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File metadata and controls

116 lines (92 loc) · 5.49 KB


Small, fast and sexy metrics processing system


For creation or updating a metrics just a call the update/3 function of the metronome module, having specified in parameters a name of a metric (Name), value (Value) and type (Type: counter, meter or gauge) or just use alias functions: update_counter/2, update_meter/2 or update_gauge/2 with the same set of parameters except the type:

1> metronome:update(<<””>>, 1, counter).
2> metronome.update_counter(<<””>>, 1).
 and after 120 seconds
3> metronome:update_counter(<<””>>, 1).

For viewing values of a metric <<””>> just a call the get/2 function of the metronome module, having specified in parameters a name of a metric (Name) and type (Type: counter, meter or gauge) or just use alias functions: get_counter/1, get_meter/1 or get_gauge/1 with the same set of parameters except the type:

1> metronome:get(<<””>>, counter).
 [#metric{name = {<<””>>, 1443528270}, value = 2, type = counter},
  #metric{name = {<<””>>, 1443528390}, value = 1, type = counter}]
2> metronome:get_counter(<<””>>).
 [#metric{name = {<<””>>, 1443528270}, value = 2, type = counter},
  #metric{name = {<<””>>, 1443528390}, value = 1, type = counter}]

For viewing the accumulated metrics of a certain type just a call the get/1 function of the metronome module, having specified in parameters metric type (Type: counter, meter or gauge) or just use alias functions: get_counter/0, get_meter/0 or get_gauge/0:

1> metronome:get(counter).
 [#metric{name = {<<””>>, 1443528270}, value = 2, type = counter},
  #metric{name = {<<””>>, 1443528390}, value = 1, type = counter},
  #metric{name = {“”,     1443528780}, value = 3, type = counter},
  #metric{name = {<<””>>,     1443528780}, value = 9, type = counter}]

For remove the metric with name <<””>> just a call the delete/2 function of the metronome module, having specified in parameters a name of a metric (Name) and type (Type: counter, meter or gage) or just use alias functions: delete_counter/1, delete_meter/1 or delete_gauge/1. As result the function return the count of removed metrics. For removal all metrics of the some type just a call the delete/1 function of the metronome module, having specified in parameters metric type (Type: counter, meter or gauge):

1> metronome:delete(<<””>>, counter).
2> metronome:delete(counter).
3> metronome:delete(meter).


The sample basic metronome configuration, sys.config:

{metronome, [
    {period, 10000},
    {generation, 5},
    {inline, [{“%local%”, “local”},
              {“%global%”, “global”}]},
    {graphite_host, “”},
    {graphite_port, 2003},
    {predefined, [{“%local%.%node%.erlang.memory.ets.gauge”, {erlang, memory, [], ets}, gauge},
                  {“%local%.%node%.erlang.processes.gauge”, {erlang, system_info, [process_count]}, gauge},
                  {“%global%.%node%.erlang.gc.meter”, {metronome, system_status, [garbadge_collection], gc_count}, meter},
                  {“%local%.%ode%.erlang.lhttpc.conn.gauge”, {myapp, lhttpc_connections_cnt, []}, gauge},
                  {“%local%.%node%.erlang.cowboy.conn.gauge”, {fun() -> ranch_server:count_connections(http) end}, gauge}

Here, parameter “period” defines a time interval (in milliseconds) through which metronome will transfer the accumulated metrics to the target system. In cases when target system is down and don't accept incoming dataset, the memory will grow, and here "generation" parameter comes into play. He soft limits the maximum of used memory based on generation idea, the 1 generation is euqal 1 time interval ("period") during metronome accumulate metrics, zero will disable generation mechanism. The “graphite_host” and “graphite_port” parameters define a host and port of target system respectively. Parameter “inline” allows to do any user substitutions in names of metrics. For substitution of a name of a host just use library substitution %node%. The predefined parameter allows to define metrics which values will automatically gathered by any user functions with the interval defined in the period parameter. The format describing a metrics in record “predefined” is the following:

{Name, {F}, Type}
{Name, {F, E}, Type}


{Name, {M, F, A}, Type}
{Name, {M, F, A, E}, Type}

where Name is metric name, M — module, F — function, A — parameters and E is proplist key, the which value should be used, if function F returns proplist.

By example, the function lhttpc_connections_cnt in myapp module may look like:

lhttpc_connections_cnt() ->
   Pids = [Pid || {_, Pid, _, _} <-supervisor:which_children(whereis(lhttpc_sup))],
   lists:foldl(fun(Pid, Conns) ->
                    try element(7, sys:get_state(Pid)) of
                        TableId ->
                            ets:info(TableId, size) + Conns
                            _C:_R ->
               end, 0, Pids).

For more details see also this article about metronome.