POST request to the /checkout endpoint.
    • You should pass in an Order object as the data argument for the ajaxPost call.
      • You can generate a random number to use for the client_id field.
      • cart field should be the current cart object.
      • total field should be the total amount due.
    • If POST request is successful, do the following:
      • alert the user that the items were successfully checked out.
      • set the cart to an empty object.
      • invoke onUpdate with no arguments.
    • If POST request is unsuccessful, do the following:
      • alert the user about the error
  2. (2 Points) [JS] In StoreDB.js, complete the implementation for StoreDB.prototype.addOrder.

    • It should accept a single argument order, which is an Order object.
    • It should insert an Order document in the MongoDB orders collection.
    • It should also decrement the quantities in the products collection accordingly. That is, if cart field contains { Box1: 3 }, 3 should be decremented from the product with _id = "Box1" in the products collection.
    • It should return a Promise that resolves to the ObjectId of the newly inserted Mongo Document.
  3. (2 Points) [JS] Create a HTTP POST endpoint /checkout that accepts an order and inserts it in the database.

    • The handler for this endpoint should accept an Order object in the payload of the request, sanitize the object, and then use it as the argument for db.addOrder. By sanitize we mean: check that the Order object has the correct fields and type-checks.
    • The handler for this endpoint should use db.addOrder to insert the order into the database.
    • If the database operation was successful, attach the resolved ID to the response as a JSON object.
    • If the database operation was unsuccessful, set the response status to 500 and add an error message.


There are 8 tasks for this assignment (Total 15 Points):

  • Task 1: 2 Points
  • Task 2: 2 Points
  • Task 3: 3 Points
  • Task 4: 2 Points
  • Task 5: 1 Point
  • Task 6: 1 Point
  • Task 7: 2 Points
  • Task 8: 2 Points

Submission instructions:

  • Create a branch called assignment-5.
  • Update the code to reflect the changes for this assignment.
  • Make sure you commit and push your changes before the due date - late submissions will not be accepted.


These deadlines will be strictly enforced; we won't be looking at any commits done after this time-stamp.

  • L1A & L1B - Monday, November 26, 2018 23:59:59 PST

Labs are mandatory on the week of assignment submission:

  • If you cannot attend the lab to demo your assignment for any reason, you need to notice Instructors on Piazza ahead of at least 24 hours before the lab section starts. Otherwise, you will be recorded as no attendance and will have marks deducted.