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developing artificial 3D perception |
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I am excited to develop artificial 3D perception systems at Facebook Reality Labs. We are building perception and AI systems to create LiveMaps a shared virtual map of spaces to support the next generation of AR.
In spring 2017, I defended my PhD thesis on [Nonparametric Directional Perception]({{ base_path }}/pub/Nonparametric-Directional-Perception). My advisers at MIT within the CS and AI Laboratory (CSAIL) were John W. Fisher III and John Leonard. On my way to MIT, I graduated from the Technische Universität München (TUM) with a Diplom and the Georgia Institute of Technology with a M.Sc.
My research interests in AI and robotics are in 3D perception [[1], [3], [4], [8], [9], [10], [11], [12], [13]], modeling (directional data [[1], [2], [11], [13]] and Bayesian nonparametrics [[5], [7], [11], [13]]), and inference (sampling [[1], [2], [4], [13]], optimization [[6], [7]], low-variance asymptotics [[3]], and global search [[11]]).
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My interest in robotics and perceiving systems originates from age 15, when I got my first micro-processor from my father as a present. Since then I have built seven robots ([Plexa], [Plicro], [Roboking2005], [Ca3505], [Kno0Bot], [Kno2Bot], [Holomove]) from scratch and worked in multiple teams on robotics related projects ([KUKAyouBot], [rEIzor]).
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[13]: {{ base_path }}/pub/Direction-Aware-Semi-Dense-SLAM/ "Dir. SLAM" [12]: {{ base_path }}/pub/Nonparametric-Directional-Perception/ "PhD Thesis" [11]: {{ base_path }}/pub/Efficient-Global-Point-Cloud-Alignment-using-Bayesian-Nonparametric-Mixtures/ "Global Pointcloud Alignment" [1]: {{ base_path }}/pub/A-Mixture-Of-Manhattan-Frames-Beyond-the-Manhattan-World/ "MMF" [2]: {{ base_path }}/pub/A-Dirichlet-Process-Mixture-Model-for-Spherical-Data/ "DP-TGMM" [3]: {{ base_path }}/pub/Small-Variance-Nonparametric-Clustering-on-the-Hypersphere/ "(D)DP-vMF-means" [4]: {{ base_path }}/pub/Semantically-Aware-Aerial-Reconstruction-from-Multi-Modal-Data/ "SAAR" [5]: {{ base_path }}/pub/Streaming-Distributed-Variational-Inference-for-Bayesian-Nonparametrics/ "Streaming BNP" [6]: {{ base_path }}/pub/Real-time-Manhattan-World-Rotation-Estimation-in-3D/ "RTMF" [7]: {{ base_path }}/pub/Bayesian-Nonparametric-Modeling-of-Driver-Behavior/ "BNP Driving Behaivor" [8]: {{ base_path }}/pub/Fast-Relocalization-for-Visual-Odometry-using-Binary-Features/ "Relocalization" [9]: {{ base_path }}/pub/Saliency-detection-and-model-based-tracking/ "Saliency" [10]: {{ base_path }}/pub/Visual-Localization-based-on-Binary-Features/ "Diplom Thesis"
[Plexa]: {{ base_path }}/blog/Plexa-my-first-robot/ "Plexa" [Plicro]: {{ base_path }}/blog/Plicro/ "Plicro" [Roboking2005]: {{ base_path }}/blog/Roboking-2005-Robot/ "Roboking 2005" [Ca3505]: {{ base_path }}/blog/Ca3505-for-Robochallenge-2005/ "Ca3505" [Kno0Bot]: {{ base_path }}/blog/Kno0Bot-for-Roboking-2006/ "Kn-0Bot" [Kno2Bot]: {{ base_path }}/blog/Kno2Bot-for-Roboking-2007/ "Kno2Bot" [Holomove]: {{ base_path }}/blog/Holomove/ "Holomove" [rEIzor]: {{ base_path }}/blog/rEIzor/ "rEIzor" [KUKAyouBot]: "KUKA youBot"