This road-map gives you a high-level overview of everything you need to get started with React.JS:
This list is composed of my most comprehensive resource to help you get started with react.js:
If you want to accelerate your learning, these repositories and starter-kits will help you out:
If my video series is not enough to get you started then these additional resources should help:
- ReactJS Official Blog
- LogRocket Blog
- Epic React
- Dev Community
- Robin Wieruch's Blog
- Flavio Copes Blog
- Getting Started With React
- 10 Reasons why I moved from Angular to React
- React Libraries To Use in 2020
- Debugging Javascript in Chrome
- Enzyme Cheatsheet
- Higher Order Functions
- Intro To Hooks
- Jest Cheatsheet
- Hot Reloading with Time Travel by Dan Abramov
- How to Speed Up Learning as a Software Developer
- React Hooks by Dan Abramov
- Testing React Apps
- Why Do We Write super(props)?
One of the best ways to get up-to-speed with a new framework or language is video:
This list of themes will help accelerate your development:
Learn from the community:
- Time To React
- JS Roundabout
- JS Monthly
- reactjsday
- Byteconf React
- Community Conferences
Below lists some EPIC podcasts you can checkout to learn more about react.js:
- React Component
- Conditional Rendering
- Components and Props
- Composition vs Inheritance
- Error Handling
- Forms
- HTML Attributes
- Handling Events
- Lifting State Up
- Lists and Keys
- PropTypes
- React Components, Elements, and Instances
- Refs
- Rendering Elements
- Render Props
- State and Lifecycle
- Synthetic Events