These are some common and useful ADTs to save your life with liferay.
- List items
- List items with download asset link
- List items with "view in context" render setting
- Carousel Hero Banner
- List items with Liferay Link to Page (mounting friendly URL)
- Cards with link to page and bootstrap grid system
- Blog entries with image, title, publish date and subtitle
- List items with download and preview url from documents and media field
- Thumbnail images list with categories
- Thumbnail images list with categories for internal page
- Get label of specific radiobutton field from journal article structure
- Navigation ADT with active page
- Footer Navigation ADT
- Navigation ADT with active pages, children and icon
FYI: Here you can find some default ADTs currently available on Liferay Portal in order to build your own ADTs for Navigation portlet.
- Create a page
- Select this page as a "Content display page""
- When you are creating the web content, select this Page for it.
- Select "View in context" in your Asset Publisher configuration
- Create a page in your site (ex: blogs), and then add the respective widget asset application (Ex: Blogs)
- If your Asset Publisher is configured to show Blog Entries assets, the magic happens. Your blog entry will redirect to your /blogs page where the Blos Widget is in it.