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237 lines (119 loc) · 5.42 KB

File metadata and controls

237 lines (119 loc) · 5.42 KB

Vim Cheat Sheet


h - Moves one character to the left

j - Moves one character to the bottom

k - Moves one character to the top

l - Moves one character to the right

H - Moves to the top of the page like (H)ome

M - Moves to the middle of the page like (M)iddle

L - Moves to the last line of the page like (L)ast

w - Jump forwards to the beginning of a word like (w)ord

e - Jump forwards to the end of a word like (e)nd

b - Jump backwards to the start of the a word like (b)ack word

W - Jump forwards to the beginning of a word like (W)ord but ignores symbols or punctations

E - Jump forwards to the end of a word like (E)nd but ignores symbols or punctations

B - Jump backwards to the start of the a word like (B)ack word but ignores symbols or punctations

0 - Jump to the start of the line

$ - Jump to the end of the line

gg - Go to the first line of the file

Shift + G - Goto end of file

Ctrl + f - Jumps to the next page

Ctrl + b - Jumps to the previous page

:123 or 123G or 123gg - Goto line 123


i - Enter the insert mode

A - Append at the of the line and enter the insert mode


dw - Delete from the current position to the beginning of the next word

d0 - Delete from the current position to the beginning of the current line

d$ or D - Delete from the current position to the end of the current line

c$ or C - Delete from the current position to the end of the current line and enter insert mode

dG - Delete from the current line to the end of the file


v - Enter the visual mode

V - Enter the visual line mode

Ctrl + v - Enter the block visual mode

Copy and Paste

yy - yank the current line

5yy - yank the following five lines

dd - delete the line

p - paste the line after the current line

P - paste the line before the current line

Undo and Redo

u - Undo last change

Ctrl-r - Redo last change

Search and Replace

:substitute - Command to search for a text pattern and replace it with a text string

:s/foo/bar/g - Find each occurance of foo and replace it with bar in the current line

:%s/foo/bar/g - Find each occurance of foo and replace it with bar

`:%s/foo/\r/g' - Replaces foo with a new line

`:%s/\n\n/\r/g' - Replace two new lines with one new line

Search and Command

:g/pattern/d - Delete all lines matching the pattern

:g/^match/yank - Copy all lines matching the pattern

:g/^match/yank A - Copy all lines matching the pattern and appends it to buffer a

:g!/pattern/d - Delete all lines not matching the pattern

:v/pattern/d - Delete all lines not matching the pattern

:g/pattern/z#.5 - Display context (5 lines) for all occurences of a pattern

:g/^\s*$/d - Delete all blank lines where ^ is the start of the line \s* is zero or more whitespaces and $ is the end of the line

:g/pattern/t$ - Copy all lines matching a pattern to end of file

:g/pattern/m$ - Move all lines matching a pattern to end of file

:15,20s/^search/replace/c - Replaces the term search with replace at the start of lines 15 to 20 with confirmation to replace

Change on multiple lines

:'<,```> normal . - Execute the chosen command, select a new selection in the visual editor, use the given command to repeat

>> - Indent line by shiftwidth spaces

<< - Deindent line by shiftwidth spaces

5>> - Indent 5 lines by shiftwidth spaces

5== - Reindent 5 lines by shiftwidth spaces

. - Repeats last command

`Ctrl + v -> Shift + i -> insert -> Esc" - Select block in the visual mode, go to special insert mode, insert spaces, apply changes to all lines by pressing escape

Replace in multiple files

:args *.py - Creates a list of files on which the following commands will be executed

:argdo %s/From/To/g - Performs a search and replace on the list of files

:argdo update - Saves all files in the argument list

Bookmark lines in files

:marks - Shows all bookmarks for any given file

:ma - Creates a bookmark called 'a'

````a` - Jump to the bookmark 'a'


:%!jq . - Formatting JSON Blocks


:sort - Sort alphabetically

:%sort! - Sort in reverse

:%sort u - Remove duplicates

Buffer Manangement

:ls - List of buffers

:e - Opens the new file

:b - Switches to the buffer

:b# - Switches to the last visited file

Tab Management

gt - Go to the next tab

gT - Go to the previous tab

1gT - Goes to the first tab as tabs are indexed from 1

:tabe - Opens a new tab

:tabc - Closes current tab

:tabo - Close all but current tab

Window Management

:split - Horizontally split the editor

:vsplit - Vertically split the editor

:close - Closes the current window

:term - Opens a terminal window

Ctrl + w -> h - Horizontally split the editor

Ctrl + w -> v - Vertically split the editor

Ctrl + w -> w - Switches to an other window

Ctrl + w -> q - Closes the active window

Ctrl + z - Pauses vim, resume with fg

File Management

:edit foo.txt - Starts editing another file foo.txt

:e foo.txt - Starts edition another file foo.txt


:%!jq .


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