This submission of ggvis includes updated license information, and removes \donttest{} blocks from the examples.
All copyright holders listed in the sources are listed as "cph" in Authors@R. I have listed the copyright holders and contributors as follows:
- jQuery: The copyright holders are "jQuery Foundation and other contributors". I have listed "jQuery Foundation" as "cph", and "jQuery contributors" as "ctb" and "cph". The jQuery contributors are listed in inst/www/lib/jquery/AUTHORS.txt, and this file is mentioned in the comment.
- jQuery UI: The jQuery UI library is also created by the jQuery foundation, but is a separate project. The copyright holders are "jQuery Foundation and other contributors". I have listed "jQuery Foundation" as "cph" (for jQuery as well as jQuery UI), and "jQuery contributors" as "ctb" and "cph". The jQuery UI contributors are listed in inst/www/shared/lib/jquery-ui/AUTHORS.txt, and this file is mentioned in the comment.
- D3: The copyright holder is Mike Bostock. There are many contributors to D3, but this list is not collected anywhere in a text file, as is the case for jQuery and jQuery UI. The contributors are listed at, and this URL is mentioned in the comment.
- Vega: The copyright holder is Trifacta, Inc, and I have listed it as "cph". There are several authors for Vega, but they are not collected in a text file. The contributors are listed at, and this URL is mentioned in the comment.