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James Edmondson edited this page Jul 9, 2018 · 24 revisions


MADARA Knowledge Bases do not operate in isolation. Performance of distributed knowledge sharing between agents depends on operating system functions, compiler optimizations, and configuration of buffers and quality-of-service. In this wiki, we discuss some of the tools available in MADARA to gauge knowledge performance related to latency and throughput within a host (intrahost) and between hosts (interhost). To gain access to the tests mentioned in this wiki, you need to compile MADARA with the tests feature enabled with or the direct process.

Table of Contents

TLDR Summary

  • For intrahost performance, try to just use the same knowledge base between threads. The performance is orders of magnitude faster than using a network transport between processes on the operating system. This is true for all operating systems and architectures
  • For multi-process performance, the smaller the data packets, the more messages that can be transferred reliably between knowledge bases
  • Quality-of-service settings like TransportSettings::queue_length (the buffer size for the OS and transport layer to use) can be extremely important to performance. If possible, always try to use a queue_length that is big enough to hold at least 1s of max expected data throughput and possibly 5-10s if you want maximum throughput and reliability

Intrahost Performance

There are two major considerations for judging intrahost performance: 1) multi-threaded performance and 2) multi-processed performance. The former performance is mostly gated by time spent in OS critical sections but can also be affected by CPU load and memory latency. The latter is dictated and bottlenecked almost entirely by OS prioritization and handling of network protocols, file pipes, and sockets.


The main test for multi-threaded performance can be found in $MADARA_ROOT/bin/test_reasoning_throughput. This test mainly tests function calls on the knowledge base and common data abstractions, such as Integer containers. Example final output for such a call is shown below.

Command: $MADARA_ROOT/bin/test_reasoning_throughput

Average time taken per rule evaluation was:
 KaRL: Simple Increments           		                  1067 ns
 KaRL: Multiple Increments         		                   258 ns
 KaRL: Simple Ternary Increments   		                  1140 ns
 KaRL: Multiple Ternary Increments 		                   348 ns
 KaRL: Compiled Simple Increments  		                   584 ns
 KaRL: Compiled Multiple Inc       		                   250 ns
 KaRL: Compiled Simple Tern Inc    		                   628 ns
 KaRL: Compiled Multiple Tern Inc  		                   335 ns
 KaRL: Compiled Single Assign      		                   544 ns
 KaRL: Compiled Multiple Assign    		                   262 ns
 KaRL: Extern Function Call        		                   426 ns
 KaRL: Compiled Extern Inc Func    		                   637 ns
 KaRL: Compiled Extern Multi Calls 		                   338 ns
 KaRL: Looped Simple Increments    		                   555 ns
 KaRL: Optimized Loop              		                     0 ns
 KaRL: Looped Simple Ternary Inc   		                   608 ns
 KaRL: Looped Multiple Ternary Inc 		                   619 ns
 KaRL: Get Variable Reference      		                   214 ns
 KaRL: Get Expanded Reference      		                  2177 ns
 KaRL: Normal Set Operation        		                   564 ns
 KaRL: Variable Reference Set      		                   353 ns
 KaRL: Variables Inc Var Ref       		                   574 ns
 KaRL container: Assignment        		                    97 ns
 KaRL container: Increments        		                   138 ns
 KaRL staged container: Assignment 		                     0 ns
 KaRL staged container: Increments 		                     0 ns
 C++: Optimized Assignments        		                     4 ns
 C++: Optimized Increments         		                     0 ns
 C++: Optimized Ternary Increments 		                     0 ns
 C++: Virtual Increments           		                    13 ns
 C++: Volatile Assignments         		                     3 ns
 C++: Volatile Increments          		                     1 ns
 C++: Volatile Ternary Increments  		                     1 ns
 C++: STL Atomic Increments        		                     5 ns
 C++: STL Recursive Increments     		                    35 ns
 C++: STL Mutex Increments         		                    28 ns

Hertz for each test with 100000 iterations * 10 tests was:
 KaRL: Simple Increments           		               936.76 khz
 KaRL: Multiple Increments         		                 3.86 mhz
 KaRL: Simple Ternary Increments   		               877.13 khz
 KaRL: Multiple Ternary Increments 		                 2.87 mhz
 KaRL: Compiled Simple Increments  		                 1.71 mhz
 KaRL: Compiled Multiple Inc       		                 3.99 mhz
 KaRL: Compiled Simple Tern Inc    		                 1.59 mhz
 KaRL: Compiled Multiple Tern Inc  		                 2.98 mhz
 KaRL: Compiled Single Assign      		                 1.84 mhz
 KaRL: Compiled Multiple Assign    		                 3.81 mhz
 KaRL: Extern Function Call        		                 2.35 mhz
 KaRL: Compiled Extern Inc Func    		                 1.57 mhz
 KaRL: Compiled Extern Multi Calls 		                 2.95 mhz
 KaRL: Looped Simple Increments    		                 1.80 mhz
 KaRL: Optimized Loop              		                53.68 ghz
 KaRL: Looped Simple Ternary Inc   		                 1.64 mhz
 KaRL: Looped Multiple Ternary Inc 		                 1.61 mhz
 KaRL: Get Variable Reference      		                 4.66 mhz
 KaRL: Get Expanded Reference      		               459.30 khz
 KaRL: Normal Set Operation        		                 1.77 mhz
 KaRL: Variable Reference Set      		                 2.83 mhz
 KaRL: Variables Inc Var Ref       		                 1.74 mhz
 KaRL container: Assignment        		                10.27 mhz
 KaRL container: Increments        		                 7.21 mhz
 KaRL staged container: Assignment 		                 2.38 ghz
 KaRL staged container: Increments 		                 2.89 ghz
 C++: Optimized Assignments        		               219.30 mhz
 C++: Optimized Increments         		                 2.24 ghz
 C++: Optimized Ternary Increments 		                 3.11 ghz
 C++: Virtual Increments           		                71.51 mhz
 C++: Volatile Assignments         		               328.91 mhz
 C++: Volatile Increments          		               579.30 mhz
 C++: Volatile Ternary Increments  		               561.99 mhz
 C++: STL Atomic Increments        		               167.39 mhz
 C++: STL Recursive Increments     		                28.44 mhz
 C++: STL Mutex Increments         		                34.71 mhz

Takeaway: Intrahost Multi-threading performance can be in the megahertz (1M+ operations per second), and can even be this high when accessing data with the shared_ptr system for large data structures. Multi-threading is the best possible way to hit throughput and latency needs in mission-critical systems.

Intrahost network_profiler

The $MADARA_ROOT/bin/network_profiler tool can be used for testing most supported knowledge base transports including UDP unicast, broadcast, multicast, ZeroMQ, and DDS. The tool comes with built-in help (--help or -h options) and can be run on inter-and intra-process communication between knowledge bases on multiple hosts.

To run network_profiler on the same host for intrahost tests, open two terminals and launch the tool in each window. At least one network_profiler should be id 0 (-i 0, which is the publisher and default id), and at least one network_profiler should be not zero (e.g., i 1, which is a subscriber). The publisher will publish data of a user-specified size and frequency (default is to publish as fast as possible). The subscriber will receive data and post latency and throughput information for the configured QoS. This tool is very valuable to understand performance.

Below are some example runs on an Ubuntu 16.04 Virtual Machine for intrahost testing.

Intrahost Multicast Performance Small

Publisher: $MADARA_ROOT/bin/network_profiler
Subscriber: $MADARA_ROOT/bin/network_profiler -i 1

Receiving for 60 s on UDP Multicast transport
  Transport type: UDP Multicast
  Data size: 128 B
  Test time: 60 s
  Min: 6904 ns
  Avg: 1142090 ns
  Max: 31139447 ns
  Messages received: 1267771
  Message rate: 21129.5 packets/s
  Data received: 162274688 B
  Data rate: 2.70458e+06 B/s

Intrahost Multicast Performance Medium (64KB)

Publisher: $MADARA_ROOT/bin/network_profiler -s 64000
Subscriber: $MADARA_ROOT/bin/network_profiler -i 1

Receiving for 60 s on UDP Multicast transport
  Transport type: UDP Multicast
  Data size: 64000 B
  Test time: 60 s
  Min: 68003 ns
  Avg: 1889606 ns
  Max: 7002278 ns
  Messages received: 29882
  Message rate: 498.033 packets/s
  Data received: 1912448000 B
  Data rate: 3.18741e+07 B/s

Intrahost Multicast Performance Large (500KB)

Publisher: $MADARA_ROOT/bin/network_profiler -s 500000
Subscriber: $MADARA_ROOT/bin/network_profiler -i 1

Receiving for 60 s on UDP Multicast transport
  Transport type: UDP Multicast
  Data size: 500000 B
  Test time: 60 s
  Min: 6348807 ns
  Avg: 16113732 ns
  Max: 20839996 ns
  Messages received: 3616
  Message rate: 60.2667 packets/s
  Data received: 1808000000 B
  Data rate: 3.01333e+07 B/s

Intrahost Multicast Performance Large (500KB) Deep (50MB buffer)

Publisher: $MADARA_ROOT/bin/network_profiler -s 500000 -q 50000000
Subscriber: $MADARA_ROOT/bin/network_profiler -i 1 -q 50000000

Receiving for 60 s on UDP Multicast transport
  Transport type: UDP Multicast
  Data size: 500000 B
  Test time: 60 s
  Min: 4693015 ns
  Avg: 12484017 ns
  Max: 24725457 ns
  Messages received: 4662
  Message rate: 77.7 packets/s
  Data received: 2331000000 B
  Data rate: 3.885e+07 B/s

Intrahost Unicast Performance Small

Publisher: $MADARA_ROOT/bin/network_profiler -u -u
Subscriber: $MADARA_ROOT/bin/network_profiler -i 1 -u

Receiving for 60 s on UDP transport
  Transport type: UDP
  Data size: 128 B
  Test time: 60 s
  Min: 10708 ns
  Avg: 3291926 ns
  Max: 10518131 ns
  Messages received: 4691469
  Message rate: 78191.1 packets/s
  Data received: 600508032 B
  Data rate: 1.00085e+07 B/s

Intrahost Unicast Performance Medium (64KB)

Publisher: $MADARA_ROOT/bin/network_profiler -s 64000 -u -u
Subscriber: $MADARA_ROOT/bin/network_profiler -i 1 -u

Receiving for 60 s on UDP transport
  Transport type: UDP
  Data size: 64000 B
  Test time: 60 s
  Min: 40491 ns
  Avg: 208246 ns
  Max: 10450103 ns
  Messages received: 1035884
  Message rate: 17264.7 packets/s
  Data received: 66296576000 B
  Data rate: 1.10494e+09 B/s

Intrahost Unicast Performance Large (500KB)

Publisher: $MADARA_ROOT/bin/network_profiler -s 500000 -u -u
Subscriber: $MADARA_ROOT/bin/network_profiler -i 1 -u

Receiving for 60 s on UDP transport
  Transport type: UDP
  Data size: 500000 B
  Test time: 60 s
  Min: 242553 ns
  Avg: 375276 ns
  Max: 5181377 ns
  Messages received: 205562
  Message rate: 3426.03 packets/s
  Data received: 102781000000 B
  Data rate: 1.71302e+09 B/s

Intrahost Unicast Performance Large (500KB) Deep (50MB buffer)

Publisher: $MADARA_ROOT/bin/network_profiler -s 500000 -q 50000000 -u -u
Subscriber: $MADARA_ROOT/bin/network_profiler -i 1 -q 50000000 -u

Receiving for 60 s on UDP transport
  Transport type: UDP
  Data size: 500000 B
  Test time: 60 s
  Min: 246819 ns
  Avg: 374523 ns
  Max: 5452111 ns
  Messages received: 208807
  Message rate: 3480.12 packets/s
  Data received: 104403500000 B
  Data rate: 1.74006e+09 B/s

Intrahost Summary

  • Both UDP unicast and multicast can be used for intraprocess communication, but unicast tends to be better latency and throughput due to the copy cost of multicast as implemented by the operating system
  • There is no real comparison between multi-threaded performance and networked multi-process performance. Use multi-threading with a single knowledge base wherever possible for maximum performance. This gets even more drastic in performance difference as you cross the UDP datagram boundary (64KB)

Interhost Performance

Interhost performance focuses on the capability of the operating system and network to handle knowledge sharing between knowledge bases on two or more hosts. Interhost performance is facilitated by knowledge transports such as UDP unicast, broadcast, multicast, DDS, and ZeroMQ.

Interhost network_profiler

The $MADARA_ROOT/bin/network_profiler tool can be used for testing most supported knowledge base transports including UDP unicast, broadcast, multicast, ZeroMQ, and DDS. The tool comes with built-in help (--help or -h options) and can be run on inter-and intra-process communication between knowledge bases on multiple hosts.

To run network_profiler on two hosts for intrahost tests, open one terminal on each host and launch the network_profiler tool in each terminal window. At least one network_profiler should be id 0 (-i 0, which is the publisher and default id), and at least one network_profiler should be not zero (e.g., i 1, which is a subscriber). The publisher will publish data of a user-specified size and frequency (default is to publish as fast as possible). The subscriber will receive data and post latency and throughput information for the configured QoS. This tool is very valuable to understand performance.

Below are some example runs on an Ubuntu 16.04 Virtual Machine for interhost testing.

Interhost Multicast Performance Small

Publisher: $MADARA_ROOT/bin/network_profiler
Subscriber: $MADARA_ROOT/bin/network_profiler -i 1

Interhost Multicast Performance Medium (64KB)

Publisher: $MADARA_ROOT/bin/network_profiler -s 64000
Subscriber: $MADARA_ROOT/bin/network_profiler -i 1

Interhost Multicast Performance Large (500KB)

Publisher: $MADARA_ROOT/bin/network_profiler -s 500000
Subscriber: $MADARA_ROOT/bin/network_profiler -i 1

Interhost Multicast Performance Large (500KB) Deep (50MB buffer)

Publisher: $MADARA_ROOT/bin/network_profiler -s 500000 -q 50000000
Subscriber: $MADARA_ROOT/bin/network_profiler -i 1 -q 50000000

Interhost Unicast Performance Small

Publisher: $MADARA_ROOT/bin/network_profiler -u -u
Subscriber: $MADARA_ROOT/bin/network_profiler -i 1 -u

Interhost Unicast Performance Medium (64KB)

Publisher: $MADARA_ROOT/bin/network_profiler -s 64000 -u -u
Subscriber: $MADARA_ROOT/bin/network_profiler -i 1 -u

Interhost Unicast Performance Large (500KB)

Publisher: $MADARA_ROOT/bin/network_profiler -s 500000 -u -u
Subscriber: $MADARA_ROOT/bin/network_profiler -i 1 -u

Interhost Unicast Performance Large (500KB) Deep (50MB buffer)

Publisher: $MADARA_ROOT/bin/network_profiler -s 500000 -q 50000000 -u -u
Subscriber: $MADARA_ROOT/bin/network_profiler -i 1 -q 50000000 -u

Interhost Summary

  • Both UDP unicast and multicast can be used for intraprocess communication, but unicast tends to be better latency and throughput due to the copy cost of multicast as implemented by the operating system
  • There is no real comparison between multi-threaded performance and networked multi-process performance. Use multi-threading with a single knowledge base wherever possible for maximum performance. This gets even more drastic in performance difference as you cross the UDP datagram boundary (64KB)

More Information

For performance related tuning, you may want to check out the OptimizingKarl Wiki