See for command lines.
R script used for stochastic character mapping
Tree in nexus format of all cnidarian sequences used in Char_map_5.11.R
License covering all scripts in this repository
R script used for GO enrichment analyses
PhyloBayes output before pruning Trichoplax
PhyloBayes output after pruning Trichoplax
Interproscan command lines
FASTA file of cnidarian and bilaterian sequences. All our cnidarian sequences were BLASTed against this database. Definition lines of bilaterian sequences start with "ALIEN_ALIEN", a pattern, which is used by the program alien_index to flag sequences with better hits to bilaterian sequences. See: and
Character matrix for coloniality
Perl script used to go through a set of FASTA files and print out those that have a certain number of FASTA sequences.
R script to test how many times a trait of interest was regained during evolution
Character matrix for presence of medusa
partitions from PartitionFinder
R script to compare partitions
Configuration file used for partitionfinder run
Character matrix for the presence of a polyp
command line for interproscan for N. vectensis
Commands used for translating and further processing FASTA files
Character matrix for the presence of symbionts
R script for generating venn diagram