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225 lines (115 loc) · 8.23 KB

Commands and Parameters used in Analyses

A. Data preparation and filtering

A1. FASTA files for each taxon converted to peptide sequences in Transdecoder 2.0.2 and headers altered using

Dependencies: Transdecoder 2.0.2 (Hass 2013)


A2. FASTA files for each taxon BLASTed against metazoan/non-metazoa database (alien_index step 1) for more details see:

Dependencies: BLAST (Altschul et al 1990)

blastx -query myseqs.fa -db ai.fa -outfmt 6 -max_target_seqs 1000 -seg yes -evalue 0.001 -out myseqs_v_ai.blastx

alien_index --blast=myseqs_v_ai.blastx --alien_pattern=ALIEN_ > myseqs.alien_index

remove_aliens myseqs.alien_index myseqs.fa > myseqs2.fa

A3. FASTA files for each taxon BLASTed against cnidarian/bilaterian database (alien_index step 2)

blastx -query myseqs2.fa -db bilat_ai.fa -outfmt 6 -max_target_seqs 1000 -seg yes -evalue 0.001 -out myseqs2_v_bilat_ai.blastx

alien_index --blast=myseqs2_v_ai.blastx --alien_pattern=ALIEN_ > myseqs2.alien_index

remove_aliens myseqs2.alien_index myseqs2.fa > myseqs3.fa

B. De novo phylogenomic matrix construction

B1. Orthofinder procedure on all data

Dependencies: Orthofinder v0.4.0 (Emms and Kelly 2015); PhyloTreePrunner (Kocot et al 2013)

a. Setup OrthoFinder for external BLAST searches: -f DB_redo –p

b. Run array BLAST command lines produced by the previous command.

c. Create orthogroups -b DB/Results_Jul22/WorkingDirectory/ -t $NSLOTS

d. Make gene trees with OF: -b DB_redo/Results_Dec15/WorkingDirectory/ -t $NSLOTS

B2. Selection by taxon occupancy criterion for OF–PTP

a. Use Phylotreepruner to select monophyletic clades within orthogroups created by OF

for x in Alignments/*; 
    do runphylotreepruner  Trees/`basename ${x%.fa}`_tree.txt 37  Alignments/`basename ${x%.fa}`.fa   0.5 u ; 
mv Alignments/*pruned* pruned/

b. Make multiple alignments for each pruned orthogroup using MAFFT align pruned OGs

parallel -j14 'mafft --auto {} > {.}_aln' ::: ./pruned_0.7/*.fa

c. trim alignments

parallel -j14 'gblocks_wrapper {}' ::: ./pruned_0.7/*_aln

rm *.htm

d. remove gaps

perl -pi -e 's/\ //g' ./pruned_0.7/*gb

e. cut off OG idenfier so that seqCat can concatenate

parallel -j14 'cut -f1 -d"|" {} > {.}_rename' ::: ./pruned_0.7/*gb

f. concatenate all OGs into single nexus

ls ./pruned_0.7/*_rename > parts_list -dparts_list

B3. Agalma procedure on all data

a. Catalog each species into an sqlite database. Example:

agalma catalog insert --id "Craterolophus_convolvulus" -p Craterolophus_convolvulus.v1.cds --species "Craterolophus convolvulus" --ncbi_id "37531" --itis_id "51545"

b. Process the nucleotide sequences for each species catalogued earlier. Example:

agalma postassemble --id Craterolophus_convolvulus –external

c. Load each of the processed data. Example:

agalma load --id Craterolophus_convolvulus

d. Make all-by-all comparisons of all loaded sequences:

agalma homologize --id Cnidaria_8_2016 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 129

e. Make multiple alignments and alignment filtering of each orthologous group

agalma multalign --id Cnidaria_8_2016

f. Make gene trees for each alignment

agalma genetree --id Cnidaria_8_2016

g. Prune trees

agalma treeprune --id Cnidaria_8_2016

h. Make multiple alignments and alignment filtering of each orthologous group

agalma multalign --id Cnidaria_8_2016

i. Create a supermatrix based on the taxon occupancy value of 50%

agalma supermatrix --id Cnidaria_8_2016 --proportion 0.50

C. Phylogenetic analyses

C1. PartitionFinder2 analysis of OF_PTP_75tx

python OF_50/ --raxml --rcluster-max 1000 --rcluster-percent 10

C2. RAxML command line for unpartitioned analyses

raxmlHPC-PTHREADS-SSE3 -T $NSLOTS -m PROTGAMMAAUTO -p $RANDOM -# 20 -s cnidOF_75_taxa.phy -n RAxMLbesttreeAUTO_OF75tx_unpart

raxmlHPC-PTHREADS-SSE3 -T $NSLOTS -m PROTGAMMALG -b $RANDOM -p $RANDOM -#500 -s cnidOF_75_taxa.phy -n RAxMLbootOF75tx_unpart

raxmlHPC-PTHREADS-SSE3 -T $NSLOTS -m PROTGAMMALG -f b -z boot/RAxML_bootstrap.RAxMLbootOrthofinder75tx_unpart -t ML/RAxML_bestTree.RAxMLbesttreeAUTO_Orthofinder75tx_unpart -n RAxMLfinal-treeAUTO-bootLG_Orthofinder75tx_unpart

C3. RAxML command line for partitioned analyses

raxmlHPC-PTHREADS-SSE3 -T $NSLOTS -m PROTGAMMAAUTO -p $RANDOM -# 20 -q part -s cnidOF_75_taxa.phy -n RAxMLbesttreeAUTO_OF75tx_part

raxmlHPC-PTHREADS-SSE3 -T $NSLOTS -m PROTGAMMALG -b $RANDOM -p $RANDOM -#500 -q part -s cnidOF_75_taxa.phy -n RAxMLbootOF75tx_part

raxmlHPC-PTHREADS-SSE3 -T $NSLOTS -m PROTGAMMALG -f b -z RAxML_bootstrap.RAxMLbootOrthofinder75tx_unpart -t RAxML_bestTree.RAxMLbesttreeAUTO_Orthofinder75tx_unpart -n RAxMLfinal-treeAUTO-bootLG_Orthofinder75tx_unpart

C4. Phylobayes command line for OF_PTP_75tx

pb_mpi -d cnidOF_75_taxa.phy -cat -gtr PhyloBayesCATGTRI_OF75tx_1

pb_mpi -d cnidOF_75_taxa.phy -cat -gtr PhyloBayesCATGTRI_OF75tx_2

C5. tracecomp and bpcomp command line

tracecomp PhyloBayesCATGTRI_OF75tx_2.treelist.pruned PhyloBayesCATGTRI_OF75tx_1.treelist.pruned

bpcomp -x 1043 10 PhyloBayesCATGTRI_OF75tx_1.treelist.pruned PhyloBayesCATGTRI_OF75tx_2.treelist.pruned

D. Post analyses of phylogenomic matrix composition

D1. Analysis of myxozoan partitions in OF-PTP_62tx and AG_62tx in R

Requires: agalma.partitiontable.txt and OF50partitiontable.txt

Rscript Partition_comparison.R

D2. GO Analysis of matrices for Figure 4

a. Run NV sequences from each partition from each dataset through interproscan. Also run each NV peptide sequence from the NV 1.0 protein model through interproscan.


b. Retain only unique GO terms with a e value greater than 0.001, write them to a new file


D3. The following R scripts were used for Figure 4.

a. Figure 4A

Rscript Overlay_3_23.R

b. Figure 4B

Rscript plot_mat.R

c. Figure 4C

Rscript venn.R

d. Figure 4C

Rscript NV_GO_Enrich_rels.R

E. Character mapping studies of cnidarian trait evolution

E1. Ancestral state reconstruction

Dependencies: Phytools (Revell 2012) Requires: colonial_charmatrix.txt, medusa_charmatrix.txt, polyp_charmatrix.txt, symbiont_charmatrix.txt, and Cnid_only.nex

Rscript Char_map_5.8.R

E2. Bayes factor tests of multiple origins

Dependencies: Indorigin (Minin 2014)

Requires: colonial_charmatrix.txt, medusa_charmatrix.txt, polyp_charmatrix.txt, symbiont_charmatrix.txt, and PhyloBayesCATGTRI_OF75tx_2.treelist.pruned

Rscript indorigin_dp.R


Altschul SF, Gish W, Miller W, Myers EW, Lipman DJ 1990. Basic local alignment search tool. J Mol Biol 215: 403-410. doi: 10.1016/S0022-2836(05)80360-2

Dunn CW, Howison M, Zapata F 2013. Agalma: an automated phylogenomics workflow. BMC Bioinformatics 14: 330. doi: 10.1186/1471-2105-14-330

Emms DM, Kelly S 2015. OrthoFinder: solving fundamental biases in whole genome comparisons dramatically improves orthogroup inference accuracy. Genome Biol 16: 157. doi: 10.1186/s13059-015-0721-2

Haas BJ, Papanicolaou A, Yassour M, et al. De novo transcript sequence reconstruction from RNA-Seq: reference generation and analysis with Trinity. Nature protocols. 2013;8(8):10.1038/nprot.2013.084. doi:10.1038/nprot.2013.084.

Kocot KM, Citarella MR, Moroz LL, Halanych KM 2013. PhyloTreePruner: A Phylogenetic Tree-Based Approach for Selection of Orthologous Sequences for Phylogenomics. Evol Bioinform Online 9: 429-435. doi: 10.4137/EBO.S12813

Minin VN SM, Imholte GC. 2014. indorigin: Testing how many times a trait of interest was regained during evolution (R package).

Revell LJ 2012. phytools: an R package for phylogenetic comparative biology (and other things). Methods in Ecology and Evolution 3: 217-223. doi: 10.1111/j.2041-210X.2011.00169.x