- R bootcamp - interactive lessons in tidyverse/broom/stats, Ted Laderas and Jessica Minnier (me)
- Rstudio Cloud primers - Interactive lessons (using learnr) on the basics of R, visualization, tidyverse. Requires a free Rstudio Cloud account.
- Teacup Giraffes
- Swirl
- To R from Stata: An Introduction - learning R for Stata users, by Richard S.L. Blissett
Workshops, with audio
recordings -
workshops taught by Jessica Minnier and Meike
- Introduction to R and Rstudio slides
- Data Wrangling in R with the Tidyverse part 1 slides, part 2 slides
- Reproducible Reports with R Markdown slides
- Ready for R - course by Ted Laderas
- Software Carpentry - R Novice
- Software Carpentry - R for Reproducible Scientific Analysis
- Chromebook’s Intro to R - sliding scale of $
- Getting Started with R - David Keys
- Long list: Free R Reading Material - list of books about R and Data Science, compiled by David Smale
- R for Data Science - Hadley Wickham and Garrett Grolemond
- Hands on Programming with R - Garrett Grolemund
- Modern Dive: Statistical Inference via Data Science - Chester Ismay and Albert Y. Kim; an intro to statistics using R/tidyverse, gives basic introduction to R and Rstudio and programming, great for beginners.
- YaRrr! The Pirate’s guide to R - Nathaniel D. Phillips
- Topics in STAT545 at UBC - Data wrangling, exploration, and analysis with R
- R Weekly’s list of Tutorials
- Basic basics - R and Rstudio - R Ladies Sydney, includes an Opinionated Tour of Rstudio
- R for Data Science Online Community - join their slack channel. A community of R learners at all skill levels working together to improve our skills.
- Rstudio Community - online resource for asking questions and getting help
- Data Science with R, A Resource Compendium by Martin Monkman
- 600 websites about R, and counting
- DataQuest has several R
courses, some free, some cost $
- Intro to Programming in R - free
- Generalized Additive Models (GAMs) in R - Interactive course by Noam Ross
- Intro to Stats for Data Science - Categorical Data - Oregon Data Science Institute workshop, Ted Laderas and Jessica Minnier
- Intro to Stats for Data Science - Continuous Data - Oregon Data Science Institute workshop, Jessica Minnier and Ted Laderas
- What They Forgot to Teach You About R - Jenny Bryan and Jim Hester
- A gRadual Introuction to Shiny - Ted Laderas and Jessica Minnier
- Advanced R - Hadley Wickham
- R Packages - Hadley Wickham