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I don't mean to be annoying, just think of it as a technical question. Was there any research done on this, a poll, or did someone simply say it would be better not to display certain information? For me personally, it's very inconsistent and confusing because I don't see any key in when to display the hint or not. What I see as systematic and not confusing is that the tooltip will also display information that most people don't need to know. In fact, the tooltip has one great feature. Those who want to see it, will go to the tooltip. Those who don't want to see it won't see anything. People just know, where to find the quick help.
Does it mean, it is not allowed to give feedback for stable version? I will give myself as an example. I am only now getting feedback from community members. Either I can tell these members that it is too late, or I am simply trying to provide this feedback even now. It's not always about the person giving the feedback, but also about the person collecting more feedback in their community, and it comes gradually and later.
Another very important thing is that the extensions in which this issue shows up in full are only available from the stable release. I would strongly urge everyone to not only look at features from the core perspective, but also from the extension perspective. Something that's not so prominent in the core can be very problematic in extensions. I don't want to cause conflicts, please don't take this personally, but if I played a game with my users like "90% is useless, you should have called when Beta was, etc." I wouldn't have any more users :-( Why I'm talking about this. Because I am part of various Joomla communities where people are leaving Joomla as a system because nobody listens to them. BTW - I am not writing this comment as myself, rather I am speaking for the people in the communities in which I am a member. For me personally, such a shortage is more of an opportunity to create another extension that people will thank me for. |
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Did you read what I wrote? It's a reality that you don't get feedbacks from other members until the stable version. Yes, the reality is that 99% of the members in all the communities where I am a member only started testing the version when it was stable. And someone is simply listening to those members and conveying that feedback only now. And either we want to hear it or we ignore it. But the fact is that simply based on various events, this feedback is only coming now. That's just the reality. It's just feedback, an opinion. It's not something to upset anyone. |
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Well, yes - some param descriptions can be shorter or do not need to be displayed. However, there are some params that really need a bigger description. E.g. params in Global configuration. All params matter! Sorry but I think it is always never too late to report bugs and suggest improvements. Just remember how Joomla 3 was changed from the beginning and how many cool featured were implemented later. |
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The change WAS DONE 3 YEARS AGO where was your feedback all these years? Also, since I was involved in this change, I kept repeating this quote: Also another quote from Elon Musk: |
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Please read:
All written above. You really don't understand that many many people started to test Joomla 4 now? What exactly don't you understand about the user feedback only coming in now for various reasons? How do I understand that instead of arguing about the use of a property, we deal with what time the feedback came? Is there a reason we're diverting the conversation away from factual comments to personal attacks? Why should someone who provides feedback has to answer personal questions about why he/she didn't provide that feedback three years ago? |
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Damn, you're absolutely unbearable! Leave your imagined world with pink ponies and unicors (how it should be) and return to reality (how it is). |
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I do understand that
Let me ask you something: did you put the energy required to bring your extension to the J4 level? To me this complaint is all about |
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It's good to know that some extensions don't include simple parameters like whether or not to publish an article. But also parameters for which there are many pages of documentation (just for the parameter itself), and the short version used in the tooltip contains dozens/hundreds of words because it is in context with other parameters. This has nothing to do with personal stuff like "my old form". If you knew my extensions, you would know that I try to adapt them to the latest features of the system, unlike many other developers. This is a general suggestion about simply being able to test some things when the system was stable. Because it was only then that various extensions were available that contained different features than core. But it depends on everyone, my advice is that when I create a feature, I don't just look at how it will work in core, I also look at how it will work in extensions or in other parts. I'm not just thinking about making sure that parameters are easy to explain, but also that some parameters, even if they have extensive documentation, unfortunately have to have extensive information in the tooltip. Whether the person who does such propriety wants to hear that is up to them. However, it would be good to make a factual arguments. But let's leave the extension aside, in the first question I see the core parameter "Enable versions" in the images as an example. I really don't think I can find any Joomla user who would appreciate the fact that now he/she has to visit external documentation for a parameter that says nothing. In abbreviated computer speech: Tooltip: No description at all: And again, this is an opinion, an opinion at the time we came across this problem. If it's too late or you don't like this opinion, maybe it's better to leave it without comment. |
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3 YEARS AGO Joomla was in alpha stage and was tested only by developers. |
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@Sulpher @PhocaCz @kernusr Let me educate you a little bit because by criticizing without the appropriate knowledge you're offending some people here, particularly Brian and me in this case. The decision to declutter the UI was one of the main goals for Joomla 4.
The in-place help part then was given to a GSOC student in 2018, but the solution was rejected: The in-place help was given again to a GSOC student this year and I have no clue what's the status: In short, the project had a very viable solution that would cover every requirement that was given. Unfortunately, you are criticizing something with a very poor background on the subject. Ideas are not exactly contributions, you want to help then present some code... And I'm unsubscribing... |
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@dgrammatiko Please let me know where exactly I offended you? Can you distinguish between criticism and feedback? If we are giving some feedback without some knowledge, then surely there is some rational argument and certainly not an argument like "The change WAS DONE 3 YEARS AGO where was your feedback all these years?" Only now will I make the first criticism. Instead of addressing what is in the very first post, i.e. the missing parameter description, there is only misrepresentation and nonsensical arguments with personal attacks, but certainly not from our side. So can we get back to the point? The missing parameter description. |
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You’re all wasting your time. It’s like talking to a stone wall. No matter what you say and when you’ll be told you’re wrong. That’s the one true Joomla way of dealing with its contributors. Three years ago Joomla was alpha 2 and every comment about the UI was met with “this is alpha, it is not the final version, we are still making changes to the template”. Now you’re told you should’ve provided feedback back when it was blatantly ignored. Two years ago it was late alphas when I contributed improvements to Download Keys. I added tooltips. I was asked to remove them because accessibility. Now you’re told they don’t have to do with accessibility per se. You’re told that the interface should be intuitive, yet Joomla has many non obvious options. We could phrase them with long sentences but this is against decluttering, the supposed main goal in J4. Meanwhile the documentation page for many core pages, including the Users options for example, is out of date and there is no indication what each option does. I think it’s pretty obvious what is going on. There has been ZERO UX work on Joomla 4, something which is blatantly obvious to those of us who were at the Joomla 4 sprint in Athens when the UX lead was told that the UX team is supposed to just say yes to everything the developers want to implement. That’s why she quit. She never told anybody but fuck it, she’s my wife now, she told me and I can finally say it after six years. That’s Joomla’s problem, right there. UX needs to drive development, not the other way around. UX is about what our target audience needs to get shit done, not any one person’s ego. I’ve implemented things in my software I personally disagree with EXACTLY BECAUSE the UX research said that my users actually needed those features to get stuff done. If people here can’t put their massive egos to the side to help the users that’s a systemic failure and the single most major endemic problem in Joomla. |
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I was also in Athens and can't remember that someone said the UX team should just say yes, anyway I don't know anything but this wasn't an offical statement from team. We all know we can do better in certain areas and I can understand the frustration on both sides. From what I know the guided tour project was good and successful. For the people missing information at some places, let's discuss and add them if they are providing something usefull. I can say that I am not a big fan of tooltips, if they have to be there, there then to often without information. I know this becuase have written to much of them :-) |
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So the solution is to remove the description for all? Isn't there any solution, which can even help blind users to decide if they want to hear the description or not? How does removing descriptions completely help blind users? I mean, the tooltip system in J3 may not have helped the blind users, but it certainly didn't hinder them, and if we compare the tooltip with the situation in J4, where the description is completely missing, then we can't say that we have achieved better accessibility in the description area. |
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@sozzled Yes, but see second post in this discussion made by Brian:
So we can extends this:
with: Once again. The goal of this discussion is not to preserve the tooltip at all costs, but to preserve the description of the parameters and create a feature that will not limit those who do not want to see this description. And this topic should be independent of accessibility. If you display the description, of course, make it as accessible as possible. We can all agree on that. |
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There are many things that Brian and I disagree on ... but there is one area in which we in total agreement: accessibility. I don't think you'll find a better advocate—a better champion—for the needs of people who "see" the world differently from the way that you and I, perhaps, may see it. Even @chmst "sees" the world differently (and that's not just because she lives in Germany). We're all different but, to its credit, J! 4 has been more inclusive in understanding the differences that separated and isolated people who have physical impairments. I have no problem with making J! more accessible. Yes, I agree, that the advancements made in a11y have side-effects that may niggle "un-impaired" users. Yes, I have the "normal" physiology of a human being: I can read, write, walk, hear, touch, taste, smell, feel. People may question my mentality and I can laugh with them about that. But we're all different. No, I don't believe we can discuss the issue of tooltips or other mechanisms for displaying help-text without involving the issue of accessibility: to do that would be to abandon a primary objective of the J! 4 project. |
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I'm beginning to wonder if it's not a matter about how to improve "help text" in the backend as opposed to the absence (or removal) of any help text in J! 4 that could be displayed if it existed in the first place? 😕 Brian mentioned displaying help text/tooltips "where needed" ... Eugene's screenshot at the beginning of this discussion shows these tips appearing in several places in the J! 3.x backend (when you hover a mouse over the field caption). In the corresponding J! 4 version of it, there are no such tips. I deduce from that example (and probably countless others) that someone, in their wisdom, decided that in J! 4 those things weren't "needed" ?!
So, who decided to remove things that in, some people's opinions, didn't "add value"? |
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Why is the not the answer in the documentation/explanation of the UI here? (kinda funny that we have to explain the UI in the first place which obviously exposes another deeper problem, but anyways) This was the solution that was agreed upon many years ago based on the response of numerous UX/UI people. A half-decent button that reveals/hides descriptions might sound nice at first but might be locking the CMS to the same bad UI as tooltips did... |
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Thank you for the apt example. If we don't understand such a basic and clear principle of UI/UX, then it's hard to reach new users, plus we lose existing users who are being deprived of these basic and very natural elements. |
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For history this was the original proposal
(step 2 labels is a typo and should have said descriptions) |
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Conceptually, this is how you could "restore" the missing DESC values in the XML files:
Conceptually straightforward. Would break if the naming standard for descriptions wasn't consistently used (or if there were no translations for them) but it might work. Just an idea. Will not please everyone, however. |
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Hi there, Greetings Example: <field
> |
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Since J4 there is a button on top right "inline Help". It is a toggler to show or hide descriptions. This is a rather old and very long discussion. If you have more question, could you pleas open a new on discussions? |
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You can't (at least not easily) since the changes done with the introduction of the inline help button affect ALL the descriptions (with initially hiding everything). Also since Guided Tours are already part of the CMS the whole inline help is just irrelevant. Would be nice to eventually revert it and have the form fields with the description always visible (as it was with v4.0.0) My 2 cents |
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Tooltips are generally used to provide help. Joomla has always used Tooltips and until then everything was fine. Then, for some incomprehensible reason, Tooltips were thrown away and replaced with text under each parameter. But this has the disadvantage where some descriptions are longer and can cause lack of clarity for form fields. That is why the switch button was chosen.
I don't understand why this is no good for us? Why we have to discard standards? We have made life completely pointless and unnecessarily complicated for ourselves and Joomla users by discarding standards. Even ones that have worked flawlessly in Joomla all along. By the way, Tooltips are still accessible in Joomla and work both on desktop (hover) and mobile (click):
Let's not go on and on about nonsense and use the standards everyone is used to. In short:
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A truely heated discussion :-D Thank you, with some clues I could figure out, that:
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THANK OUT :-)))) ANd this descussion reminde s me, that everybody wants the best for J!, you are great! |
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"By the way, Tooltips are still accessible in Joomla and work both on desktop (hover) and mobile (click): I do nopt get this, how can I activate / provoke this behaviour in my module; do I need a special tag? Any help appreciated :-) |
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In Joomla 4 params have no description.
As I've heard, it happened to meet WCAG standards.
However, param descriptions are a must-have to understand what exact param is used for especially when it comes with new params that J3 doesn't have or when a user is a newbie. And, to tell the truth, sometimes even experienced users need to see the description to get more info about technical details.
My idea is to add [QUESTION] icon near each param and make it clickable. When the click is performed, the tooltip window appears.
And this mode can be optional - so if someone needs it - they can disable tooltips and get the result as now.
Joomla 4:

Joomla 3:

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