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68 lines (53 loc) · 2.94 KB

File metadata and controls

68 lines (53 loc) · 2.94 KB


This node detect the ARUCO board that is on the target. It then publishes the corresponding pose in the /vision/pose topic.


OpenCV 3.2

Clone and build OpenCV from source with the extra modules

$ cd <opencv_build_directory>
$ cmake -DOPENCV_EXTRA_MODULES_PATH=<opencv_contrib>/modules <opencv_source_directory>
$ make -j5


To use aruco with ROS, we need to use opencv 3.2. Since that we need cv_bridge, we have to rebuild vision_opencv from source. Otherwise cv_bridge is built with opencv2. link You can clone vision_opencv in your catkin_ws/scr and after build with:

$ cd ~/catkin_ws
$ catkin_make -DOpenCV_DIR=/path-to-build-opencv-3.2

When catkin_make has finish, you can check if the cv_bridge is using the right version of OpenCV with the following commands:

$ cd ~/catkin_ws/devel/lib
$ ldd | grep opencv => /home/jokla/Software/opencv-3.2.0/build/lib/ (0x00007f7acb240000) => /home/jokla/Software/opencv-3.2.0/build/lib/ (0x00007f7acaffe000) => /home/jokla/Software/opencv-3.2.0/build/lib/ (0x00007f7ac97ca000)


Now you can clone aruco_gridboard in your catkin_ws and build with catkin_make

$ cd ~/catkin_ws/src
$ git clone
$ cd ..
$ catkin_make
$ source devel/setup.bash

How to use it

Add the new OpenCV to the path:
$ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/home/jokla/Software/opencv-3.2.0/build/lib/
Launch the detection node:
roslaunch aruco_gridboard detection.launch

Here you can see an example of the launch file:

  <!-- Launch the detection node -->
  <node pkg="aruco_gridboard" type="aruco_gridboard" name="aruco_gridboard" output="screen" >
    <param name="board_path" value="$(find aruco_gridboard)/data/layout.yaml" />
    <param name="detector_param_path" value="$(find aruco_gridboard)/data/detector_params.yml" />
    <param name="debug_display" value="True" />
    <remap from="/aruco_gridboard/camera_info" to="/camera/camera_info"/>
    <remap from="/aruco_gridboard/image_raw" to="/camera/image"/>


The node is subscribing to the image topic /camera/image and the topic /camera/camera_info containing the camera parameters. Aruco will try to detect the board described by the yaml file (you can set in with the parameter board_path and it will publish the board pose on the topic /vision/pose and the detection status on the topic /vision/status).